HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-5-21, Page 1TRUSSLS POS POST PUBLISHING HOUSE WEDNESDAY, MAY 21st, 1947 NOTICE Q'ewa4`Qe4a Will be Starting June 4thContinuirg August 27th, Oosi!g at 11 P. Being located in the heart o,/ a rural community, we feel that more consideration should be given to the : artne.i during :his busy season. Brussels Branch of the Canadian Legion News Don't forget the 'Legion Carnival and Field Day to be held on July 30th and 31st. Reserve this date. "The Lord is a greet God and a great Ring above all gods." Melville Church Minister Rev. G. A. Milne. M.A. 11ut. m. "Pentecost Can Be Repeated In 1947." 11 a. m. Guest Speaker:— Rev. W. B. SWIM, Toronto. 7 p, m. "Thhe Baptism of a Church." Louts D. Thompson, Organist and Choirmaster. The United Church OP CANADA Minister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson 11 a. m. Morning Worship The Family Pew Junior Congregation 12 Church School and Bible Claes. 7 D. M. Evening Praise "Learn Of Me." Everyone Cordially Welcome. Church of England Parish of Brussels Rev. J. H. Kerr, Rector Whit Sunday May 25th, 1967 St. John's Churee, Brussels - 120 p. m, Sunday School 2.83 p. m. Evening Prayer Bt: Meld's Church, rienfrtlr 11 n,. m. Morning Prayer St. George's Church, Waitron 4 p. tut. Beeping prayer Native Of Brussels Dies In Victoria .lames Henry Mooney. ii S, long- time resident of Regina, died sudden- ly at Victoria, B.C. on Saturday, May 10th, The late Mr. Mooney was born in Brusesls, Ontario, He is survived by two sons, billiard of Victoria, whom he was visiting; Jack of Hamilton, Ont., and four daughters. The late Mr. and Mrs. Mooney were old time residents of the 5th concesiso•n of Morris, on the farm now owned by James Kerr, * * :e :k * * PEOPLE WE KNOW • r • • isi John Kenaghan, Camp 13orden, 1e holidaying at his home Isere. * * • Percy Tyerman, Hay, was a Brussels visitor on Tuesday. * * * Mr. 'and .Mee. George Evans and John Steise spent the Past week in Muskoka, • • * Mr. Stanley Watson, Romeo, Mich., spent the weak end with his mother, Tries. Jew. Watson. • • • Mrs. A. H. Macdonald of Mitchell attended the teem] here of tbe isite Miss Fannie Hogg. * *.* Agus Jessie Elliott, Stratford, was a guest ctiiring the past week at the hone of Miss Besefe Moses. * e' * Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Gamm.age Goderimh were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs, G. Davis and Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Davis. * • 5 Rev. H. Wilson and Mrs. W'lson, John Wilson and Miss. Dorothy Detente attended the annual May Day festivities of the Stratford Normal school. Miss Ruth Wilson hal the Immix to he one of the May Queen's attendants. East Huron Agricultural Society Sponsors this splendid 3-aot oomedy "ADVENTURE BOUND" Presented by Auburn. Baseball Club In Brussels Town Hall on FRIDAY, MAY 23rd Commencing at 8.15 P.M. Admisison—Adults 40c Children 20c DANCE AFTER PI -AV To the music of Ken. WIlbee's Orchestra Admisison to dance 40c Come out and support your fair board, Duff's United Church, Walton Rev. R. G. Ilatlewaod, Minister Young People's Anniversary Sunday, May 25 Special Speaker, Rev. S. H. Brenton of Ethel Services 11:30 A.M. 7:30 P.M. Music lilt Teeing People's Chou ' . _.ee.eesee..e...........,..eese.e.,....eseeeeeeeeeeae, Spectra irntfoiiahers lwy visiting talent CORNER STONES Rev. G. A. Milne, Mei.. Christian Character. Justice. From a meely legal point of view Justice consists in giving to every man that which is his. Justice. according to the New Testament, 1s net merely an abstention from de- priving our neighbor of what is his, net. even a concealing to hint of what the law assigns to him, It implies negatively, that we are never