HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1946-12-18, Page 1LLAttiitSA POST PUBLISI-IING HOUSE Wednesday, December 18th, 194,6 tRUSSELS, ONTAF;;;'1,0) muntt*,....".Xlitottim.t...etamottoW ne. r. MAjef.tiC Woreetfe Tristittele mco, Aspialejtg'gWal-WA‘W'S' !.1.441,4.gMAKO Candlelight Carol Service 4; at Melville Presbyterian Church Brussels on Sunday, December 22nd at 7,30 P.M. New Christmas Carols and Anthems Organ Recital, Christmas Dittsic . 7.10 p,m. (14 (11 44) No 1 There will be no issue of tho By Oliver Riley r etiplios FrIt19 y night. The Christ:tete Day and Boeing Day Gus .tf 111 111101 coming in the middle of We week. TO hymns rails upon SS -heti -Ham: to • weti f for the Intermediate -RH ra 1 . 0 ;Wy your IV ;Lk titUl ',Untie 101 It 111ipuy urttlell 4147 ftglOIVP: : CORNER STONES Rev. G. A..Mane, NI.A. A World awaits the 01) c. —(2) HOCKEY SLANTS e all tenreaders we say a ;h. Brussels Poet next week because of me telhld h, : • , Members of her family arel f' were deeply • seddemel on , AkftigNMI:(MeM 1)(j4 of Dee. 1 2 when they lies,e1 . of the 44(1(1 r-11 ea.-inv. of Mary i Catharine Lowe Stewart, beloved wife (If peter etesenel Born in firer Township, 75 years- ;leo. the dime:li- ter of Elleaheth ,Telinstes and holiday* be a joyous one." Mee>, Catherine Lowe Stewart PROCLA. In accordance with the British tradition and to fall .in line with towns surrounding Brussels. I hereby proclaim ThurAa sSs., 6th Boiing Day A Cic Asking the citizens to observe it as such. R. B. Cousins, Reeve. Special CRANBROOK Week end visitors at the home of Allen and Mrs, Cameron were Jas. I and Mrs. Ritchie and son Douglas ! Murrayp and Mrs. Parton and daugh- ter Sharon Anne, all of London. '1,111 annual Christmas concert of I S.S. No. 7, Grey will be held on Thursday evening, Dec. 19. inthe school. Several members of, the Young - Women's Ausciliaty provided a treat for the children of the Mission and at their Met meeting of the Year. After ,school on Monday the children gathered in the church basement. The ITylun "Away In a Manger," was Ruse and Mrs. MacIver led in prayer. The secretary, Berve, Knight, read , the minutes and called the roll. Several songs and cliontses were sung. The mite boxes were banded in and while they were being opened the children enjoyed games. At the close sencleviehes, vonkles and choco- late milk were served. Earl and MVS, Dunn and Mrs. Florence Michel were among the guests at the Withheld—Meehan wedding on Dea 11. Holiday Dance Brussels Town Hall on Friday, December 27th to the music of Ross Pearce and His Band Vocalist Novelty Dance Prizes Dancing 9.30 sharp to 12.30 Lunch served after dance. Admission 75c per person Under the auspices of Morning Star Rebekah Lodge Glory to God in the higheet and on earth peace and good will toward men. Meiile Church ministei Rev. G. A. Milne, M,A 10 a. 41. Sunday School and Bible Class 11 a. m, Nativity Service. Subject"Then Came the Dawn." 7,30 p. Can.dle-elght Service Subject :— "The Angels' Song." Louis, 11 Thompson, organist and Choirmaster. *et,. The United Church OF CANADA Minister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson 11 A. M. Morning Worship Christmas Sunday "The Christ Child" Christmas Music Junior Congregation 12 Church School and Bible Class p. sn. The Shepherd's Story A Speolaa Evening Service Of Christmas, Song and Story, Everyone Cordially Welcome Church of England Parish of Brussels ; Rev. J. H. Kerr, Rector Sunday Before Ohnletinas Detember 22415, 1346 St. John'. Church Brussels -- 10 a. m, Sunday School 11a. in. Morning Prayer Bt. Devlie Church ftentryn- 1.46 p. n14 Evening Preyer et, Georgefe "Church Welton - 3,16 P. m, bveinig Prayer CARD OF THANKS Mr. Peter Stewart and family wish o express sincere thanks and 'leen appreoiation to relatives, friends and neighbous for their kindly help, and expressions of sympathy and friendship during their recent sudden bereavement. Christmas Concert S.S. No. 6, Grey Friday, December 20th 8 P.M. Adults 25c Children Free DANCING Ladies Bring Lunch DANCE in Brussels Town Hall on FRIDAY DECEMER 20th Music by Ken Wilbee and His Orchestra Dascing from 10 to 1.30 Admission 50c Lunch Booth Under auspices of Brussels REGENT THEATRE 9,6aforth, Ont Now Showing— Thurs., Fri., Sat, Dec. 19, 20, 21 The Runaround with Rod Cameron Elia Raines Broderick Crawford A misbehaving honey—a misguided sleuth—what happened to them from coastto.coast couldn't happen any funnier! Mon. Tues., Wed., Dec. 22, 23, 24 A Night In Casablanca with The Marx Bros, in the Howlraiser of 1946 Next Thur.. 'Fri., Sat, Doc, 26, 26, p7 Monsieur Beaucaire with Bob Hope — Joan Caulfield Hope doesn't miss a trick In making this pictuee a Hot of fun and laughter COMING— Oa You Love with mole Hoymes Maureen O'Hara Harry James lo Technleoldr 1 Lowe, she grew np In titie eiss-riet, iShe was married in Me 3,1 Pete, Stewart and moved to Isengdon. ND., whPt.tthey th031 '01' 44)11147 i111.11, later returning to Brnseele where they have spent the peat V. V-trs 441. 44140 11 votritm member of Melville Presbyterian illheelth prevented her attentl- enee at services. She is eervivecl by her husband and seven children 11)01111', 0 lass of n loving mother Roy and Team Hemingway nf To- ronto; Archie of Windsor; Grahame of Bey City Mich.; Florence Me Gavin of Seatoeth and Hazel Meth" - son and Stewart Lowe of Brussels. One sister, Mrs, Margaret Cardiff and one brother, Robert Lowe or Winnipeg also sntrvive, Them are sexteen grandchildren. The funeral took place on Satur- day onternoon from her late home with Rev. Geo. Milne In charge. The pallbearers, were: John Work, Sohn Tun], David Sholdice, Ernest Cardiff, Harvey Detente and Douglas Bemire. way. Many beautiful floral tributes carried messages of sympathy to the sorrowing relatives and bespoke the esteem 111 which she was held in the coumunityline cards, flowers and treats. They NV4711P all greatly appreciated. Mrs. 7cent McNair morn.The author of tli.. li was eneeelotp of that 447((1 4(2 tICVa10,111171g. which w lee, ye assoeiate with Christmas, Christmas is so tlifferent to the other asons. WP herald it with 110 small amount of preparation yet nur awakening to Its netted arrival 14 always start- ling That same :mph prevailed to some csonaiderable degree plot' tu 1,"11- fll',' ('11'141111544. 71111 ,i'v' • knew that something was about 44011 1(9 Series Group 2 Group 3 Allenferd BreeeeIe Atwood 1 Itite,sy Po,lwiell Trawl -wide,- Virlarton Gorrie Monitton ;Elmwood Belgrave Mitebe1 1 i Londeehme, Nowt i Linwood Dee yttra Th.. Sebe,inle for glom) 2 was. f1111wn up:— Dee. 27- norrit, VP. Lan 11 1`PlUtP0 Dee, 27—Fordwieh vs. Beigrave Dee 30—Ferdwieh VP roliPpplp bnppen, yet the happening was in irises 21- Tielgrave vs. Gerrie ;Beep' ,tartling. The inv of tan. 2—I,ondesboro vs. Belgrave e.liverneee eould only aries from be ativerit of a mighty tonotteroe