HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1946-12-11, Page 3,ia1i y Tea Melville Women's Missionary Society The Women's Missionary Noreety of Mo1v1110 Oloneoh hold their meet lag on Friday' lees. 2nd. The pees, Mrs. Carditl Opened the mw•ting with prayer. Hyntn 168 was sure. 'The Bible reading 10:1.4 given by Al rs Matheson. Mies Steweel led in pray er, The sera'etary and t.reasul'er's reports were read and adopted, also the annual reports. Two lire mem- berships wen' presented to Mrs S. Cardiff and Mrs. J, Armstrong. A paper was given by MTS. Little on the "Future of Africa," Mrs. Harvey Dennis gave a splendid paper on "Daughters of Arnica." Ms's, Robt Thomeom was tendered a vote of thanks for her years of faithful service as treasa•rer, Mrs. Tr, Speirs gave a lovely Christmas message, The meeting was closed by Hymn 107 and the Mazpah Benediction. Officers elected for 1947 were hon. president, Mrs. N. Cardiff; pr'estdont, Miss G. ,St ewart; vice presidents. Mrs. 3, Meadows, Mrs. S. Armstrong, Mrs, William Speir; secretary, Mrs. D. McLeod; assns• sant, Mrs. W. Little; treasurer, Mrs, D. Jainies•on; ess,isitant, el.'s. R. Thomson; pianist, Mrs. C. Pavans; assistant, Mns. N, Cardiff; Glad Tid- ings secretary, Mos. J. Galbreath; aselebant., Mns, G. McDowell; sup ply, elks 11, Limont: welerrme and we11:'are, Mrs. 'if. Allen; press, Mrs. t'. lenadee•• assistant, ;Vire. 3. Sped•; sick visiting' euuunitt ee, Ale nriNS. 11 re. 1., D. 'Thompson, Mns. C, Davis, Mrs, C. McDow• , 11; ('clinhl 11 eh. for visiting minima -re, Mrs. C. I3,aetcer, Mrs. .1. 111 .laws, Mee - A. Aldsworth, Mrs, N,. Cardiff; .auddtans, Mrs. O. 11 tutIIes/me firs. 0, Itemirtgway; Mission Band president, Mrs. G. Milne; assistants, Miss J. Little, Miss 3, McDonald Miss D. Arm- strong, Mies L. Gibson; home help- ers, Mrs. II, Spell., Mrs. .T. Work, WEEK OF PRAYER ............ The arrangements for observing Ole Week of Prayer in Brussels have 1,nw been completed, The .' ,'sires will he held as follows: - Jan. 5th Sunday services at the usual hours. Jan, 7th, Service. at the United Chun'crh. Speaker, Rev J. TT. TCcrr, Jan. 9th, Service at Mel- ville Presbyterian Church. Speaker, Bev, H. C. Wilson. Jan. 10, Service at St. John's Chaareh of England. Speaker. Rev. G. A. Milne. The Week -d13, services wall commence at S p.m. Paul -o -tater Oil Filters for all makes of tractors FOR SALE USED TYtACTORS Water Bowls - - Manure Loaders Tires - Oil - Grease - Wagons - Sleighs GET YOUR TRACTOR OVERHAULED NOW! E. i ichuth s So Ethel, Ont. Phone Brussels 86-r-5. i'L'Alg1('td'i'64 OLD•DISABLED OR DEAD CATTLE • HORSES • HOGS • SHEEP • CALVES Promptly and Efficiently Removed Simply Phone Collect 9irusseis '! Ingersoll "41 WE DO THE REST! MAO ORDER YOUR DEIIAID 'TODAY FROM John G. Sp&9r R. R. 2, BRUSSELS, ONT. THE BRUSSELS` POS71 Wedm'-day, .1e-vetul+ee 11111. 1941; Obituary George Oxtohy A 'teddy es -teemed resident of Burnaby 11.0, died rtn Nev. 27 1 4111. following " ,,i,1t11'4 1111, li• born in Grey Twp., on Hach 1. lel' Hr' leaved to trntlsr.ri1. Alb'"et farts Years nen, later moved to - Be001h4'. where 110 ,lied. lu I'ebrnars 1R90 h0 married 1111e,, Take trh,. two rt,",•,.•)'4'1 hhn 41v 004 14 et". 09' left to moors his loss tun eon•; and tiro daughters. Rnv Tnnlsfnii. Al- berta: Melon. i„nsh,'1. 