HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-3-5, Page 4r + t'r-reec c,cr, r.t f'J Th r Rexall Bronchial Syrup 50c Vick'i Vapo ub 50c Puretest A. S. A. Tablets, Bet. of WO .. 40c Vick's <w,ca k"'_ensana lk z, v.rlei Liver and Ircn St. 1+�'_y Gk"'yit.'Yrig Ca?*: i L a 1p":rI ' li•.';S.o`,:E.less Extract Cid Liver Oil $.1.00 uic.lt �.ct.., Backache Plasters Vicks Trihal,:rs $1.75 .Y_ a1.1 E,a "'9 F'renc7. Da..1r7 Hand Lcti n Lori" H7,57V.T :r:f? Set . . 50c Q'w F. a S tT 1 ,'...t'aNE NO. 62 ATUGGI. d• and '- STATIONED WIT T ir'jPHONE 0. v� n' , ittsv'ie1Ticazrt'er Tar-rre .rm94,F.T. wEeigic'm'2emrrnszta fi Jim McNeil's Garage Repairs To All Mattes of Cars Exide Batteries, Gutta Percha Tires, Recapping and Vulcanizing Service, Shill Products, Storage. tt fneffiMaraMMEAMMINMeltatAVIDT Pur-o-lator Oil Filters for all makes of tractors FOR SALE USED TRACTORS Water Bowls - - Manure Loaders Tires - Oil - Grease - Wagons -'- Sleighs GET YOUR TRACTOR OVERHAULED NOW! Ea Ncht r s Son Ethel, Ont. Phone Brussels 86-r-5. 'wn«rEA r M;arasn• Lakefield Chick Ili Redo, Nrtv filkompittro,Barozoi Ro &Maids ma Heol lisopeiriro- 1.1 ,94 ',rror.' WOMB boy-tis or started 2 or 3 omits. Jamory to Jralo11947 deiiivarg. !i i4te or roast DouglasLawless, Walton Moor Brussels 90-r-10 FREE AN1MAL SERVICE OLD•DISABLED OR DEAD CATTlE • HORSES • NOGS • SHEEP • CALVES Promptly and Efficiently Removed Simply Phone Collect Brussels 14 ingerso,ll ,fit WE D TIIE REST! THE BRUSSELS POST A. WOO Phone 24 Brussels, Ont. Trirnz, ready -to -kung Draperies - Bemla -iiful effect of Fabric $2,49. tra . r..r 13.r;th Tewets Ti 4.:ing, Blue 1 Real W?/;.,,•.c,i ri'.1`Cti;trnel Crt.'-.tc j'ine l iyls.'' s $1.25 25c up 60c Iry .1.25 ycL Myo; up $1.50 M4MBER. g9Op, Ours is one of the Greatest Egg Producing Strains of Fowl ever produced, regardless of color or size as proved by iayinz contests and official R. O. P. Records. Our 1945-46 R. O. P. Summary just released by The Dominion Dept. of Agriculture speaks for itself. 70338 eggs - Av. weight 25.3 oz. - number pullets entered 293 - Av. weight at first egg 5.9 pounds. Average for all birds entered 240 eggs. This included 21 pullets over 300 -. with a high of 337. The average for all birds entered under R. O. P. in 1944- 45 (last released) was 182.2 eggs and the average for all Canadian hens - 116. The chicks we are offering this year will be from these hens and from their progeny mated to males from high pro- ducing darns. All breeding stock bloodtested and banded by Govern- ment Inspectors. We operate under Supervision of the Dominion R.O.P. Policy and the Ontario Hatchery Approval Policy. Day old chicks sexed or as hatched, five cents per hundred on day old cockerels. 1F YOU ARE BUYING CHICKS- WHY NOT BUY THE BEST. a airy: we 19x russets Maple Lawn Poultry Far nd `atchery ?tV� r Walt t i Ont. * a * R.O. P. Sired S. C. W. Leghorns Hatchery Approved Barred Rocks Light Sussex Rhode Island Reds Day-old chicks available weekly after Feb. 10th. Started Pullets - 4-f; weeks. We have been Working on a Klock improvement Plan and have purchased R. O. P. breeding cockerels from one of the best R. O. P. 9reeders in Ontario. All birds mated and Blood tested are of the large type Leghorn. We are operating strictly under Dominion Goverment R.O.P., Ont. Aco, Flock; Hatchery Approval Policy, 100% Blood tested. All orders for day-old Woks received before lath of January at faro, years prices. 9947 Price List on request. Phone Brusse s 90-5 Harold France, Prop. AYk:.•....... ......:z ....dffiMnT:W......5M r3RtrtiauaYpr..................'ftl............^.'.,'pµ.'