who would bring material emn.nelpa- f tints 'rlint 10 ettletiv where the apnroerb to the 51111 fihrietmae bears such a Mose resemblance to this preeent time. The material state of ;the world presente problems far 'which there is no apparent material eolution. Ts. there anyone en bold as to hope that this Christmas might offer a -spiritual sointion to I.1111 2,--14'm.4 win vs. T,endesbero 'Jan. 6-0orele vs. Brnseels. Tan, S—Belgrave Vs. Fordwieh Tan. 10—Belgrave ye. tondeeborn 1.Tan 10-11russels vs. Gorrle Jen. 1 3 ---Brussels vs. Belgrave .Ten. 7 4—Lon11es1)0ro Forclwich jan. 17—Gorrie vs, Belgrave .Ten. 17—Bruseele vs. Lencleehoro San. 21—Lonclesbero vs. Gerrie Jan. 22—Brussels 441. Forawieh ran. 24-1('ordwieh vs. Gerrie the world's problems?, The Jesve Jan. 2.5-13elgrave ye. Bruseele failed to recognise the eolution when Jan. 27—Londesboro vs. Brussels it armeareel in their midst and there Jan. 23--norrie vs. Fordwiell is every likelihood of that failure being repeated ores again le we refuse to give Christ His piece in the (mining relebrat'ons. To asenit something and fall to reroaniite its arrival is one of 11205 41.41 4811 e.orrows. ;toy and peaces are pricelese :rifts and they no free do all this Km as tide, raqn OF THANKS wish to thank my many friends for the 143(1(14) 1144 shown to me. while 0 was a patient in Vietorin Hospital. Alan siren-, 0 have re. turned home. In the way of send - F n I N Whitfield—Meehan An PV,Pit of interese took weep on Wednesday. Dec. 11 at the herne of hTi', and 1lTre. Stanley 'Meehan whop thee. seenml daughter, Mary Lois, beeame the bride of Mr. Douglas H Whitfield of Kitchener. Tate double wedding -ring ceremony was 1101' formed by Rev, S. Brenton of Ethel, under Eln arch of evergreen with 111111181 3(1114 and weddieg hell, provost- ly o,t 8.1110 to strains of music pinged by Mrs. Brenton, The bridal party took their places, the bride given in marriage by her father, wore a floor - length gown of ivory satin, with sweetheart neckline and flower applique, feather headdress and Irma veil and carrying an arm bremstet of red roses, She was- attendee by her Bigler Miss Glenna Masher in a long gown of mauve moire teffeta with matching mitts and headdress and en men bouquet of yellow earnetions. The groom wns attend ed by yr. 7, (-1, 'Reed n1' Idetowel, Prereding the cerernony and during the signing of register 1VIre. Reed sang in lovely, voice, The 7,01,414 Prayer and I'll walk beside 7011, accompanied by Mrs. Brenton, Dinner was. served to 25 guests the bride's table centred with the wedding -cake and lighted 147(4 4715: Toasts were proposed and responded to by the groom and the bride's father, The groom's gifts were, to the bride a gold eompact, the bridee- maid silver barrettes, to- the soloist and Pianist, Pearl ear -rings and to the groomsmen a Plastic Later, the yonng couple left amid showers et confetti ,an5 good wishes on a *net trip to Stratford and Toronto, the bride wearing a winter white suit with stittirrel trim and brown accessorlets They will vesicle at 145 Waterloo St, Kitch en6r, The United Church The moirning eermon at. the 'United Churolt was from the text in Isaiah 40 "Prepare ye the Way of the Lord." The garrison subjeet Was. "netting ready for (Shristsnas." Mael, Sentries Walker sang "Sweet will of God?' lo estcellent WACO. tri the oisening, hymn slides brought the rontsregatiOn together 511 Gosnel •einging, The 91ni "Drink- ing and