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Wednesday, April 2nd, 1947
To Subscribers of the Brussels, Morris and
Grey Telephone System
Owing to the increase in, Telephor2e
service and shortage of cords on the Switch
board, all local calls are to be. limited to
1-ve minutes.
AU calls to Seaforth, Wroxeter and
Molesworth will be charged iike ronS eXe
tra for eit1rY three ininutes reFtcr the first
five minutes.
Kindly do not ask the operators For the
Please tahe otic'
Jrussek, ,1::$.orris od Grey
ilimicipg Telephone Sysern
W. S. Scott; MOTZGgeT.
Ontario Legislature
To Reconvene In June
TeKONT,O, April 1 --The theca
session. of the 22nd Ontario Legis-
lature, scheduled to adlourn in-
definitely tthtis Thursday, pxobahll
will reconvene in june.
This was made apparent' yeeter.
day at a meeting ot the Private
bills 'committee when Hon, George
Dumber, minister of municipal
lairs, asking that two bills, be held
to the next meeting, said this would
be "some time in June."
,Eag-trr Liutg
" tor new is Christ risen from
the dead:"
Melville Church
Minister Rev. G. A. Milne, M.A.
10 a. m. Sunday School and
Bible Class
11 a. in. Sacrament of the
Lord's Supper,
e, m. Easter Service.
Good Friday — ConoinemItO
Camenemion et 11 a, 01.
Louis D. Thompson, organist
and Choirmaster.
*MO 11.**•••••••1
The United Church
Minister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson
11 a. ne IVIorning Worship
. Junior Congregation
12 Church School and
Bible Claes
.-1111 Missionary Sunday
7 p ni. Evening praise
Three Great ?mote About Caster.
A Day For the Family To Be
At Church,
Church of Ertgiand -
Parish of Brussels
Rev. J. H. Kerr, Rector
Easter Day—April 6th, 1947
et. John,' Church, Brussels -
1.3 0 is Staiday School •
2 p. te, Easter ,Service and
Holy Cennnunion.
St. ,David's Church, Henryn-
11 a. en, Hester Service
Holy COmmunion, •
St, George's Church, Walton -
4 p. tn. Berger SerVice
Holy tionerninion.
All Lenten Boxes shoald be
iniongbt in ged presented on
Illtetee DO,
0006 Ireiday Oonoratinity Selo
viee hi Melville Obitroh,
International Plowing
Match Near Kingston
J. A. •Itarroll, of Toronto manager
of othe International Plowing klatch,
at et meeting of the local branch of
the Ontario Plowmen's Association,
predicted that more than 70,000 per-
sons would attend the international
plowing match, which will be held
Ootobee 14 to 17 at Hemlock Park
Farms neat Kingston.
Church Missionary
Arrives In Shanghai
LUCKNOW, 145 '011 70—Relatives
of Miss Dorothy Douglas. Miseion-
ary of the Presbyterian Church,
have received word of her arrive]
in .Sbangbai. Her destination is
Formosa but due to unsettled con-
ditions there, Miss ,Dongins
remain in Shanghai 101 ROM 0 11111 C.
Mrs. Duncan MoTaggart of Cram -
brook having seen .the winter with
her stens Hoovre'd of Thorolcl and
Free in Toronto expecte to soon he
home much Improved in health.
Lloyd and Mrs. Barkwell, Colt,
were ,Suedety visitors at the home of
Tolin McNabb,
Glen Hunter, St. Then -lets, :omit
few days -with friends bere• laat
week. The father returned to St,
Thomas with him for a few days,
Mentio •MacDonald has been con-
fined to the house for the Past Month
with an attachk of lumbago,
Special Easter .Service will be at
3 o'clock In the evening at Kn.ox
Oherch, also speeial music by the
Seafortb. Ont
Matinee Fri, ancl Sat 2.30 ,
Thur„ Fri., Sat. Aprll' 3, 4, 5
Breakfast In Holywood
Toni Brenemen and Bonita Gtrowille
This picture based 00 the ever
populer eadln program, by the same
name will win immediate favor with
a large majority of picturegoers
Music by Spike Jones Orchestra and (law" "II Iv'°15hi5) the Pi! of (12 71210
ld, e legion. Jesus never com-
King Cole trio. promised,
1, Mon., Tues., Wed, AprIl 7, 8, 9th
Belts Bonita Granville
Barry Sullivan and
Albert Dekker
Adult entertainment -- Bellta Is a
treat for the eye with her dazzling
skating—The musical scores are an
excellent addition to an Interesting
BIM. .
