HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-5-14, Page 2MAKE de' Virif e "t dAmei BRING YOUR BELTING 0 PROBLEMS TO YOUR Threshing time is almost priceless. Don't let it s -1 -i -p away through lazy belting —get hard-work- ing Goodyear Klingtite, the thresher belting that always delivers maximum power. Klingtite grips your pulleys as if it were a part of them ... saves fuel as it delivers more power. Tt's tough, too . outlasts other belting by years! Get economi- cal, always dependable Klingtite today. J. W. FISCHER Massey -Harris Phone 55 Brussels, Ont, r THE BRUSSELS POST \Veenesday, May 14th, 1947 0.0'0 T 1070)0.Yl NOTICE TO FARMERS ( Court Of Revision Goderlch Elevator Ref"tc Village Of Brussels Are Now Available The court of revi817u •:,f hi? 1000,4.. The refund tr''ut Th!. (LA 1.91 hent roll will be held en .1000 .,rd Elevator and Transit 1e0. Ltd ,f overcharges made on ernin loaded in ht :. 111; r r: 1 1 Vi...1!;:t 1.1. 1943 to Tune 191e, to awe 11 11 it trust by the Federatbin or to E of Horne Cnutlt y f, ,i 1:•i• button. 111 f""n1or= n714 frod• 10 h1 the at 5 p.m. lot• Peron lilting any complaint notify the clerk at otos,. (1. It. CAMPBELL, Village Clore 'c, urs refried,' by fn' rs'11oa r. .ur 701 1(1 led on i FOR RENT— wltir•h or.'rcltat•2es wrr•5 A sheet of explaullti'nl . proofs. etc.. is l Din:r s,a') 'mt : ' township 1: nit and may he -• , n •••1 Sralr 10,701 secretay. er 10s -Contin with :he Gnlerieh Film -titer and \Y.P,T.II., t11- r.•1 ter. 11 19 1,.. t ...A .: • 1 . .. 111r1inixation0 in (110 "minty. Anyone wishing to do so may assign their claims for I'Ok nor0- :All claims must he m310 0! itl•i e ,111-t,• 'lar:: of the above notice to W. V. Roy, Lnndeehnrn, G:•E•:•olnry 1 Treasurer of Hm•nn Conn:r Feder- ' atlon eder•`atlon of Agricntture. Any Huron County faruten perehased grain front llriloe County 1.';11:'0. should Present their claims to Bruce County Federation of Agrl• culture. WHY SUFFER ARTHRITIS — RHEUMATISM — SORE JOINTS ? TRY "CREOLE PLASMA" the New and amazing discovery for the positive relief of these painful ailments. VARICOSE ULCERS successfully treated with CREOLE BALM. a Acts quickly, easily applied, available in economically priced P. jars from your Druggist, or Write or call in person to CREOLE REMEDY CO., Dr. McCormick, esiden t, Listowel, Ont. P'nocaa .1'3asasimenessio ..eo=E)1.,, i10!T,A Lb`s.RP..'i'' The first meeting of eh., Grey two. Min,. P,erf Calf Club wns *sell nt thhe home of Mr. Andrew Turnbull, con. 16. Grey on Monday night, 11lay 12:11. Mr. Nelson. Assistant Reprt' emotive for the Dept. of Axriculture of ' Clinton discussed witb the members. tine ,11110 and regulations of the club During the evening the officers of the club for this year :cera elneted n= follows: President, Graeme Mac- Donald; Vice pres., Charlie Turn, Mill;rr, n Sect-treas., Dorene 3. . Mr. Wm, J. Turnbull of Grey Twp., was appointed slob lea ler for the year. The club will show their c;11CPF st Brussels Fair in October This is tate seoud year for tit_ club. All the members and friends ale looking forward to a successful year. Ill's. Jean Spetr of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. John • G. Spelt, Crag farm -- Phone 15x. FOR RENT—• A Carden — Phone 97_ FOR SALE A halt's bicycle. Bob Campbell. _ FOR SALE— tiardr.0 Peas. Elmer Locking FOR SALE— ' 2 House dresses size 6 years old. The Brussels Post. ht gond repair, Phone 5222-r-23 apply to Phone 55.r 15 FOR SALE— House and lot in Brussels. Phone 21-r-5 Harold "ianipbell i and a coat set Can be seen at WANTED— Handy loan 10 du repair work on Grey Township schools State wages. Applications to h ;e oic d by the secretary until May 23, 1847. J. Carl Hemingway Secretary Treat. FOR SALE— Serv',•eable age Shorthorn bulls. Herd fully accredited, roarl: are open. Thomas Kerr. lieofryn Phone Brussels T1-:.9. FOR SALE— Elcetrir 010101• reNound and re paired. Expert wo1 kinin h11, Me prices. New motors in stork. Bettger Industries, 649 Ontario Street, Stratford, Ont. FOR SALE— Two Good used tires 700x19 —$11.00 moth. apply to .Tack Thynne. LOST._ _ �__ A small taruplin 6 x 3 between Francis Duncan and Jamestown. Finder Please leave at the Brussels Post, MURRAY FLOOR SERViCE— Sanding — Finishing — Beautify you home. We do your stair steps. Prises to suit your pocket. Phone 454 Wingham. FOR SALE— Cockshutt 13 spring tooth culti- vator, all steel, nearly new. Alto one Quebec sulky riding plow, in good shape. Apply James Spivey, con. 6, Morris tw.p. Telephone Blyth 369 MAN WANTED- - For Rawleigh business, No experience or captial necessary. Sales easy to make and profits large. Start im- mediately. Write Rawleigh's 't)ept ML•D-11 2.190, Montreal, Que. HANDS AT WORKem® LEARNING TO PRINT ONTARIO'S future prosperity depends directly on a sufficient vo1- ume of production to satisfy domestic needs and assure for Canada a pre- eminent place in the markets of the world. Every individual product of Ontario's manufacturing plants requires the services of printing at some or many stages of its development ... order forms ... production forms invoices ... shipping bills ... advertising ... publishing. The whole printing industry is faced with unprecedented demands ... and to meet those demands skilled hands are needed. For them great oppor- tunities lie ahead. Higher wages, job security, better working conditions are within easier reach of those who have mastered a skilled occupation. Today, through the plan Sponsored by the Department of Veterans' .Affairs and other agencies, thousands of young workers are being trained to meet the printing and other industrial needs of this Province. Grad• mites of these rehabilitation courses are now ready to take their places in Ontario's industry. Available to you are veterans, well started on the road to skilled printing trades such as hand composition, linotype and nionotype operation, bookbinding, lithography and presswork. Seek them out with confidence. They are your future craftsmen. Published by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) PRINTING The Graphic Arts courses give students a thorough grounding in many aspects of the printing trade. Practical instruction of an individual nature is offered in the course, available at Toronto only, together with education in related work. Previous ex- perience is naturally an asset. Vocational training courses in the arts, professions and trades are offered at training centres located in the following cities and towns in Ontario. Toronto, Hamilton, Kitchener, Windsor, 1't, William, Brockville, North Bay, Ottawa, Pr • • • • • • • 0 FOR RENT - 50 acres south of the ,•mietc'y. Crawford & Hetherington Brussels FOR SALE - 1 good work horse 12 years old. Phone 21-r-13, Ethel Chas. A Lamont & Son TENDERS WANTED— Tenders will he received for the painting and redecorating of No. 1, 6, and 9 schools in Grey township. Work to be completed by Sept. 1st, 1947. Tenders to be received by the secretary until May 28, 1947. J. Carl Hemingway, Secretary-Treas. MAN WANTED— ARE Y0111 THE MAN? , , to enjoy a steadily increasing life income in your OWN business? Are you will to call from door to door with a guaranteed line of over 200 ho';se- To build & eF n t 1 necessities and to 1d reliable enterprise using our proven methods. Very little capital re- quired. Details and catalogue FREE. FA:M'ILEN, Dept. A. 1600 Delorilnier. Montreal. Vegaotto Iron IPL d. ow-ve P -'e ai CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock and Implements at Lot 15, Con, 2, Grey Township 11/4 miles north and IA mile east of Walton on WEDNESDAY, MAY 21st at 1 p.m„ P.S.T. CATTLE 11 young Durham cows some due time of sale and others just freak. 4 young calves 8 Durham steers & heifers 1 yr. old PIGS 1 York sow with litter HARNESS 1 set breeching harness Number of horse collars MACHINERY Massey -Harris binder ele.ssey-Harris 6 ft. mower Massey -Harris 11 hoe disc Fertilizer Drill (like new) Spring tooth cultivator 4 section diamond harrows FOR SALE— V� 1 -60 -acre Farm, good buildings; 1 -75 -acre Farm. good buildings, hydro. 1 -100 -acre Farm good buildings and silo. 2 -100 -acre Grass Farms. J. C. Long, Real Estate Broker Phone 64 Brussels, tint. COMBINED AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS FRIDAY, MAY 23rd, 1.30 P.M. RESIDENCE DR. W. D. JAMIESOle 1 chesterfield suite 1 oak dining table 1 oak buffet 5 oak dining chairs 1 walnut dining table 6 walnut dining chairs G. E. refrigerator Electric washing machine Cabinet sewing machine 2 Wilton rugs 7 x 9 and 9 x 1? 