HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-2-19, Page 1_.�,., _ _r...m..�,-• 1 nth, 1947 �_. _— _ -�. Wednesday, February HOUSE_.,. S }�-J ��. -XING HO It's Coming d DMelville Church m-„,�w Break, Ankle Beautiful Original Costumes Announcement i The World of Prayer will 1`+• i - .n. 9 i Seen At Lions Carnival Preaohitug an the uhlo, t ,tin's Anglican t.htuclt I11.1 11.]:1V. The Cfir. ,t, ..'l,'W��■ i�-.4�.0:'nce Broadcast fr'Nm kk�r.$eks 8 p. rn., sharp on Sat .,.,:ray, Febn ary 22nd Featuring — The CKNX Ranch. Boys The CKNX Golden Prairie Cowboys Cactus Mac, Earlt�Heywood and other CKNX A.rt*sts - — Chtdrerl25c Adults 50c Dance to follow — 10 to 12. Brusseis Branch of the Canadian Legion News 4 • • The, ,Legion held a SL. Valen- tine dance last Friday night in the Town Ha11. Music was orches b wilt ee s or lied y supplied novelty Y for the Prizes P tra. es were won by the fol- lowing: elimination dance Mir. Campbell; Stanley 5ta Y ire. d A an ra•. David M Mr. and nee da spot Ross Rn • beet dancers, do iced gs , Sullivan. " 11 but Lawless and Phyllis Donf't forget the regular meeting on Tuesday nicht, March 4th. Wast on the Lord: be of good courage, and He shall bine heart 1. t •en Clte1 art 3^ Melville Church Mlniatet Rev. G. A. Milne, M.A, 10 a. m. Sunday School and Bible Class 11 a. M. "Wasted Prayers', 7 p. m. "Have you heard this story?" Louis D. Thompson, Organist and Choirmaster. The United Church OF CANADA Minister Rev, Hugh C. Wilson 11 a. m. Morning Worship "The Touch of true Master" Jntt1ior Congregation 12 Church S'ch001 andible Chas 7 p. in. Evening Praise The Young 'People's Union in change, A service slUitlal' to the regu'llar meebingg. Everyone Cordially Welcome PEOPLE WE KNOW i • 4 • • • • • Donald and Mrs, McRae were week end guests at ,the home of Mrs. McRae, * • • Mrs, 1]d. Bates is a visitor at the home or her brother Mr. Newman, Ingersoll. * * .' d or the .f ., s Md A. Roberts, Reg .N., the Huron County Health staff is at Brussels Public School this week, • * • of tMtts.M M. H. 'Plc -Dowell Mr,and the week �• nth spent Lang Branch P g e .M McDowell. • Mrs.G • mother with their • • Ruth McDonald and Margaret 13e11. London enjoyed a visit to their respective hones over the week end. • • • Mises Dorothy Armstrong -of the Bank of Commerce staff is holiday ing at Toronto, Hamilton an I n. Lon,do * t * Ecl, Henderson received word last week of Atte death of his brother•in law, ,Patin Morgan of Goderich Funeral was Friday at Brophey' funeral home. Nelull FrecdilY, local garagcntnn. fered n - leen ankle in an accident at. his garage. Saturda.Y night, while working an a car, the Molt slipped and allowed a wheel to come down against Mr. Freethy's ankle. Believing that it was only bruised ineddcal attention was not sought until Sunday when an ex -ray revealed 411nd a large bone iii the ankle was broken. Mr. Freethy will be confined to his home for 8/11115 time. X111 o CORNER STONES Rev. G. A. Milne, M.A. Christian Citizenship. Patel otism. The duties of c'tizen.4511 rn11 ist mainly of patriotism, obedience. and service. Patriotism is thy first virtue of every citizen, Th. feeling 11111(111 prompts us to , love our country and rejoice in its achieve- ments is to be cultivated and ele- vated. We ought to study our national .history and gain au accurate conception of the pressing nerds. of our country so that our patelotliain becomes a thing of growth,. We ought to bring the inspiration of Ol1ristlanity and the morality of the Nev Testament. to quicken and. purify our patriotic sentiment. Patriotism in the public life of the oi�aizen con 1 esP self-respect in the nacrowe; social spheres. We should not blind our. national nakiot time to at any y r ma- terial t �•h t though > Which,. 