HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-3-19, Page 1POS"f PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday:, March 19th, 1947 0.1111S101....111*.1.11".44.1 1•11.1=•Mat.1,4". 011011021....11..0****M113.T040EMM ] -.011.40770101M•1. 1110017000•610001000=0001000111. 71.0.17./.11M000151 To Subscribers of the Bruss_is, Mr and Grey Telephone System Owing to the increase in service and shortage cf cords on the sw;tch board, all local calls are to be l.tecl to five rninutes. All calls to Seaforth, Wroxeter and Molesworth will be charged five cents ex- tra for every three minutes after the first f ive minutes. Kindly do not ask the operators for the time. Please take notice — Brussels, llorris and. Grey MAicipal Telephone System 0100100011011111•100011110P111 - W. S. Scott, Manager. Brussels Branch of the Canadian Legion in Brussels Town Hall on Friday, March 28th Music by Ken. Wilbee and His Orchestra Dancing from 10. to 1.30 Three Dance Prizes Admission 50c Lunch Booth Brussels Branch of the Canadian Legion News Regular meeting was held in Legion Rooms 'Monday night with a good attendance, im- portant business being cleared up. The next general meeting I will be the first Tuesday in April. Don't Sorge the dance on March 28th. "The Mester is conte and ealleth for thee." n171" ivilnisteu Rev. G. A. Milne, MA 10 a. m, Sunday School and Beale Coes 11 a. al. "To -morrow will be better." 7 p. m. "The }livening Benedietion." Louis, D. TboMpson, Organist and Choirmaster, wasts.requonwemor....•• The United Church OF CANADA Minister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson 10.45 a.m.The Session will meet 11 a. m. Morning WorshiP The Holy COM/Manion Sermon Subjent:--Divine Help For Common Needs Tioniroongregation 12 Church School end Bible Cities T p m. livening Praise "Tie Gospel According to You." Coarse Let Be Weeethlp Together In God's House, 000001101110160000010000.10010.110011100/111•1111110 Church of Engtand Parish of Brussels Roe. J. H. Kerr, Recto,* 5th Sunday in Lent March 28rd, 1947. St. Johnei Church, Brussels - 2 p. M. Sunday Scheel p, re. Meiling Prank (In Dated ChUreh) St, Geergele Churetiv Walton - 11 a, m. Mornieg Player seasnaleetglaiesseleensee. .,....--- . Obituary William J. Sharpe The death of William J. Sharpe. Grey township, occuered Sunday at the home of Mrs. James Bailey, Lis- towel. Mr, Shame, who was in his Sand year, had lived in Grey town- s/14P ineuctically all his life. He le eorwivect by two granddaughters, lairs. Mark Bailey, Grey townehip, and Mrs. William Flood, Brant. ford, and nine great grandchildren. He also leaves a brothel,. Walter Sharpe, Brussels. His wife, the former .Crietena Jamieson, died several years ago. A dangliter. Mrs. Garfield Baker, died in 1024 and a son died at nine years of age. The funeral service was held on Wednesday at the Peebles and Sons funeral parlors, 0twood, con- ducted by Rev. Mr, Brenton. of Dthel. The pallbearers, were 'Nun Rethwell, William Speiran, Thomas Dougherty, George Menzie, John Schnook and John Gorsalitz. Burial was in Elma Centre owl's -1,y. 7.1 ALTON The St. Patrick's Concert. which was to have been held March 180 v -Ill be held March 25th, The regular monthly meeting of Walton W.MS, was. bele 111 the basement of the church with a fair attendance. The aecretary'sand treaeurev's reports were read and adopted,. The roll call answered by "My Favourite Verse of Seripture,,, The society was very pleased to learn that we had exceeded the Plans were made to invite Rev. M Cronbeiiin to a special meeting in April. Mrs. TT. Kirkby tools oliange of the program for the day and discussed the chapter in the study book on "The numb in