HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-6-4, Page 2]ELLIOTT BROS. tial c'1leetl,ns aro . be tut. et i Jute S and Attie 15. �.L. 1:,11 :. Law! . e.', a, r, o, : the Huron Pre byte;•v Yonne People's Union announced lure tn- feet Ih••rr would for all members of the Y.P.LT C, cif Unroll Prrabytery int rhursdnv. Pty air will rune aeacr ... t G: no a rka li and will be held at ,1,e1. rich summer selmet Atop hi ar iltdc'oich. Extra Mileage... plug extra safety ..make Good year tires the overwhelming choice of thrifty motorists. You, too, can enjoy these extras... get long -wearing Goodyear$ to- day. THE BEST TIRE BY MILES fS 4i00 EAR ELLIOTT BROS. russets, Ont. THE BRUSSELS POST AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects At Alvin Rutledge's Residence William Street, 123 .rias on SATURDAY, JUNE 7th Sale commences at .` P.M. Dining !emu :-ult., e,tedbr tenet Day bed 2 CentAmon rugs lax i2 t •- •, 1, 11 n1 rilT I; x 12 is.e.•11en ,able sad 4 chairs Kitchell stove. good c•onditon Kelvinator refrigerttaor- late Model ti c•nbic fr. Gilson washing machine :'trod dation heels and epienge 411 erect' Chest of Drawer, Library Table Ilall Rack Will Mirror 2 medicine cabinets 2 lamps Mince mantel radio Victor R.C.A. mantel radio Numerous otltet' articles TERMS CASH ROBT. PATRICK, Clerk LEW-ROWLAND, Auctioneer 7a Imo .1 itev. A. G. Hewitt, ulliiste,• of r;luevale rutted C'httreh. 'tit fll•ed to his congregation Sunday morning that he had accepted a rill to the Auburn charges. His new duties will commence at the beginning of the conference year. At the morning servtre iu Koos Presbyterian Church Rev. Laltnd C. Jorgenson spoke nn the com- mandment, "Thou shalt not steal." 'Jr,, A. D. Smith and Hiss !shorn at .Kinney =ung a duet. Personale: R. E. McKinney, Lol- dolt. with 111= si'aer-Ln4aw, ?Trs. W. H. McKinney; Mr. and Mrs. Neil B. McEaehern and family, Mount Forest, with Mrs. R. F. Gar MSS; Miss Dorothy Aitken. Pres. ton, with her aunt, Miss Duff; Mr. 1 M. Jack Wickstead with Mr and Mrs. A. D. Smith; Mr. and lis Harold Speir. Brussels. with Miss Olive Scott. • CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock and implements on MONDAY, JUNE 16th at 1 P.M., D.S.T. on County Road adjoining the village of Walton The Young People's 1'ui"'t mei in Included In this sale— the basement of the cher-..'a on Sun- :. :;':"d work horses day evening. Officers for 1947.49 ;, Durham cows fresh & due shortly were elect• d as fnl'ew : President, le Durham & Hereford young cattle Doug Fraser: vire-pre-41.1c, Don Reg. Hereford bull (Domino breed).. McDonald: SOP .trea.-., Mari- len- Full line of farm machinery nett, cola -Naive, Drv.•:'n ('Mutts. including a 60 Cockshntt Standard Leona Stevens. Shirley Bennett. Tractor new in 1946 Helen Johnston. Pbylli.s Cuth'il. 500 bus, of grain, harness eec. TERMS CASH Al the Chit 11.11 - `ri'•: in Duff's HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer Church ea 501101 y merneig. G. H. GEO. JACKSON, Prop. Jefferson and Dr. F. Rnrrows of E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk Seafo'th addressed the cougrega• ,...The farm Is rented. .•• Linn in aid of the pension. fund. The allocation for Walton charge, Compri ring Duff Walton and ;\Ton- tri:21i' 11.i`oe- Mont::i,:R has al- Ration Coupon Due Dates ready subscribed to their total alio- Coupons now valid aresugar B536 cation ter of $300, while Walton has to 551 and Y1 to Y5, coupons only raised 30 Per can; 't theft ob. B53. Next canning sugaJuly, Jective. It was anon tt.c c1 that Y6 to Y10 will become good cc BUSINFSS CARDS C A. MYERS, M. D. L. M. C. C. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Wiliam St: Phone 4. Brtt:•sela Ont. Allan A. La.rnscntt Agent for—Fire, WIndstorra, and Automobile last cot oto :l:,.et particulars of our Special Automobile Policy dor fauvism. Queen SL Brussels 'Phone 657 WALKER FUNERAL HOME Day of Night Calls Phone 65 No extra charge I or Use of Funeral Home. B. G. Walker Licensed Funeral Director & Embalmer. W. D. S. Jamieson, M.D., C.M., L.M.C.C. Physic= and Surgeon (Ce) Office Hours -1 - 4 and 7 - 8 p.m. Also 11 - 12 a.rn when Possible, Saturday •aveninc6 ttatll 1 p.n=- Suatdays---Emergent:les and by appoittlwaetst oaiv. Hanle calls in ¢orer,00ns and 4 - 6 past. R. S. HETHERINGTON, K. C. -- BARRISTER, ETC. WINGHA.M and BRUSSELS AT BRUSSELS Tuesday and Saturday all day _ SuccessorOf face open to E .., Phone 20x . _•.- . Chas. T. Davidson qw Il�sla'^0_llice Agent For ALL KINDS OF Atatoisaobilg and Fire Irus+nreuaeo Accident. and Sclmeno Agent. for Great Went Life Insttaance Ca+, LONE Ogg ICE 02X BRUSSELS. ONT. Reallia Iti4A&t 57. -r Harold Jackson SPECIALIST IN FARM AND HOUSEHOLD SALES p s lrrformation, etc., write or phone arolFORTHd Jamieson SEAONT. PHONE 18.661 Make arrangements at Tho Bruseels Peat or R. 8. Hetherington, K. C., Barrister Office, Brussels D. A. RANN 8 CO. FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer PHONE 36 or 85 --' BRUSSELS, ow. Lewis Rowland (Llosfecd lyes Mows euM ') $ATISFACTiON AUAAANTEED •— PAI4%P tt' lMGNAKLlr er En*agehaents Phone 31 "The Brussels Pest° wed MMD OM les looker)) after inta+e4IJ$U **Werth: t' iIMIS SILL WAWA. per IrefernteWen, etc., w Ito is phase Lew. ftwislan/ 11111111• 44 61b CLEARING AUCTION SALE con- iSsiTIed Ads FOR SALE— Baru 4u x en and a hen,- 21 x 09, Mark Cardiff Phone 43.146 WANTED— MUM. Mrs. Wm. McNair Box 123. Brueseis FOR SALE— curt Collie Pups. Plxlue 504.7. NOTICE— llaviug moved to Urussele my Phone number now is 56-r-9 Geo. A'lesenhtug Rawleten Dealer. FOR SALE— Pure-bred Dual Purpose Shorthorn Ilull. around 3 moral's old. George Pollard Phone 56-1-05, TEACHER WANTED— For S.S. No, 7, Hallett (Pretest - ant). State salary. Apply to K. McVi'ttie, Blyyth Farm Stock, implements and Household Effects At North ;tail Lot 11, Con. 5, Morris Twp. 2%a miles East of Belgrave on THURSDAY, JUNE 19th Sale commences at 1 p.m. D.S.T. HORSES 1 matched team black percheren mares. S and 10 years old CATTLE 3 Durham rows. fresh 1 Durbam heifer, in calf 1 spring calves 8 yearlings 4 steers rising 2 years old 4 heifers rising 2 years old 4 =teens about 1000 lbs. • POULTRY 75 bens, year old PIGS 1 ymrn1 sow with litter of six, 3 weeks old 1 young sow due time of sale 7 c -hunks TMPLEMSIN'IS McCormick Deering tractor W-30 on rubber McCormick Deering 3 furrow plow lefeCormielt Deering stiff tooth culti- vator 735 ft. with powet' lift Set of spring tenth harrows (3 sec-) Set of drag harrows (4 sec.) McCorntiek Deering hinder 7 ft. gut McCormick Deering mower 6 ft, cut McCormick Deering hay loader McCormick Deering side delivery rake McCormick Deering 13 disc fertilizer drill, nearly new Massey Harris manure spreader Dump rake Steel land roller Walking plow Bisset disc Set of sleighs( good as new) Cutter buggy Light wagon Buggy Pole Stone boat Scuffler Grass Seeder 10,5 inch Toilette Vali bearing grinder with speed jaok Saw mandrel with frame 2 saws 2 gond belts. Set 1000 Ib. scales Steel aired wagon and hay rack Rubber tired wagon, 16 ft, rack with roller carriage Set 240 ]b. scales Panning mill Renfrew cream separator (train hags Sap pan 75 buckets Spites Root rack Emery wheel 2 oak barrels Carpenters tools Hay fork Car slings 140 ft, hay fork rope fnew) Wood's electric oat roller (new) 2 H.P, motor 25 cycle Chains, forks, shovel, whiffletreea 'end many other articles too numer- ous to mention, GRAIN 125 bus, wheat 100 bee. holey HARNESS 1 set double harness 1 set sin,.,.