Drilling" was eXhibited. -The Chtlattriete Carel "0 Little town of fictailehern"was sung 1113 enartet by Mines Thebna TirOthere, Betty 001101.11e and Lawrie Centeitis and Joint 5 Dozen $1.00 Yee 60 Sunitial Oranges for 51.00 The sweetest, juiriest. most 11471147' 10115 Oranges just arrived from Cali- fernia, Taste the difference rod ampere the price. Tf Its fruit or vegetables yon want Brewer's (71008' 2814110 bras it See these Sunkist Oranges before you buy. )1 case 32.50 a full case 34,75, We Sell far LFSS. GREWAR'S GROCETERIA PHONE 6 BRUSSELS, ONT. The :7,7,34i, 5 .of the 1946-1947 ef- licers and a Christmas Candle Light Service were features of the meeting of the W.M, .Soriety hold at the home of Mrs. Rose on Tneeclay even- ing, Dee. 1. Mrs. Nichol, president, preedeling, Mrs, Rev. Wilson took charge. of the candle light ceremony. Four members, representing the 1('0m -e11 of Mrs. Nichol, Miss E. Downing, Mrs. Baelser and Mleo 11. DOIrntalg: four representing Can- acliam women, Mrs. R. 13. Cousins, Mile, Downing, Mrs. McArthur and Mrs. 13 213. Aletlonald. After sing- ing Christmas. Carols the meeting closed with prayer. Officers for 1947 W.M.S. President, Mrs. S. 11. Davison; 1st Vice, Mrs, Wilson; 24rd Vice, Mrs, L. Nichol; 3rd Vice, Mre, Hamilton; Recording sec., M. Robietscua assist- ant, Mrs. Bell; Coe. sec., Miss Fier - MICE! Buchanan; Treas., Mr. Me- Lattehlin, assistant. !401s 15. Down- ing; Pianist, Mrs, Armstrong, assist - anis Mrs. Hamilton; Press Sec., Mies D. 'Downing; MisSion Band, Mrs. Hann, Mrs, Norman Hoover, Mrs. Lyle Brothers; Literature Sees Mrs, 11 N. 1WeDonalde Temperance .Sec,, Miss H. Downing; Home Helpers Mrs, Bodice Armstrong and Mrs, Will Cardiff; -Christian Stewardship, Mrs A, 0. 'Seeker; Miesionary Monthly, Mrs. Downing, Officers W.M.S, 1947 Finance Com, Mrs, Masker, Mrs. McLauchlan and Miss 10, Downing; Strangers Sec., Mrs. IVIcArthur, Mrs, Manning; .Samply Oosn., Mrs. Rose; Auditore, Florence Bechatlest and Mrss Busehlin, LOST— A Ration Boole Finder please rail Wilmer Reefs Phone 20.709 ChriturtagConcert ot Union United church Monday, December 23rd Adults 25o Children Free I Come and see Santa and have a good Onto. Melville Church Preaching on a text Prom Tit, 1:15 on Sunday meriting Rev. George Mian•e pointed out the dis tinction between innocence and pitrity as exemplified in the lsfe of 543. Patti, also the distinction between temptation and sin. The anthem was 'Hymn of Thanksgiving' ler Silvester. The parable. of the leishnntimen formed the subject of Mr. Milne's evening address which outlined the conditions of steward- ship whih are 11111(11114 011 all 4444 - Tossing Christians. Christmas Concert St. John's Church St. John's Anglienn 1 hurch Sunday Sehnolwill have their Christmas concert on Monday. Dec. 23111. 1 Santa Claus Paid VIdt Here .4111,14) e, • •.i 1 ie .1 front the iceal Lh,14 ciA 734, chlidr,c tast 944377 I'3144 tatttrlit'iftu was Witt 1,914 ,•eueessel Town Frall in s .,1 houl IPI rio -: , 1,i,, ss 3., 1147' Old Fire Truck Sialls WI14 M11k» rtit41141, 474.4 41101 93,14 '1 i'•"; Ttespitel earl ele tn t' cher. 0,.3..40r, to lot 1,r1t ".11111-ths Mr,. 17.-,'b 71,n,,1t, Var.. Ittf .427 • 11. It1J '1,1 "411 • of Te sees el; .1,. set 's" e 10S,reld f'S:,,es'eSE• '111, 1 1d Mr.. Jean Fpsits '1e t row 7,14111t1 le-epitler:es eetl, s t "1, 41.'31 IPA ITO:fres 110-------:11') 447 Kee, Islets On Way To Blaze ('479444931474. ,T111771 .01 $y ,•'T, ,74 \Nag ou Nt 41 • 3.1 .11. 