1lbert4: :Kobel. AIhe1•tn: Pearl. Lamellate. Al beset. Tho remain, were taken In Tonle9i'1 for hnrtel. Robert James Locking There nnr:ed ewer soddenly nn Nov. 20, 1940• Mr. Robert Zanies toe:king it his 70111 r(,!1:. TLr mirrored nn nrnl0 ,heart srir,n00 end reseed awnv in a few minutest. Mr. Loeking was born in 'iVlilowrlale and rams to his late home 12tlrrcor. Grey with bis parents and two hrothe.rs when 11 }'ears of age •mal "r,"iderl there until his death. His brother Albert predEreased him 20 years ago and Wm. passed away 29 years ago Tn 190:3 Ile married Mary nether Fox who passed on in 1030. He is sur- vived by 3 sons and 3 daughters (Alice) Mrs. Tmrne Sievers; (Pito) Mrs. Sam Rom; William De London; Tabu of Grep ewe. and Myrtle and Telmer at home. Alsip 20 grand- children, The funeral was held from his late home 112th eon, Grey twp., (rn Monday, Dep, 2 nit 2 p.m. refee'nr0•I0 in Brussels remet•ely. Pallbearers were Allister Bird, John Sehnock, Alfred Knight Leslie Lake, Perry Ward and. Wm. Speiran, Flowers were carried by Goldwyn Knight and Roy Hanks. James Lawson Mr. ,T'aines Lawson, a lire -lane resident of Morris Towmehlp passed away on December 501 in Ole 78111 year. Althong(h le poor health for 40(00 months his passing came es a surprise to the community. He was the son of the late John Law - 500 and Lillian McFarlane. conces- sion 8, Morris, In 1906 he was manried to Adelaide Rodger of Lanark County wino precleeeaselh him, in 1030. Tie leaves to mourn s his loss one danr.ghter Mrs, Harvey R ,Tohnstrn and two sister's, earn, Wm. e Kearney and Mies Maggie Lawson and four grnndeln.uglaters Helen D T.enna, Doris and Joan Johnston, Mr. Lawson was a. fnith0ul member of .1, Walton TTnited ('hmn•ch 40110(0 he was an elder sine Church Helene tit The funeral was held from the home of his sonar -law on Monday, Decem- ber 9H1 conducted by the Rev. Hazelwood. The pallbearers were members of .the session. Waiter Davidson, Thomas Leeming, 'Edward Bryans, John Watson, George Mc - ren :er4, Silas Jahn -sten. The floral tributes were rmny and beetl- e hie Friends wet y005009 from Sea forth, Mitchell, laIrid on. Blue - vale, Fullerton 3 t•-, lI E VA 1.,E The preeidnt el' -a. i Elliott, pea sided at the '3,1 91,04. mere ele Or Kno I'r, .:6++ ri;n, '0IU ' 1 hie 9aira' " was th ,Ir a, 'u' the pIi ^rasa The sp 'ad ('11,'I4man- m, sae.. wa. leen he Mrs. T. G. Jar",,'•nson She ale Played 1400 r•bri.+true.+, reeetaon eh vlrvlin-r+ello aeeempardrrl nn If, 1(1444 by 11, ,T r' Hit,,,inp Al bee-' =alp•• I' -'u ,,'-,' er the meson ad a life mem le- :'lie ,'•reeee.1', to 911x+ retirin '•reie,ew. .Nes Raymond iilliott FOR SALE - by the members of the sneiety. The Raley "arrlage, address was Dead 91' Miss Olive Rhone 1.61-7,2 Sena and Mrs Waiter Smillie pre. - utrd 4he r'r,t111eate, The reports FOR SALE- -tnnm the vnxinus socretnries show 30 piga weaned that all departments of the wore Wm Serer hew,- been antiv0 during the year • x e 0 n g g Christroa,s Concert St. John's Churcla tit. .T,rhaes Angl10 h + 1(41•4.1, Sunday rechnol see hay, tee!, r'h,a,rmaa rantaert en lfenday, ie., 334+1. Pre - 'l 11 .411,1 tit+ to 0• pr aeatc0 e eaee. •o-.1 '. tltondi. Classified Ads FOUND - _ ._ ...._.. a -.,,'a+ „( ;i,',,e••: 4' fse:•ksr Bros ltn1nh''r Shop and the' 1Iii'0 atien ten • •,:,le.d TTors'e T Rnl,erl:u( ,4.nduot '•d ,ire• ele'•1i, ,P nl'frn•- with tho rnlinwinr, result • 11,•r,Monf airs. P. N, 'lTar•I''.wan,; 1.f riee.-rt r' -s. MYR 9,, G, ,ioreen•,en: 110 e vire-pros., "0'-:' IC. TT. 1Talannoy: Onrretary, Miss Clive Sentt: assistant sec., Mrs, Burns- Moffmtt; trenollrer, Mrs. R. F, Garntss: welcome and wel- fare, Mrs, R. Elliott; literature and library, Mrs. J. 3', Elliottt; home helper., Mrs. Lloyd Felker; supply Mrs, Bill Mundell; Glad Tidings Mrs. Stanley Moffatt; life memher- .hip, Mns, Walter -Smillie:; organ lets, Mrs. J, C. Higgins, Mrs. L. C Jorgeneen; auditors. leers. David FOR SALE --- 7 Pigs 0 weeks old. Phone 33-r-10 Robert Grashy FOR SALE - 11 pie; weaned, good doers price mon cane Alex Brewer phone 12-r.151 Phone fax • FOR SALE - 100 Rock x Red Pullets, 51_ months old. Bert Elliott Phone 45-r-4 , FOR SALE- M lot 29, con. 9. Morris -.Dry Cedar for kindling and none 10 -inch 1 - tile. • Gilbert McCallum Phone 18-r-9 son, Mrs. MacEwen. The newly elected president closed the meet inng. • A large number of friends gather ed at the community hall on Frida, evening to honor Mr. anal Mrs. John M. Lillow who were recently ma ried. A. D. Smith read an address and presented Marge of money to which Mr, renew made n suitahle reply. Refreshments were served and do -wring followed. Mr. and Mrs. Lillow have taken up residence in Blnevale' where Mr. Lillow .is en- gaged in business with his brother. The prvsidenl, Mrs. Earl Hamilton, presided et the meeting of the Wo- man's Association of 9110 United Church at the home of errs. A. H. r Hewitt, Mrs, Aitken ected no c,re• tary in the absence,of :Sirs. Thorson. The report of the treasurer was /wt. - P.1111 -N1 by DMS. George TTetheington; 1 was voted to the Fred Vi•otor 'fission In Toonto, and .937 to the en0ral fund of Rhtevnle Church. era. Rebert Shaw, erre Darling and Mary ary Duffcave Cll,nistmas eadings, Rev. A. H, Hewitt presided for 0 e10rtinn of ()Masers. The follow- iny is the slate of officers for Pee- ling; president, Mrs. Stanley Vice -pi esident, Mrs. Earl Hamilton, re-elprted; secretary, DTrs, Geo,( a Thomann, re-elected; treasurer. MTs. George Hethering- ton. Personals; Mr. and • Mrs. Len - ad Gates and son, Wilmot, Cherre- wnond with Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Show'; Rev, L. G, and Mrs. Jor- gensen w"l4,11 Mrs, Eldred Nichol at Bance county hospital, Wolkskm. FOR SALE - A qutnrtity of dry hs^dweed limb wood. L. 11. Rrynns Phone 98x -r-2 FOR SALE- ! 1 TT.P. Eleetrle 'tinter, DeLaval r- Cream Separator No. 14. also Ailed - din T.amp. W. 13. Hey Phone 40-r-23 Wilson Mark,• Wilson Marks. resident of Township en: 0111.11)' pears. envay ler Clinton haslet al on bw' 3rd. 1046. The tale Dll'. Morris measert Deems .9ls'v cs 41(10 l,ekenn 90 (Aditlon hospital where he .nederweaat am oncrsrtien on Nov- ember 27911, He was unable to re. ouperate eller the npenadtoil and death metered the rollowinlg Tues- day. The deceased was been on Der - ember and, 1872 in i'Tarybm•ongli towatabip and was united in marriage (10 elevate Rolls on March 22nd, 1899, Tee is s,rr'vived by five 50110, Russel, Walton; Clifford, Brussels,; ,Stanley, Winghn.m; Roland and Wellington, Brussels amd one daughter (Oath. eleen) Mrs, •C, E1iiratt, Brussels, One son, Samna!, predeceased his father. Also em'viving is one sister, Mals, E, Hardman (,To.ephine) Washington, B.C. Funeral services were oondnoted by Rev, J. Kerr, :rector, of Sot, John's Align -cam Chatvcti on Friday, Deo, 6911, Interment was Meade in Btnlnaels -cemetery, Pallbearers 10,ere Reese!. Clifford, Stanley, Roland and Wellington Marks and Wesley Marks of Listowel, The marl' beautiful floral tributes Were married by; Mrs, Ralph Travis, Agnes Mtirks, Alice Marks, Shirley Marks, 19111d1'ed Marks and Edith Marks. r.'.. P, 11 firnuth iter Trdlered OptCel7 etri^[+V "Weoterin Ontario's Most Moderns Eye Serie'" Phone 118, Harriston WEDDING Gorvett-Crutckshanks At Cshlds,t Chnw'rah, Listowel, Rev. ie, F, Pani otfloiated at the wedding of Sarah Rebecca. Crutckshanks, gra.nddalugll4en' or Alex Middleton, of Atwood. to Ralph Burns, only son od Mr. and Mee Russell Gnr'vett. of Arthus•. 'rhe bride \001.0 n bine crepe 00(11 with areessories in nratehing toners and a corsage of red roses. She wore 9110 ee000m's gift. pearl necklace and earrings. Attending the couple were Mr, and Mrs. Charles Middleton, of Atwood, aunt and uncle of the bride. A wedding snpirer was served follow- ing the ceremony Flit the home of the bride's grandfather, tater the couple left on a honeymoon to Hamilton, They will live on the reomele farm, wear Arthur. Mrs. