HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-5-14, Page 1POST PUBLISHING HOUSE
aulyetWort IN.Taileal.111S1.41114 01.111.1141.,,,,,14040EMS11.41.3.1.
East Huron Agricultural Society
Sponsors this splendid 3 -act comedy
Presented by Auburn Baseball Club
in Brussels Town Hall on
Commencing at 8.15 P.M.
Admlsison-Adults 40c Children 20c
To the music of
Ken. Wilbee's Orchestra
Admislson to dance 40c
Come out and support your fair board,
Brussels Branch of the
Canadian Legion
At the Legion Hall
Saturday, May 17th
from 9 to 11 o'clock
Everybody Welcome
Duff's United Church, Walton
Rev. R. G. Hazlewood, Minister
Young People's Anniversary
Sunday, May 25
Special Speaker,
Rev. S. H. Brenton of Ethel
Services 11:30 A.M.
7:30 P.M.
Music by Young People's Choir
Special numbers by visiting talent
On Sale Friday, May 16
Cbocolate Marshmallaw cookies
at Greenlee Groceteria-Limit one
pouncl to a elistomer-Stiop Early -
Store opens at 9 a. m, Friday, May 16.
No Phone Orders Please -The Store
with the Stock.
Brussels Branch of the
Canadian Legion News
Don't forget the Legion
Carnival and Field Day to be
held on July 30th bud Ole:.
Reserve this date
God is not valued at all unless
He is valued above all.
03•211001•0400manom... Rymes..rse......paumoselselamy.
Melville Church
Minister Rev. O. A. Milne, M.A.
10 a. m. Sunday School
and Bible Class
11 a, m. Guest. Speaker: -
Rev. W. B. Smith, Toronto.
7 p. Public Worship,
Louis D. Thompson, Organist
and Choirmaster.
The United Church
Minister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson
11 a. m. Morning Worshile
'God Bless hie Homes."
Mission Band.
12 Charch School and
Bible Class.
7.30 p, m. Evening Praise
Strewth and Beauty
Members of the Masonic Order
Ciniestba at this Service.
Everyone Cordially Welcenne.
Church of L-,'ngiand
p.,10 of Brussels
Rev. J. 1-1, Kerr, Rector
fith Sunday After Easter
IVLay 18th, 1947
$t. John's Church, feeussels-
1.30 p. m, SemdaY Sehool
,.80 in, OVening Prayer
$t David's Churcho fienfrre-.
a, m, Morning Prayer
8t. Georges Oburcii, Waltan-0
4 p. it. livening Prayer
* q * 5 .
Mrs. L. A. Russell and little dangle
ter Pamela Joy of Quebec. city arrived
to attend the Haig and Musson
wedding and are holidaying with
Pam's grandmother Mrs. Florence
Mrs, E. C. McIntosh of Toronto Is
here to spend the sumner nentelhs
with her brother Jas. Tinton eybo
recently returned from Siimmling ihe
winter in Windsor.
Mr, and ,Smellie, Toronto, were
week end vieltori at the home of
James Thuell.
W. C. Hamilten and Miss jetin
Fnrgueon, Testowel, visited Brussels
relatives on Sunday,
Mies .Gloria. Clark has taken a
positton in Ltstowel.
MT. and Mrs. Stuart Graelser. son
Danny and Mrs,' Mickel of Midland
spent ,Sunday, May lth with Mr. and
Mrs. Dan Glasiser Bruseels,
Mrs, Wm, Tucker spent the week
end with her parents at Kerrevood.
Miss M. Prate, Guelph rind Mise
Evelyn Cunningham Brantford were
week end. guests with Mrs, D. Ti.
Miss Fiances Shaw and Miss Nowt
Shaw, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. F.
Shaw of Slaters township have accept.
ed positions in town and commenced
this week, the former in the Bank of
Commerce and the latter at Hugh
Pearsen'e, Pracluee Store.
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Bozell of Kitch.
ener and Mr. John and James Leird
of Beaverton were recent visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Maninng.
Mr. and Mrs. M. H. MeDowell,
Gordon, and Sandra North were week
end visitors with Mrs, McDowell.
Dr. and Mrs. Ti. G, Armstrong and
famny of 'Toronto, Helen, Armstrong
of Tooento. and Wilson Tibio nf
Hamilton were week enel visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Jae, S. Armsteong
and fatniey.