5 b w conduct h the tstfal ,advaucewent, yet lowers national micro standard Nor n that any r°•obtem fo itbe hould s inter- ests own to advance our attempt the well, c, OP P ate e xlen e ets at tl 1 e being of other Peoples Is a gross sin. An enlightened patriotism will always be both disinterested enc' hntnn.nttarnaet. Anlytthing in Lira nature of aggress4ve war is absolute• ly criminal and war as an instrument for vindicating international right must always be the Last resort. National interests are most effective- ly •e' the faithful IY furthered by discharge of 'notional duties, Patriotism will find its best expres- sion in quickening the sense of national responsibility and raising the conception of the national destiny. nn cls t5 d • s I t * * • Word has been received of the death on February 3rd of Peter McDonald of Plenty, 'Sask., formerly of Grey Township. He had been in failing health for several months. Besddies his widow he is survived by one 'daughter Mrs. ,Tames, Speirs, one grandson Peter, three brothers,, John and James of Gray Township and Thomas of Zealanjdda, Sask., end one sister Mrs. A. McQuaig of Seeforth. REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Oni. held tut St ,T triud+< 01' the `'terve' 11.1 r,1 uu service on Sunday Itev. qtr, hilt:, A sweet -lid crowd Parlleipaleel in on Friday ,afternoon of this; wee,' at 1B Lions Carrillo], a� r mt e ; 3 pini, as wail as spectators, at the i- ,Insects . Arena on Friday of loft week. I NOTICE Judges, Mrs. Geo. Galbraith, Mil t Grey Township -Tenders Wanted ICuok and 'M. Lay'oek, tonna it a Tet•n1Prs will be rct•eived until hard task to pick this winn'rs or. 1115 Saturday, March 1 t, at 2 o'clock, various classes. There were se p•m, roe crushing and 'hauling 1u,o00 many lovely and original costumes cubic• yards of gravel in seasnll of that, merited awards that the Wee- 1047, a%'+ square or .t'' round tion of prize winners was exceocline• screen to be used.. Lnwerd or any ly difficult. tender not necessarily nccepi••d. 'Pits following 1151,' the prize $ecur•ity i'iiu1lcd. T, 1I. Fe:1'. winners; Clonic, Ethel, Ontario. Best dressed lady 16 ,•r over --Sirs. 1 -• George Pearson. Clary Rmsac•11. We Deliver Best dressed gent 16 or over --Mrs. ! Yes t Iewar's Gros,: ^cin tins D. Hemingway, Gibson WHIN. i delivery. ewalcr "a at1r1 zica it a try. Best dressed lady 12 to IG -Marg •Rc„ deliver every day of the the^I. Bowman ul Juan Wilton.e1 Saaurdny morning only. Have you Best dressed t gent 12 to 16 -•Glen tried Westoris Vitamin 11 bread 11 11 11 Ta1le*t Carl Doll. cakes. Open Wednesday all day as Be+t Comic Costume male m fe ! usual, Have you tried We„ton's ' Mal e--h'orrest. whittatrd. DOHS `a e• Scones and Buns also their famous Douala. Best Comlili costume ,tale or fe- male under 16 -John Wilson, ,roan Thomas. Best National ,historical cos(tnne, t.ady-Jroyce .7ardine, Diane McNair. Melville Church W.M.S. Best Notional hisiroeal costume, 71h,e monthly missionary meeting gent -George Pearson, Harold I of MelviAe Presbyterian Church was Campbell. 1 ,held on Farley evening, Feb. 7th. Best clown on ice -Jim Armstrong, The presisent Mills G. Stewart in the Ruth Wilson. I chair. The meeting was opened by BeeI. dressed girl 12 or under- I Hymn 373, The president read Psalm Karen B ischlite Marie Elliott, Pat- 98 ,and also led in Prayer. The. sec - Beet dressed boy 12 or under- were read and adapke.d. Heather Robert •K,ennedy, Peter 1-Iemtngway. Allen played a piano solo, Donald Edgar net. Rev. t ata a d Bruce a sang and Bnu da a � • nder- ed' iii S or u Reel dices g lecture le Mr. Wine ave an illustrated g ere,Hemingway, Elizabeth My- t enjoyed. ors on Tndia which was much e j Y Beat dressed boy 8 or under- Hymn' 707 wee sung and the meeting benediction. e ed t R.tbn the Tulip 1 itvithte n closed t David TCen l: McTa at Dae gg t skates- t 1 0l graceful couple Most P g •tl Ii C 1 t t•tnl us a t•t Ikk teat the patald to thy. builders. Hiss ,Tune Work gay, a beautith l rendering of "Father in I]etn•en• Mandel's tau 11.1 "Proeesskrn without Practice” w.:: the subject of Rev. Mr. Milne. evening address. The text was from St. ,lames, 2126. Now Showing- Thurs., Fri,, Sat. Feb. 20, 2', 22' Double Feature Dark Mountain with Robert Lowery and Ellen Drew when a black marketeer meets two• gun taw watch for thrills and Swampfire with Johnny Welasmuller and Virginia Grey f Savage „with excitement -wearing 1kwith ,.adventure -blazing ..witn ro- mance. a..®---r.^a.---•-'�-_"""...rte li Church of England Parish of Brussels Rev. J. N. Kerr, Rector 1st Sunday in Lent FebiuesT 25rd, 1947. 