HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1946-12-18, Page 2THE BRUSSELS I'OS'r 12 11 erglg Ent -,t eilVedrear.S Sesee eel* F.:. 'rcas ,/ .. a sr t .•^ is and ..rs'� "o•1 a full mascara.EYC'.i a -t:: jos a* a e :'e s for the New Year. Phone 40 on Hardware and Chinaware Listowel, Ont. The Store With The Stock '� 'J •J i'?aiW ^ J• Rax 9 J� a 9 q`'°•R �'' a Br auiss 5c c .ry ‘V. The animal meeting of M>uff's Church W.M.S. was held - in the 1 ,. •u, nt on D! '. 11th with a gond attendance. -The Seventeenth and Fa-, (]marl, ,,y,.,.,, in charge of the program and gays snore very t , sins late uleeit religion in 1,..11,. Several of «he cid rnndlln'• Clu,dsrmns hymns t'« r' s❑ru:r. Thr C.(t.LT. are hold. SPECIAL TRAIN SERVICE also Changes in Train Service account Christmas and New Yr:ar's There will be oertain changes In ,:aln service between December 23rd and January 1st. Consult your local C. N. R. Agent for fall information. Canadian National Railways e 11 w l rlr fellmvin'• tit of ntil , re for 1.1-17•-__TTnn e, 1T 1;. These.; pees,. '1rs. TT + n T..'ees oil it Ws•. tint Vire 1' Mr,.. J 'iris=hall: "rd Vire Pres., Mrs. A. "hall„1. M. P. T. Tr e -ase,, sir•:. 'T, TTo1• land: Supply Seeretary, Mrs. S. m..• rr'n+nnn'ry Friendship Ser., Mrs. N. Reid: Ser. of Temper b„i i.ur Fellowship. Mrs, Seh de: Missionary Monthly Ser., Mrs. H. Johnston: Stewardship Ser., Mrs. H Kirkby; Literature See. \h s. Roy D n ctt :1,<o.nate Delp. Ser , Mrs. W. TTatk«ell: Mission •3 Rand Sant„ '1•.. A. 'McCall; Palsy Band Supt., Mrs, G. McDavin: T. 'les. R. G. Hazlewood. Assistants. Mrs. H. Kirkby, -Mrs. G. McArthur; Anditot•s. ,Trs. \V. ('. Bennett, Mrs. L. Cummings, Officers of W.A.-1947 Tien. Pres., Mrs. R. Reid; President. Mrs. W. J. Bennett; let Vire Pres„ Mrs. A. Coutts: end Vire Pres,, Mrs. J. Smith; 3rd Vice Pres., Mrs, Wit - bur Turnbull; Seeetary, Mrs, E. Hackwell; Treasurer. Mrs, W. David- son; Pianists, Mrs, W. Davidson. Mrs. H. Johristen, Mrs. .T. Bryans; Flower Committee, Mrs. S. Johnston, i5 Mrs. D. Ennis. The Young Peoples' Union of Duff's Pnited Church, Walton. held a special service on Sunday evening, Dec. 15. The service took the form of a Bible Contest between teams from the Young Peones' Union-. the Session, the Woman's Missionary 1 Society and the Sund.ay School. The Session and the Young Peoples, inion were tied for first place. The Y.P.U. was. rpreeented by Douglas Lawless and Marjory Rockwell, the essior by Silas Johnston and Edward Bryan, the W.M.S. by Mrs, Arthur McCall and Mrs, John McDonald, the Sunday School by Margaret Me Arthur and Leona Johnston, After the contest a moving picture was lumen by Mr. Harvey Johnston. Next Sunday Christmas services at 11 a.m, surd 5 p.m. Tn the evening a Christmas Pageant will he present. ed, On Saturday the C.G.T,T, held i their Christmas meeting in the church. White gifts were present- ed to be sent to a Childrens' Home in Toronto. Helen Johnston presided and the worship service was taken by M. T3aelewood. A Christmas Story was tolyl by Mavis Oliver. x Plans were made for the Vesper Christmas tt'paa7ie> s only ? short shopping, days Service to be held on Wednesday C 1 r- 1, 1,.1? take this opportunity of •,• night. The meeting closed with Taps. aphra�rShill ".:;?1 �, all c: very Happy ft.. r 7::,t m _ and c Prosperous S?'1F ^. � 3 appy T;!W Y ar.. t'4 .0 e i6 3 cti rem.:. 1i ape. n every t bei -.7r, rM. ar m rte+ • Ty "� _7 :� A,c7n. and. u30. e'�. fr -j„7„ao to.p rr r 6+ fts,mgoiummmokemmim For a Happy Christ as 9 ca .) hop at Leach s si 14. jewellery and Gift )hoppe We have a complete line of gifts for all the .tsaalrnit y at a price to suit you. A gift bought at our store can be -,ngrcved or gold stamp - :.d on short notice, 0 FOR SALE- Etectrie motors rewound and re- noirod, Expert workmanship. Mod - .rate prices. Lloyd M. Better, Monkton, Ont. ' a s r'N f .a .a a .aMm-7 .a a 1;, 4.1$1 CII 4i1✓ Phone ?