to treat him, or anything that is his, merely ire means to our own advare tage and, postively that we are al'wa'ys to regard bis personality, and all eltat enters into his Personal life, as being as sacred as our own persons and possessions are to om'selves, and as much de- manding our care to defend' and maintain them. We are to be just toward them in thought; our view of them will affect our conduct toward them, and must be sorupulousl,v fair and aeolutate, uninfluenced by favour unlearped by Prejudice. We are to be just toward them in word; our expressed estimates of them must always be weli•weigbee and studiously correct, the result, not of mere impulse or feeling, but oP proved experience. We are to he Just toward them in action: our deal• inge with them must be so adjusted as never to injure, but always. to further their welfare. This being the true idea of justice, the onpo.si- don often expressed between justice, and generosity is reduced to a vanishing point. Melville Church itgv. W. Smith of Hie Ontario Temperance Federation was the gniest speaker at the morning service on Sunday. Rev, ejr. Smith submitted proof that tate increased sales and use of liquor were tile Hunters Are "Typed" By Brussels Speaker The Ilrussels Bny's Brigade spun• soled a film night in the town hall ,on 'f'inn'sday evening, when officiate j of the Department of Lamle and F1r505 showed several tens on Canadian tisk and game life. Ed. Meadows, district inspector for IIuron, addressed the audience and referred to the different types of hunters whom he encounteroi in the course of his duties. There aro the poachers wito take game out of season.; the game flogs who al's not. content unless they have their full quote for each day; the sportsmen who plate the future sporting faculties above their own immedi- ate enjoyment, Mr. Meadows spoke Co the younger boys on the question of air rifles and the shooting. of small birds. Among the visitors introduced were Wilfred Cantel ml. provincial overseer at Wiegltam; Igen Tuck, provineiad overseer at Goderiebe Lieut Henderson, presi dant of the Win.gham Fish and Game Club; George Orvis, past president of thre Wiugham Fish and Came Club; W. E. Moore, pro- vincial overseer at Stratford. Rev. G. A. Milne, ass eitairman, intro- duced the speaker and visitors. Rev. Hugh Wilson proposed a vote of thanks to all who contributed to the evening's program. The pro- gram was arranged by A. Greene Here It Is Again That Broom Offer. Yes a teal gond broom for 75e, just the Thing for housecleaning. See chit' value at Grower's Groceteria. The Store where your dollar buys more. PHONE 5, BRUSSELS, ONT. Engagement Announcement Mr. and Mrs. James A, Rryat,i. Brussels, wish to announce the engagement of their only daughter Tcbella Frances to - Edward Alfred Wilson, son of Mr. and Earl E. Wilson. London, Ont. The ntastiage to take place in tite United"Church, Brussels., Saturday, June 7. Engagement Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Richard Alcock of Morris Township wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Audrey Jean .to Leonard Samuel Lamont DOD of the late Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Lamont of Grey township. Ma.t-i'iagee. to take place tbe latter part of May. The United Church Alt the morning service in the United Church the vermon was based oil the sanctity of the Home. The text was "As for me and my house we will serve tbe Lord." The morning anthem was "Rejoice In t9te Lord" by Ashford. Solo parts were taken by Mise Dorothy Dennis and Lawrie Cousins. The members of the Masonic Ord or werr guests at the evening service, Rev. R, Gorden Hazle- wood, B.A„ of Walston read 111e Scripture and led in prayer, ser Wilson's subject was "Strength and Beauty'' mid was based on the pillars of Ring Solonrmrs temple. The Yonne People of the church attended a. special Presbytery Young People's service at Tlrurefoid in the evening, (Meet cause of the increase in the Friendship Circle number or divorces ntld broken homes. The anthems, were in tribute to Lite memory of tate late Mrs, Alex Brewer. Rev. J, Ti, Monson, Director of (emelt Extension in the Presbytery of Toronto, was the guest speaker at the ovenhig service, At the commencement of the service Rev, Mr, Thomson administered the sacrament. of baptism to Marcia Esther Milne. _ DIED DA'Nit. —Tn Grey Township on Friday, May ltith, 1947, Annie E. Reek, beloved wife of the late Henry Denby. The enteral wan held from her late residence tot 9, Con. 13, Grey Twn., on Monday, May 111th, 1947. Service at 2 11.nr. Interment in Clinton Cemetery. 110'L1G-411• Mitchell o11 Sunday, May 18th, 1941, Fannie Hogg, in her SSth year. The funeral took Pince from aha Walker Funeral Home an Tuesday, May 200511. Service at 2.30 P.M, Interment In true. tele tlometery. Entertains W.M.S. The schoolroom of the chnrcll was bright with seting flowers on Tues- day evening when the Friendship Circle had as their guests the ladiee of the W.M,S. The Usual program was followed ' after which Mrs, Melvin Denies told the story In her very capable manner. Tire mimeo of India, their nllltoms, nchoole, fond and living conditions was the theme. improvements an being nada ns to their food habits. and a greater variety of grants and vegetables are beteg planted to prevent the urn onsltotned famine end. ;melee sleet poor health that is prevntond in Tnrclda., Rosin differences. etre . the Moat onil115onn fault but universities and technical sohoola, aro giving a gond service to those young people who w.tah to avail themselves of i1. We were pleased• to hear vonel anel tria1n:o solos iron our 19russelau cote leetallt1 who took part to fire fesli vol at. Goderieb. At the elm tlf the meeting a very tasty lunch was served liy the enmmitlee in charge and it social batt hoar was enjoyed. $14.60 Needed There Is still one week, that is until IVednesclay, May 26. to make your contribution to St. John's Building Fend. Only $14.110 is ,sow nr,i dr,i to reach our •joshel two thousand dollar objective. Previously acknowledged $1`.159 90 John ifernagban .50 Robs. A. Engel 5,00 Mr. and Mrs, Geo Chidlow, Hespeler .,.. 5.00 Mrs, 1). Jordan and Mrs. Jno. Jordon 5.110 Brttmeets Loyal Orange Lodge 10.00 91995.40 SOFTBAL{, SCHEDULE Men's League WOAA Group 8. 'tT^t• Pre -Brussels at T ietnwei Corrie 11 Wroxeter For•dwieb at Heri'•stara May 29---Wrnxetel• at Forlwirh May 30- T,'stnwel at. Gor'•ir 1-Tarriston at Brussels Tune 3—Fnrdwieb at Gerrie Harriston at Listowel a- -Bete:eels at Wt noxrter 6—Listowel at Fordwieb Gerrie at Pmuseels Wroxeter at Harrietnn June 9—ionrewieh at Wroxeter Jere 10—Brusarls at Corrie Listowel at Ha••r!stae June 1.2—Harriston at Gerrie '[',•ns.•+er nt T.istnwr',1 I3—Tlrnssrls at FM•dwich le—Wroxeter at Brucseis Gerd.. at Harriston 17—Forlwirb at leintownl 19 --Listowel et nt'ns,'is 20--Gorrle at Fordwirh Harriston at Wroxeter June 23-11russels at Har"istntt Managers:- Listowel—Maurice Oliver Wroxeter—Harold Townsend Harrisiton--Grabant Thistle Fordw-ich—Archie Roberts All games to rnmence at 7.10, and to be played nine full innings, unless called by the umpire at the seventh on account of darkness. Jeer Juno .Tune June June June June 1Legion Members Attend Zone Meeting Twenty+two members of Brussels Branch 2118 of tbe Canadian Legion attended a zone meeting in iCitelen- er on Sunday. it was the largest representation from the district. !Col. Merrit VC, was the speaker for the occasions. Norman Miller elected