HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-5-28, Page 2THE BRUSSELS POST Wednesday, May 38th, 1047 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Farm Stock, Implements and Household Effects At North half Lot 11, Con, 5, Morris Twp. 21 f1 miles East of Bela, ave on THURSDAY, JUNE 19th t elle eemmences at 1 p.m. D.S.T. HORSES +.gtr,ip:0 rprn black Prreb " rare=. :1111 10 years ell CATTLE e Durham enws. fresh 1 Pnrhano heifer. in calf eet•iner ealves veerline. 3 1 et,•ers tidos' 2 years Old 4 beifere rising 2 years old ,,,.ere about 1000 lbs, POULTRY Everyone's going somewhere join in the holiday fun! But before you leave let us equip your car for safe driving with husky new Goodyear tires . . . with the famous road -gripping diamond tread that resists skidding in all directions. YOUR filFALF ELLIOTT BROS. Brussels, Ont. Phone 82 'll Court Of Revision Village Of Brussels The court of revision of ilia assess- uu,nt roll will be held on June "art ul 8 pen, Any peeeen having any complaint notify the clerk at &)nee. G. R. CAMPBELL, Village Clerk MORRIS i Mr. and Airs. Arthur Bewley of Pet, ala sod Air. .end \t",). 1:. S. Kn+rltt+l of London were holiday 1 eleiters wc:h .lire and air;. en.:eplt Bewley. 77 hens. year old PIGS rne,t� env with litter of eiz 8 weeks old 1 young sow due time of cels 7 hanks iMP1.E11TENTS AllCormicls Deering tractor W-30 rubber MeCnrinicic Doering 0 furrow plow AreCnrnliek Deering stiff tooth milti- vatot' Ile ft. with prover lift Pet of spring tooth harrows sect -•rt of dreg harrows (4 sec.) merermlrk DrPring binder 7 ft. cut AToCnrmic•k Decries mower fe ft. cut MoCormick Deering hay loader afeCormick Deering sbio delivery rete Mernrmiek Deering 11 disc fertilizer brill, nearly new Norse,.• Tiarric manure spreader ' Dump rake Steel land roller ,:-.,thin_ plow Riegel rise elelgbs( rood au mewl Cutter buggy Light wagon '•.et^'cv pole Stone boat c,uffier Grass SPeder , lnite inch Toilette ball hearing ied,r with speed jack saw mandrel with frame 2 saws zr,r d belt. Set 1000 lb. scales Steel tired wagon and hay rack Rnbher tired wagon, 16 ft. rack with roller carriage Set 240 lb. scales Fanning mill Renfrew cream separator Chain hags Sap pan 75 buckets eprles Root rack Eatery wheel 2 oak barrels Carpenters tools Hay fork Car alio gs 140 ft. hay fork rope (new) Wood's electric oat roller (new) 2 H.P. motor 25 cycle Chains, forks, shovel, whiffletrees and many other articles too numer- ous to mention. GRAIN 125 bus. wheat 100 bus. barley HARNESS 1 set double harness 1 set single harness HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS McClary Range Huronia Range Electric cleaner Barrel churn 6 dining room chairs Bedroom suite Table 6 kitchen chairs Caappboarcd Chesterfield Rocking, choir Music cabinet Rope bed C)rcasioral chair Eleetrie plate Oven (new) B Si F SS CARDS C A. MYERS, M. D„ L. M. C. C. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON W:iii€w, Sb., F'bone 4. Bruns els Ont. Allan A. Lamont Agent for—Fire, Winclsto,r.., and Automobile I>a aaen'aa Get particulars of our Special Automobile Policy der Inter Queen St. Brussels 'Phone 1'+156 WALKER FUNERAL HOME Day of Night Calls Phone 65 No extra charge for Use of Funeral Home. B. G. Walker Licensed Funeral Director & Embalmer. W. D. S. Jamieson, M.D., C.M., L.M.C.C. Yhysican and Surgeon (C) Office Hours -1 - 4 aria 7 - 6 p.m. Also 11 - 12 e.m when 10ossible. Saturday uvenlnce clam 10 p.m. Sundays-.AErateNerr.ms and by appoinanaut corm. Herne calls in ForaSr•at+ons and 4.- 6 pin. R. S. HETHERING,TON, K. C. -- BARRISTER. E'E'C. WINGHAM and BRUSSELS AT BRUSSELS Tuesday and Saturday all day -- Office open Phone 20x Successor to L :.. 4 Glias. T. Davidson, h"i nn: urait ce Agent r` or ALL KINDS OF t0wtonsohila and Fire Insurance Accident and Sicklmexe Aware. for Great West Life Insurance Co. • 01,1k OFFiCE 02X BRUSSELS, ON 1•. RESIDENCE SS7_•-3 . Harold Jackson 0PECtALIST iN FARM AND HOUSEHOLD SALES ser Information, etc., write or phone Harold Jackson Phone 12 on 668 Seaforth R. R. 1 Brueefleld Make arrangements at The Brussels Post or R. S. Hetherington, K. C., Barrister Office, Brussels. D. A. RANN & CO. ,.,.vg,,4••11....0.11. .