HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-1-29, Page 3L ✓%tt &
mount, 1
Iatquislteiy hand-
waved in 14 h
-The finest quality sae
marled Mike M
Mem test/key
free Mee
W. G. Leach
Brussels, Ont.
C A. MYERS, W. O,. L. M. C. C.
Willisz Ste Phone 4. Brui•, @l: Ont.
Allan A. Lamont
Agent for—Fire, W, l;zelstorani, and Automobile Iaaf-tsa,enne•
Got pelrtiiculars nr our Special Automobile Police i ca lumen
Queens i. Brussels 'Phone +feta:
W. D. S. Jamieson, M.D., C.M., L.M.C.C.
Yhysicant and Surgeon
(Cal icer)
Office Hours -1 - 4 and 7 - 8 p.na.
Also 11 - 12 e.m when possible.
Saturday evenings until 10 p.m.
Sundays --Emergencies and by appointment cats.
Home calls in forenoons and 4 - 6 was.
Tuesday and Saturday all day — Office open
Phone 20x Successor to L.
Chas. T. Davidson
Insurance Agent For
Automobile and Fite 1'onsrance
Accident and Sickness
Anent for Great West Life Insurance. Co.
Harold Jackson
'For Information, etc., write or phone Harold Jackson
Phone 12; on 658 Seaforth R., R. 1 Brucefleld:
Make arrangements at The• Brussels Post or
R. 8. Hetherington, K. C., Barrister Office, Brussels.
D. A. RANN & CO.
Idcenaed Funeral Director and Embalmer
Lewis • Rowland
(Licanscd Per Huron Csunt,i
For Engagements Phone 3l !'The Brussels Pool" ow] t(t> ra491
be looker+ after ImmW.Hay
Per Information, eto,, w its sr phone Lew, llawlatat SWAM eft
Su f•rth; sr turtle 19.17. f, W.N.a,
Mrs, Harvey Dobson
The ementnnitY was S11oc1ced t
learn of the sudden pass4ng at Iwe
,Tangy. 20th of Mrs. Harvey
Dobson, life-long resident :and
highly esteemed resident of Teti el
1ll1atla'h Mrs. Dobson hacl not been
in ,flue best of health for the last, few
yeasts, 1t ryas only the 'last week
She was hardly as well and jest
Sunday, ,Tan, 19th took .'o her heed.
ell Ince Mrs, Dobson, whose
maiden name was Lney Rebecca
Raypaier waH horn 1' 1Zlanxltard
Town -deo 1874 and as a herby moved
with her omelets. to 'Ethel. in 1994
clip w•1' married to Harvey M.
'Robson end went to live, on the
Doh1're1 1rnmeetead Lot 21, Can. 7,
C1" '. when. they resided nm;ti1 1925
when Their eon Onest took over the
PAa'm. and they moved •across the
road to the Premier farm. en 1242
they solei the farm and took up reel -
(lemon In the village,
Mie. emblem was deeply interetatel
in her home and fancily, a kindly
friend and neighbour, all active
'menthe" of dite TThtwrl ,t'9tntrc)t and
Hfn member of the Women's Mission
atv Society.
Surviving are her bereaved bus -
Mena. a •deught:er Pearl (Mrs, Roy
Ha.111 Con. 8, Grey, 2 son Quest on
the home place egad four grandsons,
T]lw*n end Jewett Hall, Wilidam and
Lawrence Dobson. A son Elwin
T.a•wewmlee flied le England, Oct. 12,
1918 while serving during. the First
World War. Also surviving ,are
four sisters. Mre. J, A, Maxwell,
leliereinee: Mee, W. le Leer's, l•TAr"h-
Oe]aL l?eTt9.: veer. C. Congra•m. Luc,Tc-
now and Mr's. Te. Acicert. 1=Tndyroord.
The ileilerat was held Wednesday
at 2 nen, with service in 17thel TTnit•
rel C) e•:rl . the 1122110, Rev, Shine.),
Brentem erne -Wine. eleoree P arxm
Wig .a heeneiful solo. The lov'eiy
floral trihntes attested to elle esteem
111 ',01,1r111 ;Mte rl•erenerd was held
interment was in Mows' nleeeant
Cemetery. TOlaillhearers were Messrs:
eemem', Crab ane, Bert 'rod dem
Charlie Tee.n.auid, ,Tne Pearsnr.
