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CRANBROOK Your Attention Please
Holiday visitors were; Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Martin, Tlhanhesville, with
Mrs. Martin's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Baker, Jim and Mrs. Ritchie
and Douglas, Murray and Mrs.
Parton and daughter with Allen and
Mrs. Cameron:
Miss Kate McNabb and Mrs. Lloyd
Barkwell with their parents John
and Mrs. McNabb, Will Forrest
with his slater, Miss A. Forrest, Miss
Ger'tie Pride, London, Mrs, A.
Wednesday, January gist, 194 - -
!Special arrangements have been
made fin order that everyone in
Brussels may participate in the
world wide Week of Prayer. Com-
munity services will be held as
Tuesday, Jan. 7 in the 'United
Church, Speaker, ,Rev, J, H. Herr.
Thursday, San, 9 in Melville
Chine+h. Speaker, Rev. H. C. Wilson,
Friday, Tan. "t0 in St. John's
Church. Speaker, Rev. G. A. Milne.
The theme for the week will be
Hunter and Joan, Seattrth, with i "The Lord's Prayer," and each
relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Keys and family with H. A, and Mrs,
Mrs. Stanley Campbell has, return-
ed home from London where she was
undergoing treatment for several
days. We Scope she will continue
to improve In health.
On Sunday, December 22nd, the
Christmas service was held in Knox
Church here, The Minister, Rev.
I. D, MacIver, conducted the service
preening on the text, "His Name
shall be called Josue," Christmas
Carols were sung and Special num
hers by the choir ,included a Medley
of Christmas hymns with Mina
Baker, Drabs= MacDonald and
Clifford TCernagben taking solo
parts. Thechoir also sang the
anthem, "The Birth of OUT Saviour,"
by Freeman, with Mrs, George
Michel and Mrs. Clara Omstead as
Hiss Jessie Ritchie of Nanaimo, Melville Church
B.C., who has been attending the "Here we have no contneing city"
London Bible institute is spending from Hebrews 13;14 formed the
the holidays here with her skater 1 basis of Rev. Mr. Milne's sermon on
Mrs, h D. 11[aclver at the manse. Sunday reornielg. Mr. Milne .called
for evlidenre of more sincere Millet-
, East Huron Agricultural Society sanity in the coming year, and a
Euchre and Dance stronger church working in the
EUCHRE AND DANCE rause of Christ. The anthem was
In Brussels Town Hall on
speaker will deal with a different
section of that prayer. By attending
the Prayer' Week .services the
people of Brussels and district will
help to strengthen the spiritual re-
armament movement launched by
His Majesty the King in his Christ-
mas message to the Empire,
The United Church
The Sunday morning sermon in
the United Ohrucdh was based on a
text from the Book of Chronicles.
"The Lord blessed the house of
Obed-Tildom." Taking God into our
domes that we may he blessed
throughout the new year, was the
central thought. The choir sang
"Wake 0 ye people waken" by
Stanper. in the evening the
minieter spoke on 'Opportunity,"
Music by
Ken Wjlbee's Orchestra
Cards from 8.30 to 11
Dancing afterwards
Admission 50c Lunch Booth
Come and bring a friend
Fun for all.
Seek ye fist the Kingdom or
Minlstnt Rev. G. A. Milne, M,A
10 a. m. Sunday School
and Bible Class
11 a., m. Holy Communion
Sermon subject:
"The Shepherd of the Years."
7 p, m. Women's Missionary
Society Dedication Service,
Subject: "Equipped -to Serve.
Jan. 9th at 8 p. m. Week of
Prayer Service.
Louis D. Thompson, Organist
and Choirmaster,
The United Church
Minister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson
10,45 a,m, The Session will meet
11 a. m. Morning Worship
The Holy Comment=
,Sermon Subject:
"Repent, For the Kingdom of
Heaven is at Viand,"
Junior Congregation
12 Ohurch School and
Bible Olass
7 p, m. Evening Praise
"If Winter Comes."
Tuesday Evening January 7—
eiseelt-of-Prayer in the United
Church, Rev, J. H. Kerr.
