HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-3-5, Page 1L THE POST PUBLISHING. HOUSE .0 RUSSELS POST Wednesday, March 5th, 1947 l I � I . • Rev. 3;16. The subject served to Wee held on' Tuesday, March 4th, r, 9 From the, Shite we receive lit reel d'1i ' it i •e a 4•.112 it lance 7947 with all members present. Sts �'dli� �, Christian living, The anthem was Atter the minutes or the last we owe loyal and willing. . ryie•'. Melville Church 09`AltseI Tovell! Council i Help To Ale- dl�ig; , At the morning serv!re on Sunday Rev, C, A. Milne, M.A, Rev George Maine preached from Meeting of Ihe Brussels Council Christlan Citizenship Service, CORNER STONES pp tt gH �( sit ss the need for better a dnourishment, to the Sege, thereof..8 W lig e& 'What nre these that are arrayed ill white' by Stainer. At the eVlming service Rev. Mr. Milne preached on the subject "lie Penalty of Inaction', in which the dire results of postponing Christian derision's were ennumerated. In the anthem 'Saviour, now the day is ending' by Nevin, Mr, Gerold Cihson took the solo part. THE PLAY • AUNT BESSIE BEATS THE BAND will be presented by the United Church Young. People's Union on Friday evening, March 14 in Brussels Town Hall Admission 40c and 20e RE. '°-FNT T.-JEATR.E Cx ,ta^d'Y�^erv1'.-. Ont Now Showing— Thur., Fre, Sat. March e. 7, 8 TARS AND SPARS with Janet Blair Alfred Drake Marc Platt and Std Caesar Based on the coast guard musical of the same title "Tars and Spars" Is good entertainment. Song and dance routines by Janet Blair ..and ,.Marc Platt—plus the songs of Alfred Drake and comedy of Sid Caesar. COMING—eA STOLEN LIFE" with Bette Davis —and Glenn Ford Brussels Uranus of the Canadian Legion News a a * The regular meeting of the Brussels Branch of the Can- adian Leg'ior was cancelled owing to bad weather. Watch for further particulars regard- ing the next meeting. Lord T have lovers the babilat- ion of thy house. Melville Church Mlnistel Rev. G. A. Milne, MA 10 a. M. Sunday School and Bible Class 11 a. m, "Reideenplug the Times" 7 p, m. "The 'Word of God.' Louis D. Thompson, Organist and Choirmaster. The United Church OR CANADA Minister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson 11 a. m, Morning Worship "The judgment'' Mission Band 12 Church School and Bible Class Missionary Sunday 7 p, m. Evening Praise "The Power of Words" Church of England Parish of Brussels .Rev, J. H. Kerr, Rector and Sunday in Lent March 9th, 1047 St. John's Church Brussels— . 2 p, m. Sunday School. 8 ei, m. Evening Prayer Until further notice both 'he above will be eondaietedin the 'United Church, For the time being eeretees Will be cottltneterl In St. David's Church Henfryn and St. George's Ohnrch Walton on alternate Sundays ''at 11 a, m, $ervite in St. Goorge`e Walton March filth at 11 it. M. Is Your Subsprlctlnn Reid? regular meeting were read, a motion by L. W. I2ckmier seconded by W. P•.. Willis that the nnhtntt's as read be or1r;ptrd wase carried. The following arconnts were pre. sented: Si, John's Church fire '1 62.05 Snow removal 233 71 Td. Hendersiot, snow plowing 74.00 D. N. McDonald, coal 8.00 Harold Jaektin, snow plowing ., Joe Nicholson, labor 1.60 1 Arcade Store, curtains ........,0.24 'Red Cross, Grant 25,00 411.00 It. Farrow. labor Win. Bell, eatery' R. Campbell, salary Moved by R. W. Kennedy seconded by .larob Fischer that the account; as presented be paid. —Carried, That a refund of $3.80 be paid Archer Grewar on taxes overpaid, moved by W. P. Willis seconded by L. W. Pelcniier, Motion by R. W. 'Kennedy second- ed by .Jacob Fischer dhat Ile, tax roll be returned to tax rolleetur for arotber month. .A lengthy discussion took place with the Fire Chief It. Ciemmeli, Ways and moans were discussed to improve the Brussels Fire Dept. Also snow removal and a water works system for Brussels was brnngtll up alt tires meeting. The meeting then adjourned meet the first Tuesday in April. 