Stanley Dunbar end Leslie Eert,
Flower hearers were Alwin and
Tewitt Hall, Lawrence Dobson, Fred
Cnl:e Bob Batennlan, and LeVerne
Mrs, Adams, who recently swede
went ter. npertatlon ht Winghana
making a satisfactory recovery,
Me. T. L, Prest, Godeeleh, :vas n
visitor in Mown on Tuesday,
Mes, Louise- Fontes, was a visite);
in Toronto this week.
IIamold McDonni4d had the mss -
fortune to `Peet Ye a badly broken
leg in an aeraldent et the lumbe
yard on Tuesday. He wan remove
to Wfngiram Hospital,
Marx. Mervin McCauley, of Morri
township, who had been quite ill wa,
taken: to Winglnam Hemphill les
Mrs, T. Ryan, was taken to Wing
ham Hospital an Saturday Irish
;'ihnngh Mrs. Ryan was at work a
the store of A. Wood az usual during
the week she had not berm feeling
well, Her many friends hope for a
(needy recovery.
3Trs. Fred T3urrhill wan a visitor
tines past week at the home of Mrs.
TTimwkalt'aw, site elm visited her
riot Mrs. Brian at Seafort.h.
Alain Street. 1 2mondville. on Sat-
o'day, February 1st at 1 p.m.
1 airing r000m•teble 4 dining room
chairs, high chair, 1 leather lounge,
4 smell tables, 1 small kitchen table,
2 rockch 1 hall reek, 1 set-
tee, .rhndr to match. 1 small wash
stand, 8 kitchen chains 1 Icttchen cop -
hoard, 2 feather sticks. ironing board,
envie') tools 1 coal fell stove, 1 kitels-
rat atnvr, 1 (hest of drawers 1 Pee-
per hailer, 1 wash tub, 1 nnilt Troy, 1
glass ratpbeeed, 1 Metall table. 1
rorkel. 1 road 011 oven. 1 trunk and
deehex. 1 Bide Nocard, n number of vie -
twee, 1 bed & elates; 2 on,al oil lamps,
enroll 1 mirror, 1 .feather fists, 1. iron
hole, honed. 1 teethes hoe, 1 easle; dieelme
!frit jaa•a and other aa'tictea.
Terms cash.
MRS, W. J, NIC:TTOL (Formerly
Mrs. Lessee Nigh) Proprietress.
Tenders for supplying wood to any
or all of the schools in Morris
Township S.ehoo'1 Area will be re-
ceived by the undersigned until
February ;l. All wood to be maple
or beech body wood cut 14 inches
in length and clelevea'ed not later
than. June 15. The foltoiving atnougts
are veneered: No, 1-20 cords, and 1
coed of •cedar; No. 9-20 cords and 2
cordis of cedar; No. 4-20 cords and 1
cord of cedar No, 5-10 cords and 2
,cords .08 sedum; No, 6-15 cords and 2
cordis ,ai cedar; No. 7-15 cords and
2 cords of cedar; N'o, 8-115 cords' and
1 card of endow; No. 9-15 cords and
2 eiapd:s cedar; No, 10•-10 .cords and
cords of cedar; No, 111-10 cords and
1 cord of cedar; No, 12-5 cords, a and
1 cord of cedar.
R. S. SHAW, Secretary, '
Bluevale, Ont.
Grey Township School Board will
accept tenders tor all or any part
of the.followlmg quamttt1es of hard
' body wood 14 inches long to be
delivered to the different schools by
1111y 1st, 1947:
1 S.S. No. 1, 0 cord.
E. S. No. 8, 8 cords
I No, 4, 15 cords
1 No. 0, 16 cords
No.. 5, 15 cords
No. 7, 15 cords
No ;8, 20 cords
No. 9, 25 cords
No. 10, 10 cords
No. 21, 15 cords
Molesworth, 10 cordis
Union No. 12, 112 cords
Also for 2 dards of dry cedar to be
delivered to oath school with the
exception of No. 8.
Tendiers received until Tebruary 11
1.047 by J. C. Tlemingway, See; Treat,
Brussels, R.R, 8
The Sunshine Farm Fortes, 211,
line Morris met at the home of ROM.
Grasby on Monday evening, Jan. 27.
will 31 present. After listening to
the review broadcast an enjoyable
evening wan spent with euchre and
lost heir, followed by lunch,!