Everyone Cordially Welcome
(„hih of Engianci
Parish of Brussels
Rev. J. H, Kerr, Rector
Second Sunday After Christmas
January 5th, 1947
St. John's Church Brtiesolle-
7,39 p. m. Evening Prayer
3 p. m. ,Sunday School
St. David's Church Henfryn•—
28(1 p, m. Evening Prayer
at. Gcorgo's Church Wilton --
11 0. in. Morning 15raYer
k'nidaY evening Jan, 10th at 8
Week of Prayer Serv'lee, speaker
Rev, G. A. Milne of Melville
Presbyterian Church.
"Come to my heart, Lord Teens," by
At the evening service Mr. Milne
offered 00 a worlrable basis for
Christian living in 1947, St, Paul's
reassuring words "We know that to
them that love God ail things work
together for good," Romans '8:28.
The evening .anthems were "We
have seem a star in the East" by
Clare, and "Christians awake, salute
the happy morn" by Maunder.
We wish to express our deepest
thanks and heartfelt appreciation for
the kindness and sympathy extended
to us by neighbours and friends in
our recent bereavement and for the
lovely dowers sent.
Mrs. Wilson Marks and Family
Is Your Subscription Paid Up?
S'oafo rth, Ora
Now Showing—
New Year's Day Matinee at 2.30
In Technlcllor
Do You Love Me
Dick Haymes Maureen O'Hara
Harry James
Thurs., Frt., Sat. Jan. 2, 3, 4th
Walt •Disney's
In Teohnloolor
Come and see the wonderful ad-
ventures of Pinocchio, Geppetto,
Jiminy Cricket, Monstro and all the
other characters of this beloved
Fairy Tale.
Mon., Tues„ Wed., Jan, 6, 7, 8
In Technicolor
Night And Day
Cary Grant and Alexis Smith
This ftlmlzation of the career of
Cole Porter cannbt fall to dig its
way Into the hearts of all entertain-
ment seekers—Hear the Inspiring
music of "Night and Day" — "Begin
the Begulne" and many other songs
Next Thur., Fhl„ Sat, Jan. 9, 10, 11
Double Feature
Johnny Comes Marching Horne
Faye Marlow Rlohard Crane
Martha Stewart
It Shouldn't Happen To A Dog
Carol Landis and Allyn Joslyn
Double Feature
Adv'entur annd Of Rusty
Life With Moodie
Applications for the p;sitiin ,cl
Assessor for the Village of Brussels.
State salary expected, Applications
to be in by Jan; 14th, Lowest or any
application not necessarily accepted.
R,I 8. COTSSINS, Reeve
Prunes - Prunes - Prunes-
1't�s Grcwar's Grooeteria has re-
ceived a shipment of .this year's crop
of Prunes. Buy a Box or a pound,
Come in and see our Display of
Canned—Peaches - Plums - Apples -
Rlethaf h—ail sweetened and no
onpone. Open all Day Wednesday
as Usual.
S:hool Board Meeting
Dec, 20th, 1946
All members of Morris Township
School Board were present et the
December meeting held in the Towir-
slthip Hall, December 5.
Minutes of previous meeting were
adopted on a motion by McMurr0y
and Dundas.
Accounts were presented and their
payment authorized by a motion
by Taylor' and McCotetheon, 3, Mo-
irarlae'in, Insane oe No. 9, 512,75;
Print Shop, Report Cards 54,60; B
Moffatt $1.95; W H. Davidson, drill
ing well No. 7, $370.00; Brussels
Post $4.00; G. McNichol $2.40; r. L
Hord, Library Books 5138.78; Blyth
School Board, seats 516.00; Teachers
Federation 544.00; W. Wbee•let
538.84; Staintor(s Hardware $9.06,
Trustees' Mileage account and
,Secretary's account for extra, visits
to shoots was also passed, Motion
by Taylor-McCutclneont that Wind in-
surance No. 1 be renewed if rate
remains the same. McMurray -Taylor,
motion the Secretary advertise in
local papers for caretakers for all
the schools.
