HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-3-19, Page 3THE BT USSELS POST Wednesday, March 17th, 1947 AUCTION SALE CRANBROOK The undersigned has been Ire struoted to sell by Public Auction et (jj The. Women'a eillsetun,tey Sudety Wye Lot 19, Concession 12, I of Knox Church held its twgnhu' Grey Township on monthly meeting at the home of Mrs, Dan Hueth'' on Wed., Meech FRIDAY, MARL,H 28th 12, having been postpone! from Sale commences at 1 p.m, sharp Mmreh 5 cit account of blecioil rt,r1e. I10ItSI S Tho president was in the chair fm' 1 Belgian horse rising eight (dark the first part of the meeting. Hymn brown) 535 "Let Christian faith and hope 1 Clyde horse, 13 years 01d (bay dieted" wee need for the opening COWS and Mrs. Huether led in prayer. 1 Durham cow, 4 year old, due I Mra. Rohr. Gordon read Matt. 5, ver,. April 9 es 1 -en, the s''retary pearl the 1 Brindle cow, 3 year old, clue minutes which were d""lrr•''•d June 24 approver!. Pleven responded to the 1 black cow 9 year old, due April 11 roll rail by "repeating a verse of YOUNG CATTLE scripture." Several business Reins 1 black steer, rising 2 years were dealt with and Hymn 5{1 2 Durham heifers, rising 2 years 'Where erns the prowlea ever= of CALVES life" was song. T14n o,Terire• erne 3 black yearling calves taken by the treasurer. Mrs, Robt. POULTRY Campbell. In the absence of Mrs. 125 mixed hens C. Omstrad, group eonv'nnr•, \Ctrs. MACHINERY Martin MacDonald now took char^.' Massey-Herris binder 6 ft. for the study period. She gave a Massey -Harris mower 5 ft. meditation on "Thy Kingdom Come." Sharp dump rake Tw8.111 cher• and 'Hymn 249 'Thy kingdom come" -- Steel land roller, Frost & \Y'ood 01' bended knee, was sung. Following 2 furrow gang plough the Introduction to the study 77 Fleury riding plough period, readings on the following 13 Fleury walking plough missiona:rlos, Wm, Carey, Henry Cockeittntt 11 disc, fertilizer drill, new Martin, The Buchanan and Dr. John Frost & Wood hay loader Wilkie, were read by Mrs. T. D. Set harrows, 4 section N(acavei', Mrs. M. Engel, Miss Scutller Oobber wagon 3" tire Foi'es:t, and Mrs, Martin Mac - Gravel box and stock rack Donald. Hymn 393 "Arm of the Hay rack Hay car and pulelye Lord, awake, awake! was sung and Set sleighs with flat rack, Mrs. Mecdver pronounced the hence set 6 foot bunks diction. The hostess served refresh. 1 buggy .rubber tire meats end a sociel time was enjoyed 2 stone boats by all. Jumper cutter with chimes The township snowplow was a Root pulper Cutting lox welcome eight in the viils;ge on Set 2000 lb. scales Tuesday of last week. 1 pig crate Harvey Hunter has returned to Cream separator DeLaval 550 lbs. his home here atter having spent Fanning mddl Grind stone the past month doing carpenter work Set slings 1 sling chain at the home of Eldon Mann, 14th 2 hay forks Set double harness eon. Grey. Set single harness Henry Gorsalitz Is holding a clear. 3 horse collars ing auction sale on Friday afternoon, 4 new cow chains March 28, 12 cedar fence posts Rev, 1. D. MacIver attended Pres. 300 ft, dry lumber bystery in Clinton on Friday, March 2 sets doubdetrees and whiffletrees 14th. 22 foot ladder a neck yokes The Young People's Society met 1 bag holder, Goat robe, in the church basement on Monday Horse blankets evening. March 17th under the Set of hand clippers and singer leadership of the missionary group, Set of ropes and pulleys and clamps Very interesting missionary slirira Woven wire stretcher were shown on "Northern Ontario" Set of team bells by Mr. Ma'Tver and Hymns 545, 502 A quantity of Rork Elm and 544 were shown of the screen A quantity of mixed grainand sung. The scripture reading A quantity of mixed hay was taken from Romans: 10, 845. 2 lanterns, pails, crocks, tub barrels, The Mizpah benediction was repent - saws, 2 scoop shovels ed in unison and lunch was served 1 new grab hook by the social committee. Wooden hail, springs and mattress - Logging chains, binding chains The Young Women's Auxiliary of Number of halters Hoes, Shovels Forks and other articles too tomer MIS to mention, TERMS CASH HENRY C. GORSELITZ, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer ' AUCTION SALE OF BUSINESS PROPERTY In the Estate of W. H. RINEHART Deceased. The Undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed to sell at BRUSSELS, on :SATURDAY, MARCH Mrs Art. Nichols, Elena Twp., is 22nd, 1947 at 1 p. m., the following i eperding s few days at the home of property: her father, Louis Steins, The northerly paint of !sot 192, f Clifford Airlock had his tonsils Weat ald's survey, on the east side removed last week at the home of ar of Tnrnberry Street, in the; Village Dr, Myers, Brltssels, of BRUSSELS, known as the GRAHAM BLOCK, having a frontage on