HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-1-22, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST ?._�. _._._ _..�_.__._ ..._. _..___...,. ..........,.... _ fir_, iCE>',veve+S:.J..,;. '?r tlitewc-P. ,vgt�ti'�w 4tS= t arti«.G^uCtkwmmm i.'Q.` •! k�/'�ti ?k'•t' 1 lgovemi•-pmeml-v '10 4.1'^i fy'4,_ 'V'tTAMIN A • 1'e :ae,:gthun :er;cstt::wr acialnet co:e:; and ui*• =tiara, An ;wooly lo Cod Li- illi, Halibut Liver' 01. Capsules Etc. VITAMIN B To promote nerve tonic. appetite, i,nprove dipest'on VITAMIN C - Needed awing winter when citrus fruits are sca,ne. VITAMIN D - TIie Sunshine vittarr:in necessary for thw deve:cpment of ,,;.r,ng {70!:es and teeth. normal We can s pp. ' 1!h ..,, a e c sr d3 C:satsi'3� nag fc,Lese Vitamin2. 4 Heb a^. t.' reanv �., so:' tua n v tj E.; at _ tea' v..,.:�' "s=$ for Radio 49c bottles iD;;. -t1ii FO A TR JEPHONE NO. 62 ° TH d$ .a ^R�a7GG1�L' and - ij 4 STATTONEII TELEPHONE NO. 62 d`a Nor a prompt sal drat wary to obtain Mier, one wit& moiling . ked Chick arch ry Barred Rocks, Niew Parainiire,Barred Rock Hybrids and New Hampshire - Light Sussex Hybrids Day -olds or started 2 or 3 weeks. January to June 1947 delivery. Write or Phone Douglas Lawless, Walton Phone Brussels 90-r-10 NIMAL SRVKE `a; OLD•DISABLED OR DEAD CATTLE • HORSES • HOGS • SHEEP • CALVES Promptly and Efficiently Removed Simply Phone Collect Brussels 74 ..ngersoil t WE DO THE P. STI 1 Phone 24 ""• j 'yP�L,� 1 Brussels, Ont. See the Splendid Range of Yard Goods, Dress, Cretonnes, etc, • • • Pure and part Linen Table Cloths Large $9.50 up • * • Girls Jumpers 10 - 14 * * * Boys Fancy Zipper Sweaters Corduroy Front, Heavy $5.25 e 0 0 Men's Overcoats To Clear Snow Suits To Clear $3.95 PIPE TOBACCO Morris Council Jan, 13, 11147 The Connell mot on the above date in the Township ilali with all the members present. The Reeve pre. sided, The m-innntes of the last meeting were road and adopted on motion of Chas. Coultes nand Sam Alcock. Moved by Chas. Coultes seconded by jos. Yuill that a letter be sent to Dept. of Pianmirg and Develop - 110011 recommending that the grant portion of the Community Hall Act .:, �A . mem.om� z. .a , �( i covering the construction of Com ��'�'� _ �°'� � ""'A ti D" �h �" i munity Halls be changed to ln^hide s ��-....-=jr skating rinks, -Carried. I i ii Moved by Harvey ,Tohnston SPO, j, omd'd by Chas. Coultes that the 'Reeve and Road Sn,perintenrient1 attend the Ontario Good Roads • Association Convention and that the ii, membership fee be paid. -Carried Moved by Harvey Tohnston• sec - I onderl by Jos. Muni thea the Reeve secure accountants to audit the I I Township Books. -Carried, Moved by Harvey Johnston sec- onded by Sam Alcock that Bylaw INo. 1. 1946 annointing Township o!fleiais, he passed. -Carried. 1 The officials are as follows: PATROLM10N--No. 1, Jack Brew. er, No. 2 Fleming Johnston; No. 11 t C111rs. snit rh: No. 4 Ross Turvey: No. 9, Jack Wdckstead and Robt. Coates No. 6 Chas. Warwick; No. 7 Clarence Yni11: No. 2 Russel Currie: No. 9 Tinnde Noble: No. 10 Lorne Nichol: No. 11 Robt. Craig: No. 12 Robt. Bird; No. 13 Mervin noe1er; No, 14 Edward Bryan; No. 15 Thomas Brydges: No, 17 Chester i R'ntoul; No. 19 John Ramgitt; No, 19 Walter .Sellers. POTTNDTCEEPP'R.S - Carl Johns- ton, Stewart McLennan, Alex Shaw. Robt. McMurray, Jahr Bowman, Lyle Hopper, George Bone, John McGill, Wni, Pipe, Jas. Clark, Wm. Mc.Cutchean, Ernest Michie, Robt. Bird, Bernard Graig. Arthur McCall, Albert Nesbitt, George McArthur, Wm. Cockeiltne. LIVESTOCK VALUATORS - Wa11a:ce Agar Walter Shortreed. FENCEVIFJWERS - Northwest - Harrold Procter, Russel Jermyn, Bert i 1 hath s. Northeast -Jos. Shaw. Robt. For rest, Russel Bone. gonthwest - Albert Nesbitt, Thos. Laidlaw, Jas, Phelan. Soui>itheast - Memo Jackson. Les- , lip Beirnes, Thos, Miller Jr. WEED TNS'PBCTOR-Tloht. Michie. GRAT:ERMAN - Jos. Smith. Moved by Chas. Coultes seconded by Sam Alcock that Morris Township give a grant of $100,00 b0 the On.. tarso Tuberculosis Assoc. -Carried. Moved by Harvey Johnston, sec- onded by Jos. Ynill that a resohitlan he passed to authorize the Sawyer- !Massey 0o., to enbstitute with Model 99U girder instead of 99M grader with oorrespomkng difference m pr+ee anrt with fittings am,d ceon.di- i tions as outlined in order for 99M !grader dated A.pr1d 2, 1940, -Carried Moved by Oh:as. Coultes seconded by Sam Alco:cic that the marl hills as presented by the - Road Supt, be paid. -Carried, Moved