Motion Dundas-McOntcheon, that
the first meeting for 1947 he held on
January 9 at t30 p,m. Motion by
Taylor -Dundas 'that the meeting
W. R. Slaoldi,ce R. S. Shaw.
Chairman Secretary
We wish to acknowledge with
sincere thanks to neighbours and
Mends who In any way assisted
us In our time of need and bore-
al -trent also to those who gave floral
Mrs, Ed, Clark and family.
Former Bluevale Pair
Married For 60 Yearn
BLTJIOVALE, Dec 81.—Several from
Blatevflle attended the 60th wedding
anniversary of Mr. and Mir, H. L.
Bosman at the home of their daugh-
ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, R.
TT, Lloyde, Wingham, Mr. 'and Mrs,
Bosman were former residents of
Warning To Children
Children, are warned to stay off
the ice on the river. Although the
river is only partially covered with
ice and that very thin, ohildren hare
been seen on tt. Parents are here
reminded to impress on their
youngstetie the danger of venturing
onto the ice at this tome,
New License Plates
Now On Sale
Motor vehicle licenses and drivers'
permits for 1947 will go on sale
throughout Ontario on Janrtlary 2, it
has been announced by the Minister
of Highways.
Steel restrictions still make it
necessary to issue only one marker
plate to each vehicle, he said. Colour
combination' le black figures and
litters on an eluminmm base.
Morning Star Lodge
Dance Held Here '
In spite of the extremely inclement
weather a good 'crowd attended the
dance in the Town Hall on Friday
evening. The dance was sponsored
by Morning Stam Rebekah Lodge.
Mttsdc was swindled by Ross Pearce
and his band of Mitchell, Mrs, Sean
Snell' and Frank IScatt were winners
of the elimination dente and Mrs, A.
Logan anal 0. Doll received the
prize for the spot 'dance, Lunch
was served after the dance. no
hell was epllaopriately decorated
with h011day colours and greens. ,
,-:' -
1s Your Subscription Paid Up?
8 �y
Ring out the Old
Ring in the New
.au ..
What difference does a date on i
the catenate' make? What differ.
encs is there between. 1st January
and 31st December? Ts all the fuss
about a new year just a whole lot of
nonsense Do you know of any
single year that was better than the
preceding one? We all know that
there is a difference. The New Year
means a new beginning. It ran
mean 0 complete change in our
whole outlook on life. The New
Year bas in it the prospects of great-
er happtnese Inc us all. It provides
scope for all tite joys of the old year
in addition, to that of its own. It is
ie true that the mere changing of a
e7 date cannot turn us from unhappy
people into happy people, but the
° changing of our outlook can help us
t escape many of the unhappy ex-
periences of the old year. Always
we have God to help us, The Bible
says that God, sitting on the throne,
makes all things new. He is able
to make each new year a new
beginning for lis, and He is able to
renew the 'you' and 'me' that we
take into the new year, With Him
helping us, whatever cornea, it will
{ be a ba.Dpy new year—such a yeas as i
the Post wishes for all its readers..
cee+gselrf'elseers?grwPee+.tgV, d3 ..ag _ d.
1 ru
0 R
Holiday Visitors -
M. Oldfield at his
home in Dun Lowman Galbraith, Toronto, at his
home here.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. S. Lon, with Clinton
:1: * *
Miss C. McCracken, Toronto, at
her home here.
1 *
Miss M. Stewart with Mr. and Ilirs.
Thos. Walker,
* * *
Mass. N. Jardiine, Ilornhy, with he r
sister Mrs, W. S. Scott,
Mr, Arthur Fox of Winnipeg, Man..
is visiting bis brother Mr. S. Fox.
5 -e
Miss Mary Flelen Balmier. Flint,
Mich., with her parents Mr• and
Mrs, L. W. Eckmier, '
a ..
Mr, and Mrs, Pearson Young and
daughter Susan. Sebringvllle with
her parents Mr. and Mrs, S. P.