Mr. and -Mrs Arnold Miller of
Tacoma, Washington and Mrs. K. 11.
Heieey of Toronto were visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Jas S. Armstrong this
We desire to thank all those who
in any way expressed sympetby. by
word or deed, at the time or our
recent bereavement. Their kindness
was deeply appreciated.
The Laird Family
We wish eo thank our friends rela-
tives and neighbours for expressions
of sympathy, acts of kindness and
beautiful floral tributes extended to
us in the loss of a dear wife and
Ethel, .Tose.ph and Alex Brewer
Seaforth, Ont
Thur., Fri., Sat. May 16, 16, 17
Magnificent Doll
David Niven Ginger Rogers
Burgess Meredith
An impressive historical story uf
early America, superbly played.
M011, Tues., Wed. May 10, 20, 21
in technicolor
t've Always Loved You
Philip Dorn and Catherine McLeoa
This Is strictly adult entertaintement
and patrons, especially lovers of
, good music, should thrill to les
,renditions of Rachmaninoff, Bee-
, thoveni Chopin and others, against
la background of massive sets and
• beautiful rustic scenery,
I• -
Next Thur., Fri., Sat. May 22, 23, 24
If I'm Lucky
Perry Com Vivian Blaine
Harry James
Tuneful, stumpy tale of youngsters
n politics and show business, plenty
of singing and claiming and fun ler
Wednesday, May 14th, 1947
Rev. C. .1. eillute M..1. Help To Plans For V -Day Wranert't lurtitute
u, Br sels Town Counc=1 PertneeeN hone. Itieeee
The regular meeting olfV171.;t, 1'11.1711e. 11111111.1' fi11. '1' "11111 11-1'1' '111
carried out by Ceriodien state of 5,,
As 50C0thirsisstlaynouBsgrotphsesr)h)losodi.m.;„ wit --et
Ality C. 1047. all memb..., 1: ie., 4'1111- 111 1" 11111'1' "lf if 1'1'
of the hOMe, and enter into tbe e °ha's 1hurch eele Ilthraleipal Connell wee bell on
preeent. 1.,1;e: en,
world le do the work of fife, they The minntee of the tact meetings 16 144'11'1'4' 14"1.1.'
find themselves in the comennY or WIII Remelt) Open One more, Week* having been read it was 'revel b lir'nd4r .1fi"f 11v '4"11.11111
titter fellowmen melt liney In this
ephere of :teflon. They stand in
the midst of a vast and complicated
human environment. Every do they
are brought into contact with their
fellenvenen. By their :speech and
behaviour they make some impres-
sion upon each other. At once the
quiet -ion of altitude and behaelour
towards one another tiara; into in-
tense mac:Heel impedance. Hare is
where Christian cheracter most
completely and directly manifests
itself. By fee the laegetet Part or
Christian morality concerns itself
with people's candlict in tepee
varied, intrica te, nod delieate
gavial relation's. The Christian view
of the relationship in which people
ebould stand to one another is
mimed up In the PM/ brOtilerilOOd..
Christianity declares men t n he
Neeliers in virtue of their common
humanity. They are "MOP of one
blonde' Men aebieve Godes highest
design for themselves when they
seek it for nthers. Christianity
entered a world seamed and torn
Nein clivisione, and will never seek
to replaee those divisions bY the in-
timate fellowship of one brother-
e,,derich Festival
Of Music Results
„The coveted Prize, the Silvee Rees
Bowl donated by the Siterloole
Manning Piano Co., of Clinton was
now a member of the editei tat sten.
It was annenneed lasi week Piet W, Kennedy and S'Penn(lod by W. I Herod. hi E.,
this building fund sponsored in: The P. Willie 'That the minutes al -rate
1,ruiseele Post wrmIcl oftleielly Meer.