8t. John's Church, Brussels- 2 p. m. Sunday School 7.50 p. m. Evening Prayer Prayer Service each Wed. during Lent, at 8 p. m. St. David's Church, I'teniryn--- 2.20 p. m. ltivewing Prayer bt. Gnorge's Church, Walton-- 11 a, m. Morning Prayer Fruit Loaf. We have a nice :essort- n1•ent of rookies now, GREWAR'S GROCETERIA puth Jowell Mrs. H Stephenson. Unitedd Church W:M S. Nat proceeds of approximately The regular meeting of th•, Wo - $90:00 will go to work for crippled men's lVtisefonary Society was held ohdidren, on Thursday afternoon in the church,. The president lull's, Davison To Your Health ] led in the worship service. Mrs. Oranges and Grapefruit are in greater Lorne Nichol assisted by Mrs. Geo demtavld today eaten everT betere, As 1 Mems[ s had charge ave f interestingh.sitei1T an abundant source of Vitamin, C. p They are invaluable HT maintaining papers 011 "The Youth of ',ilia' your health. arewar's Groceteria *Mo'vin'g how the young people of Stand by Premiee-ls Hit By North Huron Member L. E. Cardiff is Critical Of Canada's Lack Of Place At Peace Table OTTAWA, Feb. 17 --Canada's lack of a plaice at the German peace table was criticized by L. E. Car- diff (P.C. Iiuron. North) in a Ines• singe over the weekend to his con- stittttents. Mr. Cardiff, reviewing ilia pro- ceedings, and progress of parlia- ment since opening day recalled that Johne Bracken, Progressive - Conservative leader, bad dealt with Ibis issue in the debate on the Throne SDeect1. Pew events had brought greater national disappointment and itis` illusion than time rejection. of Oen- a(111 bid for an active part in de- termimdutg' the ileal Peace for Ger- many, he said. :Such a. slduation never had been oonsidered poeeible when the war wee at its height, when the TM - minion's soldiers, eailwrs, airmen and i'ndu'strial and farm workers were contributing a major share to ultimate victory. The rebuff at ,this late date was all the 111015 unexpected because Ottawa circles had nice preparation for it, gaid the Huron member. Connections Unavailing •Thr0ughottt the war years Prem- ier Icing had made so much of the government's close relationship with Washington, and London that it came as a sibook to the nation's capita's to learn .that 111', rung's connections with both the White '°rouse and Tlowndng Street had net availed ,te secure Oanade an uncut• i tested tient ad. the peace conference,; Observers wondered, tinct Mr.1 Cardiff, why 111', King was not ai- towei1 a place, when after the last war Sir Robert Borden, then prime minister,. demanded and was Given i place` at Vees,ailles. Cnnada's Pa I ticipatien in the 'Gust Great War �. as by no means .equal in man Mon., Tues., Wed. Feb. 24, 25, 26 One More To -Morrow with Ann Sheridan Alexis Smith t Dennis Morgan Jack Carson { A new „screen ,,,,version ,.of ..Philip II Barry's play "The Animal Kingdom." A production which can be depended upon to give a good account of Itself. Next I Next I Thur., Fri., Sat. Feb. 27, 28 Mar. 1 The Thrill of Brazil with Evelyn Keyes Kaenan Wynn Ann Miller Gay, sparkling funny and eminently the right tioket for entertainment plus. always have .severed sizes on hand at all (times. iceberg lettuce and fresh oldsp 'celery. 'f its fruit or vegetables, we have it -Open Wed- nesday all day -Shore closes Satur- dley site at 0.30, Thanks for shopping early in the °week, 1511(1 ,country are breaking away 150111 the isaditdons of the past. 5(51. Davison urged the members to attend the World's Day of Prayer on Friday, Feb. 21st in the Anglican .Church. The United Church Je,a', teething- by Parables. tv•s the :subject of the morning s,.510011 In the United Church. Tho ehoir sang "Jest's c11,, rf(ry the+a,alt ri' Thee" in which a trio put teas BRUSSELS, ter `vT.tial •EC Ends Rationing of Maple lSpun? cv'atr (tfl 1Al' FPI). 