Turnberry treat of 65 ft 5 In. by a depth of approximately 132 ft, On the said property is located a three-etorey brick building, contatn- ing ,three stores, three apartments, large bale and other rooms, This property will be offered for (tale at the premises subject to a reserve bid and in one block or in Parcels. TERMS OF SALE 20% on day of :Sale, hal cc, with In 60 days, Further particulars may be bee fnom : Frank Donnelly, K,O, Goderiell, Solicitor for the Estate Harold Jackson, Seaforth, - Auctioneer, Knox Church are holding a Thank• offering meeting in the church on Monday evening, March 24 at which a set of up-to-date slides no 'Tour of Tndin" will be shown. On Sunday evening, April 9th, at R o'clock the choir of Knox Church *ill present an Easter service, Caivhn Cameron attended the funeral of Will Currie in Galt re- cently. Mrs, C. Omstead is visiting in St. Thomas with her sister, Mrs, ,Jas, MrCa iml, ill Ti g ass ie !° FOR SALE - 11 young pigs. Phone 42-1,8 Wel. Blake FOR SALS— A guantitp of Beaver Oats, grown from certified sent!. Phone 554-1G Col•dwht Knight MAN WANTED— for Rnwleigh business, Soil to 1500 families. Good profits for hustlers. W rite today. Rawleigh's Dept. ML. -A -152-S, Montreal, Que. WANTED TO RENT— A garage near the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Brussels, R. G. McBride. FOR SALE— Eleetrle motors rewound and re• paired, Expert workmanship. Moder- ate prices. New motors in stock. Bettger Industries, 649 Ontario Street, Stratford, Ont. NOTICE— "Part time opportunity for women of above average intelligence for oc- casional work interviewing M con- nection with public opinion: surveys, Salary. No selling. Write: Canadian Facts Limited, 19 Melinda Street, Toronto, Ontario. FOR SALE— Bray chicks, immediate delivery, dayold, started: cockerels, pullets, unsexed, March chicks, growing to prodution late summer, early fall. winter—all needed for these markets_ Home and abroad. Now's the time to to get them. Get prices from agent. order now, Wm. Glee Bray, Ethel. FOR SALE— Bray Hatchery has chiles various breeds available now. Such as N, H., Black A.ustradorps, L. S. 'c N. H. Cockerels, pullets, non -sued. Some started. Contact ns and save time. Let as have your needs. Order for April delivery also, Agent --Wm, Glen, Bray, Ethel. FOR SALE - 1 -50 -acre Farm, good buildings; 1 -75 -acre Farm, good buiiding_e, hydro, 1 -100 -acre Farm good buildings and silo. 2 -100 -acre Grass Farms. J, C, Long, Real Estate Broker Phone 84 Brussels, Ont, AN OPPORTUNITY— Established Rural Watkins District available. Tf you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55— have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get estab- llsl("ed in a profitable business of The regular meeting of the Young i your own, For full particulars write People's. Society of Knox Church, today to The J. R. Watkins Companv wse held in the church hnsement on Dept. 0-11-4. 2177 Mason St, Montreal Monday evening. Mrs, Earl Dann Que. presided and Mrs, 1VDaciver, convenor of the devotional group continued with the interesting study on Luke, chapter 11 to 17 being used. Scrip- ture readings were given by Alex Cameron and Gordon Engel. Rev, T. D. MacIver led in player and the secretary, Kenneth Knight, read the minutes and recorded the meeting, The men and teams have been kept busy sinee the recent had storm breaking through the heavy drifts, To a great number of places the amuck is winding through fields and wherever the hanks were, sm:ailest, It ie hoped the roads will soon be open to cars again, IrEFF ERS GREY MACHINE SHOP !of Mrs, Geo, Warwick, 3rd con, has rot:urnrd hone atter a vey pleasant Acetylene and Electric visit at the benne of he son, Roht. Welding Warwick, Toronto, Our shop is eduipped to de First _Class Welying And Lathe Work Your Patronage Solicited. Good Service Assured. Agent for Surge Minting Machines tnlddcatherie are that this Will bo a Phone 65-r-9 Brussels, Ont. geed 6eai5011 for maple syrup. Will J. D, Cardiff, 7th cbu., who Was fooling rather indisposed during last week, was taken to the K. & W. Hospital, Kitchener on Sunday where he underwent an operation for appeiitlioitis, lits really friends hope tor a speedy recovery, FOR SALE— You'll went March chicks, Kitchener Big -4 Chicles, immediate delivery, or we'll book your order for later. They'll be in time to catch good mar- kets. For meat and eggs. Special March prices, pullets, cockerels — some started. Canada Approved, breeders pillion= tested. Reliable. healthy, fast growing. Save time, contact local agent Miss IDT, Grewar, Brussels Phone 72, FOR SALE— Day old corkerel bargsins for this week and next, Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, New Hamp- shires X Barred Rocks, Light Sussex X N e w Hampshires 54.95, AssentedHeavies 4,75, Barred Rook X White Leghorn, White Leg - born X Barred Rock 52.00. White Leghorns 51.00, Two week old add $6,00 per hundred, three week old add $8,00 per hundred. Special price on four week old Barred Rook Cockerels 514.95. Four ween old Assorted Heavy cockerels $13.95. Large Egg Quality add $1,00, Special - 1Y .Selected add $2.00 per hundred to above prices, Shipped C1.0.0. Tiila adv'ebtlsentohit must accompany your order to receive these. special prices. Top 11(1-tell.