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The Brussels Post, 1946-12-18, Page 4
THE BRUSSELS POST eocisumonctootwcrozontimtcmsemusar=fmannmnvottetiscs r1V, C; I Yard ey or° Ertsiand A Small Shipment has como in of this ever popular line of YARDLErS LAVENDER Gifts for Llkand Mep, Combination Packages, Wooden Shaving Bowls, Lotus Lotion, Talcum Bath Powder Etc. Other very popular lines of Beauty Preparations In very attractive packages we have are - Adrienne, Evening in Paris, Bachelor, Gardenia, Ponds and Others. i!7 Revlon Nail Sets in Fatal Apple, The New Ultra Violet 11-7 711.P tt 11 rFri-C,PHONE NO 62 and other popular shades. Greeting Cards and Lookiets Still a good selection lett. Our customers who have looked them over, pronounce them the best they have yet IL New Fiction, Reprints, Books for Boys and Girls oxed Stationery, Fountain Pens Gift Wrappings, Tags, Seals Ribbozene, Red and White Tissue Paper, Crepe Paper. ITI-1 {YGGLf and Sik=e4P*1; STATIONE14 FIELEPHONE NO. 5:2 A 01 Ire 45 25 11 MI'MPI-J•MMs'‘&9MOMWMEM-taW•OW ! Ns © zek Ordev At Once \ az f liquetts D. . McDONALD Brussels, Ont. 'Nc! Pllene 24 "RA rrHA:,1. Brussels, Ont. With the passing of another year, we wish to express oar sincere appreciation of the cordial relations existing be. hveen our many customers and friends as well as to conv'ey the Season's Best a Merry Christmas and a Hapv,v and Prosperous New Year, Wednesday, December 1$1h, 1946 ..PW.MTM.,OWAVIAVAVAVOWAV,MMOVAO PEOPLE WF MNOW George Cousins. son of Me, and ;•M!•!. Il. ctovilus, is expected in return home this week from the Kitchener -Waterloo hospital where 11.- had an (mei:M.10n lvt Friday for an infected foot. Mrs. W. F. Kerr who underwent Kitchener -Waterloo hospital nn Wednesday of last week le iport lhI 114 well as eau i h., exreeted. Mrs...Tobn MeNair. who has been 1n 'Victoria Hospital, London, for the past three weeks returned to her .W04t94MMM9M-W! home Satruday and is recovering ,:-:--.i!c.,:e.°Itz.r.T.:F.:wavr.cr,ilivexemtr:4:77:-.'z'F.,:..7.7.-7.7.-:-.r.v,:.7.7::•..!:,:zfz-c,,,Irmelersrevof..,..1.r.i I favourably Ai V 8 lvf,r'!!; Council m T LO Vey PiRrlelr 2! The Council Meeting Hee. 14, 1946 O IA met nn the above date D...; L, itieMg served Here. „ in the Tow, ship Hall wlith all the 3 no -tubers present, The Reeve pre- " sill,i1. 04 Th, minutoA of the last mooting 1:1 ii were I'm, a and adopted on motion of 4 Harvey Johnston and :roe Tnill. tu• ed by Chas. Coolies seeded New AmericHotel Brupsels ., 11 pi by Joe Yuill that Court of Revision , Mov an IA1 V„ ,,:,,,...,,,m.f.„:7,,,,,,,,, ,r: ,:.,,:r„.77.„..„.n,,,zwavevzvylvemtweigmeremtvwz,4141.ctezoctztzwmc: , ,be ,Eurffiu.,10:1::!ed until Jan.. 13, 194t . to ,..„ _,..... 1 lt.---.4 bv Solo Alcock seconded by 1 ijos. Tull' that the contract of print- * fling for 1947 he given to R. Kennedy, F `Ei 00 ' IC In otee i Ifhlk Asto ers • I 'Brussels. Post. for $100.00. -Carried. ! 70 %,!!!!I 1..v :re,. Turn scconaed hY Johnston that Morris Town - 14 Reservations to be made a week ahead. V, I. No milk delivery on Christmas Day or Box- ing Day. The milk driver enjoys a holiday as well as you do. neseuted by the Road upt. be paid. Creamery will be open on Boxing Day from !-ottrried, v -wed bv ?Terve.: Johnston spond- 9 a.m. to noon for any one wishing milk. a byr, r•,,Ilt,-;! that strtirs ir ".11,,•1 Ilrl151r91n on .Ton. 18, 1947 at 10 a.m. ..-Carriecl. The following accounts 07(111r1 pntd R. MoLenran. dog tax refund $ 2.00 21', W. Kyle, grant to Blyth Public Rest Room 5 fli1dyof Tinton Courtly tax 14,995,5100 0 p Brussels. Telephone 8,151,55 4 Myth Telephnur 780.00 • McKillop Telephone 165.08200 W. T. Roy Pederation of gricolince Brussels Post printing ship give $10.00 grant to Belgrave -Carried. Moved by Chas. Coultes seconded by Sam Alcock that the road bMs as BRUSSELS CREAMERY 52 1 54 MCMATMIZAUMMUMMMOtf,MOW Ogaft5Mign.5n5AMM5P-PKOMOIV. g 5e sons Greetings • ff7 I wish to Thank all my Customers for past favors and • to assure you we will continue to supply you with the best L fuels available. 54 111 t". 101 9, 52 '4 Ethel, Ont. 113 t, 1' MteTi-?