1 electric rangette 1 Firesco range (coal & wood) 1 Monarch 'heater 1 Klondike heater 4 Iron beds 1 walnut iron bed 5 sets bed Springs 1 disc harrow eruffler 2 pelt mattresses Walking Plow Riding p]'w 3 dressers and wash stands to match Maseey-Haris hay loader 1 cid wash stand Hay Tedder Sulky rake 1 arm rocking chair Turnip drill Brooder stove 1 rhiirl'e high chair Miscellameons articles 12 kitchen cabinets 1 oak centre table 1 end table 1 couch. 1 mortis chair Kitchen chairs Hall mirror 2 toasters 1 Coleman lamp 2 wash tubs 1 wringer Medicine cabinet Fnflt sealers Pictures Pair skis Pair ski boots Boy's overcoat 1 cutter Set harness 2 cutter robes 1 wheelbarrow Child's wagon Sap buckets and spites Quantity brick Quantity furnace pipes Quantity lumber Quantity window frames Storm doors FOR SALE Now that summer le really on the way be prepared. Why not try Rawleigh'•s Fly Spray this year, Many farmers tell me it is the hest 'for the control of insects, !lies and heel fly. We also have a complete line of •D.D.T, sprays. 5%, 25% or 50'', powder. We guarantee best results with these products so wait for your Rawleigh Dealer or write or phone him when you need any products. It will he delivered to you, Geo. Wesenburg, Brussels Post auger Bench sleighs Rubber tire wagon 16 et. hay rack buggy Cutter Panning mill Stone boat 200 1b. scales Root pulper Pig crate De Laval Cream Separator Grain bags Bag holder Sap Pan 130 buckets Iron kettle Quantity of lumber and plank 4 white -ash tongues GRAIN Quantity mixed grain Logging chains Whiffletrees Kneckyokes Forks Shovels and Host of other articles TERMS CASH WALTER S. BROADFOOT, Prpp. OLD JACKSON Auctioneer FOR SALE— For quick sale a white brick house in the village of Ethel, good location This house is in first class repair equipped with hydro, a good furnace a cistern and a drilled well just out- side the bads door. Storm windows and screens, storm and screen doors one quarter of an acre of land, nice lawn and a garage just freshly Painted. For funther particulars apply to Phone 22-r-9 Wm, Spence, Conveyance Etc. Ethel. One "HELP WANTED—MALE" AN OPPORTUNITY— Established Rural Watkins District available., If yon are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55— have or can eecll1e travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get estab• lashed in"a profitable business of your. own. For full particulars write today to The J. R. Watkins Company. Dept, 0-11-4, 2177 Mason St., Montreal, Que. HAR E. P. CHESNEY,CIerk FOR SALE— Government Approved chicks at reduced priee,s for this week and next. Dray old, New Hampshire, Bar red Roc, New Hampshire X Barred TLoels, Light :Sussex x 13arred Reek, New Hampshire x Light Sussex non. sexed 9.95, pullets 17.95, cockerels 7.95, Assorted heavy breeds non - sexed 8.15, pullets 16.95, cockerels 0.95. Cockerels; White Leghorn x Barred Rock 1,96, White Leghorn 0'5c, Two week old add 0.00 per hundred, three week old acid 11,00 per hundred, sht lied C, 0. 0. This ` adveutlsem,ent must accompany your order to receive these spatial prices. Also Older pullets eight weeks to taytpg. Top Notch Cllickerlea, (l1letp0, Oat, h , 1-f ,,:.rnfd t h JeI..�j;eres Optometrist '-Western Orttetio'a Moat Modern Eye Scsrvtce'' TERMS CASH LBW ROWLAi'tD—Auctioneer .. .. nhone 118, Harris on ROB'S'. PATRICK—Clerk .... RENFREW CREAM SEPARATORS A Canadian made separtot• w;th exclusive features of the Renfrew— Long Service — Less Cost, Cook Rite Ranges — Chateau Ranges For attractive features and prices contact the Brussels agent. AN:IERSON MILKERS SUPER HEAD PIPE LINE Plenty of reasons for milker failures have been eliminated with ANDERSON SUPER -SIMPLE AND DEPENDABLE MILKERS You will be a satisfied customer 1f you change to Anderson Milking Machines Agent NELSON FREETHY FREETHY'S GARAGE BRUSSELS PHONE 99x -r-2 s FREE ANIMAL SERVICE OLD•DISABLED OR DEAD CATTLE • HORSES • HOGS • SHEEP • CALVES Promptly and Efficiently Removed 4---- Simply' --Simply' Phone Collect Brussels 72 , Ingersoll 21 WE • DO THE REST! INGERSOLL, ONTARIO 1{ it 91 31 M tb hr eS ni TI ed t1 n1 m. hr 'P1 we ca tet Lr St t Ht M1 to 011 us so, for Dlt pr, Fr Pe hr Ca by on on of nl. d,