HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-3-19, Page 41 ar rctcvRs+coc mtri two voc Sues W 'i TH'Y — Fresh as the Spring,. Rufcast, Plastic, Plaid and Near 1'1. Uzi DE3 r s E:s well as .Patterns, See the..m, while the assortment is at its best. : �jT(th g for the © t!a' it the way tl of wetter,, better results than i.. New Wall Paper. F. R SMITH 'UGGL, I' and "s/?6c'3'tmi: STATIONER TELEPHONE NO. 82 TELEPHONE NO. 62 Dt Jim McNeil's Garage Repairs To All Makes of Cars Exide Batteries, Gutta Percha Tires, Recapping and Vulcanizing Service, Shell Products, Storage. Av'©11,;0 EA�01 , >u�,\ ni }i;c a?'', ,, First 1: 'aG;,;9 painting an . p ire don -s at reasonable prices. See ou.r <"3;.Y .3clectio:ns oA ;rJc:`l paper,`; and paints kr safe. T kN. ck .v la E;;r Pl=ane 29x„x.,2 Brussels, Ont. 1 ',- akefieid (hick Hatchery Babied Rocks New Hampshire, Barred Rocks Hybrids and New Hampshire — Light Sussex Hybrids Day -olds or started 2 or 3 weeks. January to June 1947 delivery. Write or Phone Douglas Lawless, Walton Phone Brussels 90-r-10 FREE ANIMAL SERVICE OLD • DISABLED OR DEAD CATTLE • HORSES • HOGS • SHEEP • CALVES Promptly and Efficiently Removed Simply Phone Collect Brussels 72 Ingersoll 21 WE DO THE REST! A. WOt°D Phone 24 Brussels, Ont. Men's Spring Tweed Suits and Topcoats 3x 1:111' .Blue +i, ~1 ..2.1:� YlanreelPei:te 11Bl ;�..ainke: ;tg `l..” ., Special $2.00 Girls Coi°1ha-i]_y jumper Dresses 3-6, Snecial $2.98 .i'`VSo s $`1... 50---$1.75 Hats for Men by B1LTM1ORE Always a good variety of pretty Baby Gifts in stock. Watch Windows for Clearings. Rh Iseeels Ours is one of the Greatest Egg Producing Strains of Fowl ever produced, regardless of color or size as proved by laying contests and official R. O. P. Records, Our 1945-46 R. O. P. Summary just released by The Dominion Dept. of Agriculture speaks for itself. 70338 eggs — Av. weight 25.3 oz. — number pullets entered 293 — Av. weight at first egg 5.9 pounds. Average for all birds entered 240 eggs. This included 21 pullets over 300 — with a high of 337. The average for all birds entered under R. O. P. in 1944- 45 (last released) was 182.2 eggs and the average for all Canadian hens — 116. The chicks we are offering this year will be from these hens and from their progeny -mated to males from high pro- ducing darns. All breeding stock bloodtested and banded by Govern- ment Inspectors. We operate under Supervision of the Dominion R.O.P. Policy and the Ontario Hatchery Approval Policy. Day old chicks sexed or as hatched, five cents per hundred on day old cockerels. iF YOU ARE BUYING CHICKS. WHY NOT BUY THE BEST. Maple miry Farm and Hatch . ry Walton, One 1 R.O. P. Sired S. C. W. Leghorns Hatchery Approved Barred Rocks Light Sussex Rhode Island Reds Day-old chicks evensong weekly after Feb. 10th. Started Pullets -- 4-6 weeks. We have been working on a Flock Improvement Plan and have purchased R. 0. P, breeding cockerels from one of the best R. 0. P. Breeders in Ontario. An birds mated and Blood tested are of the large type Leghorn. We are operating atrlotly under Dominion Goverment R.O.P., Ont. Ace. Flock; Hatchery Approval Policy. 100% Blood tested. All orders far day-old chicks received before 40th of January et last years prices. 1947 Price List on request. Phone Brussels 90-5 Harold France, Prop. ildzwam,r 4..14 .1.10 tirKm*Ae......aolail4a kft. THE BRUSSELS POST Attention Owners of Barns Etc. In the Village of Brussels A recent complaint has been lodged with the Provincial D1pt, of ilenith convornin0 flip trouping , i' ]log,•: and concerning piles of nuoltre iu thr limits of the Village of r;rust i', awl tht' enforcement of tilt` ritcolations rmlcernin the rill», h..