India." She told of the rapid growth of the church in India. but mentioned the fact that over five million, Treidan,s have never heard of the Christian faith. The Indians, who become Christiana dedicate their ;homes to Melee at a special service in their churches) At this service a lame) le lighted for each home and a member of the home conies forward and accepts MS own lamp and rePeate: Meet is the Light of the world Cbelet is the Light, of the home Christ te the Light in our Me. The meeting elated with prayer and the beriedietory hymn "Lord Mantas no With Thy bleselug,n The ,social evening to have been bele in the -,cbarch basement on March 18 has been postponed to Meech 25. Miss Audrey Cousins Is Hostess To Circle Mies Audrey OMillwas hostess to tilit Members) of the 'United Minot) Friendship Circle on Wed• needay evenitig. The devetione were contisieted by Mee 13, letiettlee and Mte,13 Wilsonnd Mies Betty (lensing played a pitine solo, The study chapter Was Wren( by Mrs. Carl Hemingway% Following the beriedietion the mernbers took Met n an teitetion gole which realfeed 26.00. CORNER STONES Rev. G. A. Milne, M.A. Physical Powers; Athletics. The necessity or physiettl exercise is well understood t0e.111Y. and means are Wire. tsktn in Inanq copmuld fie: to rAttoply it in the ease, not eel- rt. 111'0, bet -11,f) 110 women. This 1s •,11t•yther 7171 11 011 771,1 110 11°. .1 1 1177 an,' time it le net without its emcee,. What began as a imalthY sport may ()sweep into en :111.11)Pqrb• 11111: pursuit and, 1' stet of being a espied means to an i.111may be.. e01115 an end in itself, and absorb those energies of body and mind which might to he given to higher thing.s. No sport should IM' indulged in which insets the participant for his or her work. Any form of recreation which leads to dissipation should he avoided. Young men and women are the cus.todians of most of ortr popular sports. Let them see to it that such sports are condte•ted In a way that others may join in there withouth fear of contamination or loss of e•haranten. If any form or sports comes to such a state that afealtol is inseparably associated with it. it should be instantly banned from the list of young PeoPle's pastime.s. Certain sports have reach- ed this undesirable state now. No sport is worthy of the name of spate if it has associated with it sone - tiling which may muse sty young man to lose the integrity ot his Christian character. Young People should in taught how to regulate the expenses connected svith their favourite sports and observe a proper proportion be- tween stroll expellees and the "'balms of higher things. Every boy and girl should be geided in such a way that they will not be satisfied, with any one-sided and distorted growth, but will strive to make the body an inatraiment in the building of Christ - Ian character, Melville Church "Balanced Lives" was the subject of Rev. Mr, George Metne's sermon on Sunday morning. The eulivation of good htebits, such as private de- votions and regular attendance 01 public worshipwere stown, to be great aids to the cultivating of Ceristian character. The morning anthem was "Hear our Prayee, hy Ryder, At the evening services Rev. Mr. Milne gave a character study of the life of ,Tob with its modern applical. ions. As a eon) Mr, Gerald Gipson rendered "There were ninety and nine" by (Stephanie • Spring Is Literally In The Air By M. Layock "With the return of Canadian smigsters, moat of whom b.ave spent the winter somewhere between the Ohio Valley and the Gulf States, one 15 remintled that spring must be on its way. The early migrants are the horned larks, appearing anytime from the Traci:die ot February to the