HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-5-28, Page 3THE BRUSSELS POST 4ir srati. •14j.•1F ;i1b14:DM• '5.ito. • 4. . .• . • I 45th Annual Meeting E. Huron Dist, W. Ps. 'rli: et Ow I: `.1", 1 wns bell) in tin ran al inct..eh 10the1 n Thtiraday. Iftty a2tal , delegates and visit I 11,1101,p:iv " • 101' 1'11' ' branch !none-, V. ha • Mather,. 1 1 ,,j, .1 • , meeting, with ilu• institute Ode, ,•,1 I ,^ :II f.• • Prayer. The minutes of ni tho secret arY, Mrs. Je. Spedi., IlrIl4 -'1 and this was followed by til dram. nut a 1,0 .neo In .11,riet ".41;'"1and a Initanc,1 of Sii12.16 in the combined statement of the (3 branches. There Is a be 21c. The minutes of tha distrnt etn•entio, zeting Were raol seeretary. Mrs. Wm. Miller tif the Mainsti, innitate, f1rns1.. In.:11 the i511I:mould tign nt lira 4,401s: Ille exectItiv` a. le to 1,, 11.1d In l:oth(41, 14'"ling 111,11 adjourn.,1 for noolt, TIios. in attendan,, were invited bY the lad thr, .u,, IA of ' tistit decorated in yllow and eln. Tie. •A;•• • 1J,1 'W 501 anniversary itann,r and wa, .niona ,T -try cake decor, ,1 nfIh y, How and 111 flowerand •add learn, aa.1 1,o i,d with 10 candle, At this mbi,. tLe charter inemhers. p,n,t pre.idents and seeretat lea of the district; Provincial board tm.a.tinas, members:11ln of 916 111 the G branches. Oepat•tmem speaker: Federation atpresentativo and the tn•esent ry,,- triet ppresident and secretary nd tnno mistress, Mrs. Harold Speir, • chairman of Cinelolt • • • Three toasts proposed by Mrs. 1-1. Speir were drank tn. 1. 4 .1 1 • * * * * he auditors' report was then elven I • and 1 la .,•!, •1 • • nareiselle. The bridesmaid, Miss Florence Pearson, London, was wearing a formal gown of pink lArtgL /1/ 4_( iItl. v `,nai.y It, et on Swift—Pearson *5 ficiated at tho cct•f1710,71 :4 7,1' o clock. 'Aire. t$ 1(111, Brent m nylon and lace and carried a hou played the wedding music and the ETHEL — Ferns mil ft)) sythin ,olniPt. Mr. 11,4nne formed a pretty backgtammi in 1 11 1, tiler of the brA, . :eta 'United Church, Ethel, fo It nu:, Mr. Pearson gar,. his d itlerlit‘er rlage Saturday aftermot, May 2-1, marriage. She wore a door 11 11: .111 of Helen Marion, daughter of Mr, g,w11 et cren . 1041 net ::1 1 • and Mrs. IL J. Pearson, to Mr, veil of white net. Her bridal Donald Harold Swift, son of tin no, 1 wr,s coveted or r, .1 Wanted: .1 illtnthe:' of rogt,,,si‘, mini, I,- in -Am tlistricts who w,mid 114, 1 , .,t,t 1 omnic7 I 171f. 'lc RaAlthert.177s. 1.77t. tour tonal 1 d • recominentled city I. 1.71.4 :tf 11t I )77, 7 111 C:74 71,, 70,7•1 7.11 711 flgity(7.4, 17 171(0A 7,7, to, CO: pr 100114 alt ,lt al r r '1 0,1171 indicate short ovorywitero, To encourage a limited plartio„:. ylentia.t; 1111 a well 1:11own 1.4 A..alaillg 91,..v.tul 11;77 Years eamer' Oar, 111 commerical nrodnetien 1.0 personally ir.,',.:•vIew and educate Interested farmers in raspberry guitar.. This should rt,sult to higliFT 5101.1g. longer patch 1 Ire, less lrand labor and \when tra.i.•!