this week it will however renuen
open one week more, that Is until
May east. The te3000 nbjetelve bar,
been so nearly reached that we r.re•
giving everyone interested one more
opportunity to make their donations
Only' 940,10 is now needed In melte
the total of this fund ei yen by
friends, en St. Johree vongrega t Ion
mach $2,000 mark we wish to
The followtng nosiness platn; are
still kindly co-operating end &mat -
Ions may be left with any them
Wood's Store
Coleman's Res taura nt
Elliott's Grocery
The Brussels Post,
Peeviously .aoknowledged $1823.40
Mr, and Mrs. L. W, Eelemier 19.00
Mrs. Elliott end Elizabeth 5.0a
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, .Tardine, ..„ emo
Mr. Te, Armstrong 5.00
A Friend 1.00
Dr. Fl A. Itilellenater, Seaforth ..„ 10.00
Brussels Lions. Club 100.00
Haig -Russell
Derogated with yellow and white
spring flowers the Sacred Heart
Church, Winghem was the scene of a
won lest Friday evening at Cede 1 proty wedding, When Clara Florence
rick by Mae Edna Martin of Brea -
stele, who obtained the highest marks Rupee]] and the late Alpe.. Ressell
youngest rlaugbeer of elm. Telorenee
in all ,platio solo classes intensive.
A Waterman Pell and Prawn so. of Brussels was merried tt,
Norman Frederick Haig son of
(keeled by Ser. F. T. Ariegleeme of the late Mr. and Mrs. Sohn Haig,
nederiril 'MSS won by Mae* er David KItcbener. Rev, F. J. Bricklin
?eerie, who obtained the highest .officiated. Miss Vivian Erneet presicle
marks and showed the heat music- ed at the organ and lames Benninger
ianship in the boys pineo solo was soloist,
cle sees, The charming bride wore an aqua
MISS Thelma Brothers won the Marine dresmnaker sett wielt match'
Silver Medal obtaining the highest Ing ha.t and a corsage of American
Silver Meanie were also won by :len
ist.elptYeaRtisoses. .She wore the groom's
merlos her class.
Ti7.aren I3uschlin and Lena Miller. Miss Hannah Russell of London,
Oertifivates awarded ley the (lode- her only attemla.nt wore a brown
Hen Muste Club to competitors oh- dressmaker suit with matching acres.
taining 00 per cone of marks or over OreiS and a corsageof pink roses,
were awarded to Joyce Porter, WIlilam Malone of Kitchener.
TheIrma Brothers, Karen. Buschlin, brother of the groom was best man.
Heather Allen, Margaret . Perrin Following. the wedding nreakfast,
June Haretwell, ,Tolin Kerr, Doris the couple left on a wedding tele to
Johnston, Lena Miller, Betty Cousins Manitoulin island. Mr, and Mrs.
tied with two other competitors in Norman Hang will reside in Kitele
obtaining the highest nia.nes in the ener.
Bach glass in whin sae pleyed.
In the Girls' Vocal Dnett
,Toyee Porter ,and Dorothy Dennis
won the high mark of 90 tine Maly
Lou MacFarlane ansI Ma rgaret
Cardiff won 112 marks.
in the Girls Vocal Tien (lass,
Thelma Brothers, rralWIS Dennis
and Doreen Coutts won 80 marks..
--Messes. G. D. Atkinson Hoe Wenn)
and Ray Fenevick (Por singing) of
Toronto were tbe adjudieritore and
Mr. .Atkinson. explained that. etnclents
obtaining 75 per cent of marks 0.11(1.
°Vet` We're doing very good week and
those obtaining 00 per rent and over
showed exceptional merit in their
Centeneliai Sumner
hi voclitiloolor-with Jeanne
Cornet Wilde Linda Darnell
WhtIlatat Eythe and
06eistattoe Bennett
Everyone loved "State Pair" Pc aura
to see "Centennial Sunitnerfl
Stationary or Sectional
Snore storage in less space'
A most modern cabinet can
be built to suit any kitchen In
unite or complete. Just what
you've been looking for to
modernize, to smarten up and
to increase the pleasure of
working In your kitchen. All
the newest features.
Have a plan drawn and see
it before you decide. Entilliateel
and plane submitted upon
Clarence Barha
Phone 85x.r.4 Brussels
of 31 The Erussels Post
for Cerpentry, AtteratlO$R
Major Young Visits
Brussels Cadets
Major Young or headquarters al
L04111011. Ont., reviewed the Brits.
sels .cadets in the Town Hall nr
Friday et 2 pan, The inspection took
eace in the hall because of in- ThTeiwUsnit:idaiCylilur.operhain, prenve4 by
element weather.
Major Young, In his address to the the Ontario Religious Education
assembly at the vonclusion, of the 001111Cii. Wit R followed in the United
various demonstrations enngrate. Church. Mr, R. B. Cloueins, super.
kited the local gyrate 00 the Ira. intendent nf the Sunday Settee] .was
provement Blown SiTPre last year, in cheeps and led in the devotions.
