HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1946-12-11, Page 4w, oratitteerra'tierea.LLe loa•aret oze.+tw,5egerommam+sseeteti eg s€tsztam 'a miatt+as!ess ; 1 ., �t Our Fine i 4 y ,!1 lf, Ready o, Christmas Much se Dressed Doll ' • • - • $3.95 Christmas Cards Boxes from 25c up Others 2 for 5, 3 for 10c, 5c, 10e 15c and 25c each Christmas Wrappings, Tags, Ribbon, Seals, Cord and Decorative Paper White Tissue Paper, Colored Tissue Paper, Dennisons Crepe Tissue Paper The New 1946 Christmas Gift Pkgs. Toilet Preparations For Ladies— For Men— Adrienne Evening in Paris Jasmin Gardenia Lady Esther Three Flowers Roll Wave Hair Brushes Brush, Comb And Mirror Sets Bachelor Williams Gardenia Lorie Lavender Yardley's Gillette Razor heavily plated with 15 Blades 98c Good Assortment — Leather Wallets Waterman's Pen and Pencil Sets Fa ,,SMITH a,te�saa x"' 71 1,FPHONE NO 62 • €a;rod STATIONER TELEPHONE NO. 52 • AI Martyrs To Atomic Research heroism of two sof:milks who met a ABob Considine, writing in Tale bizarre death while engaged in American Weelr:ty with this Sun- atonic )tomb experiments. Read the i clay's (December 15) issne of The story of their dmaanit'Lc sacrifice. Get ItDetroit Sunday Times, tells of the Sunday'e. Detroit Times. A A 1 (re THE BRUSSELS POST •;7TV }.Nzfr.• �, z r«r :G { aa:ota[ axwuoam.+wwxvamunnc uw For an ELECTRICAL CHRISTMAS Phone 24 Brussels, Ont. lar .4. urs tore Your E ext. Santa, ta, a 4 aturo Lx �. knSek A friendly ave/con-26 always -fir long distance too WILLIAM T. Slr'ENCE .state,Ayent Conveyance and Commissioner GENERAL INSURANCE OFFICE MADE STREET, — —ETEIV., ONT gAV AV cam%C-!•.:.:Je c ::J c -"`,,"''y -.`.J At5 gag 9c VC , easoas Greetings I wish to Thank all my Customers for past favors and to assure you we will continue to supply you With the best fuels available. rs Jp l.� ++FF Fear Ethel, Ont. A �F uJ n a kefield ChickHatcher }{tarred Rocks, New Hampshire, Barred Rock Hybrids and New Hampshire - Light Sussex Hybrids Day -olds or started 2 or 3 weeks. January to June 1947 delivery. Write or Phone Douglas Lawless, Walton Krone Brussels 90-r-10 *� ins u i�PIII lll Itfltl�i f/ rl PURINA CHOWS WORM YOUR PIGS THE EASY PURINA WAY BRUSSELS CREAMERY All through the holiday season telephone operators will be on duty and all Long Distance lines in service to handle the thousands of extra calls we know will be made. Most of these calls will be completed promptly. Occasionally, however, there will be some delays. If your Christmas call is one of those which cannot be put through immediately, you may be sure we'll do everything possible to keep delays to a minimum. Pill 8a1LL BLIPNONE COMPANT 00 eARoAl1A tntrggatazonsricagnicaaValt=tis.trallfilattall= I C E Car of D i heft r. r; L ,np C and car .t'h ,,� Ex (acted. s Week« N Fear, theL anti cast DWzaieuamne 4 Do yo . realize there are only 1.ore shopping days Till Christmas You really should waste no ,time getting your shopping a started while the selection is still complete. We have toys! sleights, wagons etc., for the children; Presto cookers, enamelware, aluminum, pyrex, electric irons and tosaters for the house -wife. And last but by no means least; tools and jack-knives for the man about the place. yi Drop into the na Brussels aardware More MAX OLD) ltlL,D PHONE 63* IRONS— Standard • Automatic TOASTERS— Hotpoint Etc. HEATERS - 7.95, 11.25, 15.00 HOT PLATES LAMPS—Table, Boudoir Pinup, Trilite RAZORS—Schick Remington, Shavemaster RADIOS TREE LITES AND WREATHS (by Myrna) SHOP EARLY WHILE OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE HURON HARDWARE AND ELECTRIC J. H. atretton Phone 5x Brussels Operation of the saw mill has commenced. Die mill being operated by the Palmer brother's of Walton. The ope,ratoms are sawing logs from rheic own h^::.h a: well gas doing F"911e (1/ .if P111 SM Wing. 