HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-3-12, Page 4ersgsviipipecirtmos 1 E> i4 The New WALI, PAYERS Are Here THE 1BRUSSELS POST Wednesday, Manch 17th, 1997 OWAIMIttalicalItMCNICASOIVA01140110110, 1 SUNWORTHY - Fresh as the Spring. Rrrfeast, Plastic, Plain and Near Plain Designs as well as Patterns. See them, while the assortment is at its best. Nothing for the outlay in the way of repairs; brings better results than New Wall Paper. F. R, SIVI1TH TELEPHONE ONE NO. 62 samocrroznneemcmmA •0 iii DRUGGis L mud � &IWO STATIONER g TELEPHONE 1Y0. 62 Jim McNeil's Garage Repairs To All Makes of Cars Exide Batteries, Gutta Percha Tires, Recapping and Vulcanizing Service, Shell Products, Storage. Avoid r. qn a Later Have Your Decovatml Dcre ow? First class painting and papering don- at reasonable prices. See o r fine selections of wall papers and paints s eor s. '. Wish © 711t ZEECIT Phone e.9x••r••2 Brussels, Ont.Baned Rock akei' rn�g'4s yy° a 9;r$£� .n alit 3 TS' s'll, er g R� .Fsap 39:r 947 ,;, atchery Wr�PNi`?': �I mgla Law1es , Waltonst Maw 121ini ets 90•r-1 ammamor FREE ANIMAL SE.i10E OLD•DiSABLED OR DEAD CATTLE + HORSES • HOGS • SHEEP • CALVES Promptly and Efficiently Removed Simply Phone Collect Brussels 72 Ingersoll 21 WE DO THE REST! A®'WOOD � .. Phone 24 Brussels, Ont. Flannelette Blankets Extra Large Cotton Sheets Pure Wool Dress Goods 6 shades Shepherds Check Wool Suiting $2.00 each $4.75 pair, up $2.25 yd. $3.75 yd. JUST ARRIVED - Men's Tweed Spring Topcoats and Suits. sw,nTJme��•, l Electric motors rewound and re. Classified Ads FOR SALE- Electric Watchdog Machine. Phone 12. FOR SALE- 1928 Pontiac, Serial No. 100000, 4 new tires, engine •Overhauled. Phone 76-r-17. • FOR SALE - C. 0, M, Boys Bicycle in good con - clition, Lloyd Alcock Phone 23-r-14 Brussels WANTED -- Colony house, good size and con- dition, at once. Phone 24. MAN WANTED - for Rawleigh business, Sell to 1500 families. Good profits for hustlers. W rite today. Rawlalgh's Dept. ML. A-152-5, Montreal, Que. WANTED TO RENT- A garage near the Oanadian Bank of Commerce, Brussels, It G. McBride. FOR SALE - h de, Ours is one of the Greatest Egg Producing Strains of Fowl ever produced, regardless of color or size as proved by laying contests and official R. 0. P. Records. Our 1945-46 R. 0. P. Summary just released by The Dominion Dept. of Agriculture speaks for itself. 70338 eggs - Av. weight 25.3 oz. - number pullets entered 293 - Av. weight at first egg 5.9 pounds. Average for all birds entered 240 eggs. This included 21 pullets over 300 - with a high of 337. The average for all birds entered under R. 0. P. in 1944- 45 (last released) was 182.2 eggs and the average for all Canadian hens - 116. The chicks we are offering this year will be from these hens and from their progeny mated to males from high pro- ducing clams. All breeding stock bloodtested and banded by Govern- ment Inspectors. We operate under Supervision of the Dominion R.O.P. Policy and the Ontario Hatchery Approval Policy. Day old chicks sexed or as hatched, five cents per hundred on day old cockerels. 1F YOU ARE BUYING CHICKS- WHY NOT BUY THE BEST. 6� ne 19x Brussels paired. Expert workmanship. Moder. I ate prices. New motors in stock. Bettger Industries, 649 Ontario Street, Stratford, Ont. Help The +Red Cross P'SALADA'. TSA WANTED-, Applications for • the position of caretaker for Brussels United Church to be in the secretary's hand by March 15th. S. Carl Hemingway, Secretary, NOTICE - Owing to road conditions T am giving a 10% discount on enY Rawleigh Products. Ordered by moil or phone before April let, medicines, salves, inseticides or tonics, cleansers and toiletries. Ge•o.'Wesenburg, Brussels. FOR SALE - Bray hes chicks Immediate de- livery. You'll need Marsh chicks for Iate summer, fall, winter markets meat and eggs. Dayold, started, cockerels, pullets, unsexed. If