• e n
Mr, ,Tee, Thomson and Miss • Gloria
Thomson, Brampton and Miss
Gertrude Myers. Montreal with Dr,
C. A. and Mrs. Myers.
* * *
Ernest Plum, Stratford, Dr, Lois
Plum, Ottawa and S,gt, and Mrs
TTllyot, London, spent Christmas at
theft home here.
* 5 e
Mr, W. E. Parr and Mrs, Parr of
Winnipeg, Manitoba were Christmas
week guests of the former'e another,
Mr's, 11. Parr, and alunt, Miss Carrie
Tjingston, John St.
* 5 *
Mr. and Mrs. .7 Rowland spent
Christmas. with t110ii• daughter Mrs
Gordon Hymens ,of Listowel also
with Mrs, George Davidson and
* * *
Mrs. Haigh Edgar and Jas. Edgar.
Wroxeter, +Miss Margaret Edgar,
R,N„ WaIketon, Jaelt Edgar, Fort
Fences and Nell Livingstone, Wer
burn; Seal„ with Met, Jut), Meadows
and Mrs. M. Edgar,
Mr. Peter Barber who is a eon-
valescent polio patient at Victamia
Hospital, London, Douglas Barber,
Arthur, Miss Ann Barber, Guelph
and Mr. and Mrs, Illyth, Arthur with
Dr, W. D. S. and Mrs. Jamieson,
* * *
Mr. and Mrs, 3, Feinitheiner, Mr.
and Mrs, 3, MnOutcheon and family,
Mr, and Mrs,, G. Campbell and
family and Mrs, M. Oampbell, Ids
towel, Mr. and Mrs, Wei. Cantlsbeli
and family, Biltevale and Mrs, Wm
Bethnett, 10t1he1, with Mr. and Mrs,
IR. Bennett.
* * *
Mr, and Mrs, L. McCauley we'.
relatives here.
n: *
Miss Evelyn -Mott, Toronto, at nes
home here,
5 * *
Mies Gertrude Ross, Toronto,
her home here. ,
* * *
Leslie Lowry, Toronto,
mother Mrs, Geo, Lowry,
• New Lieutenant -Governor
Prime Minister Mackenzie King
hx- nh_nilrr".d 1'1•. .lppointment of
!Mr. Ray Lawson, 0.0.E., of London.
president of Lawson & Jones, and a
number of other industrial firms, es
lieutenant -governor of Ontario,
ive fecrnlh'r 20th. Ho will
succeed Hon. Albert Matthews, whr
has been lieutenant -governor for
almost ten years, much longer than
the rormal
Edward Nell Clark
Edward Nal Clark died at the
home of his enn-in-law. Melvin Ham-
11tnn, R.R, 1, Ethel, on Saturday,
following a heart attack. He had
been in good hon.ltb previously. Born
on the 17111 concession of Grey tnwn
ship, at lot 16, on April 24, 1077, he
was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs,
Gem•ge Clark. Following his mar-
riage to M500 Minnie Heath, he lived
on the 17th concession of Grey for
10 years, 'then moved to Listowel
where they resided for 19 years. Six
years ego they ram' to this dis-
h•iet. While in Tistowel, Mr. Clark
was a member of Listowel City
Mission, Surviving besides his wife
is 000 daughter, Mrs, Melvin
Hamilton. There is one grandson.
Wayne Hamilton. Four brothers
and two sisters also survive; John
and Robert of Brussels; Henry,
Walton; Joseph, Spalding, Sask.;
Mrs. Jack Williamson, Walton, and
lire ,Tar•nh Ziegler, Brussels, The
funeral was held Tuesday, with a
servire at the home of Mr. and Mrs
Hamilton at 1:30, followed by a
neblic• service at 3:00 o'clock in
Listowel City Mission. Burial will
130 made 1: Fa'rview Cemetery.
Fdwin Bates
The call which romps to everyone
came to an honoured citizen of this
community on Dec. 17th., when
Edwin Bates, passed the Great
revel,: into the Better Land,
Bssir or a farm at Kars. near
re sire' M Dates was the
with his .'011 of Seiner.] and Eliza Bates. .41
the age of 19 he entered the tailoring
beshness at ?Merriekl'ille. Ontario.
where in 1902 he WA married to
Winnifred Newman of that place.
