HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-1-15, Page 4¢°ttewtitetiVaiOttCtrOC tritete,.•. .41seta n eery,,.,.
To $trenrthel; r• i;tanrc a':
An abundant supply is found in
Liver Oil Capsules Etc.
To promote r:p;cetite. i apt ove
n=-rva tonic.
Needed during winter when citrus srl
Ced L.irr
•.)if, M:1;i:?u:
ligest'on ;+4111
ts are scarce.
The Sunshine vitamin necesss4 for the normal
deveicpment of strong bones and teeth.
P We can supply the reliable brands contain-
ing• these different Vitamins.
Hot Water Bc tt.?es — Ain in stock at
reasc-nable prices, c '•rt:a be'nT without for
4 some time.
A—SF Rex (ASA) ,..Idvertised on s
I3ar a prempt :a d e`n'fr mr,nt way to obtwit
relief, r -e tufa Grelo acting reneedly.
Mulled lam ee ils 138,24i as
e,,,e%bag uaale3y. "narks katmeedisi
c:3 the :slat of 1Ps• t o baa and yes& tai
ail kala illi Iia ts easy fats ISILLIVAVII
M Ee arm wow/mended '.Ince Mimeo tem
Nalatlf SOMEAULAC 422%7 DX
Qfi"Sitia"it+PG:'E `G.'��6'.P ''L9-� M. r:�. F,4Y'',�n•:•M a
"9aJ rv''w'�"'I..4 •Z& SBS " 1$i 8
La ef e
#� Hatchery
&aired Rocks, New )'Hampshire, Barred Rock Hybrids and
New Hampshire - Light Sussex hybrids
Day -olds or started 2 or 3 weeks.
January to June 1947 delivery.
Write or Phone
• IIP°gA&des wiess, Walton -
4 Ii
Phone Brussels 90-r-10
FRE- A:. kw' L ', .. BICE
Promptly and Efficiently Removed
Simply Phone Collect
Ilirussets B
An e;r$I[ u 4 JL
Phone 24
Brussels, Ont.
Shipments of yard goods now coming in —
Arnong a good selection we have --
Pure Wool ')Press Crepe
5 shades, 54 inches — $2.25 yd.
Plastic, Voiles, Spuns, etc.
• • •
Mens Overcoats, Mackinaws, Jackets, etc.
Boys Heavy Breeches
Mens Heavy Pants
Mitts for the Family
• • •
Be thrifty — Save dollars by buying the
Children's Snowsuits, etc., now for next
year. A few light shade chinchilla Sets also
Great Reductions.
The annual meetirg of Knn
Church will he held on Tuesday
evening, Jan, 211. A pot luck supper
will be served by•the ladies of the
congregation at 7 o'clock, followed
by the meeting.
Peter Baker has been engaged as
caretaker of 5.S. No. 7, duties to
commence Feb, 1, Mr. Baker suc-
ceeds, Paul Jeseke wko has 'been
caretaker for a number of years.
m A `T'
mi ( et M.us. T, D, MacIver was hostess for
"' 1�
V-9'047./7-,) the W.M:S, which met in the manse
Wedding bells shall soon ring in
our vicinity.
The 'flu is prevalent in our dis-
trict at present,
Mr. Bert Wallace of Dteroit spent
a few days with L. and Mrs. Willis.
Mr, Thomas Strachan was a recent
visitor with W. and Cameron Abry
at Owen Sound, also with Mr. and
Mrs. Penner of Desboro.
Mrs. Morris Cameron and Wayne
of Cranbrook were week end visitors
with John and Mrs. Riley.
Miss Dolly 'Sho treed of Welton
was a visitor with Mrs. Geo, War-
Miss Ruth MoIKereher of Wingham
Collegiate spenit the week end here
with Mr. and Mrs. A. MoKercher.
The many friends and neighbors
of Wm. Turnbull are pleased that
he is improved in health last August
he was affected by a serious illness'..
Mrs. Turnbull dell and broke her
wrist bone recently and will be in-
capacitated for some time. Mrs.
Black of Goderich 1s in charge.
le '
Poultry F
R. 0. P. Sired S. C. W. Leghorns
Hatchery Approved Barred Rocks
Light Sussex Rhode Island Reds
Day-old chicks available weekly after Feb. 10th.
Started Pullets — 4-6 weeks.
We have been working on a Flock improvement Plan and
have purchased R. 0. P. breeding cockerels from one of the best
R. 0. P. Breeders in Ontario.
All birds mated and Blood tested are of the large type
We are operating strictly under Dominion Goverment R.O.P.,
Ont. Acc, Flock; Hatchery Approval Policy.
100% Blood tested.
All orders for day-old chicks received before 10th of January
at last years prices.
1947 Price List on request.
Phone Brussels 90-5 Harold France, Prop.
utw-teimsavammtswo;stsit nmhuemiy,m9unith ,
a'riGu a:
PUitilNA al WS
The next meeting of the Huron County
Council will be held in the Council'
Chambers, Court House, Goderich, com-
mencing Tuesday, January 21st, at 2 p. m.
All accounts, notices of deputations
rad other business requiring the attention
of Council should be in the hands of the
County Clerk not la.,lter than Saturday, Jan.