-,. FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer PHONE 36 or 85 -- -- BRUSSELS, O* T. Lewis Rowland (Lkeescd Per Henan Oeuestr) •ATieFACTION IJARANTEED — PitICES R. A$ONA61LII Wier Engeweneenti Phone 31 "The Brtuseie Peet' ens tem" OOP !eoketil after livinieelitkly tleaferth; se terns 04113, 7t. Mt dwelt. Par tntormtttien, ate., w lte et phase Lew, fltisek to d 11111e401 401 ei 9' . & tk d :Ads FOR SALE— Battery radio. enquire art tIregg's' Hardware Store. FOR SALE—• A bicycle In good condition, Harold Cardiff Phone 1S.r41 FOR SALE— SPPcl Buckwheat. on 'Wm. Smith TERM—CASH No reserve as farm has been sold. CECIL WHEELER, Prop. ROST, PATRICK, Clerk HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer SOFTBALL SCHEDULE Vett ave asked to refer to this 00hedn1e instead of the one which appeared in last week's 10ene as it was unavoidably incomplete. Men's League WOAA Group 6. May 20 ---Brussels at Listowel Gerrie at Wroxeter Fnrdwiclt nt TTarristot May 29 --Wroxeter at For:lwlch May 3n—Listowel at Gerrie Harriston at Brussels June 0—Fo•dwieh at Gerrie Harriston at Listowel Tete 4—Breseels at Wroxeter June 0 -Listowel at Fordwieh Gerrie at Brussels Wroxeter at Harrlston lune 0—Pordwich at Wroxeter J'ttne 10—Brussels at Gerrie • Listowel at Ha,•rtston Anis 12—Harriston at Gentle Wroxeter at List0wet June 13—Brussels at Fordwtah June 16—Wroxeter at Brussels Gerrie at Harriston June 17 Pord,wieh at Listowel June 19 ---Listowel et. Brussels Jute 20--Gorrie at Fordwioh Harriston at Wroxeter June 23 ---Brussels at Harriston June 24—Wroxeter at Gerrie June 20—Tttordwfeh at Brussels Tone 56—Gowrie at Listowel Stine 27•--Harrlston at Fordwich• June 80—Listowei at Wroxeter All games to commence at 7.80 and to be played nine full tttnings, unless called by the umpire at the seventh Phone 5e -r -S FOR SALE A pram in rood conditina, Ray Bronson Phone 7G4.7 FOR SALE— Piano. Mrs. Win. McNair Box 150. lernsselo FOR SALE— Box spring root, size 16. can be seen at the Brussels Post FOR SALE— S little pigs, ready to wean, Jneui Speir Phone ler••6 TEACHER WANTED— For S.S. No. 7, Hallett (Pretest. anti. State salary, Apply to K. :kT0\'ittie, Blyyth FOR SALE— De Forest Crosley Raclin, Rug 9 x 7, Lawnnmower, Mrs. N. Freethy Phone 76-r-9 WANTED— Cattle for pasture, good grass and running water. Chester Earl Phone 854•.19 WANTED— Music Teacher Wanted for Bra;sels Public School, 3 rooms begining Sept, 1st, 1947. R. Johnson, Secretary. LOST—`_—_._-. A trapper's hand axe, Reward 201 any person knowing the where abouts. The Brussels Post. FOR SALE— Seven room cottage with bath. modern kitchen, drilled well, 1 acre land. apply to Jack Ctameron Phone 821; PIANO TUNER COMING— A reliable piano tuner will be in the district the week of June 2nd, If you want your piano tuned— phone 63-r-3. FOR SALE - 1930 Chrysler Sedan, black with licence in good condition, Chas. A. Lamont Phone 21•r-13. NOTICE— - — Range Shelters made to order, 6x3 ft., reasonable prices, also 1 goad cow for sale, 4 years, clue to freshen June 1st. Frank Mitchell Phone 25-r-26 TENDERS WANTED The 'United Church, Brussels, is calling for Tenders to repair end pnint snd replace all broken glass on the church shed. Apply Carl Hemingway, Church Sec. FOR SALE— A gond 19n acre farm, int 19, con, 10, Grey Twp., 21e mike from Cranbronk or Ethel. For fnrtber particulars apply to Mrs, Queren• gesser, 19931 Derby Ave., Detroit 1, Mich„ or Phone 834-14 Brussels, TENDERS WANTED— ' For Shingling the roof of Moncrieff United Church, Tenders preferred by the job or square. For particulars. contact James Machan, Chairman of Board of Managers, Tenders should be in by May 31. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. w FOR SALE.