HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-4-30, Page 1_,. _./0n .4..40t� 4.100000004 . Wednesday, April. 30t1.:,
j t;. C, �l/i'•iis Appointed
It is now illegal to deposit papers or any-
thing that will burn in the Village Dump.
Garbage may be deposited in the Dump
when an attendant will be in charge.
Garbage, Must Be Deposited In Pit.
W. H. Sell, Chief of Polace.
Dog Tags for 1947 may be obtained at
the Clerk's office. The owner of any dog
found without a 1947 Tag is liable for a
penalty. The rates will be $2. for a male
and $4. for female.
G. R. Campbell, Clerk
Village of Brussels.
Buys Ripley Hotel
Owned for 00 years by his fantliY,
the Royal Hotel at Ripley, has been
sold by Earl Wilson to Alvla Rut-
uhledge, of Brussels, who takes posses.
Sion shortly.
Brussels Branch of the
Canadian Legion News
Don't forget the :.egion
Carnival ,and field Day to be
held on July 30th and
Reserve this date.
Thou 1. ohilmltonlythe
sh ltLord
shy God,od, and
thou serve.
Melville Church
Minister Rev. G. A. Milne, M.M.
10 a. m. Sunday School and
Bible Class
11 a. m. "Seed -mime.'
7 p. m• 'fSDettresssiion.'
Louis D. Thomason, Organist
and Choirmaster•
The United Church
Minister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson
11. a. m. Morning Worship
"The Song of Deborah."
Junior Congregation
12 The Session will Meet
12 Church School and
Bible Class
Missionary Sunday
7 p. m, Evening Praise
"Life With Wings."
A Cordial Welemne TO All.
Church of England
Parish of Brussels
Rev. J. H. Kerr, Rector
4t11 ,Sunday Atter Exeter
May 3rd, 1947
St. John's Church, Brussels --
2 p. m. Sunday School
8 p, m. Eventing Prayer
St, David's Church, Henfryn .
11 a. m. Morning Prayer
8t. George's Church, Walton.—
atton-7.30 p. m• Evening Pryer,
All aervioes Daylight
saving Time
Yes that famous Borden's Ice
Crean Brick 'Reception' will be I
back at Grewar's this week. Do You I
remember it, the one wibh three
flavours in it and a layer of
maraschino cherries. Try one for
Desesrt. 10 its fresh fruit or vege-
tables Grewar's have it. We still
have a few Heinz deals left. Buy
two tins and get one FREE.
Library Notes
Recent additions to she Public
Mitchell; Who has seen the Wind.
De la Roche. Young Benny,
De la Roche: 'Whitecck Heritage.
Macion's: Horizon.
Hilton: So well remembered.
Hilton: Lost Horizon,
Gray: Sandy.
Allan: Little Sorrowful.
M0C'owan: A Naturalist In Canada,
O'Hara; My Friend Flicka.
O'Hara: Thunderhead.
Roberts: Lydia Bailey.
Jordan; Decency ,of Hate.
• Wellman: Walls of Jericho,
Freedman: Mrs. Mike.
Jennings: The Salem Frigate.
Janet: Touchstone.
Westcott: The Border Lord
Elwood: Deeper the Heritage.
Moore: Spoon -handle,
Leaves now Monday night
instead of Tuesday at dinner tune.
Please have your cleaning in
Monday for Friday delivery.
O. Doll, Agent,
Brussels, Ont.
Se,:^ifr,rth. Ont
j : Thurs. Fri. Sat. May 1, 2, $
The KM From Brooklyn
with "Danny Kaye',
Patrons will laugh themselves silly
at the antics of Kaye as a Brooklyn
milkman who is projected into the
prizefight racket.
Mon., Tiles., Wed, May 5, 6, 7
In Technicolor
Three Little Girls In Blue
, June Haver, George Montgomery
Vivian Blaine
A ..gay, .hechnicolored ,.musical „de-
fight—frothy, funny and flotIonel—,
the muslc—there Is so much of it
and It Is all good.
Next Thur,, Fre, Sat. May 5, 9, 10
Lady Luck
Robert Young Barbara Hale
Frank Morgan
A well -acted romantic comedy
which is rated es good entertain•
Ment for everyone loaded with
amusement and fun.
. Teacher At Brussels
(ebeen 1'. '14.111,, n „'u 1 I.n• the
past three years at S.S. No, 1. Grey
tnwur,hip, has II, +tt appointed
teacher of grad,s three, four, and
f]ve' at Bran-, I-.• pualir x.•;1,1“1. \l;'.
Willis etatleale1 (runt the Lrusesis
continuation school In 1941 „1111 iroti
Stratford Normal School in 1944.
Rev. G. A, Milne, 1tI.A,
Christian Character.—The Family.
The family is the nurs•'ry not only
of the State, but also of the Christian
(hurt') Fancily religion is the root
and spring of all religion. )door
Christian families, permeated by the
Spirit of Christ, the Churoh draws
her most reliable and moat useful
members, In Christian families
exhibiting the influence of Christ in
the domestic. 1tfc, the Church
has found her hest witnrses
and most perfect instruments. The
power of Christianity was first seen
in its effect on family life. Purifying
the relations of the sexes, setting
a divine seal on the innocence of
little children, Christianity demon.
stated to the pagan world its
redemptive power; and tins power it
exhibits still wherever the eln;pel
is preclaimetl. A well orderer)
Christ fen home, where S01311ely.
love, and cheerfnlress reign, where
Clod is honoured both in sunshine
end sorrow, Is a demonstration of
the truth of Christianity, which all
can understand, and forms by its
very presence a constant and power-
ful attraction to Christ. Family life,
then, which has such important
results for the individual, for
Society, and for the Church, most be
maintainer) in its purity, and must
be regulated according to the mind
of Christ.
Prunes — Prunes
Yes Grewar's Grocete-ta has
prones dust fresh in, buy n box or 2
lb. fa 35e, Dutch Set Onions No, 1
grade 2 lbs. for 19c, Sunkist Oranges
2 doz. for Ole. We Sell For Less,
Open for business A11 Day Wednes-
day As Usual. We Deliver,
Tea and Bake Sale
Splendid Success
The spiendid sum of $75 wan real -
teed by the Ladies Guild of St. John's
Church at the sale of home halving
and afternoon tea, in the library on
I Saturday of last week. The daintily
I arranged tea table presided over
i by Mrs, J. H. Bryant and Mrs. John
Thiseber was well patronized. The
array of fine home made baking and
farm produce was quickly disposed of
to eager customers. The ladles are
to all those who contributed
in any way to the success of their
sale and tea..
The Razor's Edge
Tyrone Mower Chane 'Tierney
1st Show Begins at 7 P.M.
' inteli sl
ode . to - a✓%?der
Why be bothered with others
when you can have screens
made to allow for the full
opening of your windows, you
put them on In opting and
Leave them t111 fall, regulate
fresh air to your liking.
You haven't the bother of
taking them out evory t',,ne It
rains thereby ruining your
curtains and drapes. All You
have to do is raise or lower the
Windows to distanoe required.
Painted any color, fitted and
Estimates cheerfully given
for farm homes as welt as town
Also s'epairs to your present
window screens and
screen doors.
Clarence Borba
Phone 85x -r-4 Brussels
or 31 '.Phe Brussels Post
for Carpentry, Alterations
or Repairs
irePr ToRie, 11
'St John'3 ' 'lurch
Fund Ends Sat. May 10th
I Pot 011NW01 o r•:pr, ,v,•'1 rr•gni-.t'
and In a final effort to rraeh a 1.1111
of $2000.00, contributions to this
tine) will lonfirlii' 10 br _,••;irr,l br
those mentioned below until Satin -
d' i', May loth. This will be absolute-
ly ynie• last opportunity ity le exprr•'
through the enluntns 01' this pat,^r•,
year sympathy for the loss of their
!Church to St, John's congregation
in the form of financial old. Tetai
rnntl'ihlttions to date are $lf91,90,
that is $378,10 short of the amount
we wmtld like to present to 111' re-
building fund of St. John's. There
are many who still want to dive tint
have not yet been able to do so, ttpre
are also many former llrueselee-•
who now live elsewhere but are still
1,11, reeted in their old borne town,
and in St. John's fenircit, to them
We now offer this particular nm
anrtnnity to help in reaching the
$2000.00 objective in the next fes
The following basiness 1115000 are
still kindly eo-operating and (Meat -
lone may he left with any of teem
lrr•til May 3rd.
Wood's Store
Coleman's Restaurant
Elliott's Grocery
The Brussels Post.
Previously acknowledged e.1
Alex Anderson
Rev, M. F. Oldham,
Camden, East
iSt. Luke's Church A. Y. P. A
Camden Bast
'Wyman Snarling, London
Mary 11. Black
Charles Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Banker ,.
.lir. and Mrs. Geo. Thomson
Mr. and Mrs. G. Bert
Thomson, Toronto
11r, and Mrs. Garvin Smith,
South Porcupine
Mrs, A. Wintle
Mrs. J. Grasby, Blyth ..
u.✓m .10.4 Str 0
A 9 It N
Council and Firemen
See Demonstration
The , --1.1•, +1111 rn,inr,l url s r, r!1
1/1".111, 11 rt ti" toltlnteei' fire
lirietub ,,i ilii ''.11aer rttten+bvl ,r
+:1ift 1 Innnp,or put on by the
Tliekle Sr;a.71.11 Cn., of Wnnrlstorl(
They were also token nn ;; tour of
the plant isl', they were shown
fire engines being asa"n,hled nee
mounted. The trip Was made for the
hn,.r"=e rf viewing the demnnstrot.
inn 1, (*rot having new fire fighting
equipment for the "Prnteetinn of Ilse
R w .r 1 .r r 4 e a
r3 s / (''
r . e e
St. Paul's Presbyterian Choreh,
Carloke, was the setting t'nr the
marriage of Elizabeth Margaret,
rlanehter of Mr. end Mrs. R. Rerun -d
rehire., to Rev. Earl Crev Monre,
Toronto. 000 of Mr. Thomas 1lnnre,
Brussels, and the late art's. '•Toper•.
Rev, 11. G. Stewart officiated, Mr.
Lloyd Oekes was at the orgia, and
atie, Tolia Rappolt of Galt sane. A
gown of wh,te satin was worn by Ihr
bride with embrnirdered veil hell to a
flm'nl lu'eddt'rss She ,arrind r•tlla
Y.W.A. Sponsored
C'rokinnle Party
r t, unlet , nr
checker, ,ti Dalt 1.4-
t fliv 11 .1i+1t
+t)m. Irn11,:1111„ 1 'hi ' -1,1 )' 1'
Young Women's AUX/111117 W/1,4 .v, 11
11'1.'n,t ,I 11111,0:•. n r ,.I Iv/v
had a very plrusatnt s 0,111114. The
!trivet. for ,nllatn',l. we^,• 1`1111 t1;d
Mae Spelt. and .la,9s lir.ne, and the
prizes for emtiuinnle were won by
won by firs. 11. 1''. Itilttul and
c. Malice -;,n At th,• c10:;., of 1111
rvr1ning rtou,r;hntits and coffee, w-rrt.
served sly the committee in charge.
Attention Housewives
1BR00715 APE TOO DEAR--•T:uy
a broom at Grewar's for Vie. not a
51.75 but Sever,tyJeive ('rats. Ser
this outstanding bargain at Grewar's
—We Sell For Less --Business as
Usual—All Day --Wednesday. S
our display of Cookies.
Arcade Anti -Inflation
Sale To Be Extended
in response to popular demand tho
1rr•ncl,° Store Rfussels rs ':tending
the "inflation Fight Sale" •taw in
progress for an additional ten days.
that is until Saturday,May VOL 1f
Mlles. Giron in ntarirage by her you have not already visited the
fathsi'. she wag attended by her Arcade Store chafing this sale do SO
sister, Miss Catharine Calder, wear- at your earliest opportunity. See
ing orchid pink nylon, and parrying for yourself the genuine bargains
pi -k. resp. and white sweet. offered. No prices have , brio
peas. 1Ir. Bruce Moore, Oak:llle advanced. All 1051 re/motions are
was grorun;man for his ttrnflter, given on the regular prim, This is
and the ushers were 1Ti', Thomas your opportunity to take advantage
McFadzean, Toronto, and .lir. Sleep- of the fight against rising prices.
aryl Calder. Carhike. The reception
fnllnwcd in the sehonl room of the
478.90 church, and later the couple left
10 00 The Huron Presbytery Young
on a trip. They twill ifre in orange- people's 'Union of the United Chruch
dale. Cape Breton island. The bride- of Canada met in Weltou TTnited
groom was recently ordained into Church on Wednesday, April 30 with
the Preahytrria,' minist'y ' Mr. D. Lawless in the chair. The
Walton Young People's lrnion con-
ducted the opening worship service.
Beginning ,Sunday, May 4 the
Sunday School will meet at 10.30 and
church 11,30 Daylight Saving Time,
Trousseau Tea
For Bride -To -Be
Mrs. Florence Russell was hostess•
at a delightful Trousseau Tea on
Someday afternoon and evening, in
honour of her youngest daughter,
Clara Florence. an early May !whir -
to -be. The tea table, centred with
snapdragons, entvtations, and roses,
was spread with a lace cloth. Tea
was poured by Mrs, T. L Prost and
Mrs. T. T. McRae. Asstatieg in the
tea room were - Misses Thelon
Little, Jean MacDonald, DmOthy
Armetreng and Mrs, Arthr Synott.
The gifts were displayed by Mrs.
Eldon Wilson, sister of the bride•
elent and tine iremeseau by Miescs
tmerir Storey, Ruth MacDonald,
Irayer Porter, Helen MsCutclteon.
1 Mrs. Carl Gowing and Mrs, J. E.
1 Prest. Little Misses Joan and
Helen Wilson opened the door and
the guests were invited to the teat
room by Misses MArgaret and
Hannah Russell. wY
Melville Church
Rev. Earl Moore, recently ordaiie-
ed to the ministry of the Presby.
terian Church in Canada, preached
let the morning service on Sunday.
As lite theme of his seamen. Rev. Mr.
IMoore used the words of St. Pail
"Separated unto the Gospel of Ged."
Guest soloist was Miss Mary
Helen 13ckmder who gave a. beautiful
'rendering of the "91st Psalm" by
livilte, Thr an hem was "How
'long wilt thou forget me?" by
Pwlenger, with Miss ,Tune Work,
Mrs. W. Pdgar and Mr, Win. Spell'
tatting the solo parts,
At the evening ser'vioe Rev. Ole,
IMt•tnc showed the anplirnflnn of ,John
the 11a:ptist's teeehing 1,0 mOilern
needs The evening anthem was
"Stan of my son,P' by Turner, Miss
, Sure Work taking the solo parts.
Open Factory
STIAFO11TTt ---- Tt. M. llotlantyne
;Lid., knit good manitfaatitrers
Stratford, have opened a stool
br'anc'h factory 9n Seaford).
Wilkins — Somers
Martha Eliza (Doris), daughter
daughter of Mr, and 'Mrs. Elwin
Somers, Ethel, and Earl Colvin
Wilkin. of the 4th coneess'on of
Wallace township. 0011 of Mr. amt
and Mrs. Atnsey Walken of Gowns- i
town, were muted in moulage in a
pretty wedding ceremony performer)
by Rev, Stanley Brenton hi the 'Felted
Church Parsonage. at Ethel nn April
25th, at 12 o'clock.
The bride was charming in a Pink
sheer dl•es'S trimmed with gold
sequins and pink heardrrss. She
carried a rnrsage of pink rases,
'Miss Jean Cochrane, of Ethel, as
bridesmaid, wore yellow sill: jersey
with corsage of white carnati,tns and
Mike careatinns in her hair. The
accessories were also white.
Floyd Willtrn of Gownstornt was
his brother's hest man.
The bride's mother wtn'e A snit 01
lime green while the grooms mother
chose a dross of navy crepe.
Fm' 1111 wedding the bride':, fable
was tastefully sot in pink end white
centred with the three tier weddin•:
rake. Miss Helen Pierenn and miss
Doris (Nichrome serval.