_tted imo dollirs at normal prices a relatively high ratio of profit IF. 11.40111`c11. Because of the supply of good plantin4 booking's can only be 'nada for FALL PLANTING 1947, limited te one tiere. if genuinely interested in berry growing as a .side1111,, to farming, write ilox 457, Oarnpludiford, Cowrie, on or imfte. lane 10111, giving location of your farm, Our specialist will "111 later and completely analyze the Intsiarss, soil requirements and prepar- ation, up,to-dclale cultural erect:eve, 1101118 markets and surplus shipping, cost of planting, estimated yields and profits per acre. Late replies eannot be covered. cikeSNAPSNOT GUILD TIPS ON COMPOSITION 181 Two rules of good composition are shown here, where shadows lead your eye to the subject and where the point of interest falls In accordance with the "rule of thirds." AIL other factors being egual, composition is the trick that lifts a snapshot out of the ordinary into the unusual. Proper focus and correct exposure are fundamental. Without them no picture can hope to be good. But, given pioper focus and correct eXposure, two pictures of the 'same Subject may vary from mediocre to excellent, depending on how they have been composed, To rush into a subject on which books have been written, pictorial composition depends largely on arrangement. The position of your subject, first in the camera's finder and then on the film and in the print, determines your composition. You, yourself, control this either by moving the subject or by changing the camera position to vary the viewpoint. A. -dually, good composition in snapshots depends largely on tour factors. The ftrat of these is subject dominance. Whether you're Sheeting a mountain or Cousin Anne, eV° your Wain subject the dominant point of interest 111 your picture. Minor elements in the picture should be placed to balance the major one. A helpful guide in this connection is called the rule of thirds. By drawing two imaginary vertical lines and two imaginary horizontal lines, you divide your picture into vertical and horizontal "thirds." Arrange your picture so that the major ele- ment falls where any two of these "third° lines cross. A second rule of good compost tion Is to look beyond your principal subject, Prominent horizontal or vertical lines in a, background de- tract; attention from the main theme, And a tree or bush, Used to frame a picture, can create a weird effect if misused so that a branch appeals to grow like au extra arm from the sttbieet. A. third helpful hint is to use shadows or outlines to point up the main theine. A. fence can lead your eye up to an old barn or a shadow can carry you into the main subject of a piettire. And, lastly, be sure that there are gradations of tone from light to dark. A. balance between dark and light areas is one of the goals of good aloturs taking, Sohn van Guilder ,inet of roses and fern The brid • g • nite-,, sister, Joanne Swflt, the r , I. ws • ,., of bln, nylon. Th..! grOmna. man was Mr. 'Wilfred Swift, St. and lrr. 1.11an Griffin and Mr, Clayton Coon ?tt, Wood - 11, 711.7 I :Or,. moth,,' tr"Av 1,7, With • . of pink row, hods. 714,.s. S•wift, mother of the hrld,:n•tann. chosen a twoldege 0,:enti,10 of nary crepe and worn 1 or„,aa.. bouquet of red rosebuds,. As 'ha telt th, t.'17.1111 St the 11 1 ;75,7;7-1 it!1 'atnitn', fort', A A101.71 of honor. 1 17/77,1 ,7. :II, :tom, aaA,,ing were 711.,s. 171151P t Miss Margaret :Miss 3'! p'-' 17.7.77,7p, 'A1.79 ;-`111mig ' ,l Nii,s Ruth Earl, num 111 ell' re turn from a wedding trip Mr. .nui Mrs. Swift will reside in St. Thomas. .For torching the bride Wore a brown snit and whit A 0.1..00SSOri,;.4. 