ITiary 15th.
N 17i7, P/MI Co,nmg7,,, Clerk,
4-1.1rderich, Ontario,
Wednesday, January 16111, 1047
uallity Tea
World, We (Bing" was used in closing
and the president led in prayer.
A tweeting of the Ladies' ,,i:d was
then held with Mals. A. Cameron
presiding. The Apostles Creed was
read los unison, A letter of thanks
was read. Mrs, Martin MacDonald
was appoinited card secretary. Plans
were nra,de Per the pot luck stopper in
connection with the annual meeting
04 the congregation. The fenedie•
on Jean, 8. The president, Mrs. D.
Huetlher presided over the first part
of the meeting. Psalm 49 "0 God
Give Ear 'Unto My Cry" was sung
Prayer was offered by the president
who also read Psalm 103 verses 1.14.
The secretary read the minutes
which were declared approved. Ten
member's responded to the roll call
by reading a verse of a favourite
hymn. "A woman from the J3ible"
will beused in the roll call for
February. Hymn 437 "Dear Lord
and Father of Mankind" was sung.
followed by' the treasurer, Mrs.
Robt. Campbell presenting her
report for the past year. Lt was
gratifying to know that we had ex-
ceeded oar allocation) EDT 1946. Mrs
Allen Oameron, convenor of the
group responsible for the meeting,
now took over and the Lord's Prayer
was repeated in unison, Hymn 494
"Who' n Friend We gave in Jesus,"
a general favorite in the rc11 call was
storm. Loki 13 verses 11-24 were read
by Mrs. Dan TTuether and Mrs, A.
Cameron gave a. short reading on the
Lord's Prayer. Miss Mina Baker
contributed a Colo with Mrs, 'TncTver
as accompanist. The leader offered
prayer and the study period was
taken over by Mrs. 11TarTver intro -
daring thr, new study book on India,
Tis lIret chapter "A Land of
Infinite Possibilities ' was presented
and by the use of a map proved very
interesting. A splendid reading "Can
Christianity help India?' from "The
Record' was given by Mrs, Robt.
campbell. Hymn 373 "Christ for the
urwwn�r:>nwr.�rw,lmro,e„traMms+.exramar�,m.mrxi i
New Vice -President
For National System
NAYNARD A. Metcalf, O.B.E.
.V.L executive assistant to the pres-
ident, Canadian National Railways, has
been appointed vice-president and exe-
cutive assistant.
Beginning as e
junior clerk at
Toronto when he
was in his 16th
year, the now vice-
president has
served the Na-
tional System for
nearly, 37 years
and in his long
career has become
one of the most
popular of Cana-
dian transporta-
tion awn, known throughout the
1,41:141':;) community not only 0
Cuieda Int of tho United States and
(h+nt llri:ain, For his part in the
'11c9 c1,1114'i.nitinn uredo by the
C,.',.11. in au Allied canon during ilio
tcsr, 1Ln t;rs honoured by Ills Mriasty
tllr, .i.:nf; Isst June when he was cm -
r, 1' .r ,cnder of the Order of the
t cars born nt Toronto
1,1 I',;,5 actI bogi'.R
-v a jou' a' rio,17. in the
4:1 r ^.nl of the (lean-
il 1911).
:.•c., is .1t in retlwy
ittond him In good
..., ,_ qt, the 'Nevis, bron'tb.t
Brussels New
Hairdressing Salon
tion was pronounced by Mrs, Mac.
Iver. Refreshments were served
by the hostess and a social time
Tlse service in Knox Presbyterian
Cbu.unla on Sunday was conducted by
the minister, Rev, s, D. Maatver,
who preached on the subject "The
Light of the World." Miss Mina
Baker sang a solo, "Alone With
Permanent Waves
Finger Waves
Experienced Operator in Charge;
Appointment 1 p.m. to 8 p.cn,
Phone. 76.2'.9
Get in on these money saving
bargains to clear at below cost
price during this sale®
Women's Fur Trimmed Coats
half chamois lined, sizes to 24'
Regular $32.50, Special $24.50
Misses' Untrimmed Coats, sizes 11' to
15", Regular $27.50, Special $22.50
Misses' Wool and Crepe Dresses
Regular $14.95, Special $9.95
Regular $9.95, Special $5.95
Regular $6.95, Special $3.95
Regular $5.95, Special $3.00
No refund or exchanges on above items
during this sale.
Boys Parkas
Regular $11.95, Special $8.95
Boys 3 -piece Snow Suits, all wool
Regular $9.95, Special $6.95
Girls 3 -piece all wool Snow Suits
Regular $9.95, Special $6.95
Misses' Parka Jackets, sizes 8 to 14 only
Regular $11.95, Special $8.95
Girls Flannelette Pyjamas 8 to 14 years
Special $1.19
Infants all wool Suits, sizes 1 to 3 years
Regular $2.98, Special $2.29
Boys all wool Windbreakers, sizes 24 to 32
With Zippers, Special $3.49
Misses Fur Mitts, Regular $3.95
Special to Clear $2.95
•s.....•;eegmroatsi tmcw*o tvmeolzsst eras
"fisc 61
G^;*lin" +; Wide ParPmins i`r?'otr 7,1a f iii.•