CORNER STONES Ordination Service ,
Mr. F71,1 1.1 I \Poo,. it O., 1, !/11
Itf$V. (1, :51 llne, :Woe.
!..e.tt)4teee len, Si-tmiel•-oey ot'
Easter Goeetirtgs Pre sbyl erten C11 11 re h on Pride e
evening, April 11311 in 11•Ovi11,'
.11 11'11. '111:1 ""' 1C1htirn31 at 3 n'elook. Mr. Nem', -,•
as the season when the • v..
up toyoung manhood in town ond
lowered and people join in nottire
• was a. member of the church To,
high holiday. The message 03 'Ts!. r- • oe iln. PI•P 11)VtIVY 10.111
21 1.• •etoe,•e".ore •)) 11, tiro o,e-riee. ...wed Item.
1'1 11:111' 111 will follow the service.
"Pearce" Would it not seem then
that our Saviour's grentine to
"Peace be unto you" WHIP the 1 01 1
10 n
words used by Christ In His o
tics 41, 151' after ;este,.
reotio 'P1111012511 and even tet':-
.-lonnetameoe en.lee whiolt gt 1phyp (4111111rCh
that first Easter greeting' net giveco
Te• •"1 one511 11)1551,5
tenoet the 1)).'1(4,4 10.111
4)15 , 511-1 115)2151) the never
-•• oot 5,1 loci: oonre 14e241e.:1
.Tesne. There are Dues of ennenct
In common life that we now pip oe•
without thinking that we Are raisine
barriers between oursilvee and the
too'. -11 are the best. As in the case
o' •71-. eti-oielee we too may find that
e have closed the door unwittinelY
against Christ, The tragedy of
ninny a life is that its doors are shut,
omettime, it ie engrossment In
pleasure, in business, in friendship,
that bars the door against a better
way of living. Sometimes it is by
eeteebeces 10.1.1 or sorrow that the
&tote are closed. in other cases it
may be fear that causes. the loot. to
be tightly barred. Afraid of becom-
ing unpepular or losing :Cavort With
mon, we shot out the possibility of
attaining to 12 higher way 05 cleating
with our fello.wmen. Every dee that
we go faith to our daily business
-our choices make us or our choices.
mar Oa. Teiasmuch as every choice
we make has some hearing on. our
neighbours, could we possibly do
contacts with 'the spirit of the Risen
Saviour ni our hearts' and .Ilis greet-
ing on our lips? 'Peace be unto you.'
Melville Church
Tins SPerlef. on -Sunday morning
was et service, of Preparation for
Holy Comnranion. In his sermon,
'Rev. George Milne pointed out that
attendance tit Communion, should
effect a strengthening change ir
the eommonicant'e church life and
home life. A foal trio, Mies Jean
Matheson, Miss Margaret Cardiff,
Miss Mary Lou MFarinne. rendered
'Tient. My Prayer'. by lames. The
anthem was `God so loved the
world' by Stainer.
At the evening service _Rev, Mr,
Milne spoke on the "Priumpliel
EMIT' with. enephasts on the King.
elite of Christ. Miss ,Toyee Porter
rendered the solo Tuned while T
sleep' by Warrington,
St. J01215135 Church
Got .Sendon.east the Rector sore
chided 11101 series of sermons. on the
Tempatneion of our (fond basing his
1,1111.111.10ing sermon Mat. 44 8-1e,
whereto eaten brings before our Lord
the brilliant prospect or wel•Inty
power and glory.
This has been a. very common
temptation in human history. Alex.
ender, Caesar, Napoleon, MnanOlini
edO 51145.131' hnve been outstanding ex.
envies, but has been by no means
confined to them. It he sometimes
,as eoident in the heart of the little
village potentate as In the heart 05
man who leads the ateniest of 5(10'
(11500115, 71 IR seen. everyday In the
little, petty lealonstes and rivalries
nil -115 prevalent in every comninnity.
Those who for poeelarity deny their
beet and holiest, instincts and feel
Time Extended
Until May Ord
The rontliburon 1,4 tide fund Ivy.,
1,11 (1)4!0••••):1 5101111.00 erel Is e taneible
eoprossteu of the giitvi 151111 Am]
Christian fellowship which exiets
mong the people of all elnirches
+1),. etemee. It wee the itteneloo- to
(lose title fund this week but at the
teeniest of scram who 11/11)0 11,11 been
able to give their tinnetion0 end be -
cwt... or rood end weather (enolitiono,
10111011 51P have been informed Mite
Prevented many from the 01)2711517
contnibuting, The Post is eontinnieg
ID- place its feallities at the disposal
of n11 who wieli to intoe a part
in the re -building or St, tolut's
Church 'until Wednesday, May 110.
The 5011021 Ing hustness plates. are
still keielly co-operating and thentto
Sons may be lett with any of thorn
unotil MaY Ord.
Wood's Store
Coleman's Restaurant
Elliott's Grocery
The larnssels Post.
Previoliely acknowledged
Mr. and M's. It. Downing
Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Speir
Joseph Ryan
Duncan McKinnon
Wilfred Cameron
Jae. Bryans .
:Ernest' Mollie
Clifford Cardiff
Bert Johnston
James Pennington
Hugh Pearson
Moony Resi
T. McDonald
Art Synnott
D. A. Ram
George Bridge
Donald Coleman
East 'Huron Produce Empor-
ium and Mrs. Robt,
Next Thur., Fri, Sat April 10, 11, 12
In technicolor
. Bythe Spirit
I Rex Harridan add
e Constance Cummings
Those craVing Intertainment
little different from the „utile .Will
reVel in witty farce by Neel (104155)121.
COMING-- ,Double l'eattire
Wild Beauty and Little Mian 131g
Aoplicstione win be received bet
the tindersigneel t111 Satairday, April
fith at 2 o'clonk p.m. for the position
of Road Superintendent for the
Township of Grey.
J. II. rear, Clerk,
Ethel, Ont.
A11110111 Stephens
The Apcade Store
.7. Thyneoe and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Marry
0011011,01012 10
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Little 15
Dr, 111'11Mrs. L. W. McCutch-
ton, Berwiek, Pen. 100
$58 5.06
10 00
The followieg two clonstioas were
Mantled in the previoVe• total: —
le. IL Smith 15,00
Ms, T. T. ,11TeRtio 10,00
. •
Attention Grey Township
StterP,..q6A1 RPC; tat 77,2e!ortai.,1,
To S-afttvtir Hospital
PridaaTen1; 1 e. tee1000.
Ot1 '1"."1 s" 011' m 1'Y"4" 1
otdock.el btM,,qwithin thPv it1 1,/7 /
N 51)1.2ratu i)( v•1." re-ietcel Ail ff. t ,4 45., 1.1 ".' elo-4 to the
1, Buell. of Willett
oto onoo 1211,14)1''. "los. le" , -"one4e
, ,,,,,e„ ' •1 ceoeeo • -
This wee followed Ity the Ceeeni
53 45?'' 114.1,11i'f5!" OIL`
Ii • 1. 1.1.1,1`.‘• 1,1 551 151" ("10:4
n.oiteh "Otein e. • tn, iioete
-Nee • • a.111,a1.'
511. 515ecte5,11 teeetele o
',rare dal .1 .41341145,5 /•5111,, aritta 1.5 1,111„ .7 , neeoseery rer .,oh • oe,
Vieen.oe .1.1 SOW tit .? e.
Branding Of Bacon Proves
Sizzling Topic At Meeting
Ontario Agriaelture Minister, T. L.
*Kennedy and Gordon Taggart, head
of the Canadian Meat Hoard, clashed
at last liteeic meeting of tin ()Merin
Hog Producems' Association in Toe.
onto on the question of bacon
Neon shipped to .the United King-
dom team Ontario should beav a pro-
vilielel'stunt), Col. "Kennedy mein,
tattled, so that the Provincie'e prodnct
win he pomilarized in Europe, Ile
said .approsimately 50 per newt at
camatan bacon sent to Great Britain
10 produced in Ontario.