11Ie0t3 present at the wedding from Tistowel London, Woodstock, St, Thomas and Toronto. * * * •Plscher—Neabel A nu:e14 wedding was solemnized at the Evangelteal parsonage Friday. :Way 16011, when Rev. 60. L. ',Toss united in marriage Dorothy Frances Irene, eldest daughter ef Mr. one Mrs. Win, Neabel of Mniterielf and ;intim; J. Fischer, 1100 of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fischer of Listowel. The bride chose a gabardine spit of navy with matching accessories and corsage of red carnations. Helen Neabel, who attended ller sister, wore a green snit with :nothing accessories. Her flowers were a corsage of pink carnations. MT. Howard Fischer, brother of the groom, was best man. Following the ceremony the guests, numbering nbout 50, were served a dainty wedding slipper at the home of the bride's Parents. Pink - and white streamers made pretty decorations on the b'ride's table which was "n11''111 with a three-tier wedding cake flanked by VEISOp nf spring ilewers. Mr, 1111(1 Mrs. V"scher will reside 111 Listowel, 9-line1. The "Rich Man's Fred Allen ITe's Ernie Bylleld. roiorfol hotel owner whose quips and Practical Pikes make 111111 It favorite humorist velobrities from coast to coast. Read "Wit of the Pump Room," in The A merivan WreitlY, (1(0,1 14 maga. zinc with 111141 .Sunday's 14,10110 1 issito of The Detroit Sundny Tines There'll be as wealth or other sterling features, too. ETHEI Malcolm Pease is et present re- lieving the soften agent at' Ethel. Mr, and Mrs. A, 141, Lownebery spent the holtflaY at Wheatlev Rad Leamington. FOOTBALL SCHEDULE May 90-13rusarele at St Columba,n Tine 5—AtIVOMI et 131118Sela l'1111,O 6—St. Celumban at Ethel ;lune 10—Brussels at Walton ,Tune 12—Atwood at What June 18—St. Cannibal; at Brussels Sane 17—diruseds at tithel June 18—Walton at -St. Columba.n J ane 1 il--43thel at Brnssels June 20—Walton at Atwood ;lune 24-113thel at Walton JIM 25—A twood att St. Columben June 27—Walton at Brussels Odumban at Atwood July 8—Bruee5Is at Atwood J uly 4—St, Colutobatt at Walton July 5—Iiithe1 at Atwood July 2,—Ethel at St. OoluMben , /ally 10—Atwood et Walton July 14—Walton et Ethel ,7 by Mrs. Harold Speir. Letters rr.011 Mrs. Perry Multiplan] of Fern and Miss Olive Scott of fliarval wore read f'Xprf,',..,,1 flirty wishes for the gontinned ,411 IA the district and afro l'00:,PTI af not teen,b,-,ra who were instrumental in being able to attend. forming Institutes in this The president. Mrs. 'gathers. in Tilt. Presidents and Secretaries. her address extenrird all 2. The Present Presidents and Fieerre present and thanked all Go' branch,: taring of the branches, ftp' the runner(' given bar during the A delirious and bountiful dinmr Year. She stressed the fart that was then served by the Ethel the sneeess of the Dislrirt in-tItutr ladies, depended nu the bull ritual n30111..1 Tli afternoon APAsliotl was 1)p511,711 nI (lis branch firVilst part and bv the sinalpg of "0 Canada, foPew- remembering the MONA') "For limne ed by Devotional exercises poltdatt. Coantn.y." ed by Rev. Brenton of Ethel Unit.al The rellort nn HM111? Ecntpollio% ChltrOh. This consisted of mayor, (0I" given by Mrs. AJAX Paarson of Scripture reading shotd • Weducsday, May 28t1, 1947 GraSS See It will pay you to melte Us your headquarters for ;!",.• Grass Seed purchases, We have ail Hues, and our pritces arrt right, We have the best In permanent pastures at the cheuvest 1 pa ;ces. If you need a new stove have it. Agent for Sparton and Roger's Majestic. Electrical Lines, Radios, Washers, Refrigerators, etc. For your Spring Clearnng, we have Martin -Senator Pair ts and Varnishes. A o Jo F. Ethel, Ont. ..1000111•1411100141.