°o`' "els t, y Gvoif Visit our Christmas Gift Counier A complete line os Gifts for All. B1.7�, We carry a complete sa.ock ayu n°'kesh and Cooked Meats Visit our Meat Coulrxtr . �'.tecaMenrMaiaatia >,>=y ,,,��„1M,. ,o -Wim....,., A- g ITel S Tare esah t out. lt. Highest Prices Paid oe and Honest Grade Assured New Life Feeds ......,®.,.,.,.,sm,.,m,u,.,.aa.em„n,umtatom.ua tract :wm,..,wx.,awn , talta.•,e,.......,....,,..,...w.,,,.....*,.,.mt KEDDEFES Santa will be here from 3 to 5 on Saturday, December 21st. Come and see what he has in store for you. Christmas Greetings 4 WANTED- Iloys skates and boots, size 2. Call The Tut-,>rL Peat WANTED - ) .1 pair of b•.,}'>: -bates, <iarr la. Phone 96x -r-9 SKATES WANTED - now'. lu'-•.... Az,, 1. in gond con- dition. Notify, -phare 37x. FOR SALE -- (d -foot Ski- in good rendition, Coin- ljli ""PinTnlrSn pltle with poles and harness. Apply at The Post 7l1 \f 1T AN- 1' loving r' ',ors of my broth„r Wi1Hc. killed thee, year's -ran Bre. 11. T1+ --re is n 1ink 0r011 r•amnnl =ever Love and Remembrance fm -ver. Teen A * 5 YOT NC--Tn loving memory of Fit: T: reit. A' t hie Triune with was killed it action in Norway nn Der. 11th. 1945: Beyond life's gate our loved one Found happiness and rest, .And there is comfort in the thought Th'ot a loving G rl knew hest. -Fondly remembered and sadly missed by his mother, Mrs. Edna Young And His Brothers. A i 6 Tn loving memory of a dear son and brother, W.0.1 'Willis 1:. R. Marhar, who gave his 1t?e for free. dram Dee. 19, 1943: At night the silent stars look down, Om a grave so far from here. Where sleeps the one we cont forget And aiways loved so dear. The dearest eon this world could hold, The cheeriest smile and heart of gold. To those who knew him. all will know How much we lost three years ago. fondly remembered by Mum. Dad, brother Ralph and sisters, Jean, Lois and Glenna. f_ee' Teye-Al", Men Rs.etsel At Foeslwirle Nir. err' Mrs. Fdwned Johnston attended the funeral of Williem Holt at 'Brussels on Monday afternoon, Mr. 'Holt was a resident of Grey township neer Jamestown the great- er part of his Pte, He is survived by two sons nn the homestead and one rin+lghtr.r. The funeral service was ennrinrted by Rev. A. TT, TTrwitt of Bhtevale TTnitrrl Church, Inter- ment took pinre in the Fordwieh ^noel n'y. Apniirat,innrs for the pnsitinn of Secretary -Treasurer of the Township Srhnnl Hoard nt Grey Tnwnshin will he received by any member of the Board on nr before December 59, 1945. 5aiary 5150.00 per year. For statement of duties, call any member of the Board. Harry Bolger women Brown W. C. Ellacott Kenneth McLean William Smith The Township School Board of (trey Township will receive on or before December 30, 1946, applies- tions for the position of caretaker in ennh of the schools. Duties to cnm- menre February 1 1047. State Wary, Any member of the Board will in. form you of the duties, and will sorMVP the application. 5 1T The BTnlevale 75on's Chili met in the rnmmmtity hell. Tire nrrsidnnt, T. C. Higgins. presided. During the hnsiness ported plains were marls to build nn open air rink In the vil- lage, and the n1nb will sponsor pnh- 1ir speaking contests for school "1d1t1.^en in the low -11411p'. of 'Terris and Tu,rnberry, The *liner anenlrrr was Frank Johnston of Winghim. TTls eel ier4 wins "Thr Advance of the Radio," b IMnsie and singing wn- supplied by Mr. Jermyn and Mr. Whitehead on the guitar and vinlin. ?