Mr, Taggart later objected to this
proeedure when he addrecteed teem -
bees of the Wine breeders' grout).
He argued that the brand. should
give credit to Canada and, net favor
any one province. Tie pointed oet
ibet bacon is exported under federn1
Auepices and, therefore, full credit
should go to the Derednion al a
whole. "We must. 3)e31111111450
Canada," he said, 'rather than any
one province,"
11- t5.,5,51 ! ,pk .4' It, 11, ' "j'
5 !!1a. a i 1),
MrS. Steele, on, tool 2 .etatt. teo " " I'', , ,
11) 111lfl jef/15 554 t.a• 1 (t45..
t;teteto is• bee., • :, e.
etheet eceeee,
anti , .x. • 1 oe, e. f,• .kr N.. by
55737504,0, 3n
1o13,Ini,r,• 11:).) 011'. •:!' a,1.: 1., 1.. ! 51g,
IT: ,•1 '• (41.
111),e, -1!•'• oto' hoseitel or, eentreav
blitiotoly played. nevelt :tenet ie30. elPit Vol',
c• c oituri b. 2.nri.,,r2,,,„, olootoo, Nieeelni
11ss19 I'd 11 110 ' .1111 l',7.foithig health sor eettee tine' 514• w
11" IT" 1 111114 15i4151s Pk" '' mov s teeitely 553 for e wool; ode'
me, ooeee poet,- teiclug 2,, hi,
• ,'•.•11.••••1.et-e-e,
co.A.c. No. 21, Ment•mim. el• Mons
eury 1Ce51leco. eot.
15) 19451 the mother of men who •
nestled te, peetteieele in ,'1511
7.A') 1, 111 11)011,
1)?* 5,,! 5) 151.. th 1113, "I" '41 1 tli.r•pa,,,A1 121244 7)1,111 54, 1511et 11 1)/,1 inn ((I'M-, W1 11 '1', • 1.•"•1.11
1tIVE,r1 the W01•11-1," from 5211'011 1"*"1 io 170,, 15)0 1, tho tint the Roe:ler:el C.mteet foe tbla
The amity/tee 51,141 51 11 sem of the late Mr. and Mre. Adam o co. not eeenelentze well
two well known, hYmns. Hoever. He laymen In meet wen -e. enporneed end Was 1 11011 11 141 a1ong
noeh befere roreing to Grey town- win atoeher ',ye, 11 :111 tle. eeelo, .
ship 45 years ago. He married the
form, r Mee Ghent. artvo
717trs,rrin,go;They retired to Brtiescee
The Into Mr. 'Hoover was a mem-
ber of MP Methodist Oltereh
oon he Celled Clireb. He Wan a
member -er the board of atennecte
and WaR also one of the etevrarite,
rtr 32 years he was a member of
the 1.0.0.F. enil WAR a Past Nellie
Grand of Western. Star Lodge.
Surviving relatives are his widow,
-en: Harvey or London and
Norman- 011 the home farm in Grey
township; two daughters. Mrs.
D1111 -can Blyth and 'Miss
Beth Hoover at home. There is
0100 a brothet. Mark of Toneld.
Alta.: 511100 sisters, Mrs. Anna Me.
Clarty. Mrs, I.11,1111a Peltier and
Mrs. Alice Richards who is 90 years
of age, all of Edmonton. Alta. He
is also survived by eight grand-
children amyl three great grand.
ehildren. He Wen predeeeneed 3151
Palma" by Faure. one nal] 1\111 13.111, three sister -1, miy.
modimtion. on po,sps.h14. 2111)' 1,>50I10. Mrs. Martha Fowler; Oils twM
brother 'Henry and ft IVTIllta.1* ;r1a 71lCR
The funeral serviee wan conducted
by hie pastor Rev. TT. C. Winem nt
his late residenee. 11110s C. Hineston sang "0 Love That Will Not 'net
Pallbearers w..1.0---Ttobeet J. Pow.