4.76 120.00 25.00 to DIED In Brussels on March dila, 1947, James Ross at the home of his daughter Mrs. Harry Champion. Fun- eral arrangements have not yet been completed. WANTED-, APplieatdons for the llositlou of caretaker for Brussels United Church to be in the secretnry's item by March 15th. J. Carl Hemingway, Secretory. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Farm Stock and implements Of H. Gorsalltz, Cranbrook on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19th Sale Commences at 1 P. M. TERMS CASH H. Gorsalltz, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. Huron To Enforce Forestry By. Law The reforestation committee of Huron, County Council liar instructed law inforoement ofiicens to rigidly enforce the treecutting bylaw, pass' ed at .the January session, witbput anly vegeta :as .to how, when 1r where the lots were purchased. It was agreed to allow cuttictg of all poplar trees regardless of size, except in the 'tiifty Boot belt along the road allowance, Team en'foreenent officers are; Nel- son MOLanty, for the Townships. of Ashfleld, Colborne, Goderieh, Hallett :and West Wawaenosh; Martin Gras - by, for 'Beat Wawanosh, Tutmberry, Howlett, 'Grey and Mol•1'ie; William R. Dougall, .for MoTaillep, 'Pecker, • smith, Stanley, Hey, Stephen An(i Ueborne, The eotnntiteite will Mrgdsh prizeg fer school competition to be condect- ed by W, A, Thurston, zone forester, le Asltfleid and Colborne i.ownebine, Mr, Thurston :lute informed the ern/Miller the department Will plant trees it the eaunty peforestatler propentles In Colborne and llebfleld township this eerier,. "Pot' each surteay ns it offer: us h,e prlvil120; asks of lis 0'1' service, our reverent and lcynl lie -when i:: its welfare. on meanie,. for ita salve, Or private mins awl prefer- ences, II asks ns to kelp up in onr gong rat ton that which has been thieet, greetcst, worthiest rn tb..e past:' There al's ljni,= in the history of e nation when i.ts people are asked to give to it the lives o: the flower of its youth. We are bound, in, the wit' if sense, to wnrlt for the S•ta•te In whatever lot of life provlderee lies set us. No man ou'rbe to be a eonsnmer only. All on't;l1t to be producers, contributing by hated nr brain to the stock•of 1)4i(nn- al wealth. We 11T brand to give our rid to all worthy pnhlir cause,. Pnhltr sp'irid is one a*fll'N of that love of onr neighbour which is the essence of Christianity. 'rhe hos- pitals which shelter our Ark, the srh:oas which oaucal.e nen' youth have a Mahn upon our support. The highest eerviee whirls 11' State reryaeii•es of its subjects is nartie'i- pafitrnt in the government of the country. Every Christian who has a vote ought 10 use it. The govern - meet of our reentry is 1letnnrretic which mewls that every citizen in in some measure responsible for that governmen't's acetone, The service of the •State is part of the service we owe to Christ our Kittle To oltey the laws, to aid all worthy eivie causes., .to govern in the erter- este of righteousness; is to enthrone our Lorry, as King of Kings, and to extend Biis sovereignty till the- the hethe earth are His. kingdoms of z » m r ,, ,.. 6n v SA IV A? a �, y t(i r rt a' a 5 m 11 Merritt—Cameron Dovercourt road, Presbyterian Church, Toronto, effective with spring' fiowene, was the creme or a pretty wedding. Saturday, Ma.rell bet. when Niamey ,lean, ,only tianghter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cameron, Bras, s:e1a became the bride of John nester, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Tames Merritt, Blyth, 7l.s-v. Ross K Camer- on. cousin of the bride, officiated at the double ring ceremony. The young bride, given in mar- riage arriage by her father, wore a winter - White suit, winter -white bat, with bl'a'ck acreseoiee, and her flowers were Brtanclltte roses. Mee. Cameron M'orritt, matron of honor, wore a white and grey suit white hat, and her flowers were T.ntlilsaaean. 