The Am nal Meeting of the mime.,,
t gmtion of Knox Prrsbyt,ritln Cbnl'r11
MIR heart in the c urc•h basemen! on
Ok nolay evening, January 27th, int
OM lowing a Pot luck supper served by
t the ladies of the eon: regation. '(1o.
min•iele . Rev, T. D. Maclvor presided
end after conch' cane rleveelo •ei
exet•rises, rrreit'et1 the report,;,
the various o'ganizatlnno of the
rhumb, The Seeslon rnprrt chewed
I hat seventeen memhees had berm
reeeived during the year and one
member removed by death. The
report of the se=cretary-trnaspeee
etre. Clifford Kerr,aghan showed ,he
amonnt received for the Genn'•al
Fiend to be 51414.41, and with 211
ohlieeatio',s met a emb.etantial balance
remained at the end of the year. Tr)
rdddtien to the receipts of else
General Fund .$.121,00 was given In
Miefenue and 5447,50 to the Advaree
Fund, Other organizations reported
rereipte as fellows: The Session
$9.97• Th T "(bee Aid, 8102 12; 'rhe
.AVYnmtg P ople,b 9o(tety, 809.14: lite
Tzsion Band523.79; The Young
Women's Auxiliary, 547.47; The Sab-
i eett seem)], 577,05; The Women's
Missionary Society, 9125.94; elonor
Roll Fttnd, 540,00.
eliss A. J. Forest. Mrs. Rnhert
Cnmpledi and Mrs. Dan Hakim'.
were appointed to the Board 01
Managers for a terns of three years
avid Raissell Knight for a terns of nne
par. Miss Alice J. Forrest wen
aepo!m:fed Secretary-Tren.snrer of
the Board of Managers for the year
1947. Other officers appointel were
Aoalter, Russell Knight; Ceher•s,
1 nierson Mitchell tine Kenneth
Kniight; Aset etent T7slaers, Earl
Doran, James Knight and Ross Cam-
eron; Caretaker, Mrs, Allan Cam-
e -on.
Durirg the past year the church
and manse were newly painted and
cement walks were befit on the
manse grounds and 1mprovemeruts
made to the property in genera!, Tn
October a new Baptismal Font pre-
sented to the church by Rev. and
Mrs. W. A. Williams in memory of
their son Maldwyn was unveiled
along well' a beautiful Honor Roll
Presented to the church by the
Young Peepie's Society Two
yonng mem of the congregation,
Stuart McNair and Stanley Fischer
were ordained to the office of Elites -
ship and at the Fall Communion
seventeen new members were "P'
sewed into the church. This, as far
an is known, is the largest number
ev r reeeived at one time in the
history of bhe congregation. The
meeting was closed with the bene-
diction by the minister.
At a meeting of the Board of
Managers following the congreg5'
tiorol meeting, Alex Steles was
ele,rted chairman of the Board for
the year 1947.
TX., 1= f ) s C Iii'
Wilson -Mann
11•T-:11SVALE - A quiet wedding
Mak place at the Manse of the
PI'eshyteiien Church, Lietowo1, on
Saturday albeenoon, Jan, 25, at 2;110
o'clock, when Rev. W. A. Kelley
invited in marriage Priscilla M., eld-
est daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Leroy
Mann, Bluevale, and Mr. Murray H.
Wiieon yonanest eon of Mr. ami
Mrs, Cecil Wilson, Listowel The
!elide, given in maad'rage by her
nether, n,' ware a suit of rose angora
wool with corsage of noses and
frons, ,The bridesmaid was Mies
le it e Roy. Listowel, wearing a
hone dint, similar to ,that or the
bride with load to match. Mr. Ross
Wilsnm, brother of the bridegroom,
vena hest man. Following the care.
many. the couple dtwve to Teiteh•
ened accompanied by the prides•
maid and groomsman and later to
Toronto. The bride traveled in a
wool dress, white wool coat and
black accessories. On their return
they will reside in Listowel.
Clat ltk4d Ads
New trailer, good tires.
Phone 534.12
-reenters wanting Peat Moss apply
to T3arold France, Walton, Phone
eirussels 90-r-5.
for Rawleigh business. Soil to
1500 families. Good profits faf
hustlers. Write today. Rawlelgh's
Dept. ML, A -152-S, Montreal, One.