first of March followed by the crows early in Meech, Dining the month of Morn they are joined by robins, coming in numbers about the third week; bluebirds, billdeees, redwings, limns - ed greeklee, meadowlarks, cowbirds, Plioebes, flickers, and song oparroevs. Oenothologists at the Royal On- tario Mnsonan estImiate that birds require one .day to fly from Londen to HameIton,, 9 days from London to Toronto, 10 'clays to Ottawa, 12 days to Oollingwood, 14 to Sault Ste. Marie, 16 to Fort William and 83 to Cochrate. The foregoing is an exrtect from the Royal Ontario Museum news and Shim the situation on an average Year, Tide year the general outlook will be at. least two Weeklater. Several have been interested 111 seeing a ,etow-sised biawk, staying around the Maitland in the post few weeks, 'This is the Duck Hawk or Peregrine Fnleon With a light breast mild a slate back. DesPite his size he le able to pick 115 n duck off the river slid so have ocnittitteme dnek dinners mute to the envy of n few Sr,. John's Church !Polo:ling Fund wog inoogio: to iny notice daring the week: if Sit„Tolues ',•oneregation do not reimed whet will be done WilIt ths money wheel will have been conttrilmind for quit 101111410f? Any person making a enntreeition lie tee se Seenes chureli Building :Fund of one dollar or 1110111 should receive a receipt for the some. A list will be kept. All contributions to the Fund will be deposited in the Bank fon that mimes* Slimed ne fail to rebuild ultimately or deckle not to build then all contrIbutions w.uld be riven hack to the eon - t ributore. While for reasons which am obvious we cannot at the moment make a definite statement ae to when we will I* able to procced with the actual work of building, on the other hand our people are ennui. Min that the building must he replaced aril we are doing all we can 10 gat it under way, J. IL Kerr, Rector elp To Re -Build Si John's Church Brussels Post Launches Re -Building Fund The individual response to the appeal made by this paper toward a fund tor the re -buntline., of Sit. John's Church has been most generous. The total so far, however, in relation to the cost of re.bnilding a church, is very small. We know there are many who desire to help but have, as yet neglected to do so. Kindly leave your donations at trio earliest possible date at any of the following places; Wood's Store Coleman's Restaurant Lanett's Grocery The Brussels Post. DONATIONS TO ST. JOHN'S RE -BUILDING FUND Previously acknowledged Morning Star Rebekah Lodge John Scimock John Penselegton Sohn Steins James Deitner Jas. Mcfadzean Mrs. M. McDonald Miss lvf, Shedden Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Seeker Mon Wilson Andrew Turnbnll Thos. Walker Jas, 54. Armstrong Vera. Conley Harvey Jiacklin D. M. MacTavish F.,112. Saints Russell Currie Frank Bell Herb. Manning Legion Ladies' Auxiliary T. W. 101K110111 ... A Friend , Total $130,00 $ 15.00 5,00 5,00 2,00 5,00 5,00 5.00 200 25 00 eel) 5,00 5.00 25,00 2.00 10 00 20,00 10 00 5.00 0,00 0.00 50.00 10.00 25,00 0387,00 Visiting Organist The organ end vocal recital by Mr. TTorace MacEwen 'of Hamilton and 13ufflate wthich was pose/wed owing to weather conditions, will 'be definite. ly head cm Friday evening, March 28th. Mr, Maellwen, who is a graduate of the Jettliard School of music in New York, will be assisted by (total selections by the United Church and Melville Church emirs and the 13.0.12. girls' chortle under Mr. levee*. 