by ,Tos. VOL seconded by Sam Alcock, that a grant of $100.00 be given to the Blyth Legion, to he paid on request, -Canned. Moved by Chaffs. Coultes seconded by Jos, Yiiill that the council ad- vertise for a barn approximately 40 tit. x 00 ft, Carried Moved by Harvey Johnston sec - ended 1ry :Same Alcocit that we send for .price lint .and order form for Tileang Sprayer. -Carried. Molted by Sam Alcoa seconded by Havey Johnston that the meeting adjourn to meet again on Feb. 10, 1947 at 1 p;m, Carried, Wednesday, January 22nd, 1947 (Jail:4446,4 Th •Poilawing accounts were Municipal World, subscrip- 1'010. Midget Schedule tions aai,d supplies $ 16.82 Ont. Good Roads Assoc„ Membership fee Oat. Tuberculosis Assoc, grant A. E. Nethery, salary and expenses 6.00 100.00 91110 \Vin. Bnydges, part salary ,... 106.00 e R. Coultes, Sellers Drain .. 6,45 Ceoll Wheeler, Sellers Drain 0.45 Geo. 0. Martin, Clerk ,Tan. 27-Lucknow at Wingham Jan. 29--Wirgham at Brussels Jan. 01 -Brussels at Lueknow Second and third play home and home games, goals' to count; second Mace team having choice of location of first game. First place team and winner o4 the play-off play 2 out of three; two games et home of group winner -proceeds to be split accord ' Ing to O.H.A. miles. A h oe Ours is one of the Greatest Egg Producing Strains of Fowl ever produced, regardless of color or size as proved by ;al inQ :. cnteele and official R. O. P. Records. Our 1945-46 R. O. P. Summary just released by The Dominion Dept. of Agriculture speaks for itself. 70338 eggs - Av. weight 25.3 oz. - number pullets entered 293 - Av. weight at first egg 5.9 pounds. Average for all birds entered 240 eggs. This included 22 pullets over 300 - with a high of 337. The average for all birds entered under R. O. P. in 1944- 45 (last released) was 182.2 eggs and the average for all Canadian hens - 116. The chicks we are offering this year will be from these hens and from their progent, mated to males from high pro- ducing dams. All breeding stock bloodtested and banded by Govern- ment Inspectors. We operate under Supervision of the Dominion R.O.P. Policy and the Ontario Hatchery Approval Policy. Day old chicks sexed or as hatched, attractive prices on day old cockerels. IF YOU ARE BUYING CHICKS- WHY NOT BUY THE BEST. a- wk tri ?hone 19x Brimels 'WILLIAM( T. SI'ENCE w..1nk, Agernt Conveyance' and Coaomioaiooev GENERAL !NSURAIVCE OFFICE roAiN STREET, - - O; T. Lawn Pony Farral and it'si ''cher ma, Ont. R. 0. P. Sired S. C. W. Leghorns Hatchery Approved Barred Rocks Light Sussex Rhode Island Reds Day-old chicks available weekly after Feb. 10th. Started Pullets - 46 weeks. We have been working on a Flock Improvement Plan and have purchased R. 0, P. breeding oockerols from one of the best R. O. P. Breeders In Ontario. All birds mated and Blood tested are of the large type Leghorn. We are operating strictly under Dominion Goverment R.O.P., Ont. Aoc. Flock; Hatchery Approval Pettey. 100% Blood tested. All orders for day-old chicks received before 10th of January at last years prices. 1947 Price List on request. Phone Brussels 90-5 Haro1d'"France, Prop. ( tflawa Seentetie'itKa: cave: ,. 4.S•ograWlmtelfeltelli Brussels New Hairdressing Salol Permanent Waves Finger Waves Shampoos Experienced Operator in Charge i Appoinhnent 1 p.m, to 8 p.m. Phone 76•r-9 or 96-r.9 Get in on these money saving hargai.s to clear at below cost price during this sale® Women's Fur Trimmed Coats half chamc'is lined, sizes 17''=' to 24' Regular $32.50, Special $24.50 Misses' Untrimmed Coats, sizes 11'= to 15' , Regular $27.50, Special $22.50 Misses' Wool and Crepe Dresses Regular $14.95, Special $9.95 Regular $9.95, Special $6.95 Regular $6.95, Special $3.95 Regular $5.95, Special $3. 1''I No refund or exchanges on above items during this sale. oys Parkas Regular $11,95, Special $8.95 oys 3.piece Snow Suits, all wool Regular $9.95, Special $6.95 Girls 3 -piece all wool Snow Suits Regular $9.95, Special $6.95 Misses' Parka Jackets, sizes 8 to 14 only Regular $•11.95, Special $8.95 Girls Flannelette Pyjamas 8 to 14 years Special $1.19 Infants all wool Suits, sizes 1 to 3 years Regular $2.98, Special $2.29 Boys all wool Windbreakers, sizes 24 to 32 With Zippers, Special $3.49 Misses Fur Mitts, Regular $3.95 Special to Clear $2.98 catootw000pactenvoclomosegtoremplesssessmsmonomonsaow THE 4 STORE Phone 61 - --- Brussels, Ont. Store(yWide Bargains for the Whole Family