•Pl-;MM5W,F,.qM•M'MiggMIMO lamen.c.a....K.+0 Lakeidd Chick. Hatchery asiscpaosabommormreranews.........1 mr*nmeta....7*. Barred Rocks, New Hampshire,Barred Rock Ilybril and New Hampshire - Light Sussex Hybrids Day -olds or started 2 or 3 weeks. January to June 1947 delivery. Write or Phone ilostroxiiMenMISOInisnem•••••• ouglas Lawless, Walton Phone Brussels 90-r-10 IMAL SERVICE OLD•DISABLED OR DEAD CATTLE. HORSES. HOGS * SHEEP • CALVES Promptly and Efficiently Removed Simply Phone Collect Brussels 72 Ingersoll 21 WE DO THE RESTI p51 ;'-,71firikNV PS-to BEST FOR JUICE AND EVERY USE D03,7,0 lo Das, 11 Cease 0.2 Q16 1,7S WE SELL FOR LESS No Seeds - No Color Added Cr war's Grwc ten .1 enntrac.t Ivan MArter, caretaking Cecil Wheeler, salary Harvey .Tolun=rt elfin i'Y Ches. Coultas, salary 59111 ,A1(19,k 41114 • JOS, Yuill, salary WM. Sholdice, expenses T. Duman F. 1r1111,1101',1 H. MeCutvliPon, expenses12 11 MeMurary, expenses g, Ti M:Peliges • Dept. of Health. Insulin pi revising voters J lists P, Munlipal World, supplies 21 A. 11, Mrskine, collecting taxeN „, ArlYanie-Ti in es, advertising 41 92.29 ,,Rev. Dunlop, Relgrave 00.00 15.00 120.00 , 75.00 I 75.00 75.00 75.00 50.00 40,00 40,00 j 40.60 40.00 6,76 22.05 14.89 1 8.00 414 (41 Library 10.00 P. Hydro E,P.C.. Tislgrave and ("'"'•'1"6:Na(;-'7W •C;-90W,MOW, !M,Mg!, IV:Afro •...treeit 110114 147,00 ; George Mt ohi e. sPecial Prise ploughing match 5.00 W. Treeltwell, Walton !street I lights 9.80 Geo. Hetherington, dog tax refund 8.00 Earl Coultes, dog tax refund 2,00 Geo. Martin, salami 275.00 postage 25.00 deaths! 85.00 peinston commissions 6.10 Fed. of Agiriculture 7.80 Nelson Higgins, !salary 190.00 floaniciai !sta,tement 10.00 relief officer 25,00 solhool attendance officer MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL Do Yon Want Relief frc SINUS TROUBLE? A saw and Wonderful 6r -red' tar Ern* Weal esee Antrum Trot:hit-. Aho for (Whew/ //rag This Remedy Is Known no' SINULIEF StociSif a White Powder to be rcd ea 8 end& asoe pad aeon to Use. iced id $1,00 PIWWEIVT AVAILAALE WS ?ST KM "Amply QIN InBox and_pialltioU. ettinon WOK Mt, sem MORO, order Or ..Q VntAt. 0471-7*r 040. Please oorm nresso end androos on oorfne, oresetrommwmenewmaemenrom triNTALISEI CO.. DOX ffea, LONDON, WM Muse 'Find Encle../a4 sum 1warovms ose a an faze* Att 12,00 postage rz,, Buenos 13,00 Tliihard Aloock, Sellers drain 91,37 Geo, C Meetin, Clerk iffroppotoirw CfAttbriVrilwallUf Brussels New Hairdressing Salon Permanent Waves Finger Waves Shampoos Experienced Operator in Charge Appointment 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. Phone 76-r-9 or 98.r-9 s You'll Enjoy Christmas iop)ing a:t the Arcade Store Here are carefully selected gift items for men, women and children suggest- ions suitable for every gin iist. Men's, Women's and Children's Wool Gloves 98c up Boys Parkas - sizes 8 to 16 fears $9.95 up Men's All -Wool Dressing Gowns small, medium and large Large assortment of all wool and part Wool Blankets Women's Print Housedresses, sizes 14 to 46 $1.98 up Men's, Wornen's and Children Slippers Women's Flight Boots, fur lined sizes 5 to 9, $9.95 - °--- Ladies Chenille and Quilted Housecoats $8.95 up Plastic and Print Aprons 89c up ......•••••••••••••......•••••••••••••••• Rayon and Satin Panties and Bloomers 59c up Women's Satin Slips, sizes 32 to 38 white and tearose $1.98 Ladies Nylon Scarfs Large selection of all wool plaid squares and brush silk Kerchiefs, 98c to $2.98 _ • ^ Ladies Fur Mitts, in white, blue,. rOse and green $3.95 Ladies and Children's Leather Ski Mitts assorted colors, $1.98 up Men's Dress Gloves lined and unlined - $1.98 to $3.95 Just Arrived - Large shipment of men's Wool Dress Sox made by the famous McGregor and Circle Bar companies, 65c to $2.25 Men's and Boys all wool Cardigans, Pullovers and Sleeveless Sweaters Men's Scarfs Men's and Boys Boxed Ties • 50c to $2.0P Chenille Bedspreads - good assortment of shades - tompromenfoormoverimemanownelampammoommome,v, THE RCADE STORE isonsser amstoutimizrm Phone 61 -- - Brunets, Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Family MeRiVaNigailVMAKALL'MAVAVAVAVOIC724 0