17. • 0 *• • * PEOPLE WF KNOW • • * di, • • • it • e Mr. and We. Ted.,Hentiorson were week and visitors in London, * ,Telm G. Leckie, recently beck from overseas, Is the guest of G. 14and local dock (hunters. , tine Saris. e b e 1Vire. ,Tolle Roseland visited her emightere in Listowel and 'Painters Graham ten lest Week. Auction Sale Postponed The Anetiou Salo of the Tiloek In Tiriteerie Which was 11M11 lbEikl 1111.S 811111111E1.11Y at 10(111' bEle/1. postponed Ineetinit is eetitie StibeprietIon leeldf to have 1 pon elY. Inhn Clouston Saints of Vancouvet recently won the Canadian Itarbolin ion championship. This is the second time he has won. He le a f (4 Sarnia of town ,fteptem o . H. • Mcrr;r: Council letle 1e17. 11e. coulee! lam or (tat; 111 ',lie Township Hall with tt/1 111:7o1 hers pi e-r.ot. The perA,, sid( The mintit,•, .10 the in20 we're read and adopted on molktr2,0 Haney Jobm)on and Sam :111,41.11 more•1 by Harvey John )ton essole by Joe Ynill that (177,41 V.:heeler he a represel,tatire for Town ship on the (leper.] 111,1, pital Board.--Carricd. Mored by SAni Alcoric .0c,•ral.01 Joe Yuill that tehae. chotse a truck for Krang SPravec-Nrried, Moved by Harvey Johnston second- ed by Jos Y1111) that the Connell Lel ; eertise for fenders for sepelising, crushing and deliverying amireeille Wel), 7000 yards of gravel -se taried. Moved by Chas. Coulter seenne, by Harvey Johnston that the Reeve and Clerk draw up a resolutien pre- testing the way that the heavy snow plough equipment has been distribut- ed on No. 4 T-Tighway north of Clinton. This resolution to be sent to the Superintendent of Highways aril tee Minister of TTighways—Carrieci, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO .7.-‘ Pretty Naval Wedding Is Solemnized • Ira •.,1 titiOl of dying fr.do WiE7‘7t in. 11.1 .•. Y.7 nuoried; two garlands ii,,w from 1, looking the Pa.ratle Grounl at 11.'1. C.S. "'Starlet -one' 'en Sal it, s tti 1-111 1.1 lg. 7•71.- i 11E7 history of the 111,. two w: 'a11,; bit vt• inan 0 ocra.,,inn msrlted the merriag,- ,•, Sub, Lbmt. Alberta A7z,r1,.rie 01' Lean of tip. R.C.IC,‘Ti, to Ltent.nant, 7.‘b•11 1 Russell. (R) ht!, ;11 "Stadacena." The Inirle is a danpliter see Mrs, Frederick Lt.,lie e Lea Wingbam. Ontario, and green) ls a son of Mr. and eine. Pl. le. Tleseele Tororito. The ceremony was solemnized at 3 o'clock in St. Davidls ?r7..,,bylerian Church with Nave] Padre C. fle W. White officiating, assisted by Ttev Frank Laivson. Given in marriage '1)7 Snrectsi Lieutenant Commander Rieheeil Morris Towonhip Elnard Meeting e e esse —Z. '1, ]! • PIT]]el.P1. MO( fir ..ljurot . 11(181, ter w0,1. e for t• .•,• tter day. It 1,, fv. ,•..4016 nw 1! -vvrt, ]. tv” 0., 0 1,, 'tad 2.0 , 1 /5; seenties stored by the seeretaeY. IA:1% n, eeeer seimed eeeate to the Onisse. 111,11p.a tir,r ,oi • Barn) Porrentior in Toronto, Wood contra efs 1,,(1,” a77 -bo/./.. to elt:rene.• W7,7te. Trardwood for 2.3„. 1,1 rf.E.1,1• rt tl, 2,, to G°01-11‘' C11.601111 1. 4, 6, 11. 12 tn Jahn Falenner. Tenders for winne Nn. one No. 2 10 are requested as well as OPUS' cations for repair man to talte Pare of all general repair work. Accounts writ' passed and onyment authorized: Insurance pronima4 . .... 75.60 Relgrave Coop. 9.85 O W. Holmes 1.80 Huron Federation film showing 44,00 15,50 50,05 1,32 1.25 4.05 3.89 R.45 3.50 5,75 12.00 Moved by Harvey Johnston second i Lane. the • bride was i,harrningly cd by alias, ('nobler that the road auvinnts as presented by 011e attired in a wedding gown of sheets white satin with an overdress in superintendent be paid--!'nrried. Moved by Sam Alcoek seconded redingote style of chantilly Mee. Designee] with peter pan collar and by Chas. Coultas that. El grant of 52000 be given to the. Salvation Arnly-Cor• buttoned in front to the waiet, it , extended bel(ind to form a lone Tied. !train. Moved by Chas. Coultas senoneed Her veil fell from a bonnet -styled by Harvey Johnston that the meeting headdress in corded silk studded adjourn to meet again on April 14th at 10:30 a. m.