HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-2-26, Page 1TH RU ELS POST PUBLISP-UNG HOUSE Wednesday, February 26th, 1947 ANTRUM ORGAN and VOCAL RECITAL —BY— Mr. Horace MacEwen, B. A., ,13. D. Graduate of Julliard School of Music, New Yot+k and Organist of St. George's Church, Hamilton. Melville Church Brussels on FRIDAY EV'G., FEB. 28th AT 8 P. M. With Vocal Contributions by:— The United Church .Choir. Brussels Continuation School Choir. Melville 'Church Chola. —SILVER COLLECTION -- The United Church The subject of the morning sermon In the United Chureh was "The miracle working power of Jesus Christ." After the sermon Miss C. Hingston and Mrs. R. B. Cotteins sang "She only touched the hem of Rio garmveait,' 'as a duet. The evening service was with- drawn owing to inclement weather. The service planned by the Young People's 'Union will be held next Sunday eventing. New Young Women's Group 'Organized 'At Brussels The Melville Church Young Wo- -men's Auxiliary met at the manse .for the first regular meeting of this newly formed organdzatien. Mrs. S. Sweeney, president, was in charge .of the meeting. Mrs, TO Elliott and Mrs. G. 'Elliott conducted the devo- tions. 'Mms. G. •1til3iott gave,a short address on "The Lord's Prayer." Mrs. G. Milne led the study of the •aabjeot '"Towanda 'a Christian Tn- ditee Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. ••Sweeney, 'Mrs, R. Elliott •and Mats. G. 'Idlliobt, Mrs. sl. Logan was ,appointed .Sunshine leader. The auxiliary accepted an invita- tion to hold the March 'meeting at the home of Miss l'eseie :Libble. Brussels 'Branch 'o'f 'the Canadian 'Legion 'News • ♦ * The next regular meeting of the Brussels Branch of the Canadian Legion• will be held om Tuesday, Meech 4th, in the Legion rooms. All members are urged to attend. The Lord is good to all: and His tender mercies are over all His works. Melville Church Mtnbtec Rev. Q. A. Milne, M,A to a. m, 'Sunday School and Bible Class 11 a. m. "Weslbed Prayers" 11 a. m, Public Warship 7 p. m. Public Worship Louis, D. Thompson, Organist and Choirmaster. Friday, Feb. 28 at 8 p. m. Organ and Vocal Recital, Mr. Horace MCEwen, Hamilton and Riff - tato. United Church Choir. Melville Church Choir. Continetationi iSlohool Choir. • The United Church OF CANADA Minister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson 11 a. no Morning Worship 'The Jesmuealem Road." Junior Congregation 12 Cbmrcb School and Bible Class Missionary Sunday 7 p. m. Evening Praise The Young People's iJ.nion in theme. A ssrvice similar to the regular meetings• is worn' Subsprletion t?aid? The United Church 'W. A. Tile W. A. of the United Church met at the home of Mrs. G. Sander - SOD on Tuesday evening, Feb. 1Sth with twenty-two present. The president Mrs. 11. Cousins was dw the chair nand opened the meeting by a short reeling, 'Spring.' The hymn "Whett a li'riend we have In Jesms" was sung. The 33rd Psalm was read by Miss. C. Hing- stbon followed by Dreyer effete(' 'by Mrs. A. Baeker. The secretary's report wine read by Mrs. J, Rowland and the treasurer's report given 13y Mrs'. W. Bell. hdiss le. Dawning read a' letter received, thanking th.e group w',o have ,help'e'd with the ' Save the Children Oa•m.paign." The last shipment consisted .ef 12 pears of bootees, 5 bonnets•, 2 sweater's; 3 soarves, 1 paltr of mitts, 3 afghans. Miss C, Hingslton gave her report en the Hymn Books sent to httahen er for mending. She was very pleas- ed with the result and annouuced that they looked like new books. 'The calleotdonn was then taken and four favorite 'hymens sang with Mrs. L. Beothenee a't 'the piano, followed by the Miepah benediction. Mrs. Ti. Thomas conducted a contest which all enjoyed.. Mrs. L. 'Btlothens gave a few seleotions on the piano amid the committee, Mrs, Sielltvan, Mrs. Spei:ran, Mrs. Sander- son and Mrs. Thomas served a lovely les ucit. A. vote of thanks was tendemed Mrs.'Sandeneon for the use of her home. CARD OF THANKS BAILLANTY;NE—Mr. eaud Mrs, T. G. 12a1lantyne wish to express ti'sir sincere thanks and appreciation to the mamas relatives and friends, also to Rev. I. D. MacIver anclethe Board of Managers of Presbyter - Ian ,Church, Ethel, Ontario, for the manly ante of kindness and expres- sions of sympathy extended during their recent seed bereavement, East Huron Agricultural Society DANCE In Brussels Town all on FRIDAY, FEB. 28th Music by Ken. Wilbee and His Orchestra Three Dance Prizes Admission 50c Lunch Booth REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. Now Showing— Thur., Fri., Sat.. Feb. 27, 28 Mar. 1 The Thrill of Brazil with Evelyn Keyes Keenan Wynn Ann