Buried Cars 151-1111. 'Wm. Little, :fee. Nirreee., Doug.
- A rer had to be phandoned. north
John Gaynor.
lee Hellling117£151. yaa. Armstrovg and
of Tirussele at the time of (he recent
b t'
flowers were monv end
snow storm. The owner Int
tartlet. did as reemested hut had eau dui.
contrieted .a. farmer •and asked 111111
to see if the ear was sate. The
some irooble in 1i/eating the car.
Evenenally he discovered the tip of
the radio aerial sticking mit of a
huge drift. It is said the cnr
completely -obliterated and so little
of the aerial. visible that he tied a
red cdoth to the top of It that it
might be located In Ste fnturr. We
don't vouch for the complete veracity
of this story but considering the
quantity of snow it is not. impossibie
We W(110 M00 510111 of another
dent of a buried ear, This. one
looked eto eerhil and Wan so com-
pletely hidden that a horse *milted
over the top of it before anyone Was
aware Of the fact Itt was there,
Clrev Farmer Loses
Six Cows In Ditch
Carter, con. 14, Grey
townehip, lost six pinch 1)11AVa Proley
\oboe they brolco through ice on
a 0550,11 eantaining 10 root of
water. The cattle erossed 01111 a
high snowdrift and mashed down
through the iso. Mr. Carter was able
to extricate one of the animals Mit
had to destroy 1 later. One of the
carcasses Wag washed into a culvert -
and beeanne jarnin.ed there.
The United Church
The question "What shat I do with
lame?" was the text for the 1110,1'
ing sermon in the United Church
Delay In anowereing this qustion is
dangerous. No answer is
the 'wrong answer. Pilate made the
mistake of asking the people when
he Shenk] have asked his OW11
varecience. The Choir sane "The
In the evening the sennten Wag a :/-3'110 -Auld, 1°1's• Mary Ylvw1ler and
ions. The choir Fang "Riess in in
this evening hope by Ackley,
The Young People's' serviee filet
was to have been held 111, 1110 445151'.
14151vote peettioned till Sanday even -
tog April 11511.
The Board of Health of Grey have
asked me to draw to the atteniech of
the residents of 'Grey filet the re.
gniatiene mooted in my leiter dinisur•
ing in the teet twe isseee of. the Poo,
sProY soitellY to sr villages And or rationed eteneioditiee, eitgar-
hatelets. the township 05 arty at p711„,,t,,„, ,„„„1,0„ beirtg good for two WIMPY 4.6 itetteente the bletli of
If arty person wishes to donate
Penile trees snitable for tittering for
New Hamburg Goes
1315. ,Telin'.s. Angliecan Church it wmild
On Daylight Saving Time
be greatly appreciated Mealy got
int Witch_ talth Harvey Bryan& New Hamburg will observe claY.
Phonic 51-1,0 light motile time from Sender.
April 27, until Smiday, Sept. 28, This
CARD OF THANKS was a decleion of Town Council at
a tePeela11 meeting Friday night.
We 1°141 tu 0": 11:"ite-°,1 1Giteiph., Ititobener, 'Materiel), Preston
tilatc8 a" sini/re'n'a'A611 /1"°' and Wingliam hove Also decided on
"t '111"11,111e5'. 111,685"..66 sY1121)a."1.7 itaalt thee to g‘o hoto effect on the
and rtectultifin octerMee
same date. ft is expected that soy -
received from our kind neiglotors
eral other platers In the district will
end friends &trite; our rettellt kW.
f01110)W SlAt.
reaveinent, 7lhey will never be
Wins. R., 31, 'Hoover and 'Primly
1114 11 11110114 11118 made h Bemeoole
Engagement Announcement
M1. 11(1 Mrs. loseph E. Joelclin
wish to announce the engagement of
their daughter Evelyn lane to
Weldon Seines Niehol son of Ono and
Mrs, Robert Nichol, Atwool. The
wedding to telte piece early in
is Inver 0401itty who nee interestool
in his compete ton sivot+Iri make
application to the .ierlealtnral Ti'op-
reeentative at Clinton. aehing roe a
leen et e of Rules and Ream --
lotions official Applic 11 (.n
All r in -dg On Butterfat
Content Of Cream Lifted
OTTAWA, April 1—Real whinpee
Crealll for -Canadians' apple-pie was
Promised yeeterdoy as the Prices.