— ~� Bray Hatchery has dayold chicks for immediate delivery—pullets, non - sexed and cockerels. They also have sone 2.9 week old sterrted. Asls us for Licit of these avaiiable, Your July -August broiler chicks should be ordered now too. Agent Wm. Bray Ethel. FOR SALE—:: 1 -50 -acre Farm, good buildings; 1.75 -acre Farm, good buildings,, hydro, i••--100-acre lltanm good buildings and olio. 2 -100 -acre Grass ]Parma. J, C, Long, Real Estate Broker un acfount of darkness. Phone 84 Brussels, Ont. MAN WANTED— For Rawleigh business, No experience or captial necessary, Sales easy to make and profits large. Start im• mediately, Write Rawleigh'e Dept ML-Dd62.100, Montreal, Que. FOR SALE— Ek,rtrI0 muter! rewnand and re- paired, Expert wnrkinanehip. Moder, ate prices. New motors in stock. Bettger Inclustries, 649 Ontario Street, Stratford, Ont "HELP WANTED—MALE" AN OPPORTUNITY-- F.stahineh'd Rural Watkins District available, If You are aggressive, one between the ages of 25 and 55— have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get estab• lished in a profitable business of your own. For full particulars write today to The J. R. Watkins 'Company. Dept. O -B-4, 2177 Mason St., Montreal, Que. FOR SALE— Bargains in chicke for 11115 week and next. Barrecl flocks, New Hampshires, New Hampeltir, X Barred Rocksk, White Reeks, Light Sussex, Light Sussex • X New Hampshires non -sexed 9.95, pullets 15.95, cockerels 8.95. Assorted Tleav- ies non -sexed 8,95, pullets 14,95, loelcereis 7.95, White Leghorn X Barred Rock 9.95 pullets 19,99, eoc•k- erels 8,95, White Leghortts 9.05, pullets 15.90, cockerels Nis, Two week old add 0,00 three week old add 11.00 per hundred. Shipped C.O.D. This advertisement must accompany your order to re- ceive• these special prizes. Also Pellets eight weeks to laying. Top Notch Chickekriee, Guelph, Ont .1t School graduate , W. Spivey of Bel- grave, pas been given a e.mtract and will teach in Rrnwntown Mime. _0. yet two of the present teach!rs itave not signed contracts but 111 e epeel ed to do so. They nee George McNichol and Mrs. M. iinwa+'d, Thee, teacher have resigned, Mrs. W. i:loon. Thee A7. i\TcBaney and Miss T. Marsh. Thr staff at present for 1947••13 will lw Mrs. R. Turney, Mrs, L. .0.1ii rsoa. Miss J. Little, Douglas • Lawless. Miss.7. McDonald, Miss 1), Anuiss. W. Spivey. The staff is four stiort for the 11 schools with a possibility Of need.. lug only three teachers in race that No, 9 school, which will only have an enrolment of four, should be closed. No. agreement with the jtin erant music teacher. Miss Blatin Walsh nt Belgrave, hos be.'n male as yet. f '11' A" ep•T \Tr. an•rl ;\Urs. Tae. Easson of Grimsby accompanied by Mrs. Easson's mother, ' Mrs, Jennie Walker were visiting friends around Walton over the holiday. Mrs. Walker is extending her visit among her brothers and sisters. She is not enjoying ton good health. Mrs, Tom Williamson has gone to London Hospital for treatment, She bac been laid up for six weeks. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery, Tim Sumter of Brtieefield visited George Ramsey on Monday. Gen. McNair, wife and fancily of Hamilton visited at Will Bennett's on Sunday. Mr. Donald Watt of l%arlock spent Sunday with Mr, Orn Balser, Mise Berniee FZackwell, nurse -in - training at Stratford General Hos- Pdtel. spent Sunday with her father, Joseph Haekwell, Mr. R. Adttille-s of Oakville spent the week end with his wife and family. Miss Merle Campbell of Seaforth spent tihe week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Holman, ',tion Lois Fox of the Loth of Mc- Killop entertainecl her school chums to a birthday party. Among the guests were Misses Barbara Holland. Audrey Rarlrwell, Rn.th Ann Ennis, Rose Marie Bolger. Shirley Quinn nue Margaret Roe. Miss Margaret Achilles of h)nrris sport Saturday afternoon with Miss Tnne HAekwell, A plesneant evening was spent in Walton Community Hall in loon' at Mr. end Mr.. Lawrence Marks, They were presented with