^.le harness HOUSEHOLD Enamel's McClary Range ITuronia Range Electric cleaner Barrel churn 6 dining room chairs Bedroom suite Table 6 kitchen chairs Cupp'board Chesterfield Rocking chair Music cabinet Rope bed Occasional chair Eleciric plate Oven (new) LAST-- AXdyppr. 1 A s'uttt o1 money on Sal llrda1 of Sundudy in Bra -eels. nettle.; kind- ly leave at the Bruseels Post, AGENTS WANTED - 835. to $60, A WEEK! YOUR OWN BUSINESS. No bees, no timecloek, inclrp 'ndenee--The leading line of Home Service Productel Very little money required. Operate to town, or if you have the etinlpment pick a rural area. Infomation and catalogue FREE. Fantilex, Dept. C., 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. "HELP WANTED—MALE" AN OPPORTUNITY— 'Established Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55— have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get estab- lished in a Profitable hueincss of your own. For full particulars wttte today to The J. R. Watkins Company. Dept. 0-B-4, 2177 Mason St., Montreal, I Que. FOR SALE— De Forest Crosley Radio. Rug 9 x 7, Lawnmower, Mrs, N. Freethy Phone 76-r-9 WANTED— Cattle for pasture, good grass and running water. Chester Earl Phone 85.1.19 FOR SALE - 1927 Chevrolet Coupe, with good tires. apply to Stanley Fischer Phone. 75-•_12. WANTED— Music Teacher Wanted for Brussels Public School, 3 rooms beginhtg Sept. 1st, 1947. R. Johnson, Secretary. TERM—CASH No reserve as farm has been sold. CECIL WHEELER, Prop, R`6GT, PATRICK, Clerk HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer Public Library Notes During June, ;fitly and August the Library will be open only on Tuesday and Saturday at the Mum] hours. A new Travelling Library has just been received from Toronto and an other supply of books from the H2O.L.A. will be ort hand on June 6, FOR SALE Seven room house with bath, modern kitchen, drilled wall, 1 acre kind. apply to Jack Cameron Phone82x NOTICE— — ^W Range Shelters made to order, 044.3ft., reasonable prices, also 1 good cow for sale. 4 years, due to freshen June 1st. Frank Mitchell Phone 25-r-26 TENDERS WANTED The United Church, Brussels, is calling for Tenders to repair and paint and replace all broken glass on the church shed. Apply Carl Hemingway, Church Sec.__. V'odnesdee, Jute 4tll, 1947 (pedigrees furnished if desired). 1 Melville Ladies' Aid Amon g the hronernl p'•e: rut; +corn Mrs, Lome 19elrmier was hostess silver kn[res and fork, one whoelbnd Monday evening to the members of row, table linen, 1 spring harrow and other articles loo ntt'merenr to men- the Aid. A good representation of tion, The bridal couple left for an ladies were present. The president, Mrs. Matheson was in the chain Phe extended trip for months on sit• meeting opened with a linen. Mrs. Proved net, Buffet Unica wn eery -'e 1 Uta Scripture lesson. �.:_.. d t the sale After the return, Meadows !ear FOR SALE- 13arga'ins in chicks for this week and next. Barred Rocks. New Hamnehires, New Ha:npehira X Barred Rocksk, White Rocks, Light Sussex, Light Sussex X New Hampshires non -sexed 9.95, pullets men -sexed 15.95, cockerels 8.95. Assorted Tleav- les 8.95, pullets 14.95, Cockerels 7.95, White Leghorn X Barred Rock 9.95 pullets 