•.P111.1.021.aakleuoleaum Kirkby died last year. 41414. eSe Phone 22-r-7 Brussels At a earl:. -:1/1,1 • MaW4::steroCanadkptc. addre,,s , ia0.1 ..01 141 1. Two hundred and t•Annitytwo le, and :-gift, f:-, ,- 0 01I1'POIan the community were ornanted Ity It 1, • • . J1110$ Au1-Non, Ito 0 i31 1 61(1Pra. ''.1.11 17c1r,•0•77' for the travelling Ilotil. , 7. 0 -•' -'. 1 • ' let contaluin.g a :•nitu 13 '4 't'io''viil 0ti004011- i)r. Kirldly • .-!77 • 'anada melt-11)er of tile ehoir of Knox IT11- .1,a1 ising itnd •Irrl 173,0410 :11‘.1 1714,0 helped in Delgrage gon,,on't pro- elders and 7110 grams. 'We wndt to col. 7T1c•111,. sai 1. 1• tion for 1,111.9. Iteelna but elate! 7,nees •-•1y it utral ,•,'a tiered to •,Ir,s ! • an,i aii1 'foronta 1..111,1. Who rermrtod 171770:1 Activity hymn 230. The addr,,,ss of welenme . along this line in all branches. elven by 'Mrs. Wardlaw 01' Ethel wl: was renred to by Mrs. Merin ,Tohns. 1 tnn of Clorrie. .ias. Armstrong rt-trrlina. 1,.q was a favourite study. Mra., 'Harold I To.titute from ttst 1),n:inning. in wish you Di '14r1"(1 1(4"' and 01-1,1,1,1i1 T rew`rt. •th•e" 11", F. C• : of Brussels then gave an interesting tisto.y of F. 'Huron District Wo. n""t 14 "0 S'fbl10t,pPOt 1.0142 .1.0 the present day. Miss 011 This wilg fnlimved DI,anor Kidd. departmental speaker by eeMPP,11.'t7' S1t1',11'Pr' 1'4 h° Mr"' from Toronto then addressed the nf Ethel with 11111014611.0 anti congratulated 1(31 no the Brenton at the organ. Mrs. Glenn johnston • of Gerrie then rer jori,d beautiful decorations and the pleas - mutt activity in the branches along ant and happy atmospher. of the the line of Social Welfare. In re- porting on Historical Tieseareh Mrs, Carl Johnston of Bluevale reportcd hearing from 5 branches who were preparing Tweedsmuir villagt, His - tortes, The Publicity Report pre- pared by Mrs. Jap. Ilryous was given by Mrs. jun. Work, Brussels. A good active member woe me of the best means of publ:cizing stitutes. Actions speak londe.• than words in advertising our Institute. Mrs. Noi'yol Smith of Port Elgin, member of the Provincial board then addreseed the meeting reporting on the work of the board. She told the members to make nee 1114 the LOAll Library to get help in preparing topics, There bad been $1,n00,001 ra.ised for War Charities, L500,000 sewn and knitted articles and al- most $54,000 of jam during the foil year of war by the institute mem- bers. The 9 inobile canteens have been sent overseas for use in war torn conatages. One Twcedsumir History 13oo1 can be sent from each district to Miss Lewis before June ist to be displayed at Guelph celebration on June 1 SOL The Institute membership fee is still to 31/ EARRINGS As sit tetiN $4.00 ALSO PENDANTS BROOCHES ETD, giazatik THENArr,Nss „,„En AGE5N. o 56 TSW0.A ANTwnEDETK! yonn OWN BUSINESS, No boss, no timeeleek, gir nAt sMEATT:_C H E D lacteetzel PERFECT! BELGRAVE Meeting and the gond reports and history given. She spoke on the theme "We treasure the Past' ''We fare the Fitture" so we need women of foresight and vision who will not rest on past achievements hut will go forward to greater things i Be an Institute member every day— . wo get out of an Institnte in proper - arm to what we put in. She also 1 discussed the coo-perative program I