Their instructors, principal G. M. Mn, Kenneth Tyerman gaye the
Tetycock for the cadets end Mrs 7, meseage: During the service tbe
Wilton, wino is tn charge of the Sacrament of Intone Baptism was
girls P.T. work. deserve credit for ariminietered and the following
children, were received: Larry Wil -
What they "have aceomplished.
Tin, cadets were in charge of liam Inelliegton. son of Mr, and Mre.
cadet Limit, "Wilfred elnivey anti Willtam Kellington; Tames! Allen
Sgt. D. 'McDonald. The eeremoniale Gentles, son. of leir. end Mrs Thomas
Ifirst on the program rev eyed Clarifies and ,Tames 'David Millie', eon
special mention by tbe major for tbe of Mr. 'Nett] Miller and ihin late Mre,
wetness achieved in ellen small Aintree
i space, ,Section drill, demenetra• The following youne people
tint of the girls P, T. work, led by were receiver.' int, the fee mum.
nine Work with jeYee Darter at the munion of the (hutch on Profeesion
nf Faith;-Lymn Vey, 13111 Key.
Piano, W418 splenclitily exemiterl.
Group. games by Hie boy* display George Elliott, Rob Mann, Raymond
el both relay end Orate games. Miller, Doreen Menzies and Lillian
T.,niver grade boys, under niii Lake.
Ramie merle e demoneteetion of Two appropriate anthome wane
safety in the handling at tire arms sting by the choir the first being,
ythoessti;s1 of emelt seen by Maim
Lorenz the solo being taken by Ai'ISS
Senior boys demonstreled ntethode 'ir11,111„11::: nn7.4:1:::',,,." Theb1 e g 0:0:11' eb:
of transporting initarati people, Oren We "My Mother's old Tlible 15
iltnoWlecige gained from their first- tree° by Lorenz. Selo Parts were
laid work, ..„, ulnen by Mine Betty Censine end
I Thrilling Story Of Tn the evening Hamlett, an old
Mrs. Herold Campbell.
I"Pistol Packing Champions time mother,” was the subleet ,nil
'Read the amazing story of how
the sermon. The second of the
fourth prize-winning detective smash.
morning anthems was repeated by
e6 a, raibless safecracking gang, It is
jefit tine of many dratnatie features
you will find irt The Amerieini Those attending the linlied
Church wilt lake notic.e that the
Weekly With ihiS Sutillales (May TA) The chib voted
service, next Sunday evening Will 'he .) .... . . .
retie of The Detroit Sunday ;nines.
- le' at half past sevet, t liming lune al
Iran Church. s
be ielopted." --Carried. WEIS 111. epealter 011 nn ram al
The following avvounts wee, po ranged 1»' M. LaYeePIL
sewed for payment: tttetee.,1 1,, 4,fail wat,
nu 111.111,w, "
Poetage-aesessment notiees ..1109.1"
for the invasion of cur,t,
C.N.R. freight and eartage 1170
eto it to,I, e,•,.tond sut
muniripal World Dor tags matters as the height ;there 11.
and lirense book 4 77
, 'rimed of Irlo-
Blekle Seagrave fire hose
and S111WNermently 01011' ire..
if PS .,
744'70 t mender of th, Canediee turf:.
Brnesele Hydro, street lights
, wheel leek pit in bit.' P. lee., a.
and town ball 1111.43 'stunt on Normandy beaelass wept.
Merchants Fire rIlS., fire in -
ed to know In adve.ner- \\teethie,.
surance, town hall 11.27
the gunners in the turret. of bte
L. W. leekinier, relief 0.31
tanks would hare their V:1,V; Meek
supplies 1,74 Inert
ed if the ianks were manoeuveed
D, N. MeDonald, fuel. reoef . 7.30
theough orebards; the area of the
Miss Lowery, salary, fax
POlieetOr 100.90 assalot landings was 0 vrin• rd (.01v
try, and plans. he forreaw, Went
Robeet Gemmel]. Sre account 15.e0
go astray if gunners famed at
MI. Henderson, teaming,
militia] moments that they could
streets 42 10
Robert Farrow, work on
Thomas Ryan, work on
streets 1901
Clarence Steise, work on
streets 4 e0
W. H. Bell, April salary . ...... 100,1(1
G. R. Campbell, April salary 35.00
Post Publishing, printing,
and advertisements • 15,011
C. Borth°, paint signs and
repairs, 11.00
It was moved by W, E. Willis and
seconded by L. W. Eckmier thin the
accounts as presented be paid.