20500. The groomsman was Mr. Cameron Merritt. of Hamilton, brother of the groom. A reception for immediate relatives and friends was held following the reremoiy at Haddon Hall. On their return from a weclddng trip, the young couple will live in Brns'esds. Blyth Legion Elects Officers The Blyth branch of the Canadian Legion Meld lbs second annual meet - tug in Memorial Hall, The chief item of business was the election of oallows, which resulted as follows! Preslident, A, Meddocks, .T3elgrave; first vice-president, Verne SPe:lran, Blytth; second vice-president, G. W. Balkan, Auburn; secretary, Harold C. Tait, Blyth; treasalrer, 117', Wen- dorf, Blyth; sergeantat-arms, P. IT. Phillpis, Blytttl'; c1haplainy Tran Wig'htman; executive members, D, M. iSltewaa't, Blyth; Borden Cook, Blyth; J. C. Sanderoeck, L oades born; Borden tSloatt, Belgrave; find- itors, N. W. Kyle, B, T'. Hal1, .Blyth; ,sitenda•d bearers, J. Taylor, B, S'natt, G. M. Nethery, 011 of fief• grave. 04lle. candidate was inttiate3. AT+- preciaiti0n was expressed to Morris tlownsltip commit Sar the grant of $1.00 and Plane were merle efor a St. Patnittk's, dance to be held in isle - mortal hall, Lord T leave loved the habdtatiol Of thy Mese. ,Melville Chixrch Broadcast The Pres:byt.m'ian also least en- titled 'iVftestmneay ro'tnnt heard over CTtNX nm. 'Tuesday evening was: pre• perces by Rev, C. A, Milne and Rev. ,, T,. C Jnrttnnsnn. Taking part. were LTi'. Cleric Mathnwnn real Mra. Cir, D. .liemleeen of Brussele, and Mr. Clean,' tiie;glas Anil. 'Vasealive faints �of Tilaterele. B,ussels Post Launches Re-5ullding Fund People or all drpoilte .,ti eu. a', 1. sheel(ed to bear of the hoe; thre :b fire of St. John's Cinu•ch or England. Needless to any it was tl sly its rel' Wow to the reeler and the Nene, eat 100. The rotlgregatinn is entail ir unnlhers and far from lvpal t1,' ;,11.1 ilio timed tot o nrosperdt 01' restor;n;( .their church was certainly 1441 bright. Nerelabel efts, ve th. the inton.itable ('044 'c ge of their fore- fathers, and with faith and treat In God, they are pieeeedhig with lila Ire to rr-build the t'luurh, lr. nnnkft'g this derision they here hent grrntly on mu by etpre-:fonn of sympathy and offers of assist:tl,c•e corneae in from all quarters, A direct appeal will be made to all St, John's members but with the len owl edge thatthero are nut*- mho's who would aIso like to help. The Brussels Post to Placing its facil- ities at the disposal of all who wish to cord tibiae to t11 St, John's Chm•rh Re -building fund, Dnnlatinne to this feud may be sent or brought directly to The Brussels Poet. ft' more convenient. you may leave your donations at A. Word's store. Elliott's grocery or Coleman's restaurant. Receipts will be for- warded to all. We- would remind readers tb.at. such donatinns are ex- empt from income tax, This fund will be eiosee on We,l- nesctay, April and aad.d the entire amonn•t will be presented !n the wardens of .St. John's on Paster Sitaday. It is hoped that all reader, and friends will avail themselves or this oppnrt-unite to help a stricken congregation in the task of restoring their place of worship. The United Church "Tho Jerusalem Road" was the subject of the morning sermaat to the United Church. The choir sang "In the shadow of the Cross'' by White. In the evening the Young People's Union had charge of the service Miss Dorothy Dennis, the preeiden't was In Marge, Miss H, Cook and Charles Tltotnos presented n. Mission - Ow theme. Mist, Ruth Jewell read an excerpt from the Yoeng People's paper. Messrs. William Renal and Kenneth' Bone took the offering. Mies Ruth Thomas gave the , prayer of dedinaition. John Wilson read the Scripture. Musical offerings were made by a duet. composed of. Missoe Phyllis Sullivan .end'Doneddia Willis and n trio 'composed of Masa+ss Thelma Brothers, Dorothy Dennis and Ruth W i•lenn, CARD .OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs, Resole Oliver wish to thank their friends and neighbors for the kindness and syin,paithy shown them in their recent bereavement and for the beautiful floral tnibntes. It will never be forgotten. Worst Storm In History Of Brussels Many lioiteelaoldel'e tai Buissele itad to litterally "dig themselves ost" on Tuesday moteeing, Paths, walks and streets were obliterated, Large tli'3ats were :piled clone ter front of doors and covered windows' Sehool;o were closed. There was no milk delivery. i3elgrave and 141'altot clepenclitng on 13ruaaele Bar their bread, were without alto staff of lite. There WAS. Plenty waiting for then at tetebakeries but it MIS impossible to get it to there. Ali trains Were cancelled end people relied solely on their radius for mows of the outside world. 