you've the space, stock up with March Bray Chicks. Agent -Wm. Glen J3ray, hlthel, Ont. r FOR SALE - Started chicks, 4 weeks and np, for delivery from Marrh 3 until range time. Purebred feather- ing Rocks, and New T-Tampshire. x Barred Rock hybrids, from a gpvern- ‘ment approved hatchery. See them before you buy, Telephone Brussels 375, Donald Buchanan, Walton. Ont. apkk Lawn ft ftry Fry Irm tc ery any can. * ® '5 R.O. P. Sired S. C. W. Leghorns Hatchery Approved Barred Rocks Light Sussex Rhode Island Reds Day-old chicks available weekly after Fob. 10th. Started Pullets - 4-8 weeks. We have been working on a Flock Improvement Plan and have purchased R. 0. P. breeding cockerels from one of the best R. 0. P. Breeders In Ontario. Alt birds mated and Blood tested aro of the tape type Leghorn. We are operating strictly under Dominion Goverment R.O.P., Ont. Ace. Flock; Hatchery Approval Policy. 100% Blood tested. All orders for day-old chicks received before 10th of January at last, years prices, 1947 Price List on request. Phone Brussels 90-5 Harold France, Prop. Famous Frost Fencing Zinc Bonded Wire Field, Poultry, Hog and Barb Wire. This material is very scarce place your order at once. We have a limited stock of very best grade Stove and Nut Anthracite Coal, we advise our customers to get their bins filled and keep thein so. Eveything is strictly cash. MC Brussels Ont. al Phone 77 FOR SALE- 1--60-acre Farm, good buildings; ' 1.--78-acre Farm. good bnildingg I hydro. 1 -100 -acre Farm good buildings and silo, 2 -100 -acre Grass Farms. 3. C. Long, Real Estate Broker Phone 34 Brussels, Out. AN OPPORTUNITY- Bstabliehed Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 66 - have or can secure craved outfit, this Is your opportunity to get estab- lished In a profitable business of your own, For full particulars write today to The S. R. Watkins Company Dept. 0-11-4, 2177 Mason St„ Montreal. Que. FOR SALE-- March ALE-March chicks %media:te delivery, T0ttchener Big -4 Chicks, Special Marsh Prices, - Welts, cockerels' Also some started, March chicks are importanit, lin fart, late summer, fall„ winter markets depend on them for meat and eggs. Our customers cant be wrong when they alt Ray "Best ever." Save time, contact agent. . Miss M. Grower, BTuses1s Phone 72 FOR SALE. - Day old cockerel Bargains for tlui's• week and next. Barred Rocks, New Hanmehlres, New Hamp- shdres X Barred Rooks, Light Sussex X New Hampshires 44.95. Assonted heavies 4.76, Barred Rock X White Leghorn, White Leg- horn X Barred Rock 42.00. White foghorns $1.00, Two week old add 40.00 per hundred; three week old add 48.00 per hundred. Special price on four week Old Barred Rook Cockerels $14,96. .Four week old Asaarted Tdieavy cockerels $18.95. Large lSgg Quality add 41,00, Special - 1y .Selected add $2.00 per hundred to above prices, Shipped OE0,t1, This advertisemon& must accompany! YOM order to receive th'se special prices. 'Pop Notch Ohtrkerdee, Guelph, Ovt, 'S tonal Winter Ciearance Here is an opportunity no woman can afford to miss. These items are absolutely below cost. We want you to come in and examine these bargains for yourself. 10 Women's Untrimmed WINTER 'TWEED COATS Sold regulary up to $32.50 Special $19.95. 8 WOMEN'S FiUR TRIMMED COATS Sizes 18 to 24i'. with half chamois lined, reg. up to $39.50 Special $22.50 45 MISSES' DRESSES in crepes, alpaca, spun rayons Regular $5.95 and $6.95 Special 2 for. $5.00. 8 ONLY M1SSSES'WOOL DRESSES At Half of Regular Price. WOMEN'S PRINT HOU :". _ ,•.: ES Sizes 38 to 44 Special $1.98. BOYS ALL WOOL WINDBREAKERS With zippers, sizes 24 to 32 Special $2.98. Boots, Shoes and Rubbers For the whole family. ionsmooproosoosompootnoninononnneemontsoneyonmsneststv Thad &ROAM STOR moos,za� 'hone 61 Braessel44, Ont. Store/ Wide Bargainspfour the Whole Family RIVAWAY k vro: n�i�'L+ �i-'�^c;-`�k=a`tRR `yrr3