HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-1-29, Page 4y. , >t 11g.e.elistaimelm4.E,T ele.,ne47ettnerrnneF-icreicenirzilFm ateicasettraniGfASzd: t� ce "ear Ck ..irnce, Lis of Wall Papers Discontinued patterns, of which there is a small quantity left. These are to be had at much less than the regular prices, and if the quantities will suit any of your rooms, they are Bargains. Far that Cold (zars'1e with Mi 31 Antiseptic 25c, 50c and 87c Nose and Throat Relief Reduces Swelling in Nasal Passages 25c and 50c Srna p . hot Et nl argem: r n.ts .And have one or more Enlargements made from thein at 20c each and up, can be colored if wanted. New Valentines Some of the Ne.w Valentin Greeting Cards and Book- lets which have come, are very interesting. See the assort- ment also Greeting Cards for all occasions F. s UGG1a r and : ' ` St ,,.,m; STATIONER TELEPHONE NO. 62 --. a �p a cb t5 TELEPHONE NO. 62 :oar :3 ured Rocks, PJew lianapsthire, Barred Rock Hybrids and New Hampshire - Light Susses Hybrids Day -olds or started 2 or 3 weeks. January to June 1947 delivery. Write or Phone Douglas Lawless, Walton Phone Brussels 90-r-10 SEE OLD • DISABLED OR DEAD CATTLE • HORSES • HOGS • S'HEfP • CALVES Promptly and Efficiently Removed 4. Simply Phone Collect brussels d� �,�,p {{(�.� �w}qq 1Sjx1tg,4�:,iprbrvSa?4ii �^4« k '✓Y E D O THE E II F I[> i5' THE BRUSSELS POST .MRFAVA4yAWMMM.M VO Phone 24 Brussels, Ont. Final Wirier Clearance Great Reductions on 3 only Ladies Coats Men's Overcoats Blanket Cloth Jackets, Snowsuits Slacks and etc. See the large stock of Yard Goods. lat Ours is one of the Greatest Egg Producing Strains of Fowl ever produced, regardless of color or size as proved by laying contests and official R. O. P. Records. Our 1945-46 R. O. P. Summary just released by The Dominion Dept. of Agriculture speaks for itself. 70338 eggs - Av. weight 25.3 oz. - number pullets entered 293 - Av. weight at first egg 5.9 pounds. Average for all birds entered 240 eggs. This 'included 21 pullets over 300 - with a high of 337. The average for all birds entered under R. O. P. in 1944- 45 (last released) was 182.2 eggs and the average for all Canadian hens - 116. The chicks we are offering this year will be from these hens and from their progent, mated to males from high pro- ducing dams. All breeding stock bloodtested and banded by Govern- ment Inspectors. We operate under Supervision of the Dominion R.O.P. Policy and the Ontario Hatchery Approval Policy. Day old chicks sexed or as hatched, attractive prices on r"day old cockerels. IP YOU ARE BUYING CHICKS WHY NOT BUY THE BEST. rAviva Po ..1 ry Far and Hatchery wait o d * n villayan R. 0. P. Sired S. C. W. Leghorns Hatchery Approved ' Barred Rocks Light Sussex Rhode island Reds Day-old chicks available weekly after Feb, loth. Started Pullets --- 4.6 weeks. We have been working oh a Flock Improvement Plan and have purchased R. 0. P. breeding cockerels from one of the beet R. 0. P. Breeders In Ontario. - All birds mated and Blood tested are of the Targe typo Leghorn. We are operating strictly under Dominion Goverment R.O.P., Ont. Acc. Flock; Hatchery Approval 'policy. 10064 stood tasted. AL1 orders for flay -old chtcks received before 10th of January at Past: years prices. 1947 Price List on recwest, Fi idle RftVr ek 90-F, etc 0 *sold France, Prop. Breeding Counts, Brussels imam Man Decides, Noting Egg Production Whether the heti preceded the egg or vire versa Is not a vitail question with Bob Warwick. ex•town cleric of Brussels, but the question or thn superiority of scientific breeding over the old methods has him pro- daraing a sheaf of statistics to prove Ws point. Two years ago Mr. War- ; wick's hens were a 'mere sideline; , lodes, he is completely absorbed in 6 poultry business. A glance through the finial summary of his record of production enrta;v for 194-5.40 reveals! the reason for his en0fla siesm. The ' ' original entry was composed of 293 I 14Onode Island Red pnllcta 'Phey were trap nested under the snuper- victon or the Dominion Department of Agriculture, and the results as received from the department ?how Ith t the 2.93 pullets 1a94 70,338 eggs of en arverage weight of 25.3 ounces to the dozen for a flock average of 240 eggs per bird. No aillowances were made for birds that dried. Deductinng the above figures to groups shows 'thea: 21 laid from nor t.n .117; 1.0 from 290 to 100; 23 Ifrom 280 to 290; 27 from 270 to 280; !29 from 260 to 270; 31. from 250 to 200; 25 from 240 to 200: 21 from 220 lo 240; 27 .from 220 to 210; 11 from 210 to 220; nine from 200 40 210. Of the remaining 52, some 11 died + and 40 failed in production by lay- ing less than the 200 minimum re- . wired for R.O.P. certification. Mr. 1Vli.i•w•ick's final argiint•eni In favor t of scientific breeding is a corn - i; Davison between the above results i and the 116-eggs-pera.nnum score lnf the average Canadianiten, V7 '.LTON1 The annual meeting of the congre- gation of Duff's 'United Church itI Walton was held on Tuesday atter- Croon ,Tan. 14 in :lite Sunday School room .et the ehurdh. Ther .mister, 1Rev. R. G. Hazelwood was 111 charge I of the meeting and conducted the 1, worship service, ;I it Tr: giving the report of the iegsinn lir. -1 z'ewr.•od waled .hrh du ring the year 1940 there had been 14 Baptisms, seven deaths and one Wedding. There are 276 members. i The TITaaorer Mrs. Trarvey Crsig, rep':oted a bank balance of 9613.60. 1: She added that the missionary and ' maintenance fund had nontriht}ted ,.c 26.14 to 4'11e general treasurer in Toronto, , Mrs; J. Clark reporting for the I Yonne People's 'Onionn in the alwonre j of secretary -treasurer, Ross I Lawiers. atatmrl thatthe young 1 'people had held 33 meetings with an average attendance of 19. There sire 41 members int tile roll of the Minn. 1T rlturlt •>ryhmied that the books showed a baience of 5120.32. 'I'lun reports of the W,M.S„ the W.A. and the ,Sunday School indicated a. year of 'achievement in each of these departments. Three of the stewards, George McArthur, Arthur McCall and ,John teeming, were re-eleoted for .amber three years to/ 01, .John Bryuurns was 'elected to fill the vacancy in the hoard of trustees matte by the death of John Smillie, Appreciation for all who served the church in any ,ruiPeolttY was expresser and a vote of kltanita was: Forded the minister and his. wife for their services throughout the year, wove -avocet.. ...%,,voecenetstettsi Brussels New fair lressilag Salon Permanent Waves Finger Waves Shampoos Experienced Operator in Chart!: Appointment 1 p.m. to 8 n.m. ^r 923.•7-9 VeLeveed " Wednesday, Jaa'atnu'y 2811. 1947 LADS' •Iu 13 III G Notice Car Nest Coal Expected in lst Week of February. Please Order Early. J. H.Far Ethel r -St , ck T2 -ng Sale Get in on these money saving bargains to clear at below cost price during this sale. Women's Fur Trimmed Coats half chamois limed, sizes 17'x° to 24; Regular $32.50, Special $24.50 Misses' Untrimmed Coats, sizes 111 to 152, Regular $27.50, Special $22.50 _ aaml� Misses' Wool and Crepe Dresses Regular $14.95, Special $9.95 Regular $9.95,. Special $6.95 Regular $6.95, Special $3.95 Regular $5.95, Special $3.00 No refund or exchanges on above items during this sale. Boys Parkas Regular $11.95, Special $€.95 Boys 3 -piece Snow Suits, all wool Regular. $9.95, Special $6.95 Girls 3 -piece all wool Snow Suits Regular $9.95, Special $6.95 Misses' Parka Jackets, sizes 8 to 14 only Regular $11.95, Special $8.95 Girls Flannelette Pyjamas 8 to 14 years Special $1.19 Infants all wool Suits, sizes 1 to 3 years Regular $2.98, Special $2.29 Boys all wool Windbreakers, sues 24 to 32 With Zippers, Special $3.49 Misses Fur Mitts, Regular $3.95 Special to Clear $2.98 3t�Yi;'filamcivocterotloreocA[tAt1PQ,Mt, ifuraw -vog. HE ARCADE ST R ne Rat, pp �tt rye Vl"�t'Fapelra' Ont. Vridtia n"4.at"r,",ZJ.FI'? i. '-bit 5'.1}i+' Wholei M a :r. Wt. AMPRIMM.S 'a w a'aeftO'eF at 011 of A f1v no un ah oh rh ge et a. w b to al. H in