Bray has started cockerels (end
rlayoles.) immediate shipment. eenu'Il
need some of these. Chicks should he
erdered without delay for February
eTarch delivery. The Government
-urges chicks, Prices, farther eine
t''euldr's, from agent Wm. Bray,
Established Rural Watkins District
available, If you are aggressive,
end between the ages of 25 and 56 -
have or can secure travel outfit,
this is your opportunity to get estab-
lished in a profitable business of
yoelr own. For fall particulars write
today to The J. R. Watkins Company
Dept.'0-5-4, 2177 Mason St., Montreal
says easterner Robt. Luscher, of
Thedlfond of his Kitchener 131g-
4 Cihiicles, Let's take your order soon,
eepeotaly for delivery now or reale
Mary. 19ardy chicks catch early
markets with good large egga, or
make good weight for table.
Canada Approved, breeders pullet -
um tested, Wide choice breads',
Agent -Miss' M. Grewlar, Brussels,
Phone 72
100,ao+e farm, cement house, bank
barn ee mile of good math road, price
Blacksmith and wood work shop,
house metal clad; henhouse; garage
ins village. Hydro throughout, Stock
and equipment can aleo be bought.
ill -heath reason .for selling. im-
mediate possesdon. Anyone Interest-
ed testi or write J. C. Long,
Real Datate Broker
Brussels, Ont,
Licensed Auctioneer
For Huron County
Rates Reasonable
Satisfaction Guranteed
Phone Seaforth 842-r-24'
R.R. 4, Walton, Ont
(intended for last sweets.)
Mr, and Mrs, Murray Parton and
daughter, London spent Sunday with
her parents, Alen and Mrs, ORM
ITHervey Hunter Is in St. Thomas
at the hone of his sister Mfrs, ,las,
Mr. and Mrs. M. Engel and Gordon
t isit'.ecl to Stratford on Sunday with
Wm, and Ma:s. ldngel and tunny.
Molten pox are prevalent. in ,'his
The January meeting of the Young
Women's Asuniliary was held at the
home of Mrs. Sail Dunn with eleven
members prtesent, Thie Devotional
period, 'ani ,the ,Lord's Armor was
taken by Mina Baker. The roll
cell was answercl with a veos,e con.
Wining the word "nejotoe." A very
,inirmesting topic on Indies, was taken
by Mss. Moolver, The February
meeting is to be .In the manse.
The service in Knox Church . on
Sunday wee oomidnnoted by the
minister, Rev. 1, D. MacTver who
preached on the eubjeet "Light in
the Land of the ,Shadow," Mm,t'dei and
Kenneth McDonald sang a duet,
"The old Rugged Cross,"
('tibia Weelc),
School attendance far n few days
lost, week wax very small owing 10
bad road eondtttons.
The rural mail 0101212r wee unable
to make his retinae Tuesday, Wed.
neaday end 'l'hlltwdey during the had
stannmand drifted roadie,
The ranmstat meeting and potdnck
supper of Knot Church intended for
Tuesday, Tan, 21 lead to 11e postponed
until Mbndey, Tan, 27, when over
00020ter 110r0 til MOO (WO.
14' tinteetay. deo nary :'Nth
Do You Want Relief from
A new and wonderful remedy for speed?
Pallet from Shunt and Antrum trouble,
Mae for Head Colds.
This Remedy Is Known as
Einulief is it White Powder to be meet as
Manta Simple and Clean to Use. Priced at
Please rind Enclosed 91.00 in Payment for 1 Box Eliseeieag
A. W. Robinson Dropn Dead
While Curling At Nutana
.1rtbur W. Rota/eon, feria!
.:le at t' Teel Tires („
flee li re, 22(9 11
in •+,.1 -. anded.ihlr
ebrtes, elemped dr ad at the Nii-
!.10 .;u finis at nLuut ..1u
Thursday venhrg to filo iihl1,•'
of a peel,' 1-, a'h{ h he .t- t,,1'0
man for Arthur Greaves' runic. 11
was 67 years of a1r
He cell tu;:e.,d ,u 1, ` : I
his turn to follow Colte. A ('1111 ',
5, _g,.1n," ::1J et ,H' '1 • I'filil' was 1, 1::�
playing agcvnst Les Sherinan'e rink.
Mr. Robinson, who was L. 1.
in Wroxeter, Ontario, was ib'
number of yea's r,trintra at 1!n:n-
bolde before coming here in 192,1 to
9.01.1me- s11L'ar daces at the •teeka-
tonn office.