a studio conch, Mr, .long Lawless read the address. A7ics ]'!lith TTarlswell of Stratford spent Sanutay at home 9i'lee Pearl Timmer rtttci her niece Pauline, spent Sunday evening with ate r nee ]n7+•s. Hariskia'11. Mr, W. C. Bennett is fining a rush- ing business in his egg erre-lime star Hon three limps, entnlnyinr tem extra men. Undem, the eonvenorshlp of W. C. T'Taedswell, the total amount collected for Red Cross work for Walton and district eves 5420.25, Mnrh credit Is dues to W. C. and all collectors who took part. Mr, Gordon Murray of Walton iute returned home from Vaneonver. R,C., after spending several weeks there. Miss Jeno R.. Hmtclrweli cnine second in a class of ten pupils during the musical festival held in Code. rids, having an average of 80%. Mr. W, S. Nicholson has returned to Torontoatter spending past three weeks with friends, Mrs. Wtn, Mnrrttt: of Blytlt at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John Marsh- all, her brother, Morris Township School Board has granted increases in tearhere' salaries enraging from 5100 to 1300, making entries in the township range from $1,500 to '51,400. In- creases of 5100 10 $200 were granted to the women tea,chsrs, bringing them to 51,600. An increase at 5900 was added to the Main's salar- ies, bringing them to 51,1100. Normal students lure paid the basic Mini- mum salary et $1,500, One Normal seeding, has not been started. Carl Dalton of the boundary east of Walton, has sown 60 acres while Harold Sellers, the only ratan ou the farm, has sown over 40 llama end hoe only five more to sow. Farmers in this area remain optimistic over the probabitit'es ret a . good crop. "T am not extremely worried if we get it in chis w, eek." said Harvey Craig of the imendety line, one mile east of Wa''teu, "het if seeding is forced on into Tune, we will have reason to worry." One farmer, ,Tames Shm'treed •it the 9th c0neession of Moria, de. reared that, "it is pretty touch to work." Snmo farmers have ',men working until dark to eatch up en tlieit' seeding, The rains have caused no damage to the grain that has been seeded, Most farms, where two men were occupied, have been seeded, while ow many farms with only one man The Junior Red Cross of Walton Public School met in the schoolroom, Leona Johnston. the president, con- ducted the meeting. A short pro- gram included: a reading b,' Mac Sholdice; duet, Audrey Hackweii and Barbara Holland; piano solo, Doris Johnston. After till program the children were divided into two teams for a ball game. �'. F. He ,;,e ftsislo Regl'.s;.ered • Optometrist "Western Oratesio's %ass iii criern Eye ,c' "'done 118, Harraatoira €os 4cetyiens and Electric Our shop is eduipped to do • Fist Class rod. L 1lt5oe WrI k Your Patronage Solicited. Good Service Assured. Agent for Surge Milking Machines Phone 65-r-9 Brussels, Ont. WHY SUFFER ARTHRITIS — RHEUMATISM — SORE JOINTS ? TRY "CREOLE PLASMA" the New and amazing discovery for the positive relief of these painful ailments. VARICOSE ULCERS successfully treated with CREOLE BALM. Acts quickly, easily applied, available in economically priced jars from your Druggist, or Write or call in person to CREOLE REMEDY CO., Dr. McCormick, President, Listowel, Ont. Phone 661-r-2. RENFREW CREAM SEPARAT'ORS A Canadian made separtor with exclusive features of the Renfrew— Long Service — Less Cost, Cook Rite Ranges — Chateau Ranges Farr attractive features and prices oontaot the Brussels agent. ANDERSON MILKERS SUPER HEAD PIPE LINE Plenty of reasons for milker failures have been eliminated with ANDERSON SUPER -SIMPLE AND DEPENDABLE MILKERS You will be a satisfied customer If you change to Anderson Milking Machines Agent NELSON FREETHY FREETHY'S GARAGE BRUSSELS PHONE 99x -r-2 'e:" r ;Fii, FREE ANIMAL SERVICE OLD•DISABLED OR DEAD CATTLE • HORSES • HOGS • SHEEP • CALVES Promptly and Efficiently Removed Simply Phone Collect Brussels 72 Ingersoll 21 WE DO THE REST! WILLIAM STONE SONS LTD. INGERSOLL, ONTARIO