for the District. It was decided to have a conference on "Personality I and Dress' 'to he held In Gerrie and Brussels. The roll call and eoller- tion were followed by a reading by a member of Fordwich ,nstitute. Mrs. Norval Smith then conducted the election of officers; Hon, Pres., Mrs. Chas. Mathers, Bluevale. Pres., Mrs. jas. Armstrong, Brussels; im Vice Pres., Mrs. IL V. McKenney, Virroxeter; 2nd vice pres.. Mra. Glenn Johnston, Gerrie; Sec'y-Treas., Mrs. Stanley Wheeler, BOJO; Fed, Repre sentative, Mrs. S. McNaughton. Wroxeter; Alternate, Airs. Harold Ha.milton, Wroxeter; Dist. Dele- gate, Mrs, Darla Cludmore, Brussels; Alternate, Mrs. Clan Johnston, Illuerale; Auditors, Mrs. Inn. .Speir, Brusests, Mrs, Sam Sweeney, Dthel. Convenors Agriculture. Mrs. Gordon Stein ticker, Fordwich; }Tome Economies, Mra, Wally Kreuter. Ethel; Citizen- ship. Mrs. Harold Thirst. Wroxetert Social Welfare, Mrs. Carl ,Thrhnston, linterale; Historical Research. :ors. Clarence Snarling, Gerrie; Publicity, Mrs. Sas. Thames, Thossels, Ont. The report on the Guelph Area convention prepared by Mrs. Mc - Kenney was given by Mrs. Harold Durst of Wroxeter. Th. theme lit this convention waa "Fidnention for the 'World must begin In the Home." Many interesting addresses and re- ports were given. The meeting was brought to close the singing, of ,1,0 National Anthem after whirls the Ethel Indies served n delicions 11111111, During lunch, IVirs. Harold Hamiltnn of Wroxeter sang a pleasing solo. 11.411 901 independence—,The lending line of $5 11.50 Home Service Products! Very little motreY rerynired, Operate In town, or if yen have the equipment pick rural area. intomation and catalogue 1t' 17P.P1E. Familex, Dept, C., 1 600 i)elorlinier, Montreal. Presbyterians To Meet June 4 CALGARY. May 22 — ape/ally; of the 73rd General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada 1- 6111(11437 June 4 Will mark the first time in 10 years that the supreme NV. G. LEACH. JEWELLER BRUSSEIS, OWT, A presentation was Made to Dr., Harry Rirkby, V.S., on the await.% of his retirement from active prat, ttee in this contuntnity. Dr, Kirkby has sold- his Property here, anti plats to Speedthe stiMmer wfili, hie stater in tititiali Colombia, biro, ,176 t 1:1) IT! Illitli1111,1M. At Calgary, tha gf- ,.1;11s will meet in a church 1110,1 In,tran as a mission in :he tion of no, city In 111(7. with close to 1,000 comnotnryn,,, 17 8'e Church is the largese 1: olysran congregation in ,Soutl,,..n Alberta and one of the most iniburntial In Canada. WITH GOOOVEAR "KLINGTITE" THRESHER BELTING ES ItEDUC GrIt'esb.areer:7 e:.t.1-11:11Gegilis.Eribet.tj-, hugs 'ST° ,witlY ,part, gryps ec'olmost cora* ,v3.1011 tbe .r.o saves ore tt13:17..Ezalseaxa. 11013 inlees »Well° outl s s er Vyi aolitu ri1 :1E43: 1.hrh 1: :S. e 2g hit 1:1 IffAti :11 27:18 aitie2tyet.oGehrsiopio;fdtilberilea:: 19(.2 .1.ngt°iteg Thres er slip mingii Bad°engfilh1:1181:e°g01;anbealtny: tLe atitlah Job.depetd. z nee n toteder. We Also Carry GOODYEAR MULTI V -BELTS and FRACTIONAL HORSEPOWER BELTS J. W. FISCHER Massey -Harris Phone 55 Brussels, Ont. Pur-o-lator Oil Filters for all makes of tractors USED TRACTORS FOR SALE Water Bowls — Harrows — Manure Loaders Tires — 011 — Grease — Rubber Tired Wagons. Electric Fencers — Grain Grinders and Rollers. E. Richards Si Son bukont, 8444 ommenaimmoarmemarestassonespromamerresisserearammareariallailliailiaa