District Manager. WRs Engagement Announcement Mr. and Mrs. William ri. 3rewer. Brussels wish to announce the engagement of their only daughter Irma Elizabeth to Albert W. A. Kitchen, son. of Mr, Stanley and the late Mrs, Kitchen, Atwood, Ont. The marriage to- take place in the United Much, Brussels, Wednesday, Tune 4t11, 1947. Mission Band Presents Church On Sunday morning, the United Church woe the scene of an interest- ing ceremony when with the children of the Mission Baud g1Vhere'1 at the altar a presentation was made. Miss A. Cardiff and Mrs. Mann were in charge. :Misses Donalclai Willis and Maduton Ryan came forward hearing baskets nt• flowers which wore placed on the new perlestels. Then Mise Willis ndtlressed the rougregatian briefly asking that the new pedestals purebas-ed with the children's income, Ate n•rrepied and used cot fernirllings for the house of God. Mr. W. C. Ellacett, clerk of the session, made a brief and appropriate speech of v reptnnrr. Brussels Group To Broadcast Over CKNX The Thursday might "ledncaFtinnel Round Table" over CKNx will be put on. by Brussels district this Thursday, Mee 22, 8,30 p.m. The topic vein be "The Problem of Teaeher Change in Rutm1 Sc1100111." 'those taking 1111v5 are Mrs. Lyle Gordon, ('rnnbrnclk; Mrs, Harold Speir, Grey: Me. 110011d Lawless. Walton and Mr. Carl Hemingway, Grey, This is one of a series- that has been staged. The program has been arranged by Mr, M, Laycock of Brussels, NOTICE Will tete perky who took Helen ,rermytt's bicycie from in front of her home between the Bears of 9 end 11 P.M. on Tnesdey, May lath kindly roluen name and avoid further tremble. BRUSSELS, ONTARI St. John's Women's Guild The regular moaahly ntt shit's o1' the Women's Guild was 11*•1!1 at the borne of Mrs. Whittard pn Tuesday. May 131h. Hymn 620, "Unto the hills around do I look up," was sung followed by prayer led by the mese dente Mrs. G. Davis, The Lord's Prayer and the general thane, - giving 'WON' said in unie nt. The third psalm was read be Mrst. E Somers. Minutes of the last meet- ing were road and adopted and approved. Several items of bnsine"s were discussed. Meeting dosed with prayer by the president. tench was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. A. Keifer and a mein] half hour was spent by those present. IS YOUR POST PAI -D FOR 1947? usse,1 FOOTBALL SCHEDULE eley :lie -Brussels at St. Cohmlhan June f -__:Atwood at. Brussels . June 6—St. Columhan at Ethel .Tune 10--P,rrrseels at Wilton Juno 12 --Atwood et Ethel June 13—St. Colwelltan at Brussels Jcne 17---BI'unesls at Ethel June 18—Walton art St. Columhan June 19 --,Ethel et Brnseeis June 20—Walton at Atwood June 24—Ethel at Walton June 25—Atwood alt St. C.olumban June 27—Walton at Brussels June 29—St. Columhan at Atwood July 3—Brusesls at Atwood July 4 --St. Coiumben at Walton July 5—Ethel at Atwood July 8—Ethel at St. Colilmban .July 10—Atwood at Walton July 14—Walton at Ethel will close ter the hof da t, STORES WILL REM MI.N OPEN FRIDAY EVENING MAY 21rd pace 7/ ti{,.V FIND OUR BANK i THIS FARM PICTUREee ir4HE fine livestock you see on this farts have been built up through the banking services and helpful financing `of The Canadian Bank of Commerce. Yon, too, may need to purchase foundation live, stock for the development of war farm or ranch. • Kibler farm improvement Loans for: -- Farm Machinery and Equipment • Purchasing • Constructing or Repairing Buildings Farm homes • Modernizingencing and Drainage • Improving • installing Electric Power n Clearing and Breaking Land for farming Investigate the many advantages you have under the farm Improvement Loan plan. Come in and discuss your financial needs with our local Manager. THE CAN DIA F COMPERE BRUSSELS BRANCH * otter NK