By -Law No. 3, 1947 was read 1
not see ihair targets. The Prannine
stff wheel worked on details for
the Canadian portion of the June
it eneraeion got the ansven.R. Weeks 1 Ellen drawn tip.
before the operation tbe Mite emu. Mrs. Harold Spree reminded
mender knew which in-hariTh member, of the 501.h Anniversary to
the aeeenit area Were 06 mature be held in Guelph on June 18. A.
trees, whileh were young special feature of this, is the
tions, and the average Meet Pageant pnieraying the growth of
above the ground of the In,.yeet Wameres institutes. The T. Eaton
foliage on the mature apple trees. Co. are sanding n 25 -Nees orchestra,
The sneaker was brigade intent. te be in attendanee,
genre officer with end Canadian It was decided that the institute
ArnbOTP(1 Brigade. the Canadian would help in the Mottling creleetion
tank force which worked with 3rti for the British People,
Canadian Division in the aseault on The following officers were elected,
the Normandy beachee. Tee rex Hon. Pres.. Wm. Miller; Pres.
Plained the ranee of the ineelligenee Wire. E. Oralmore; 1st Vire, Mrs.
Mare Lang; end Viee. Mrs. Lloyd
Alenek: See.. Mrs, Doug. Heming-
way; Dist, Director, Mrs. Wm.
Miller; 'Smelt Directors. Mrs. 7.
Work, Mies M. McFarlane, Mrs. C.
Lake; .Sunshine Committee COM
venue, Mrs, Wes. Kerr; Audltors,
Mrs, Geo, Evans, Mrs. A. Brown;
Convenors of Standing Committees;
Agriculture, Mrs, S. Maier; Home
ECODOTtliCS, MTS, Bert Garntss;
Social Welfare, Mrs, Eldon Wilson;
Citizenship, Mrs, S. Sweeney; Hist.
Researeb. Mrs, Ken. Shurrie; Pub.
Betty, Mrs'. Jim Spelt.; 'Pianist, Mrs.
Wm, Spell..
T1e `lee ewetite j1
Wcolll' le, in, iibni.` Wn`. 111,1 at file
111,', '7 On 111111'4,10,-, day
1 tendinv11.• thr.tess-
es Mrs. Harold Snell'. Ali 4. 'Bert
.Tobneton. Mrs, Jim Mein:Witte,. Airs.
Andy Turnbull, -Mrs. Wilbur Turn.
bell Mee, Sill elnir wee oteel the
opened the meeting by Ihe inglng
of the institute Ode and the T,ordee
ruirint, flu' roll van many
11/ AmbPrp paid thPil. Fncs. Tb e
'minutes of the last meeting and the
financial statement was read hy Mrs.
Harold Pipette MTS, Was, Kerr and
Mra,.Clare Long dernenstrni , the
makine Meet Cern% Cake and
Whole Wbeat Pie Crust. This was
pant nf the information gained at the
tonal Leader Training Sehoril which
they attended at Wroxpter. Mrs,
Stanley Wheeler gave a !emote ot
tbe Exeentive meeting of F. Huron.
Disi. Wegner's Institute meta 3t
Gorrie nn April entle Ten dollars
wee delisted by the dietriet to tbe
Centel* Futed. Piens were made for
Ili,' rem:seem at (lar Annual
to he belfl at Ethel on efay 22nd. A
slate of riefieers for the District was
third time and finally pneetS ee serve., jo the armyand trie.:eribe,1
motion °f W. 73' 1'7 some of the methods tit' .ab'n 110
J. W, Fischer.
The Clerk was inatructed to" write information about the enemy. end
to TT. S. Philips & Co., Englneeee,
Brantford. accepting an offer Or
advice to the couneil erawratoine
the installation of waterworke, and
sewers In the village. Tt was felt
that expert advice was neede,i also
on tbe problem of drainage en-
countered during the recent spring
incertain sections of the village.