19.00. cock- erels 5.95, White Leghotvs 9 96, pullets 15,90; cockerels J5s. Two week old add 6.00 three week old add 11.00 P e r hundred. Shinned 0.0.D. This aclvertisenient must accompany your order to re- ceive these special prices. Also pallets eight weeks to laying, Top Notch Chickekries. (lueinh, Ont NOTICE— Noted — Experienced Palmist and Teacup Reader. For a.ppnintments Phone 89-r-23. Brussels if worried or. in doubt ce11—Miss. I, M, Sellers. R=R. 2 Bluevale, Ont, MAN WANTED— For Rawleigh business, No experience or captsal necessary. Sales easy to snake and profits Iarge. Stant im- mediately. Write Rawleigh's Dept ML -D-152.190, Moatreal, Que. FOR SALE — .A. good 100 acre farm, lot 19, con. 10, Grey Twp,, 2?s utiles from Cranhrook or Ethel. For further particulars apply to Mrs. Queren- gesser, 19081 Derby Ave., Detroit 3, Mich., or Phone S3 -r-14 Brussels. FO- R SALE— Electric motors rewound and re- paired. Expert workmanship. Moder• ate prices. New motors in stock. Bettger Industries, 649 Ontario Street, Stratford, Ont. FOR SALE - 1 Aged Work Horse 1 Set Scales 2000 lb. 1 Portland Cutter 1 Rebber Tired Buggy 1 Set Single Harness S. James Wright, R. R. 1 Ethel Lot 17, Con, 7 Grey Twp. RESTAURANT FOR SALE— In Village of Bruseels. Excellent Trade evitat very little Competition. Good Building with 7 remApart- ment, Ready for immediate possess. ion. Price for hniek sale due to ill• health. Contact — A. Coleman, Brussels, Ont., Phone 90. ve a The minutes were read ty is. Mw. and Mrs. Snaith will be at hone Bowler and the treasurer's repot to their friends, next door to W. Ii. ', by Mrs. H. B. Allen. Several hems Jones, auctioneer. —Luclato;v Sentinel of business were discussed and a committee named for the Lions Club supper. A very pleasant intercourse was enjoyed and a delicious lunch was served. AUCTION SALE Of Farm, Farm Implements and Tools to be held at lot 13, con. 12, Grey township 2 miles north and 3 miles east of Walton on FRIDAY, JUNE 20th at 1.30 o'clock daylight saving time McCormick Deering dump rake Mower, Hay loader M. H. binder 7 ftf. cut with sheaf carrier, trucks and tractor hitch M. H. cultivator Grain drill Fanning mill, screens and sieves Hey ear fork ropes and pulleys Cutting bot Root pullet' Set of scales 2500 lbs. with stock platform 2 -horse Bart Wagon and reek with roller rack Wagon and gravel box High wagon Disc harrow Wagon box with stock rack Set of sleighs 5 -section diamond harrows Peron riding plow Wilkinson walking plow Verity walking plow 8 -inch grinder International 37t'orse engine Circular saw Small engine 2 sugar kettles Stone holt • 26' cedar ladder 16 ft, ladder 15 ft. ladder Quantity of cedar rails Number hemlock plank Top buggy Ceeter Road cart Team harness Single harnese W'hiffletrees Neckyokes Chains and numerous ether articles REAL ESTATE Falin eonslsting of 100 acres more or less, 11 acres bush balance In 13 11re. on the premises is, ti large bank barn, frame dwelling, drive shed and work shop, Farm is to lie offered subject to a reserve bid. TERMS ON MACHINERY --CASH Property to be 1O% day of sale bal. ante In 30 days. JOHN A. STEWART, Prop. FRANK KIRKBY, Auctioneer Why The Editor Left Town - A tipsy country editor when set, tip his press get a sale bill and a =mange ceremony badly nixed The description appeared as follows: Wan Santth, the only sots of Mr. end Mrs. ,Smith, was - disposed of at auction. to Lacy Brown in All Saints Ohara on the farm one m11e east of FOR SALE— tibia place in the presence of seventy- Per eventyFor immediate delivery Brae five guests including the following; Hatchery (has some 2-3 week old 4 males, 13 slheep and 9 hood of started chfclts. Asst us for list show-12 • averaging 1200 lbs. on I0e ing breeds and quantities available hoof. Tho beautiful iatdde was They also have clayold, pullets, not• sexed, cockerels. July -August broil- er chicks ehoukl he ordered soon also, Agent Wm, Glen Bray, Ethel, FOR SALE— 1 -50 -acre Farm, good batldinge; 1.75 -acre Farm, good hnlldinge, hydro. 