'NIP logs are m�.•tIy mr-0)1a and beech and are of fairly gond gnali.ty. :Severed tarmens of the •comminity are employed et the mill. Pla e have been made for tate an.nnlal Chrisitmes ooncert to be held in the gamily school room of the totted Churelr. A rommlttee to arrange the prognami was chosen wid01 Doug, Lawless as th,• ran. venet', Other mem,bens .an'P; Misses A?'u'jnor lin Caw ell. Elve !Sholdice.' Mary McDonald and Rncc Lawless. 1 h� con!^ort will be ,held on Dec, 20. Sever,, new hooks have been added to the 1,1!bnaay roltectlnn. Russel M,sa'lrs line a.lm.ost eom-,I ;lame) his new garage on the lot adiaeemt to the hotel. it is ex- pected that the }proprietor willi move to .the new quarters early in the new year. The new atructnre 1 will contain modern equipment. Retire) Pastor Dies in Hospital Rev, Hubbard Milln.r. LAI) P., 1,07111 el. rector of 'rminity .Angiica,n j Chnrecth. Blenheim, died a4 Vinlae'I a Hospital last night. They. Mr. Miler was rector of the Blenheim church for 19 yen -s. He retired in ;tune of this year, and had lived of 3,50 Piocadilly street Rimae that time. Berm.? ; going co Blenheim he was rector it. ' Pml:rrnHia., ltslaex, Brantford and Dundalk. HP wars n member of the Kent ; Nia'ture ("!tub, ',Rent Historical 'So- ciety, e in 1 th:rairy Board and the Blenheim TO.wanis Glob. He is survived by his widow. the former Gpenrse Yna.11und; one daughter, Mes, thee) (Bantam), Bumche'l, nt Ingersoll; one son, Fred ,T. Millar, of this ctty; a sis. der, Mn.s. 1',iliiam Bnecltemmidige, of Wiroxeter, amid a. brathee, Andrew, of Bituevaie, The body rested at the A. un- told George fnnera:l home until 10 a.m. Friday, l°iiniln'.at service will he head ,at the C!hsmtch of et. Jdbm the I vangelisi et 2 occiloclt. They. Capon C. W. 17omeman officiated, and ibtel'memt wast iltade to Wood. land (Jelnaten7. , Brussels New Hairdressing Salon Permanent Waves Finger Waves Shampoos Experienced Operator in Charge, Appointment 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. Phone 7G�r-' t05 96 r, 9 4Vcmi!rielAlly, 7ieeeom9ltr .114.h. 1940 You'll Enjoy Christmas Shopping at the Arcade Store Here are carefully selected gift items for men, women and children suggest- ions suitable for every gift list. • ec,e,�,u F:�;,duse a e+g €+es a r+eee e a :: s- a arc et. E e,+eracte r Men's, Women's and Children's Wool Gloves 98e up Boys Parkas — sizes 8 to 16 fears $9.95 up Men's All -Wool Dressing • Gowns small, medium and large Large assortment of all wool and part Wool Blankets Women's Print Housedresses, sizes 14 to 46 $1.98 up „r Men's, Women's and Children Slippers Women's Flight Boots, fur lined sizes 5 to 9, $9.95 Ladies Chenille and .Quilted Housecoats $8.95 up Plastic and Print Aprons 89c up Rayon and Satin Panties and Bloomers 59c up Women's Satin. Slips, sizes 32 to 38 white and tearose $1.98 Ladies Nylon Scarfs Large selection of all wool plaid squares and brush silk Kerchiefs, 98c to $2.98 Ladies Fur Mitts, in white, blue, rose and green $3.95 Ladies and- Children's Leather Ski Mitts assorted colors; $1.98 up Men's Dress Gloves lined aired unlined — $1.98 to $3.95 Just Arrived — Large shipment of men's Wool Dress Sox made by the famous McGregor and Circle Bar companies, 65c to $2.25 Men's and Boys all wool Cardigans, Pullovers and Sleeveless Sweaters a Men's Scarfs • Men's and Boys Boxed Ties 50c to $2.Og) Chenille Bedspreads — good assortment of shades --- Asn THE ARCADE STORE Phone 61 ;runei • I a,xtl Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Fundily