Miller Gay, sparkling funny and eminently the right ticket for entertainment plus. Mon., Tues., Wed. March 3, 4, 5 Two Years Before the Mast wfh Allan Ladd Brian Donlevy William Bendlx and Barry Fitzgerald This salty human yarn Is done in a Classic manner with the orew ..going to sea ih a real square-rigger. ,,,, ..... Next Thur, Fel., Sat. March fi, 7, 8 1 TARS AND SPARS with Janet Rlslr Alfred Drake Marc Platt and Sid Caesar Retied on the coast guard musical of the same title "Tart and Spars" Is good entertainment. Song end dance murine. by Janet Blair ,and ..Moro Platt—plus the sprigs of Allied 4 Drake and oohiedy of Sid Cease, , COMING --"A eTOLEN LIFE"' with 1 Bette Davis and Glenn Fot'd CORNER STONES , St. John's Church Rev. G. A. Milne, M.A. 1Destrelyed By Fire Christian Citizenship, ' Obedience. i Church Records The State has a right to the jjI Not Destroyed Obedience of the citizens. Thle Flre ravaged walls, and the tower civic duty is strongly emphasize•.' to from whiob the sound of the boll the New 'testament where the called its people to worship are all authority of the State is cleariy that remain of the seventy -seven - stated. This obedience, however, year-old edifice that was St. John', is rendered in the knowledge th•al Church of England in Brussel;, there are two authorities, the The church and all contents were authority of the State and the destroyed by fire of undetermined authority .of God. The authority of the State is held under the authority or Cod. We are to obey the State under the limits of the obedience we owe to God, We may have to obey man iv order that we mag render to God •the obedience due to 'Him. Thus there may often arise a certain perplexity or doubt as to where one obedience ends' and the other begins. Men may find them. selves torn between love of a person or authority on the ether hand and reverence for right on the other, Vet even in such eases as flint there is no real conflict of duties. The authority of such men is valid only when .it agrees with the, will of God. Tr it coatrrtct with the will of God we are not 'bound to obey. it, ail endure such 'consequences as the civil power may conflict upon us. Within NI; .scope of the will of God, as ex pressed in His Word, obedience to the law of the land is part of our Christian duty, Tnansgreseton of lair Is crime. Melville Church Preaching on the subject Wasted Players' ,cit the morning service on Sunday Rev. George Milne listed several of the conditions .whirl Jesus C1uest laid down with regard to prayer and especially the con- d'itine of a surrendered will being neceseary before any prayer Can be answered. The sermon was based nn St. Matthew 7: 7 Sc 8. Miles Sone Porter rendered the solo "Re •sti11 my house" innate by Sibelius Finland A. At the evening service Rev. Milmle preached en the subject 'Choosing the Right' illus- trated by the .choice made by bfnses in sh.a.ring the hardships of hie people neither •than continne in the comforts of 'Pharaoh's palace. R. S. Hetherington Addressed Local Lions Club Lion R. S. Hetherington of Wing - ham was guest speaker at the Lions Supper meeting here on Monday light. Mr. Hetherington spoke on the value :of the work done by a Reneational Director. Tt is not only bite larger centres where this work for the young people is im- portant. Tit is just as necessary in the smeller neommunitlee such as Brussels, In •eiixdh ,places there le .little or no organized aotivitiee for young people and so they spend their time in u•ndersdrable pieces,• pool halts, badly managed dance halls, ete, rising Winkelman receatinnal pro gram ae an fllnett•atian the, epeaker explained that with a recreational ddreetor aetdvities for young temple, from 5 to 19, were arnatrged, sports. etc. Teen age sLanees were held, managed entirely by the young folk With no ,a.dt Its present and the dances were glean. There Inas no di nkimtg, They hold their own elections Mntlinm to municipal minion elections. Teen agers are The big problem and if given s. capable leader and thee own organized activities It keeps their miners P1'01)0119 compiled ' and makes them better citizens of the Suture. Mr, Hetherington urged, the lions to welder the matter for T3,rltssels. One third of the nest would he paid by the department of education, one third by the .eonircii and the• other third by ,oilgtamdaations. The -aur- rounding communities be said should be interested in the plan as we'll els Brussels. Lion Staniey .Miall also of Wdng- hamn, decile brdIeflY on the stere subjeot. Harvey llahnlston addressee. the !olnb en the proposed plan for Huron Oo,O•penebve Medical Servie- a., Other