1 -100 -dere Farm good buildings and silo 2 -100 -sere Grass Farms. J. 0, Long, Real Estate 14roker Pbone 84 trusses, Ont. taedefully decorated with cream cans and ohne set of double bitlrneee and just before the ceremony commenced Menaledeohni's inspiring wedding march wasrenderedby a cote carry ins' e lone.% of flowers in her hand and looking charming in a gown trimmed with two loads of alfalfa hay. RO'v. 0, A. Jackson tied the nuptial knot. The groom ie a well, known and popular young maxi who has always stood well In society circles of 13 Berkshire hogs, while the bride is art accomplished teacher of a. Splendid flock of Barred Rocks New Road Law Effective In July- Ontat'oi's new highways legisla- tion under which every judgment arising out a motor area:teltt must be satisfied, becomes effactive .hely 1, Higtltway Minister George Doucett, announced Monday night over the Ontario network of the CBC. Every Judgment whether for Per- sonal injuries or property damage "if ' not paid by the responsible owner or driver, will be paid nit of a SPecial Government fund to be known as the unsatisfied judgment fund,'" said Mr. Doucett. "The limits imposed respecting payments from the fund are 5.0000 eu for injuries to one Person, for two or more persons and 51.000 for property damage relating, to one accident. Bars Ownership "When the judgement is paid from the fund, the judgment debtor may thereafter neither own or operate a motor 0e111010 until he has reimburs- ed the fund with interest and until he has filed proof of financial re- sponsibility. 1.;', i -k rni th Registered Optometrist "Western Ontario's Moat - Modern Eye Saav'see,, 118, Harriston "!hone K i~ F.sk-" ER' , MACHINE SHOP for Acetylene and Electric Welding Ota shop is eduipped to do First Class Welding And Lathe Work Your Patronage Solicited. Good Service Assured. Agent for Surge Milking Machines Phone 65-r-9 Brussels, Ont. •a2ertr10,r-a-�ri.253 .-. aeras WHY SUFFER ARTHRITIS — RHEUMATISM — SORE JOINTS ? TRY "CREOLE PLASMA" the New and amazing discovery for the positive relief of these painful ailments. VARICOSE ULCERS successfully treated with CREOLE BALM. Acts quickly, easily applied, available in economically priced jars from your Druggist, or Write or call in person to CREOLE REMEDY CO., Dr. McCormick, President, Listowel, Ont. Phone 6611-r-2. trsnacemcnlr..r L1l 5o rsecox s'.tea,nlvir01,.xsalne .m rt RENFREW CREAM SEPARATORS A Canadian made separtor with exclusive features of the Renfrew— Long Service — Less Cost, Cook Rite Ranges — Chateau Ranges For attractive features and prices contact the Brussels agent. ANDERSON MILKERS SUPER HEAD PIPE LINE Plenty of reasons for milker failures have been eliminated with ANDERSON SUPER-SiMPLE AND DEPENDABLE MILKERS You will be a satisfied customer If you change to Anderson Milking Metcitines Agent NELSON FREETHY FREETHY'S GARAGE BRUSSELS eagetareteeneinweesseem PHONE 99x -r-2 s PB+ 1 .. •'LtsL �'f•SiN• S OLD.DISABLE OR DIE CATTLE • HORSES • HOGS • SHEEP • CALVES Promptly and Efficiently Removed -+ Simply Phone Collect Brussels 72 Ingersoll 21 WE DO THE REST!