1 11ee 1 11)5511 their raVnt :.v16.ea th,-.y go out Monday to 1'3, to el/rel maple stigar or maple eyrie, *,vldifli .wive, zest l0 porridge end p11l'l1lal3 at breakfast. The Prices Board anntr;lnieei 11ardy ttua'I effeetive Fell: 17, all maple products will 11e reino'lnt all from naitioned n1'e14e55 13 and no longer wit' be subject to ration regulations. ' BOat71 officials said the rPmovIaf will not + ,gender .any ehange 1at1 validating of sugar preserves s,-rves 00115 pons• but industldal users still 11 1113 be required to obtain permission . it) writine ftrrm the u>r'ar - adm?7ais- , tinter h,vforc Requiring or using any neap], -tyro') of ,maple sugar in: the nein 1;e lute„ nP 1111v food 1tr cohe r eredncd, taken by itis C, Tiingston, Mrs. R. ' Downing and Mrs. It. B. Cousins, In the evening the sermon was based on the text "T am 111e real and living Way." A timet "Pilot of Galilee' wa(s sung by Mo set. Lawrie Cousins and John Wilson. Announcement was made of next Sunday evening service which will be in charge or the Young People's 'Jason. CARD OF THANKS Obituary I wish to extend sincere thanks to Duncan Johnston 005 many friends and neighbours for Duncan Johnston, one of Walton's their cards, floral tributes, loan at oldest residents, died suddenly at cans and other acts of kindness his hone Thursday morning, Fehru- dunting my recent sad bereavement. cry luau ant his 864,5 year. He had been 7 would also like to thaatk the snow- in Poor !Metlth for 'the last few years. p5cnegh oPeraton,s 6ar then, sincereI He was the ton of the :ate Mr. and effortsand Dr. and Mrs, Myers, Rev, 1 Mrs. Thomas Johnston,. In 1915 he and Mrs. Brenton and Quest Dobson I married Eliza Searle, daughter of for their kindness shown at this I the late Mr. and Mrs. Searle of the time. 9th con„ Morris township. Besides Wesley Sorters and Family I hit wife he is survived by one sister, 1 Mrs. Jet. Moon Ohne) and one brother 'Moines, both of Walton. COAL FOR SALE I Five sisters and two brothers pre. I deceased hien, We can now supply you with ... fle,wasa carpenter by trade and formed in, Grey and Morris before Stove Anthracite Coal arming to Watton, Here he owned BONIIIJG-•*' Two "Years Before the Mast e vdMtlf Chestnut Anthracite Coal Poochantas Briquettes Alberta Lump Coal Nut and Small Coke and epemated ,the saw mill until 11 few years ago, The funeral was held from his borne mte .Saturday at 2 o'clock with D. N. McDONALD the Rev. D. Cl. Hazelwood of Duff's Phone 77 Brussels, Ont. United Church officiating, matey, Or tnat.erial, to the (((111)1' Ve X • °>^'""""„ ur Subspelotion Ppld? 1 Arian Ladd Brian DOIIICvY il)lttton0 evele in World War 'i'w0 s HERE ARE A FEW OF THOSE THINGS YOU HAVE WAITED SO PATIENTLY FOR AT The Brussels Hardware (LIMITED •QUANTITY ONLY) Coleman spot -lite glasses Auto-tnatic electric irons Coleman gas irons Oil space Heaters Wire toasters Brooder stoves Roofing nails Roger pocket knives GENERAL STOCK Carpenters & mechanics tools Enamel, aluminum and stainless steel Kitchen -ware Electric bulbs, clear' frosted & coloured Door lock sets Rolled roofing A limited quantity of buffet.type ranges are expected in the near future. Orders are now being taken. Paints and varnishes Max Oldfield Phone 63x Skating Party under auspices of the United Church Y.P.S. in the Brussels Arena on Friday, February 21 Skating from 8-10 P.M. After skating, lunch will be serv.•- ed in the United Church base -- lent. ,Admission — 25c and 15e e Dr CAC kVA RAINSittlt IMODMR!( W „Jlr1i .ew*e''."'Sria.y..tea• They reach you FIRST through THE GLOBE AND MAIL It is a must for every farmer and dairyman to keep informed on market trends in livestock and produce. And it is a double must that he get the news early. The difference in time often means a difference in dollars. The Globe and Mail is the only Toronto news- paper that reaches you with latest quotations and farm reports on the day of publication. So timely, so accurate, so complete are Globe and Mail livestock and produce reports that they have become an accepted basis for trading. For a full account of daily farm market prices -- for a complete account of world happenings, read The Globe and Mail every day. Take advantage of this splendid coverage of rural, national and world events. Have THE GLOBE AND MAIL sent by mail to your home daily. NO INCREASE IN PRICE BY MAiL At your Post Office or in your Rural Mail Box $7.00 per year; $3.75 for 6 months; $2.00 for 3 months SEND IN YOUR SUBSCRIPTION TODAY! Please enter my ssdiscr•iptiorr to The Globe and [Hail for 0 1 year 0 6 months months Cheque, money order, postal note, cash, enclosed for 4 ......\i ...,e . ............ TOIll ,..,....». 1. •1....•,«.., ...R.R,. .. „ , G3A 47•30W :wed ..... +pie +am n0•2•10•001MMI t tr.i,.araarax:.tt*..