HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-5-28, Page 4w4v31,19C,TKitbCtCitl.{tCntunalcX.sts.4-tegreltnialEttlelelCreVadiXittextlEtlexaMalteetettflig Sunworthy Wall Papers See the new patterns, prices of which are still most reasonable. No outlay for the money, in the way of repairs, will show better returns. For Moths Red Cedar Flakes with Naphthalene 35c 1 ° Deodorizer Moth Blockettes .. 10c and 25c Moth Killer Liquid Spray a. 75c Large bottles Paints That can be washed. Neutone—a Flat Finish Neu-Glos a Semi Glos Satin Finish Multi -Use Enamel A High Gios Finish for Furniture, Walls, Ceiling and Wood -work The new colors are pleasing Dolly Cream for Curtains • . • .. 15c The New All purpose Rit 25c Pantry Shelf Paper 15c Glass and Window Cleaner • 25c NO 52 SMITH • r,t,•,•-, i.--EL.EPI-10NE M3, ,54 rs -xtrrt.....,T1t.,a3stitartraltasitaIrst,j; L'LLIALW. Agent Conveyaz,cm and Consszaisaioner b i'REET, THE BRUSSELS POST W,duesday, May 2'.41.11. 1•17 AltM7M,M:MMMA-40;WAVO ••••••=eamal••••••••••,. ..Y.SCA.E1.<0111me.:.43.160Z.II.C111.10 The next meeting of the Huron County.. Council will be held in the Council Cnarabzrs Court House, Goderich, cerrannencing Tues:- ' day, June 10th, at 10 a. m., D. S. T. All accounts, notices of deputations and other business requiring the attention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk net later than Saturday, June 7th. N. W. Miller, County Clerk Goderich, Ont, nessuipmzereensaCelevsIel. A tte tion Cemetery Lettering promptly executed — Prices reasonable — write or phone Phone 99 Fred Porterfield P. 0. Box 16 Mitchell, Ont. • You might be the next victim of fire—fire that can quickly destroy your home, your business, your pro- perty, your whole life's work. Let Pilot Insurance accept the risk—ready and quick to pay any just claim. The cost is very low. We write Pilot Insurance te cover selected risks in Automobile,Fire,Burglary, Plate Glass, Pub. He Liability and other general insurance. A. WO •••• Phone 24 grussels, Ont. 1,..^-12=6Caapaamamom..ame.mer,..." Children's and Misses' Sweaters $1.00 up Girls Slack Suits Girls Slacks and Shorts Girls American Dresses, very smart $4.25 Splendid Range of Curtain Goods Attractive Dress Yardage A Square Deal The Year Round. AgOlinvORWAVAWAVO0 etzk-'AVOIKMOVVO° 412281111=126211.1221=====ettg:tgra,tx4 `tEctOSMISGRO Jim McNeil's Garage Repairs To All Makes of Cars Exide Batteries, Gutta Percha Tires, Recapping and Vulcanizing Service, Products, Storage. nictss.mnsinnscx2sm*••sm•mt-ng, -.1L'54:441.Hr32,1ift Wartime Price and Trade Board Information * e Questions And Answers T the:•t• a prk.. on goose feathers and gees, dont": A:—No. Beth have 1,e,en re from price eeiltng regutitions * * (1:---T own a house Mill ents . less than 927 a month. May for a price increase trivinz. the tenants a two year lease? At—rnder Order 707 it Is im- material what the anneint of illy if 11 11 ft complete housing unit, built Cr structurally altered befor,, Janm ary 1. 1944 and which has a lawful rental at present, in snag gri tile landlord may increase the lawful rent up to la per cent provided he serves the tenant with a special two year lease on forms Previa .r1 hy the W.P.T.R. This does not apply to shared accommodation, t3 1, 9 Q:—1 bought a jar of strowherrY jam this week and paid five cents more than 1 ever paid befose. Has there been a price increase allowed? A:—Yes. All jams, jellies and marmalades were given an increase in legal ce•Iling price of 10 per cent on April eighth. This increase was allowed to offset the increased costs of labor, sugar, containers, pectin and other materials, * Q:—I undestand that landlords may a.pply for permisison to obtain Possession of 'their homes if they were purchased during a certain ( period. Would you please ,ell rn the correct dates. A:—Tbe period Is between tober 31. 