Moving to Toronto, he was engaged
far the next 25 years in the shoe
business in that city.
in 1931 the family came to
Brussels. from where Mr. Bites
reveled on an extensive trade in
men's made to measure clothing,
rovering a large territory and be-
coming widely known and respected
for his uprightness of character and
(millet. kindly ways.
1s member of the Seeslon. and
teacher of the Adult Bible Class of
the Ru"dny School he will 110 greatly
missed in the( Milted Church, of
which he was a member.
To his wife, his daughter Doris, of
Toronto, his son John of St. Cathar-
ines. the sincere sympathy of the
community is extended in their hoer
of bereavement and sorrow.
Mr. Bates is also survived by 3
brothers; Samuel of Toronto, Wes-
ley and Howard of Winnipeg,
Bearers were; J. Bryane, C. Hem-
mirgway, W. Icing, Sr.. Eari Ander-
son, L. W. Ecicmler and R. B.
Interment was mode in Brussels
Cemetery nn Dec. 19, 1946.
"He being dead, yet speaketh,"
* * *
Frank Scott, Welland. with his
parents Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Scott.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, McNair and
doughter with Hamilton friends.
a: * *
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Porter and
daughter Joyce were Christmas
visitors in Toronto.
• n: *
Dore.id and Mrs. McRae are enjny-
ing the holiday season at the home
of Mrs. T. T. 7101sae.
* *
Miss Mary Rose, Wlegham, with
her grand parents Mr. and Mrs. D
C. Roos.
* * *
Miss Jean Cameron, R:iteben.er,
with her brother Jack and Mrs
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. A. M.
sons with -her mother,
Galbraith, Elms,
Grewar and
Mrs. Robt,
* * *
Mas. Gordon McDowell and Miss
Florence McNaughton spent the
Christman holidays with Mr• and
Mrs. It North In Toronto,
:e * *
Mr. and Mrs. M. Wineberg and
daughter RRohelle sp0nt the Christ -
MOS holiday with Toronto relatives,
* * '1'
Mrs, T). R. Cunningham has gone
to Brantford to spend the winter
months with her daughter, 'Mfrs
!Evelyn Cunningham,
* * *
; Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Kerr and
twin daughters, .Sharon and Karen
and Mr. Vernet Herr with their
Parente Rev. J. H, and Mrs• Herr at
St, John's rectory,
* *
Mr, and Afro. Stanley Elliott and
family, Listowel, Mr. and Mrs, T. 11.
Smffith and daughter Olive, Stratford.
Mr. and Mt's, E, W. Watson, Hamil-
ton and Miss Agnes Elliott, St,
Catharines were holiday guests at
the home of Mr, and Mrs, H, B.
For the many kindnesses shown
ale and for the beautiful cards and
gifts I wish to express my deep
appreciation. Wishing a Happy
.New 'Year.
Kenneth Wood
We wnnld lilte to take this 0pp0r-
tuni•te to emetic our many neighbors
and friends for their acts of kindness
shown us in our recent bereave
Mrs. E. Bates, Doris and Jerk.
Listowel Maternity
Ward Has Customer
TTSTOWTTL, Jan. 2—The stork
paid tie first visit of 1947 In Listowel
at ilio Listowel Mensor1al Hospital.
where a daughter was born et 5:40
n,nl. Jan. 1, to Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd
Michel 0f Oranbrook in Grey town-
ship. As the first And born here
this year. the baby is to receive a
gift of $5 froin Colin. John Graab.
Huron County Federation
Of Agriculture
The Directors of Htnwn Counts
ie +1, t-ae nn or Aerieniture held am
Important meeting in the Agricubeul•-
al Board Room. Clinton, at 1.80 P.M.
on Deremher 2711 at which ••11'1'
Important decisions were reached.