G. R. Campbell, Clerk
Melville Church
The pupile of the Sunday School
joined with the congregation in
observing the Mother's Day service
on Sunday morning. The special
order of service was used. and the
choir. contributed the anthem
"Praiep Thor, the Father" by
Cimino& Miss Mary Lou ele.Far.
lane rendered the solo "This is ;ny
Father's world!'
At The evening service Ret. Mt',
Milne outlined the promises and
messages contained in tbe first.
two Psalms.
of maintaining. t he flaw of infer-
1n9l0Ol1 to our ewe, trenee teo,
Essential Munition
"With Canadian troops partien-
larly," he said. "information Is ‚inc
of the essential munitions of wen
CI 1141Itane witia SSW nesion were
volunteers,--Sist about the only
volunteer fighting force that ue
coplished anything in the Seemed
Great War, They would always do
a batten' Job in action if they knew
nkat they were doing, and why
they were doing it. One of the first
tasks'of the intelligence service in
the field was to keep our own
people 'in the picture' The Cana-
dian soldier WAS not. AS Wert' SO
many men in ennecript armies of
other nations a mere cog in a
machine, He Was a thinking indi-
vidual, who bad come int' the
army of his own free will. and with
his eyes open, If be 'knew the Mile
were ageing him, he would still
fight, -but he wanted to 'kr ow
what the odds were. catindiAln
gained the name of being resource
ful teoops, wit,, could keep an at-
tack rolling even if some,tbit
went haywire with tbe plun; pert
of the reason was that they knew
more, and underetood more, of
wbat was going on than did troops
or Most other nationalities."
As well as telling part of the
story of tine gathering of inform
tion before D.Day, Mr. Jobneton re.
counted some instances of intent.
genes work in the field during 2nd
Canadine Annoyed Brign.le'e share
in the Battle of Normendy, tIr
SiPgOS of Boulogne and ('alai'. end
operations north front Belgium to
tbe Dutch Rhine at NtlInegon. His
service in melon ended iti net.0111.
her. 1944,
Officers Proposed
A propoeed sleep Offierg for
1947490 was presented to lbe club
b y peesident Lorne
formal el Reit ons eve to take
Plate. at the first meeting itt June
The propneed new offieme are;
president, Rev. Hugh Wilson; 1st
vive-president. Albert Wood; 2nd
vieepreeident, Robert. liewman ;
3rd vice-presitient, 'Kenneth Aeh-
ton; directors for one year, 11.
Wineberg and Dick Whitfield;
direetors for two years, Wllhianil
Tnimindl and William Seely, seem
'try, Douglae Lawless; treasurer,
Tt. (4. 1Vlarliride; tall twister, James
Allnetreng; Program director, Kee.
firth Ashton; lion tamer, Lorne
$100 to the ift-
Si, johnis Angli.
Delegates were then chosento
attend the annual meeting at Ethel
on. May 22nd. Tt was .1.so decided
that the 1941 Annual meeting would
be held in Brusels. A pleasing dt
was rendered by Mary Lou McV
lane and Margaret Cardiff aceomp
ted at the piano by Joyce Porter.
The executive committee of tne
Institute was sited to decide on
what the Institute would do in
regards to peizes at the local Fall
Itt theeneeperativP 11TOS11011 10
home eronamies it was decided to
ask for Health Ecineation Demon,
etration nn Nursing in the Home as
first ehniee. ,Sevend ohoine, Con-
ference on Vero of Clothing,
Anyone is weleeme to attend the
Markt Anneal to be held at Ethel
on May 22ral but emeriti they let the
president Mrs. 19. Cmemore know 00
transportation could he arranged.
The National Anthem brought the
myelin:: to a close after which a
dainty lunch was served by 1110 .11
Neapolitan Dessert
e brick of Tiorden's Ice
Cream for dessert.. We have it ell
the ttaite VP our <Replay of Fruit
Cookies at Grewer's Groceteela.
We're open (111 day Wednesday:
Preset Weston'a Woad and Conked
Meets On hand al] the time. See
our (BROM Compare our prices,
*Morris Man Suffers
Serious Eye injury
Rae Crawford of the 411.1 line Of
Morrie ellifered
hie eyes reeently, While assisting
in 'spreying orchard trees at Clinton
the spraying mixture ateitlentally
mine in vont/let wltb his eyes set.»
induring thrall. It was re0red
110 might lose Ihe sight, of his eyes)
but the letes4 report. is that it is
feted be will retain his sight.