'Roade were Practically ba - passable, evento horses. Produce 'Macke have ant been able to reach the village far 5011e dtty's and grocery stores are low in: :nitre (pings but the shortage is not Acute. it le of course ianpoesible to get fresh; vegetables, It will be some tittle before they will be abie tc get the tootle open, The snow is already pried so high that it will he a 9cn11c n1 tiles( 10 glees' the roads After 1 Ibto Hist a104111. Snow Plow Ran Through Open Switch �' r r • lir V , 1 A twu•enbm . sn ra t o r, r through an open switch at Ethel stn tine and :mashed tete two empty cattle ears Wending on 111e 4121114 The plow jumped the '21141; 011,1 crashed into the stock pons kneekinO teem down. No one was het' t and the damage was not extensive. The aeeidt .t o9rurred at 11:14 a III, 011 Much 3rd: St. John's Church A. tweeting of the Board of Manage- ment or St. John's Church wa-: held in the retcory on Saturday. March led at..", p.m. .1 short (levntional period was heel 111 w111e.11 t11e reeler 4trel l'Ol t110 need of prayer (01' Divine guidance and help in this 11o111' of meets. "Through faith and prayer and whol 11:aai'trtt rlevatinn to nor task," the rector wenn on to soy, "the (11n111i, ,alt be changed to sunshine. Many ranee in the hletery of the church adversity has proved to he a mighty factor in br'nging about the fulfilment or God's purposes for His 111401110" The :rert then offered prayer acknowledging failures and asking far Diciee guidance for the difficult Iathwoy- ahead. Following .this the Board prnceed- ecl with Ihe business of the hour. A motion was promptly oi•ought an, ward favouring the rebuilding of the church fabric, The chairman held the rlitestion (moil for 004)1,0 time so that all aright leave an npprl'tuni!y of expressing their views of the whole hotter. Wlhile there wee:' slight differences of opinion as to methods of procedure, there was an almost u animons feeling that we should proceed with plans for re- building subject of course to the approval of the vestry +vhich will he enlivened as soon, as n'oa.d conditions etc, permit. in the mealtime many kind offers 1 of pr•articnl existence have been 1 received bath from within and ort ogle the church. Plains are being 100425 for an offlcied canvass of all members, and adherents of the congregation in the bear future. The rector was authorized 10 get into eorstact with an architect whose ser'vi'ces miglet he pr01Rred to here the walls and foundations or the old hiOildeng tested and see whether alley wart or all of them can be utilized in future reconstruction and also to submit plans and specific& Hoare together with an estimate ns to cost. Emergency Road Broken Through Fields Over ten teams and appotximately ,fifty men arrived in Brussels an Wednesday noon after breaking a road aortae country from. the 214,1 concession of Morris for an elmorgency Ca11, Good News For Housewives J. W. Fischer & 'Son announce that they will soon have on exhibition es111 for aaie in Brussels the new Aittonitic WaaBier. This is good news for housewives beeoose the Beatty Automatic does 'atony with 0fi%n of the manual labour P.'eviotlsly needed to weeh and clamp -dry clothes. The only labour required 'to oper- ate the Beatty Automatic Washer is that of placing the clothes in the machine, atlldtltg soup and water, and turning a switch. Within a few minutes the clothes will have been thoroughly washed, rinsed and dampeiried, ready for hanging on. Ile line. The Washer even drains and cleans anutomatically no map Seism to clean out. Tile new revolutionary feature of the 13eebty Automatic is that the rinsing and drying is performed by Lyda tu41ic pressure. No install- ation caste are incurred, in installing the washer in, the home. 