—Oarried. with pearls, and lily ef the valley- and she wore as her only jewellery an The following accounts were paid: , Jia.s. Mcrae/semi Monde for antique pearl necklace, gift of the groom and an heirloom Soetob Dirk .treasurer and tan collector) 31.50 of agates, gift of the groom's mother. 0. W. Hanna account (relief) 151.0 Her boquet was. of white roses. Wightina.n (wood for relief) 10.00 Sub, Lieutenant Shirley Mae - Salvation, Arnvy (grant) 20 00 Tntosh, R.O.N.. maid of honor and Nielson Higgins (stationery, .sitamps ere.) Seb, Lieutenants. Georgina Law and Herb Pletch (dog tax refried) ..10" Honheur Cameron, both of the 2'110 R.C.N., wore floor length gowns of GM. Martin, Clerk. Alice blue in period styles with a satin bodice and net aver taffeta Majestic Women's Institute ekirts. Their' bats were small btimmed models of blue satin The March meeting or h t trimmed with veiling and they Majestic Wont PP'S t e we s carried steers. of red roses. held at the home or Mee Mary 11.0001, Lieutenant ,Tohn Bugilen. Thursday, March 13th with Mrs ° hest man. and Lieutenants Ryan Win, Miler presiding. Over forte Lloyd end William Floyd. both of ladies answered the roll call which R.C.N., were nehers. was, "A potato' dish—an Irish dish." After the reading of the minutes. of the last meeting and the financial report a eellection. of le per member was taken epee the request of tee F.W.T.C. Mrs, Stan, Wheeler 15. lq)Intlersaterldng lahnert•hni:gnalfloeir. s thwehoTwewePtli:oono was farmed at the entrence. 11.0 llnan as PoSsible• Owing 00 AdAm muir Histories to hand it in to her iralaursgerrozieeepwtitinnero foolnloja,eirtd F. Officer's Rally being held in Tirusesls mi April leth and in Wroseter, April 11th it was decided to held the April meeting on April 2nd at the hemp of Mrs. Stanley Wheeler. This will be the annual meeting at which the election of offietere will take piece and reports of eonvenors riO standing ommittees. will be given. Mrs. 0. G. Anderson of Beigrave NOS then Introduced to the ladies and site talked to them on the proposed plan for Huron Go -Opera t lye Med IPA) Servlees. This service will he opera for members of Farm 11107711M fi. Women's. institutes, Cherele Pro. MS01101181 end Business groups who get at least tan members of that group 01, 40110 of the members, which ever is greater, to tthply for banned- izabion benefits. Mrs. Anderson urged tile ineenbere to study this plan, Engegtnent Announcement Limn was then served by the hootessee, Flora Montgomery was soloist and seng. "Rennes" and "T Love Yon Truly," aceempanied hy Sehafer at the orgen. As ill., Tiriclal oniric left the church a Naval Genre of HOThfll' comprised of fellow office"o of the G. Halt Commandine °Neer. H.M.C.S. "Starleconael here. TTart arid Matron H. Tilling of the R.C.N. TTospital, assisted in receiving the guests. Padre 'White proposed the toast to the bride. For a wedding trip to Boston by plane, the bride those a small ensemble of navy French wool with which she wore a biscuit shade straw hat tie/rimed welt navy and matching aecessories. Her corsage was of white rosebuds and a silver fox jacket completed her costume. They will make their home in Halifax on their ratline The bride is a. sister of the late Mee. Finlay ,Samis and the Misses Janet, Marian ,and Patricia. Semis of Brussels are nieces of the bride Mr, and lairs, Edward Kroger of Patblow, Seekatcheyea.n, wish to • announce tee engagement clf their CARD OF THANKS daughter, Anne 331., to J, Lloyd wish to exprees inY eimeere Sanderson of Bentley, Alta, The weeks to ley