114'-'' 1 12 1 1. tilt ti'I-'-l'-'I 11114114 17 1,, (h., 111,1 1)1 :f +4 11,1; 4144 4)0 11 but tore :14 t q yu rd f10111 thi file hall, Int114)11 !:, 41 .1 4 4' 4. 1‘,44,1414 1441I1) tt4(111.14 1110114 and 111W, ti it to the scen11 of the blaze, leortunately the fire was already out when they arrived, ,.!..' 1 ‘N.,.,,,,.,117.)-„cP':,'1,:t:'I1f.771' "2' 1(11.'31 1 - - 4171.,,. K,--rl. 111,4rit, 4 0-1(,011rv. esCe ", le'ne. reeipes rees- :dee given. 11 flue:e1-1r,idsit,ess C'a,r.1 WW47(3t1111491I11&'1 I'll'14411 e„all w1114.11 w,s "S3n4r, Sate or Pay, tros am v.",,,til bl.' tittot.S.. ,,o1o47 tea rilog aril f.-Ite,. ,ii. "skir' SIT 4 netelere, 11ss. esrm.sttemig, Long, Mrs. 44141) 1111 Mre. IT. Steele' was e,njoyed. Lunch was eerved laY flm hostesses. FARE AND A HALF Christmas and New Year's: Good going: Friday, Dec. 20 to Wednesday, Jan. 1 inclusive. Return Limit: Leaving destination not later than Midnight. Tuesday, Jan. 7. 1311 5 E PC 01) FARE AND A TH/RD Christmas: Going Monday, Dec. 23 to Wednesday, Dec. 25 inclusive. Return Limit: Leaving destination not later than Midnight, Thursday, Dec. 26, 1946. New Year's: Going Monday, Dec. 30 to Wednesday, Jan. 3, inclusive. Return Limit: Leaving destination not later than Midnight.. Thursday, January 2, 1947. Tickets and complete information from any Agent. se, s7,-sesesesiesesse -se...sews 4,4 t • • ... "Ii,i4..J. al el .1 'TA cm AL SOUTHERN ONTARIO faces a severe power shortage right now. Every home, farm, store and industry in the southern part of the province must save electricity in every practical way if essential services are to be main- tained during the present winter period, and rationing restrictions avoided. Hydro, therefore, asks your sincere co-operation to relieve an urgent situation. THE DAILY PERIOD DURING WHICH SAVINGS SHOULD Br EFFECTED IS3tETWE7N 8 A.M. AND 8 P.M., AND CON ITI NS ARE •ARTICULARLY ACUTE I ETWEEN 4 P.M. AID 7 P.M. HE • EiiII W Y U CAN BEL IN T E Eliminate all Christmas decorative lighting until Saturday, December 21st, H 0 E and again after January lst,1947. Turn off lights when not required. Use a minimum number of lights in the Wing -room, consistent with good vision. Use electrically heated water sparingly and check leaking hot water taps. Do not use range elements on "high" when a lower heat will serve, and turn off aff elements as soon as possible. Cook oven meals as often as possible and avoid the unnecessary use of surface elements. Turn off verandah and other outside lights. Turn off all small appliances as soon as possible. Do not use electric air heaters and grates. IN STORES Eliminate all Christmas decorative lighting before December 2103, AND OFFICES 1946, and again after January 1st, 1947. Eliminate the use of electricity for signs and store windows from fi a.m. to 3 p.m. Turn off all lights when not required. Use electrically heated water sparingly and check leaking hot water taps. Do not use electric air heaters, 11..ti Switch from day to night operations wherever practicable. INDUSTRIES Turn off factory and Office lights when not needed. Turn off motor -driven machines when not required end effect other savings witerevee possible. Avoid the use of all non-essential outdoor tightin Do OM use electric space heaters. IIYDRO4LECTRIC POWIIR COMMISSION OF ONTARIO tontelemitotinaliitamollOrtettinkkettomirkttsettmeettanutosteksommeutmettotrartratemoseiernmetrittekintemairot ,tat.moutt,