'It lo vibiotstionless end ,eatt be tisetl in the laundry, kitelt.en or bathroom with. ort any special fannldatiot, No special plumbing or water heaters required. The washer can be Militated to :taps as madly as a gaudeat hmso; and water inn be heated en a stove if t11e name 10 D(11, equipped P1111 a water heater, P111111415 enila4t.rnrtdou la another teatime of the Beatty Aut.nnnntie. Tt has less than half the number of Parte of all nrdiaa'y wringer typo entailer. Color in stud se,, .cru• moo !,1 haes't.ric Wtt$1101. an t1 :ave fir ;; 011' order. Heavy SuOw As- Rtv fl1 Derails Three Cars Three ears nitaeheri to a C.P.R. nowpl ny 1 ,'11111V ,0-'o11 d %;W,' the Plow was elearing the std tt•c: at the depot. The heavy gene- on the tracks lifted the wheels of the cars above the flaneas. it 2.01. ;ter' er tv .,nal ;he toeal .. BRUSSELS, ONTA id 10 -Cent Increase In Butter Likely (Y1•TAwA, Irc.b. 28 1. ;r -:t0114 of UD to lm rears in tbe cif butter Mee 1 K.te r ernes 'ss e1 distinct I1oseibility h r,' today ti`' remote el .'liletr-d NW!, *11, (loe- ,'1•nrrle,it wo,ld 41S1,011titldte p'a„s: ere all of its pr'l+lneer4' subsidy Aerie I helices„rr near1y 041x lien^. tel PRI ;;0. the cars back on thin tracks, No damage was clamp a. 4110 plow Although Prices Bold 11111e'cal(3 • was moving very sblwiy ahrri refused to crnl„.nt, 11 1-004 re” op, „•,•ideal nenr•rt'ri- called AtbriceIture Minister fiardiner _ r ._ , last fall ante; need the Coy rn- Walton Child loured 1 mentis intention to reviey. the Under Horses Hooves '•tale•! ,u before the de itise. 7':tey' Trampled ander the feet of , recoiled that similar subsidies on horse while playing in the 11arn, four•' milds were removed last fall with year-old Marlene 'tS*lllitihn e:m1 r, er/nsegnenl i114'I'-as0s in the reraif fo=t111011( io 144(055 dea.tlt W14dne-- price. day night. Thr child was playing ; Present price of butter in Can - with a dog behind tate horse stalls i ala ranges from 42 to 47 cents a while her father was doing the even- I pound, ing barn chores. She -. belle -yea to r have tripped over tate (log :end filly”: 1 in a brief covering the whole tutder the horse's home;. Tier he 1 field of farm production, the Ca - juries were at first thu't_,iit in tee 1 radia;, Federation) of. Agriculture serious. but after she had Leen i today asked the Federal Cabinet to rushed to Scott Memorial Hospital in 1 allow an increase in ceiling prices Seaforth the injuries, were tonna to 1 of dairy products. The brief be relatively superficial. She is the blamed butter shortages on the daughter of lir. and Mrs. Tames I email returns farmers ware receive Williamson, con. 17, Grey township ! ing for their produce. 'yr They req7ch you FIRST thrcwsph THE GLOBE AND MAN. It is a must for every farmer and dairyman t., keep informed on market trends in livestock and produce. And it is a double must that he get the news early. The difference in time often means a difference in dollars. The Globe and Mail is the only Toronto news- paper that reaches you with latest quotations and farm reports on the day of publication. So timely, soaccurate, so complete are Globe and Mail livestock and produce reports that they have become an accepted basis for trading. For a full account of daily farm market prices— for a complete account of world happenings, read The Globe and Mail every day. Take advantage of this splendid coverage of rural, national and world events. Have THE GLOBE AND MAIL sent'by mail to your home daily. NO INCREASE IN PRICE BY MAR At your Post Office or in your Rural Mail Box $7.00 per year; $3.75 for 6 months; $2.00 for 3 months SEND IN YOUR SUBSCRIPTION TODAY! Please enter' my subscription to The Globe and Niall for 0 1 year J 6 months i] 3 months Cheque, money order, postal note, cash, enclosed for NaMe.6666.«•I,erwms*14 t. 060,6,....on* 066.*IN a :1dddFa'5$ ueoo.....o.,. ,.• 1140 4...01/>on a e6 a. r„ 66 0 1 1 '0 41.16W 01c0r00:rin0h-n110e1.1r000ahhmxnentaazrb hrh-0.+s a:urea:_hartreelrivea100.04,..er.xs :0)0ag.,+, Intrsa...., 11.11.., 66011.,,11.,„02.2..., •