The bridal couple ]eft on a wedding
trip to aantira, Kitehenet', Preston
and Niagara Falls, The bride's ening
away costume was a two piece dress
of fawn rrr.pe with brown and coat
In maize, Her arcessoriea were 1
Out of town guests who attended
were Mr, and Mrs. Amsey written and
Carob Jark and Jean Winton of
Gnwn,s,town, Mrs, Arthur hull,
Brussels. Mrs. Cameron Cochrane,
Ethel, Mr, and Mrs. Cameron Somers
and son Billy of Listowel.
The United Church
A study of Jnrnh tate Meitner who
bernme Tsrael a Prince wilt (l -td
was the snbjeet of the morning
sermon. "T.n, a Monastery G(n'den."
by Krtelhy woe sung as n trio by
miss (1, 1:Ttngston, Mia. R. 13, Cousins
mid Mrs, 0. Waiker,
Thr evening anthem WAA "0
Silvery .Sea of Whoa', by Tory In
this the male vetoes were predomin-
ant and a solo part was taken by
Mr, Clifford Busehlin, The subleet
of the evening sermon was "ISttllew.
ing nor inclhratton.s."
ADAMS --Tit Weleley Tiop.sital, Tor -
Melo on Tuesday, April 29111, 1947
Jean A, (4rnnt, beloved wife of
Cameron Adams, in her 17111 year.
Wttmeral will he held from her tate
hoot, on TTigtrway 80, 'Mast of
Dimwit's on Thursday, May lat,1947
:Service at 2 p. m. lnternlcitt in
T3rnodelf' Cemetery,
New Cettie Class Fo; flaky
Breeds At Bruseela Fair
Prizes Are Increased
in Hose Showing Cia:•'s
Bette., indoor. Fehiliits
Are Planned By Board
'rho Ilree,ele Poll b'•Iir 10111) met
1;.,y -,Vr:rl'In6'' IIP.d„" .'t„ 11110%111.-
111:, 1,
Tanlar`11101, sh111 of Wdltmr Tnrnbttlt,
tlrnt. A tepreerntatiun of women
dt,'cetnrs u-ndertoolr to suhmit r' )tat
tf rer•nnati .t.latinus for the improve-
ment of the display of inrlrn' s;Z
hihits. Ken Ashton. D, La.rlesnt, G.
Willis. Miss .Tessie Little-, end 'Mrs.
L. Gordon, were appnlnre,l to
lar Part a s.ertinn 01 soltonl work
exhibits, it was derided that there
should he no entry fee fer chfldrert"B;
exhibits, and that children should he
encouraged to exhibit rabbits and
bantam poultry. James Armstrong,
Ken. Ashton, and G. Milne were ap-
pointed to arrange a program of
The grounds romrnit*ee reprint
mender] the erection of more than
100 rods of new fencing along lite
rare track. it was de"ided to in-
crease the prizes in the horse show-
ing class, and also to fatrndnce
revs Cattle class with provision for
Ayrshirrs. Holsteins. and Jerseyx
The feeder steer pen exhibits will
comprise three feeder steers under
900 pounds and three over 900.
The swine. hogs. and sheep sections
remain unaltered. The poultry sec-
tion will he limited to utility strains,.
A special prize will be offered for
dressed poultry. G. Milne was :ap-
pointed secretary to s'iaeeed 13.
Johnson.. The date of the fair
Was set for Oct. 2 and 3.
Norm. Carnegie
To Play Here
Norm. Carnegie's Classic Sextette
will play for the Legion Dance to boa
held in the Brussels Town Hall o'ni
May 9th. Keep the date open. Be
there to dance to the music ut this
popular orchestra, under auspices of
Brussels Legion.
*t' ?Nee
BEHIND the activity on this
progressive farm stand the
banking services and helpful fin'.
ancing of The Canadian Bank of
Commerce. You, too, may need a
new tractor, a combine or other
farm machinery or equipment to
develop your farm.
Other Tann improvement Loans For:
• Purchasing Livestock Buildings
• Constructing or Repairing
• Modernizing farm Homes
• Improving fencing and Drainage
• installing Electric Power
and Breaking Land for farming
• Clearsn g : l .1.
Investigate the many advantages you have
under the Parm Improvement Loan plam
Come in and discuss your -financial needs
,with our local Manager.
BRUSSELS BRANCH — W. Porter Manager