community pt o3eete were nip dis•onesed by the members. The supper was served by ladles of Melville Church. • World Day of Prayer Held At St. John's Church All rhnnarhee were representee at the Women's World Tway of Pitayet• se a •vice held in St, Jolnea Church of England on Friday afternoon. Taking part in flu' service n 1 •• 1'Irr. J. H. Kerr, Mrs. S. Davidson: Miss G. Stewart, Mrs. George Davis. Mre. 11. Bryans, Mrs. C, Matheson. Mrs. 3. C. Baeker, Mrs. A. Armstrong, Miss M. Robin) on, Mrs. 1.1. Wilson, Mrs. It. Thuell Mee, 1. Walker was the soloist and Mrs. 11. Hamilton re c:•• origin which raged with a fury that sided at the organ, could be seen many miles distant on Tuesday morning. The 11e10111 of the -Brussels Red Cross roof, the fact that the walls were. brick and kept the flames amnewhat confined ,and the heavy resew on hoofs saved adjoining buildings. The volunteer fire fighters respond- ed to the alarm promptly lett due to trouble with the .hose water was not obtained for some minutes and though the flrenion valiantly fought Cie flames the fire had gained too nec'b headway before '.t Ives first seen and the fine old building could not be saved. To The Citizens of Brussels, Grey and Morris The Canaxlian. Red Cross true to its hese tradition is nut resting on the laurels won in the heart; of pratically all Canadians as well se the peoples of most of the wrnlrl. for the tremendous service which' it rendered to lumtandty clawing the war, On March the 3rd it will launch ftp first major campaign to finance a peace time program of profound The alarm was raised at 7:15 a,nt, Importance to the good health ani1 by Mr. Morrison, relieving C.N.R. welI'aae of the people of all Canada. station agent, who boards at the Yalu' ,committee have derided that home of W, H. Bell. we should make as effort to do our Rev, J. H. Kerr, rector of the part. Canvassers n^III tail on gnu ohnreh and who lives neat door to it. in the Village er Brussels. A cmn- was roused immediately. Tie went matte will be appointed from each at once to the back doe' of the concession. Rre hope for a liberal church in the east end, andtried response. twice to 'enter the vestry, which , Ali money raised goes to work in was not then afire, in an attempt to Canada, Aid to vterans and their remove the communion silver and families, Junior Red Cross, Blood linens but was, driven back both Transfusion 2emviee, Outpost Hos• times, by the intense smoke and all pante in outlying communities. were lost. First Aid Ftome Nursing, During Lt is ballet*ed by those who were Cross year your Society through Red Cross headquarters cowtn'Ibuted $300. first on the scene that the fire 00 to the aid o8 the people in the originated somewhere in the north Windsor area who were left with east central portion of she building out a home and needed assistance. (and not to the vestry room as has been erroneously reported. The eetreme eastern, end was the last to go and portion of the vestry room still remain as do the adjoining steps that led from et to the chancel. The eharoh records were, fortnn- ately, not destroyed. They were in the rectory at the time of the fire. Several beautiful memorial gifts were desteoyect but an offer to replace sante have all•eacly been made end it is hoped that soots of the others may be salvaged and resltomed. There has not yet been time to make definite plans for the future but the general feeling is that the church will be re -built and the hope of the entire village including those of other denominations is that a bniilddng 'lend will he established Immediately. The loss is only partially covered by inreurance. The true spirit of Christianity which 'exists among the chnrohes here was clearly exemplified on the morning of the ,ire. Even before the flames ware extinguished the min- isters of both Melville Presbyterian and The United Chuneb had called at the rectory and assured, Mr. Ter that his services need not be inter- rupted far their churches were freely offered to the St. ,Sohn's aongrega- tlon for their use in the worship of Gad and this ,sentiment fres been repeated by many members of both eburches. Their kindness le deeply appreciated by the people of St. Jobn's parish, We can't tell it night be Himmeis that would need hell). Our quote is $1000.00. By order. of the Committee. R. .7. Bowman, Majestic Women's Institute Majestic Women's institute cele• orate the Fiftieth Anniversary of the [founding of The Women's Institutes. The Majestic W. 7, celebrated the 500 anniversary of the founding of W. T.'s, by a pot Wok supper held hi the Brussels Town Hall on Wed. eve., Feb. 