many teepee% who 40 'wedding w111 bake place the first timely' remembered me with Mitt, :Part of April, In Calgary and the cards and Visits while a Patient ,tionple will reside at OMB Lake,, Mete -mei IVfernorial llospitae. , Alberta, Robt, OuTutinghain The United Church Two •aepeets of the Triumpbai Pinery" were empbasteed in the morning sermon in the Mittel Church The willingnees of the unknown slieciple in lending his unused emit for the Holy Callaleade: and the eel& And hitter rejection Christ tits benenitent city of 14ounAlem. The tylltIlellir Meg "The King of Glove" bY In the evening the text WW1 Men Tiehreete ND, 1 "ejoiv to win In Me BORN NOTILD---To Me and Mrs. George Noble, Morris Township, on Tues- day, Mara llth—a son. * * OATIDTF1S—To Mr, end Mrs. Clifford elmeliff, Grey Township, on Well nesday, Mar& 12th—a daughter. 01 * Mel'Allamere-To Mr. and 'Mrs. Ross 1VR•Taggart, Grey Township. on Sunday, March son. F. L. Hord H. Matters Stewarts Grocery R. Marks Wingharn Advance -Times Hay Rtationery Hydro It Bird A. L. Snieh Teachers Federation Next meeting of Board will be on the Township Hall nn April 3 at 2 p.m. W. R. SholdIce, R. S. Shaw Chairman Ser. Y.P.S. Play A Success The Brussels Town Hall was the se elle or a lively three -act play, "Aunt Bessie Beats the Band'", en- acted by members of the lTnited Church 'Feline People's Tinton last Friday et -enter. Rev. Wilsnn intro - (bred the obaraeters. Mirinule Sanderson re a flee performance as Miss 13e0sie Bonner. an old maid of eneertain years who hluffe her way into a marriage with Lawyer Hez,lciall Hawkove. played by John Wilson, In On. last act, after mime ,snarrres the marriaee thing net wen. Frances Dennis nlnyee the ;cep of Alie, Morley who had loved and Thee Charles Thomes, ae Simon Trotter. developed a had cos.- et bay -sever which hindered his 11 la ) is. hiut Madalon Ryon as Betsy Blotter. the maid, didn't eeeen to mind. Others of the card included May Ketchum a hopeful imineter, played by Ruth Thomas: Paul Vernon, a victim nf oircumstanees, played by Wilfrid Spivey: and Frederick Frost. a disappointed Man. played by Stewart Stiles. The play was a eucrees: the young people who spent so Much time in preparing it deserve praise, Om. thanks to Mrs. Bert fiarnles and Miss) Helen Cook who so capabir directed the play and to the or- chestra which entertained with musical selections between acts. 0 10 0 SMITH- To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 0. rnro ef life." The ohoir vane Sinith. Morrie l'owinthill, •in 1 "Ohrist Arose"! by LowrY. day, March 17thn-a daughter United Church The Woman's Missionary Society of the United Church met at the home ,of Mrs. D, McDonald on Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 11, The president, Mrs. S. Davison assisted by Mrs, H. Manning and Mies M. Robinson, had ehaege of the devotionalmrscpeBi la°edker read a PePer on Christian, iStewandship, stressing the Importance of proportionate and systematic giving. A pleasing solo, "The Old Rugged Chose" was given by Mrs. H. Thomas, Mrs, P. C. Wilson briefly intro.. danced the study "Medical MisSicent in India," and Min, (1. Menzies gave a very interesting summary of Mitt chapter of the study book. At the close of the Meeting aftens nioon tea was served bY the hosteets assisted by Mre. Jack MaTtormid stivi Mre. Tan MCDoneld, The Love 'That Led To Murder Neither the dying *victim nor the killer would implicate the sprightly socialite who was the AVIISO of the °rime, Read "Chivalry itt Denver," Peter trvins" behind -the -scones Story of murder for romance in The American Weekly with this Sunday's (March 29) issue of The Detroit SondaY Tithes. 1. • as . ' 3