.....:...... Nr?ti.ce to Cretlitc.n's In the estate of ROBERT JAMES LOCKING Into of the Township of Grey In the County of Herron,' farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 28th day of November, 1946. ' TAKE NoTTCE that an nartlrs having claims or demands against the estate of the above deceased int,,t men particulars and proof of same too the undersigned executors, or glair solicitors, on or before the e'ghth day of March. A.D. 1:147. upon ' which date the said exe^mors will Proceed to distribute the assets with regard only to those claims which they shall then have receieed. FATED at Brussels this thirteenth day of February, A.D. 1947. Eimer l.oc•kin.; and Myrtle Locking EI Monitors 1,v their solicitors Messrs. CRAW- ? , FORD cC HETAT;RrSTV °IN. Erns- t sets, Ontario, Ni;.r;w; to ' 7erlito .•s g y ; In the estate of t UNCAN JOHNSTON 9 late of the Village of Walton in the County of Huron, retired - sawyer; who died on or about the sixth day of February,, A.D. 1947. TAKE NOTICE that all parties hav ng cluinr- or demands against the estate of th'e shove deceased must mail particulars incl proof of visameto the undersigned executors nn or before twenty-fourth day of • March, A.D. 1947, upon which ,late the said executors will nroeeecl to distribute the assets with regard to 'nom, chums which they shall then have received, i Dated at brussels this first day of March, A.D. 1947. Bliss 3, ,lohnston and ThomaR.Iohaston, executor. Walton. Ontario by their solicitors CRAWFORD 4C^ HETI'TERT'NGTON, Brussel:. On, tarso, Ration Coupon Due Dates Bunter coupons. B36 to 1343 now are valid. Meat coupons M04 to M t4 now valid, M75 valid March 0. Sugar ,coupons S20 to S42 are now valid, S43 valid March G. Sugar coupons• may be used for the purctaase of preserves, One sugar Coupon is good for the purchase of one pound of sugar or 40 Auld ounces of fountains fruit, or four pounds of comb honey, or four pounds of extracted honey, roc two pounce of honey butter or 24 fluid . ounces of Jaen, or 24 fluid ounces of jelly, or 24 fluid ounces of marmalade., or two quarts of molasses, or 30 fluid soirees of blended Cable syrus. tie Knows Jiggs, "Marey a man has a talent for conversation which he has had no opp:ortcn4ty of turning to ac. count." Auks; "tlm-er yes; I am mar- ried myself." Good Leader ji lThe soap -box orator was warm,! ing to his subject, "Cotnrads," he cried passionately,' 'make me your leader and In every- thing you undertake I'it be behind you!" P!LES ere generally caused trona a (blood) tonged• Sion. 'Pry Bonkers herbal Pitts to treat the cause at itsrj source, Money back, it the first bottle I1 d ons net satisfy. At P. It. Smith, Rex. BTI tlruP Store. F WNth e.Kiay, harsh 5th, 1047 ¢r t'ra3a5•s, at�� 2t4VMT MMM mm..:s-.. Eur ='41 earn mvMV a 1n1Mc5r:,'z^.aartentl. mwa AgD r. ..,b Famous Frost Fencing 'Zinc t;,oncded ?lire Field, Poultry, Hog and Barb Wire. This material is very scarce pita ,se your order at once. MT? have a limited stock of very best grade Stove and Nut Anthracite Coal, we advise our customers ck., get theh Fins and keen theirs so. Eveything is strictly cash. D. 14'. Winikon:nid Brussels Ont. Phone 77,:. 710 "}J m d mance Here is an opportunity no woman can afford to miss. These items are absolutely cost. beiiotil We want "lot.i to come in and exavnine these bargains for yourself. 10 Women's Untrimmed WINTER TWEED COATS Sold regulary up to $32.50 Special $19.95. 8 WOMEN'S FUR TRIMMED .COATS Sizes 18 to 241-. with half chamois lined, reg. up to $39.50 Special $22.50 45 MISSES' DRESSES in crepes, alpaca, spun rayons Regular $5.95 and $6.95 Special 2 for $6.00. 8 ONLY MISSSES'WOOL DRESSES At Half of Regular Price. WOMEN'S PRINT HOUSE l s'4 ::- i Sizes 38 to 44 • Special $1.98. .BOYS ALL WOOL WINDBREAKER.S With zippers, sizes 24 to 32 Special $2.98. Boots, Shoes and Rubbers For the whole fancily. tilla�Y.rtre N[Cs }, + , 2t@t H ROADIE itTORE "'sone Bn°os sell .R ,,ryry, El� p.. '' :ore Wide Rs, gains for the Whole I°' anil f u