•; to my attention by the Dep•. '111, seollo11 r. : "n^ h r: r: 'to 1, 111,)100. "Sw111e :,1)011 .at b Ito: i within the limits of the unnlieipalitY escepl in pen, with frac frons standing water :tad emtlat cleansed nntl disinfected and rih1art at least 100 feet from any dwelling house school or Church.'' This reg ulatlon we have been attempting to enforce, R<•n'.v'ding 1110)nre 1 etpiaine,i to the Dept., that since ther�q were serial farms within the limit. of the tillage we hod not blv,u ton strict rleardtrg manure during the winder months when frozen. To this the Dept. has replied, "That while we aPPreliat P 1111 Sts 111). 11011 yet is tystPtl that if strictly interpreted Sec. 2, of Schedule 13. of the Public 13ealth Art requires that no 111000 than 2 wagon loads of manure shall ho necmi)1 d to accumulate at any one time and that at all times such manure shall be kept in a warier cnv+'^n ... ceptacle. 'Phare would not appear to be any n0000cal elasticity intend- ed." 1 interpret this an an intlmarnn that the Dept, expects the regulatlens to be carriers out 013(1 1 hope all farmers, chicken farmers and other keepers of animals will co-operate in observing a regulation that we have been instructed to enforce aticl left little discretion in the matter. W. D. S. Jamieson, 11. O. 11. For 16 years r/spereg has led the field, as the most fed" chick starter In Western Ontario, Made and delivered daily right here in Western On. tarts,— it is fresh — tasty — vttamin rich -- proven by 1,000,000 chicks daily, One hundred chicks need only one bag of1 for the li=st month your chicks out in front with Yltafood, ruontifweekthat eqre e inch chick size hopper space per chick, and two inches per chick from three to sift weeks of large size chick hopper AT W 090 Ss. • i Wednesday, Mart'h 171h, 11147 Your spring painting, papering and decorating problems can be solved by telephoning 99 .r.'russc,ls Coinmencing March 21 we will be open for decorating engagements, jobs will he done in the order Make your rose r vW "' ionrNOW apaid )norm (c.;1011( relmit icotwRT.c>..^r_lrac.-'W:rma„'aba rmsaauL'=ruara .matat:"Yatt.,,2Tr.^'nucrz'P^...J'urt:.,.tNotte.ftiate NEP e it "a1 Famous Frost Fencing Zinc Bonded Wire Field, Poultry, Hog and Barb Wire. This material is very scarce plate your order at once. We have a limited stock of very best grade Stove anal Nut Anthracite Coal, we advise our customers to get their bins filled and keep them so. Eveything is strictly cash. 3»• O Brussels Ont. aid Phone 77 memoitgmaiwotemmagauwwwwo T .gaup for ,::aster Women's ,and. Misses' Spring Coats in a large assortment of colors, sizes 11''-: to 241,, $23.95 up Women's and Misses' Spring Dresses in jerseys, spun rayons, alpacas and cottons, sizes 11 to 52 $4.95 up to $19.95. Men's Worsted Suits Men's Donegal and Tweed Spring Coats Bovis Tweed Suits — all sizes Large assortment of Drapes and Curtain Materials, by axe yard to choose from. A good selection of Women's and Misses' Blouses, long and short sleeves. Large variety of Men's Worsted and Tweed Dress Pants. Men's and Boys' Jockey Shorts and Athletic Tops to match, all sizes. Good variety of Men's and Boys' Windbreakers. Just Arrived — MacGregor Sweaters. Boys Tweed Pants' all sizes Men don't naiss this opportunity 60 pairs of re -conditioned genuine Army Boots. They are just like new, sizes 5 to 7/ only. $5.40 a pair. Nylons .. • • .... $1.50 and $1.75 pair mexeloom000nol000lovecoomporArtiamousseseresmassmum THF ARCADE STORE 'hone 61 °°°- Brussels, Ont. Store Wide Bargains for this 'W'hole Paxnal�t