\Mrs. NO ,Johnston neronpanied at the piano, The 'Women's institute enioyed e. Fly rho-ktoris ir.rwrim an Thurariay afternoon It the home of Miss Mar. anorct Cuntie. The president, Mrs, J, 4 H. Smith, presided. When the roll Pali was rolled ,the majority of the members gave "Silent Nig)tt'1 ea -heir favorite Christmas enrol. Mrs, ie l Cnrl Snhr,st•ot gave a Christina message, nolnttng oat that Christ. 1, mac wasa. time for soy and merry mallaialg, glut giving, d'Proraang and festivity and stressed the denser of forget th • feet rust it meant ihr birth of Christ. Miss biome ,Tohnsten conducted a ethrlstmats rynla. At ,Mtn close of the meeting Sims, ("netts and Miss Margaret Cnriis served Tuneh as a. Christrnss treat. LOST - A brown and white striped um- breIla In Brussels. 11 ' Ft^nl,'y \5'herlrr P1mno 21.-5 FOR SALE - A minetity of dry Millwood limb wont, L. 11. Brya."s Phone 9ex-r2 rna SAI "- One robe, pm'obased in Nnepawa, Manitoba, guaranteed genuine But talo. Apply at Gillespie TIerdware FOR SALE - Collie Pups. good heelers would also salt their mother, good watch dog too. George Wesenberg Phone 41-r-24 FOR SALE - Pure Bred York hogs. Higlt grade type. Apply to Foster Smith. Lot 25, Con. 16, Grey Phone Brussels 29-r-8 TEACHER WANTED - Teacher wanted for Ethel School 5.5, No. 11 Twp, of Grey apply stat- ing experience and salary to Wm, T. Spence, Sec.-Treas.. S.S. No. 11, Twp. of Grey ATTENTION CHICKEN RAISERS -- For the best in chickens and pullets in all leading breeds at right prices get them from the Moncton Poultry Farm, a Oa -nada Approved Hatchery. through ,John Wheeler, nhnne 5S-r-13Brussels. FOR SALE - Brussels United Church Shed Tenders for the purchase of the same to be in the hands of R. Ti. ("misfile by January 15th. Lowest or any tender rot necessarily accepted R. B. Cousins, Treasurer Brussels Trniteti Church CARPENTERS WANTED. Fist "lass tradesmen required for completion of Inmes on Housing Enterprises Project by the Russell Constriction Company. Ltd.. apply 5t9tannin Street Fair Grounds. Stratford, ntario. WANTED - A conk for the Hnren County Horne, Clinton. Ont. Salary 805.05 per month. hoard and lodging pro- vided, For information please roll - tart Mr.. M. E. Jaron at the Home. N, W. Miller, Clerk, County of T-Turen AN OPPORTUNITY-. Established Rural Watk'ns District available, if you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55 - have or can secure travel outfit, this 15 your opportunity to get estab- lished in a profitable business of yew own. For full particulars write today to The J. R. Watkins Company Dept. 0-11•4 2177 Mason St.. Mont, cal. Que. - FOR SALE - T have at present n choice number f farms at right prit'es. Anyone wish- ing to dispose of their farm (any size) gond buildings please list them et once as T have clients for Fall sales. Call or write J. C. Long, Real Iletate Broker. Brussels, Ont, Phone 84. KITCHENER BIG -4 CHICKS - h1 bi;t di -:mann. They gat you the 'extra' profits you might ,'ta well 1 have. Canada Approved, breeders pnlinl'tim tested. ORDER NOW TTTROU'GTT AGENT and save your time corresponding. Wide nhoies breeds, crosses, Remem- ber --every egg tired -need in 1947 is already sold. .Sava disappointment, eoutset agent - IVT, 1 rewer, Brussels, Phone 72 BORN IT(1T T TNG17R---Tn Mount Hamilton Hospital, on Sunday, Bee. lS,th, 1946 to Mr. and Mrs, Edger Hot, linger of 41 St. Matthews ave., the gift of a daughter (Mildred 18milq Marie) a sister for Charles, o'ntitF) Ate 'T.e; ered' Optronntried "Western lintal it's MMinMM Modern Eye Set;ruce'' Phone 118, tlartiston \Cr+�iu!