Board announced removal, effective
today, or limitations' on butterfat
enneent and tile number of gradee of
cream sold to consumers,
The order prompted R. C. Smellie,.
president of the National Dairy
Council of Canada, to issoe stoma.
tenennely ft St al PITIPTht t hilt. after
several years of the mnet rhred
control, the dairy indusny ivas once
more in e mist/ion oupply "n1/ The
lee 41'5'0111. whipping and fine/ cream
and preeese cheese Gott 0a•nediana
'NIP empowerment concerning
whippine (Team follewed by a 111,1,1r
days a similar 111,0VP by the Detre'
Temdnece 17nera et -entwine', rPf4r1e-
510.11S cm 'process cheese end iee
Yesterday's annenneenirelt sato
thee a further order limiting cream
sales certain designated areas
anea.te 51-"g revoked. along with
ate -titer which governed .11" Itnitt,
1111; 1111,1 distribution of cheddar
cheese. However, the 7710111, does not
effee1 any regulations' onverIne. the
eole of fluid .eream which may have
betel teemed nne provincial anth-
It woe emphasized, too, that the
boartits emittable dis,tributioa Pol-
ley remains. effect deepite Its.4.0.-
rAtion, of the orders.
Mr. - Smellie, in his stainnient.
said be was 1•011110P11( fL5 soon
cie the government re-e.etablieltes
• a. "norreel price telationelito he-
Ftween prices of butter and 0ther.
dairy product's, by coreplete decoto
Engagement Announcement I
• t al of the industry, `producers and
Mr. and Mrs, lank White )visli to 1 cteameries would .soon be able to
announte the engagement of their supply all of the butter and other
eldest tdmighter Darts Elizabeth .to rlairy products necessary to meet
Kenneth Ross Fischer, 00.11, Di! Mr. the growing 'domestic deuland.
and yrt.' :rack Figeher. The wedding
to lake plane early in April.
Ration Coupon Due Dates
Coo -Dohs itoty Vend ere segar—
Plesotecee S25 to 846, better Paz to
Volgeotes rentable oe the 15s51
KNIGHT—To Me. and Mrs. Gordon
•Innight Brussels on Sunday
March 20th—a son,
0 •
STIIACHAN—Mr, and Mile h4. 0,
Serer:11On (Lentiete Slattery) are
they do to Brusselti, 9116e1S, .0011, Jelin 15dwartty St. Vintorm.
W. I), S. lainliiiOtt, M,0.511., 11,0801,thl oft Mavell 28.
Asks Ontario To Send
Clothing To Britons
TORONTO., April 1.—The support
ot mayors and reeves of every On-
tario monicinality to set up cloihinn
depots for the immediate rellet
of 4he people of Britain wee re-
quested by Premier Drew in the
Ontario Legislature yesterday.
Mr. Drew said that beeanse the
clothing situation iv Ttritain is "moat
serious" due to the severe winter
and t'he' unpreoedented docile, On-
tario people 010 being asked tn e;tioe
all available clothing to he A1101104
to Britain.
Health Minister 'Kelley will take
charge of the (mpair:it.
renders for the tont:tact of (1213)7517'
51551, crushing and hauling aporexl-
mately 7000 ethic yards or gravel
for bite trowneh11) of Morris 5.111 be
received no until / p.m., April 14.
nrilshor must be ecliliPPod with VI
Inch screen, Certified eberrae (DT
00 1.1nt anconapany oath tender,
Women Rule The Big Top
rerballS 0212411 11101P oneel moor
that the big ellog itself is the
beildndellte-seenee battle for chattel
of the eirene. Bead tile etory
ihreering discord in "the greatest
shon, etintb,t' in The Annwieun
sat°rilyWet:etc:prt0087 i0ntler 13° nee"" W(APPPrlicITY0 linsils7e2oinfeThwie"DetIrOit'18unil:e..1
George C. Martiln, Clerk Timeft-