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The Brussels Post, 1947-2-19, Page 4
3 - Rexall Birthday Sale Better Values in 1 1 1 Firstaid Supplies Seasonal Medicines Baby Needs Statioery Supplies Puretest Vitamins Shaving Requisites Beauty Aids Hair Dressings Dental Preparations Cough and Coid Remedies Flattering Cosmetics Family Laxative Housekeeping Aides Sick Room Supplies Medicine Chests Needs In Drugs When Its Rexall--Its Right. A THE BRUSSELS POST I i A. WOOD os. ib F. Ra SMITH ata a ran STATIONER TWEPHONE NO. 62 •.• TELEPHONE NO. 62 reststoctettotatoteteszomewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Phone 24 Brussels, Ont. SPECIAL — 200 FLANNELETTE BLANKETS 66 x 90, blue and white and pink and white checks $1.95 each. Don't Miss This! • • • New shipment of all wool Sweaters, Pullovers and Cardigans. • * • PLASTIC! S'e'w your own cloths, curtains, ains, lamp shades and etc. * Very Srnart :.louses for Spring ensembles, • Pur-o-lator Oil Filters for all makes of tractors FOR SALE USED TRACTORS Water Bowls — — Manure Loaders Tires — Oil — Grease — Wagons — Sleighs GET YOUR TRACTOR OVERHAULED NOW! E. Richards & Son Ethel, Ont. Phone Brussels 86-r-5. I *'i Fr' l-a:,-grit11171171iiis u• iIII i■• .■ ■ ii .■ i■ �■S PURINA HOwS. WORM 'YOJR PIGS THE EASY PURINA WAY BRUSSELS CREAMERY Lakelield (hick Hatchery Barred Reeks, New itimikke,Barred Rock Hybrids a sed New Helsapolsk.a - 3 t Day -olds or started 2 or 3 weeks. January to June 1947 delivery. Write or Phone Douglas Lawless, Walton Phone Brussels 90-r-10 FREE ANIMAL SERVICE OLD•DISABLED OR DEAD CATTLE • HORSES • HOGS • SHEEP • CALVES Promptly and Efficiently Removed Simply Phone Collect Brussels 72 ingersoll, 21 WE DO THE PEST! Rhode Island Reds Ours is one of the Greatest Egg Producing Strains of Fowl ever produced, regardless of color or size as proved by laying contests and official R. O. P. Records. Our 1945-46 R. O. P. Summary just released by The Dominion Dept. of Agriculture speaks for itself. • 70338 eggs — Av. weight 25.3 oz. — number pullets entered 293 — Av. weight at first egg 5.9 pounds. Average for all birds entered 240 eggs. This included 21 pullets over 300 — with a high of 337. The average for all birds entered under R. O. P. in 1944- 45 (last released) was 182.2 eggs and the average for all Canadian hens — 116. The chicks we are offering this year will be from these hens and from their progeny,mated to males from high pro- ducing dams. All breeding stock bloodtested and banded by Govern- ment Inspectors. We operate under Supervision of the Dominion R.O.P. Policy and the Ontario Hatchery Approval Policy. Day old chicks sexed or as hatched, five cents per hundred on day old cockerels. IF YOU ARE BUYING CHICKS_ WHY NOT BUY THE BEST. R.SWarwick Phone 19x Brussels Wednesday, February 19th, 1947 PIPE Y©13ACCC Notice to Creditors In the estate of ROBERT JAMES LOCKING late of the Township of Grey In the County of Huron, farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 29th day of November, 1 1946. the jurisdiction of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board. Our only controls over fur are those which require dealers to state the kind of fur which is actually used, no matter what its trade name may oe, TAKE NOTICE that alt parties I having claims or demands aaainst the estate of the. above deceased must mail particulmre end pt'onf el same to the undersigned executors,; or their nolIc1tare, on or hefn^'e the cghlh (10,y al' March, .1.D. 1:147, itpen I which date dltc said executors will Proceed to distribute the as.ets with I regard only to those claims which they slha.li them have recelced. DATED at. Brussels this thirteenth da.y .or February. A.D. 1947. Notice Residents of Grrty Twp. The township will tool be resPaas- ible for cars left parked on the road- sides. Kindly co-operate in this matter, as th's will assist Itt removal of snow operation. �..