�sria.y, 1-seseelse I: -IS, It 1r; Our hands weft b all -boo.... .. completing thousands of extra Long Distance calls during the holiday season Most calls will go through promptly - because our operators will be asing all available equipment to complete them. Of course with holiday traffic so heavy, some calls are bound to be delayed. If this sure the should happen to yours, you operator will get it through lust as quickly as she possibly can THE SELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA ETHEL The W.M.S. of Knox Presbyterian Church held their December meet- ing recently at the home of Mrs. O. Kreuter, The meeting opened with the singing of a Hymn and several of ,6be ladies led in shot prayers. Mrs. S. Dunbar read en' Sc'riptnre lesson Matthew 2 clrn.p, The min- utes of the last meeting were rents by the secretary, Mrs. Cunningham. The Roll was called answered by repeating a Christmas verse. The offering was then token. Hymn 16S was sung. Mrs, McInnis read the Topic from the Study Book, Think of Africa. Several Christmas Hymns were sung and the meeting closed with Hymn 11172 Silent Night. Holy Night and the Benediction. Mrs, S. Dunbar was appointed chairman for the election of officers which resulted as follows: Presi- dent, Mrs, McInnis; let vice pres., Mrs. S. Dunbar; 2nd vire pres.. Mrs. T. H. Fear; sec., Mrs. Cunningham, Treas., Mrs. J. Wright; Clad Tidings see., Mrs. M. Thompson; Welcome and Welfare, Mrs. C. Cardiff: Assist- ants, Mrs, 5, Alenardrr and Mrs. S. Wilson; Press ser Mrs. W. Ki •cut- er; Supply secretaries, 'T'•s eieh- ard.s, Mrs. Alexander; :Mission Baud Leader. Mrs. l nnmlabnry; Assistant, Mrs. Richards: Home Helpers SPP., Mrs. U. Heath; Pianist, Mrs, Turn- bull; Assistant pianist, Mrs, G. ICrauter; Flower fund committee. hiss, J, Krtruter and Mrs. G. Kreuter, The wome'n',, 10.1�itatt.' held theirs December meeting on Thursday afternoon of last week at the home of Mrs. Brenton. After the opening exercises the Roll was called ane . the m+innntRS of the last meeting were read by Ilse seeretruy and approved, The tee'' 'A Christmas story' was given by Mrs. E. Richards. Mrs, 'Miller gave a demonstration on Decorating a Christmas table, Will eh WAS very lovely, Mrs. McTvor favored with ,a beautiful Christmas solo, The contents of the travelling girt hasket were auctioned off with Mrs, Ward - law as auctioneer from which a nice sum of money was realized while the lunch committee was preparing the lunch a number of Christmas Carols were sung with Mrs. Brenton and Mrs-. McIvor as pianists. The meeting -then closed. The number present was about 30, Ration Coupon Due Dates Coupons u'ow valid are sugar - les -serves 81 to 533, butter B25 to 835. meat M56 to M64, All sugar coupons in book five, all evaporated milk beaver coupons, butter 529 to B14 and meat coupons M56 to M03 expire December 31. i-r*.-r'l� :.� .. ' 't-� _gym f "'1;''^i "'�µ(:i�'�:?', � �9:t �.f�•'��•;t„ ` r Psi s evo s Hew IfP Is extended to all our Friends and Customers Ft bi Agent for McCormick -Deering Farm Machines For Friendly Service Visit the Cities Service Station ! CCi�rr // ±� /':`t.^ ,(,���4�,, i c"'r.V'J�ih:(J'C'v .`��.L..,!', a 4`W..A''2cn2rr',1A,:91.1`wY �•'N%..N''i'�=' .ice 9 1 Pur-o•lator Oil Filters for all maims of tractors FOR SALE USED TRACTORS Water Bowls - - - Manure Loaders Tires - Oil - Grease - Wagons - Sleighs GET YOUR TRACTOR. OVERHAULED NOW! Ethel, Ont. Sprti Phone Brussels 86-r-5. ,..a4;. 0=11::"--re,MtI.. c ot::Ta=rn1147 aZIM.Z=ns1mswenmr-�>n... x za'r POuttagy Market lige 4 est 'C sh rite 5 Yotw Best Poultry Market Is At Your Owes Door When Yen CALL THE DUBLIN PRODUCE CO. We Will Call and Pay Immediate Highest CASH PRICE For Your Hens and Chickens. Just Call Dublin 'Produce Co. Dublin 50 NO FUSS - NO WAITING * JUST likILAIN CASH, M1 Loos Dietttnce Photo Galls Paid By °us Mims When Tiny Vek Yes,