Afte.• e0'k11-10rihle dtsrnssinn arta
debate, it was derided to ask each
Township to carry out an inteno*ee
Warble Fly Camnaisn In for Snring
of 1947, with the hope that the
whole Cmmty will en -operate.
The following Executive wus
ehncen for 1947: --Past President,
Finery L. Sturdy, Auburn: President_
Russel] T. Bolton, Dublin; let V'1'wi
President, Bert Imhb, Clinton: 2nd
Vire-President. Chas. Cmiltes, Bel-
erave: Secretary -Treasurer. W.
Roy, Londeshnrn;' Roht. McKerelle'r
Dublin: Gordon Kirkiand, Tereknow;
Wm. Davidson, Zurich: Bert Irwin.
Seaorth and Orval Harrison, Monlc
It was decided to ]told the Annual
01,1r1 Dmv in Exeter in 1947, out
June 11th if arrangements can be
competed for that date.
Perhaps, most Important of all,
Huron County, Federation of Agri-
culture ha. derided, unanimously, to
launch a ,Co-operative Hospitalizes
Hon' Plan, available to both Urban
and Rural people throughout the
County, A Health Committee was
appointed Iaet August to make a
thorough study of Co-operative Hos-
pitalization and concrete announce-
ments will he made in the very near
The United Church W. A.
Thr, necember meeting of the
W.A. was held Tuesday evening the
17tb at the home of Mrs. Peter
McArthur with the president Mrs. R.
Cousins in the chair and Mrs. A.
Armstrong at the Piano. The
meeting opened by .the singing of e
Christmas revel followed by prayer
offered by Mrs. S. Davison, Mese
singing another Carol the minutes
of the last meeting were read and
approved. Mrs. W. Bell then gave
the Treasurer's report. Mrs. Leach,
the report of the window committee.
The report of the nominating com-
mittee was read by Mrs. A. C. Baek-
er as follows: President, Mrs. R. 33.
Cousins; 1st Vice Pres., Mrs. A.
Brown; 2nd 'Vice Pres., Mrs. P. A.
McArthur: 3rd Vire Pres., Mrs, W.
Leach; 4th Vice Pes., Mrs. D. N.
McDonald; Rec. Sec., Mrs. Jas.
Dryoaos; Assistant. Mrs. 7. Rowland:
Nene.. Mrs. W. Bell; Asisstant, Miss
E. Downing; Press Se.. Miss F.
Ameharon; Pianist, Mrs. A. Arm-
strong; Assistant, Mrs. W. Leach.
It was then derided to give n
dora,tinn to the W.M.R. and the M.
and M. Pond.
Mrs, W. Speiran then reported
gond wore done by the Good Cheer
Miss H. Downing read an artinle
dealing with the great need of
children in the European centres.
The Misses Downing have been very
active this fall and have enmonraged
atony to help them in the "Save the
Children Campaign" They have
sent two knitted afghans, two erre'
,m11ts. two ehildrpn's sweaters and
live scarfs and the W.A. voted them
510,00 to the fund.
After the Miapah benediction Mrs.
H. Manning introduced the social
Period, A Christmas reading by
Mrs. H. Wilson-, a contest conducted'
by Mrs. W. Leach and a solo by
Mese C. Hingston.
A delicious lunch was then served
Mad a vote of thanks tendered the
hostess for the use of her home,
St. John's Church
The ailment Chmistanas tree enter-
tainment of St. John's Sunday
School was held in the school room
an Monday evening, Dec, 23rd. .A
splendid program which lied been
prepared under the (Bretton of Mrs.
Kennedy was given.
After the program, gifts were die-
trtbuted to all the school children
School I by Sancta. Mr. Ed. Morrow the
Superintendent. on behalf of the
Sulyday . S onl thanked Mrs, Ken -
i ne13' and all those who bad helped
to make the entertainment G.
The Junior Auxiliary held a ver?
enjoyable Christmas party .et '!R.
rectory on Friday, Dec. 20th. A hail
-i 91
o e after wh
A•ln of was s rV
games were played and gats Inure
exchanged by 111e -girls on Ms,
bhristmas Tree.