19th. Forty-eight members and their families, numbering in all about 100, sat down to a haunt tful supper. the Tables being deror- aied with the institute colours, yellow and purple. The crowning feature of the supper was the birth, day cake artistically decorates wit yellow rosebuds holding 50 yellow candles. Before the cake 'was served the lights were put out, the candles lighted wbile the Institute members sang the institute Ode. Cards were played and a short progtiann Yellowed. Jim Armstrong in his urinal affable manner performed the deities of 'chairman, The follow- ing program was given:— Paper cn the institute Ode by Mrs. Carl Hemingway; Trombone solo with piano accompaniment by Cliff, axil Tanen Bnshlee; Readings by Mrs. McDowell, Mrs. Wm. Miller and Mrs, Jias, Armstrong. Talk on the Founding of W, 1, by Mrs. Adelaide Headless—fifty years ago on Feb. 19th and lite growth fr.orn bran to present day and a history of the Majestic Iniseitute was given by Mrs. Harold Speer. CART) Or THANKS 1 wish to thank.all my Mende and neighbours tor the hell, boxes, fruit, earcht, eta., given in illy tenant liiness also specie.l dhanks to 1)1: Tamloson and the Men who er kindly helped to brealt roads, Atte, Albert t il0� 'lit 1 HERE ARE A FEW OF THOSE THINGS YOU HAVE WAITED SO PATIENTLY FOR AT The Brussels Hardware ('LIMITED QUANTITY ONI,Y) Coleman spot -lite glasses Coleman gas irons Wire toasters Roofing nails Auto-matic electric irons Oil space Heaters Queen Oil Brooder Stoves Roger pocket knives GENERAL -STOCK Carpenters & mechanics tools Electric bulbs, clear, frosted & coloured Door lock sets Rolled roofing Enamel, aluminum and stainless steel Kitchen -ware Paints and varnishes A limited quantity of [buffet -type ranges are expected in the near future. Orders are now being taken, Max Oldfield ac,ewro.•. ***•••e •ro•e•+ Phone 63x CARD OF THANKS On be half of the c enc•) c •,11'.11 f Sl. John's Church. 1 desire to ,•xln c . our :AM.. to Iluskg i111 elm by their deeds and exert Sims,; u1 sympathy harp belpetl ns n' this time of tragic loss. To Air. Morrison for hi: quick action in giving the alarm, to the Teleelrnne ieeentnge who erre:=d :h^ alarm, :o the Fire Depa ttueel who rest eine d o-❑ p u,u:brig nr: 1 work, •1 So hard, to the nAnisters aril 1 ,:,rd, of mann enl»nt of our iwo elstrr churches who so kindly offered t.1 Place their buildirgo and °-r i:11 , at our disposal w , seecia t y:: 1 convey our appreeiati•on. J. H. Kerr. BRUSSELS, ONT R) O United Church Y.P.S. Skating Party The Putt Chit: eh Young People's Union held a seeeeestal skirting party in the arena on Fri. day awning. Following lh • +koting lentil was served al the t'nited Church, NOTICE Grey Township—Tenders Wanted Teraiere well be received unit, Saturday, March 1st, at 2 'clock, p.m. for crusbing and hauling 1(1,000 rube. yards of gravel in season of 1947 'a" square or 1" round screen to to used. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Security required. J. 17. Fear, Clerk, Ethel, Ontario. so mow it 11 Fashions for glaring • • • ekes the mode . , . a hat manipulated to hug that m o underline your chin ..a It's detail cut high, t motion —in your head . ; , a collar c , full ... a skirt with ! coat cut short and a dipping ass a peplum, n dipping hemline, the new height to 1 le , and nes tide it, fashion I heel, and a covered.the tail you will read that defines Globe and Mseason's 1 reports .. • three pages of T l. i repatts in the three women s p g Facts and Food Hints ... t uorlo brings you exclusive interviewsthe friendly i n notables a world of women • anyou'll Ana enjoy i m helps you 1 letters " th win y to 'The Homemaker" Sm raiseewith'hex delicious recipes an d 1 cookingrhints ... when you read The Globe and Mall; 1 WIiy grow old? ... Josephine Lowman asks this question in her feature mn on how to stay young and loveable. Yes, cosy indeed ow older before you add The whGlobe and Meil to the enjoyment of your day? I Our Children . - . , For the answer tooAcb td ld 1 problems turn colgmn 1 Pauls helpfuldaily .tants. of advice to p• 1 FEATURE FOR FEATORE...YOUR BEST REWSPMi'ER NO INCREASE IN PRICE BY MAIL At your Post Office or in your Rural Mail Box $7.00 per year; $3.75 for 6 months;' $2.00 for 3 months SEND /N POUR SUPSCR/FT/pN 70D$J'/ Please enter my subscription to The Globe and Marl for 0 1 year 0 6 months 0 3 months Cheque, money order,.postal note, cash, enclosed for ••••••e.•••• e••,.ei•••••e•• ,t fit rameeeroeneeo.•••4•....•.Y•4Y •.••••.•••••e. •••..••• LAddreS3eroe•••easa•4.44N4•'t44 Y.e 4K•e4•••a oil a1164441e41 ""o �i'•••a•a4•r►w2..4••••11 • • 5114. • e'tY '• fatA,4e.1e