In July of last year he wa::
awarded the 1T.B.E. in the Por'
ininn Day honors list for be
services during the recent ane
as chairman of the Supplement:u':
Grants Fund of the Dependents
Allowances Advisory Committee.
A veteran of the Feet lir":ld
War, het was very arrive in the,
affairs of the Canadian Legion. lie•
was a Mason.
He is survived by Inie wi(e, e1
the family home, 128 Eighth Street.
a daughter. Dorothy. teacher• in rite
high (drool at T3unnholdt, and a
W. G. Robinson, doctor• in ,ee 'trey
and nn the toohnical s,laff r•
amantle topper and geld nine it
Northwestern Quebec, who saw
envie everxene in the air feeee.
Another son, TTarnhl 1ir•r1 e'
active eerviee in Holland.
The Saskatoon Funeral reel.
., in rharre of 11rrangereent.2- ';hint
have not been con11l1 1Fr1 Meet'.'):
ward from Noranda.
Mr. Robinson went 1Y, 11"neeele
bight silent and payed leeane 'r,'t'
ball in 19034904 with Brussels i :•,a':.
Tits wife Miss Howe, was bore in
Y: .r`-! '.'rnuth
Optornefrf i
"Western Ontario's Mast
Modern Eye Somers.'
Phone 118, td ter r si.`on
The annual bur im•e; 10'rring of
the eerereget; of Knne Pre. -.by
t fi.+n Chnt..h, Ethel, was held in the
)emit men of the church on Friday
evening. enn'tary 244h. The Meister
n Meeive, was 111 the ''heir,
deereienai ,vert=es,
11,rr r 'rte of t:hr, various orgaraza-
tione of the congregation w2" re-
ceived The report. of the Board of
,-,,....- . r.: p eeent 1 107 the
treasurer, P.. S. Dur -bar. ,bowie the
• • l .. . e, '<. fee, the -•rat• to be
"t,_tu From 'd1'•, 117440 was
ree :' r: libeler. eel ee17.00 to the
Advance Fund. With all expenses
paid the rennet showed a 111/11122 of
51154 88 en ham l n,t the end of the
year. The amounts raisers by other
organizations. of the congregation
were as follows: the Srlbhath School,
8113.17 Quilting, Circle. 940.94;
Choir. 91255; Mission Band, $_44.01;
Prni't and Flower Fund !9.967
cc•.m.S., 8100 (i.: reserve fund. 917.(3
The W.M.S. else, forwarded 921.0.
to the Advance Fund for which
official recognition wag received
front the chttrrh offlee In Toronto.
The managers epreented by the
meeting were Stanley Dunbar and
George Hutchison; Stanley Dunbar
was re -appointed to the office of
Treasurer of the Board or 1Tnnareer2
and Wm. Spence and John Tern.ntee
were appointed x2(1110 s Trustees
appointed by the cnn,_^'rr at•nn were
Wo, g,+gin:.^ a... n r, rv, nh',. e.r:,1 1.
FI. Fear.
Stanley Dunbar intimated tint in
eeee ,e"11.• team-, -en bend in the
general fund et the end of the year,
it heel been derided that a b'.rre be
given to thr minister and in behalf
of the cong'resaat en be kande(; to
Rev, and Mrs. MeeTver n snbetintial
Cleeeee T" -:'b'' 2psk" in
;'re''s atin' of the -., •-(121, 0: of R•'v.
one) Mrs. ',nearer r and e h'nrry cote
of Hinnies wa•s extend" 1 to them by
the r re,, 1 egatien, are TTaedvee
replied fittingly and the meeting was
closed with the singing of the Dox-
ology and the benediction.
Frtt•rw•ine the meeting tin^h was
served by the ladies of the cnrgre-
gation. ,
First sins tradesmen required for
completion of homes on Housing
Enterprises Project by the Russell
Construction Company, Ltd., apply
Britannia Street„ Fair Grounds,
Stratford, ntario.
fL tote Agent Coovevanar,
and Commissioner
Poultry Market
Highest 'Cash Prices
Your Best Pedley Market k At Yarm Own Doth' Man Tan
We Will Call and Pay Immediate Highest
For Your Hens and Chickens.
Just Call�Dublin Produce Co. Dublin 50
i NO FUS$ NO WAP s a1RP d. Justmaw CAM
Al Long DistanceWhen
Cela Pr•id y Our Delores
They VIA,, Irso.