1944 and Slily 25, 19!5. ALM AT F X The new amazing plastic floor finish now available THE BRUSSELS HARDWARE comes in six attractive colours also clear for linoleums, hard- wood floors, etc. .Leaves, a very lustrous none skid finish, maintains it's lustre as it wears, AND IT DOES NOT NEED WAXING. M. C. Oldfield Telephone 63x. Men's Softball Schedule For Belgrave Area WINGHAM, May 27 — The follow - '•.1 11..21',; Softball •t ' lit. Iltlierave at'ea: 'May !ttltlYtt t11 _11:rtl1,11 :11 • i, -120l Sunshine at Brick May 311----Skon. School tt 1.3..txrttve Brick at Si, Augustine Marnoch at Sumhine .!,me " •;!....tve at Brick Marnoch at Stone School ••7-, •.• .•• i• 6 ---Bt. Augustine at Belgrave 13riek at Illarnoch l!, . Stone School June 10, il-lortive at Stint,hino .•••12 nt St, litgu,irio Stone School at 'BMA .11121, 1:1 11,Jvra Sunshine at St. Augustine. June 17—..int, Augustine a' Brick Slone School at Sunshine Manioc -1i at neIgrave June 20'—Snatij,i, 11 13elgravo Manion at Brick -Stone .School at St. ..iugustine June 24--Ilolgravemt St. Augustine SunshIne at Marnoch Brick at Stone School June 17—Brick at Sunshine St. Augustine at Marnoch Belgrave at Stone School 20 * (1:---10 I make babies cottnn June clothing for sale. :mist I Pyle, a mu oVed by the Wartime Pric2-0 and Trade Board? A:—Yes. after proonrino; a 1.1'. P. send samples of the garments to the pricing ofdtter the Federal Bnl1djn, London. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will he received hy the imdersigned till Saturday, rune 7+,11 at 2 p,m. for the construction of a cement bridge over the south branch of the Beauchamp Creek Drain at Lot 21, Con. 17, Grey, Plans and emigrations may be seen at the clerk's office, Ethel. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Security will he required, J. H. Fear, Clerk, Ethel, Ont, NOTICE Car of Stove. Nut and Alberta expected this week. Usual 1st class quality. Let us have your season's order so that we may supply you as coal is available. j. H. tear Ethel, Ont. Uri 11 II MI II 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 9 111 PURINA CHOWS • tma••••••••awa•••••••••••• .etOt Sound health is tho basis for all success with pigs. Get fast growth and robust pigs al weaning limo on vsaftesesoram. el5WMAIIM "..1171M17.11.11" WA TER SCOTT — BRUSSELS Representing Good F r (ins of Baiting sow4 wiuA, I i3AEKE4' IBROS„ 2,04,607 on* 2. 't , 11111.1101.111 aurrsoisoolgrusommorammoormlumnarcrit .tr • ,that "pot•belly” In pigs Is from too much wator in food. Never mix more than 3 lbs, of water to 1 lb, of mash—in cold weather uso warm water. It(118A &ono, modern $29") Jeweller ...wwormaosrawmpeeeppeer OFFICER t3 lowtle $2850 W. G. LEACH JANET 55 jewel+. 128" Brusse.is, Ont. CUCUMBER GROWERS WANTED FOR 1947 Highest Prices Paid. All Cucumbers picked up at gate. Libby, McNeil and Libby Dublin, Ont. 1 gkiummmoi, Altm-towmeava-wmg Curtain Materials 44" Rayon Marquisette, Ecru Shade 42" White Cotton Marquisette with large and small dots Rayon Net — first shipment from England 89c a yard up. 38" natural colour plain homespun Drapa Material. 8 patterns in Drape Chintz 36" wide in beautiful patterns — 79c a yd. up. Men's Navy Serge Suits — double breasted. Men's Worsted and Tweed Suits Single and double breasted. Boys and Students Tweed Suits Single and double breasted. . _ Large selection of Men's and Boy's Dress Pants. Men's and Boy's Dress Shirts. , - Women's and Children's Print Dresses Just Arrived — a large selection of Women's and Misses' Spun Rayon and Cotton Summer Dresses — $,^ Boys Cotton Stripe Sockees -- all sizes. A large selection of Women's and Children's Sockees Womens and Children's Cotton Vests and Bloomers. Boats and Shoes for the whole family. "ANtc.,stsrawrenditrtIndtinttiMitilittltwirffieSati3r7031111M6227131-=:%'-' A illy001"). [E, ;'hone 61 22 PCAD 55TOP crmarp:vmm.s..rtor.,o turstssmostaspnestut BrusseliP Ont. Store Wide B mtins for the Whole Fautnitv Maitt, IP* J:44 fAVAMOW,RFE