-tell.Chickeries, lt�Uelph, Otit, FOR SALE— Wartime Price and Trade House on the corner of Market Board information and John St. * * * Mrs. Ada Sanderson Phone 47x Questions And Answers * e Q: -1 there a ceiling pre-, nn 1947 sale of maple syrup? A: -There Is no ceiling prig' on th, 11)47 crop of syrup. Howes; cell!' g FOR SALE— Toung mare rising 4 fears, wel Woken, also a violin like new, can be seen at Win. Procter's Were, Phone 23-r-11 )mining 1946 crop. IFOR SALE— Q: tun renting an ups'airs spar(- tt Queen Oil Burning Bronner Store meats. There to a long stai:way to 3 Air»tate Wood Burning ITeatr), my apartment. There is only one 2 Banner Galvanizer' Dustless Ash very din! light at the !tread of the sifters. stairs whirls leaves the iewe•r 1,11 2 Simonds Cross -cut Saws. and stairs in darkness, It I or one of All newstackat a rednerl price. my attests were to fall down Over .T. IT. Stretlon Phone 5x claire: wunlrl not the land!a1 be regnla t.lo n e govern salt, of any re. OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS! Household NereeelHoe for Home Sr'rviee, Make from '135. to 560. 11 uerk 01. more, owned dne to your efforts. We have the fete -tory yon have been waiting for, if you have the travelling equipment!! Very 1111!.• capital needed. Write for FREE de- tails to -- FAMILF"Y, DEPle F. 1091 Delorimer, Montreal, REPAIR MAN WANTED Applications for the position of repair man for all schoois in Morris Township will be received nn til April 2. Duties to Include all general repair work. Appliee•ions will state the rate of p•a.y request •el. RALPH S. SHAW. BBtevate, Out. TENDERS FOR WIRING SCHOOLS Tenders will be received until April 2 by Morris Townsdtie School Board for the installing of electric wiring in two school, S.S. No, 8 rod No. 10 Plans and specifications may he had from the secretary. Work to be done during next summer boli - days, RALPH S. SHAW. Blnevale, Ont. FOR SALE— Bargains in two, three and four week old cockerels, while they last, Barred Rock, New 1=Tmnpehl'e x Barred Rock, New Hampshire, two week old 10.95. Assorted Heavies 10.75. Three week old add 2.00. four week old add 4.00. Large ege civaltty add 1,00, Specially Selected add 1.00 per hundred to above prices, Also pullets and non -sexed chicks at bargain prices. Shipper! C,0 D. This advertisement must accompany your order to receive these special prices. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ont. y liable for any medical expensee, :1:,. -'rI o wartime Prtees and Trade Board has no jurisdiction over the problem on which you ask not advicr., This is a matter of -toil low involving negligence end contract. Your own lawyer will he able to advise you felly and completely o1, thee. matters. * * d, Q: ---Dees the Wartime Primo and Trade Board have any control over the prices of fur coats, 'Thee are terrifically high at the present time. is it possible that prices will cone clown? A:—The Board has no :egulatlnns regarding prices of fur touts. It is impossible for any one to state an eurately if prices will come down, since they are governed by the laws of supply and demand. * * * Q: --Can you tell me how muuch the sugar nation will he increased? A;—The increase in sugar ration effective -on Aprtt 1, based on an estimate of the 1947 crop Is four ponds per person during the balance of the year. It is stressed the. this increase is based on an esthnate at a erop which is not yet nareeeted or manufactured. * * Q: Do you have any recipes tot desserts which save sugar? A:—The Board has issued no such recipes but we have a supply of sugar saving recipes issued by a private company. If you will send 1' your name and address we will be glad to forward you one of these panlpnleta. FRANK KIRKBI Licensed Auctioneer For Huron County Rates Reasonable Satisfaction Guranteed Phone Seaforth 842-r-24 Ethel, Out. R.R. 4, Walton, Ont _yT, miss Mary Den ser,: 're.rr.::: for the meeting' of the Women', ln5'i- tuts, The president, Mra, .1, ;I. Smith, presided. Carresponeene- 011- sieted mainly of incl recti of hi,: the disari, t pr t.i -lied Supper,.- 91' . Ceti ,Tnhnstnr. wee, Chars, Mathere and Mee lemma Johnston were named a nominating committee. In answer to the roll cal, 0+u;