�WOMBS Jim McNeil' s Garage Repairs To All Makes of Cars Exide ':' atteries, Gutta Percha Tires, Recapping and Vulcanizing Service, Shell Products, Storage. Einer Lockin4 and I (fit (_ AVA �)ci /.rte /. 'ti e�. . Myrtle Locking 7�'�'l-v h�'eF' lr�'�•k��')r�'�• lttxec'utors by their° solicitous Messrs. CRAW•' FORD els. Onbaatlo. R TIETfTF.TLTNGTIN, Tins- Stop and Shop Here rebs. Wartime Price and Trade Board Information • • • Questions And Answers • • • Q:—Are valid coupons for meat still being accepted in order In Provide meek for European countries and the United. Kingdom? \V1ty't A :—Yes valid coupons .are dill being accepted. Tn answering the second part of your question we will quote the Tion. Mr. Gardiner, chatr- m'en of the committee .set np to cleat with requests made for fond for ecunttite:s in Europe. Mr. Gardiner seta the •coupons "would be utilized to reduce further the cansimption of meat and other supplies of the kind in Canandia, and these wonid he sent to Europe imp greater quantity." e * * Q:. -Alt what hour does the ,saltless day start? T thought it VMS at. mtdndglhlt Monday and Thursday. At—Meatless. days start at 4 R.M. i Tuesday and Friday and continue 1 until 4 a.m. We.done.sda,y and Satur- day. Maple Lawn Poultry Farm and Hatchery altos), Ont. • R. 0. P. Sired S. C. W. Leghorns Hatchery Approved Barred Rocks Light Sussex Rhode Island Reds Day-old chicks available weekly after Fab. 10th. Started Pullets — 4-8 weeks, We have been working on a Flock Improvement Plan and have purchased R. 0. P. breeding cockerels from one of the beat R. 0. P. Breeders In Ontario. All birds mated and Blood tested are of the large type Leghorn. We are operating strictly under Dominion Goverment R.0.P., Ont, Acc, Flock; Hatchery Approval Polley. 100% Blood tested. All orders for day-old chicks received before 10th of January at last, years prices, 1947 Price List on request. Phone Brussels 90-5 Harold France, Prop. Q:—T used to pay five cents for twb doughnuts. What is the high. est price my grocer may Charge me now That the ceiliing price has been changed, A: Sim cents for two doughnuts is the ;highest price, because the in- cl ease penmltted ways 10 per cent. Since this dnlcrease in the case of doughnuts is one-half cent your dealer may charge yon one cent more. When (the inereaae is a. fraction and is one-half cent or more the dealer ray go to the neat highest w+h of e 11 gure, :t: * * Q:—The store near ns had red salmon Itte other day bit it would not sell me any unless T bonc.'ht snore pink salmon wluioh my family does not P1te, Gan a dealer do this? A :—No, this it a nondi.tionot sale and conditional sales of any and all lends are shill banned by the,, Roa.rd, :5 * * 9 :—A Inc 000 whioh T bought a m:onitit ago is ripped sod is, going 40 Pieces. >;t was apparently made from furs which had been used before, Carl yon make the store nefin,d my money? A; T am •sorry but thts is a matter which does not come under Brussels New Hair {ressillg Salols Permanent Waves Finger Waves Shampoos Experienced Operator in Charge Appointment 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. Phone 76-r-9 or 90-r-9 Just arrived — Miami Spun in 3 shades blue, .gold and pink, 36" wide just the thing for your dress $1.25 a yard. 36 inch wide Cretonnes, good weight 69c a yard. 50 inch brown Rep, for drapes 79c a yard. 25 inch wide, 100° Pure Irish Linen Toweling, red, blue and gold border. 19 inch wide 100% Pure Irish Linen Toweling, with green and gold border. Nylons in all sizes, 45 gage. $1.75 Nylons, 42 gage, $1.50 Nylons, sub -standards, $1.29 Trimz — Ready to Paper Drapes 1 pair of Drapes V. yards long and 5814 inches wide. Extra long matching tie -backs $2.49 per pair. Style lasted, Facie , Flame resistant, Clenable No ironing needed. Boys all wool Windbreakers,sizes 24 to 32 With Zippers, Special $3.49 Misses Fur Mitts, Regular $3.95 Boots, Shoes and Rubbers For the whole family. ut THE 4ROADE STORE hone 61 ^•~own. Brussels, Wit„ Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Family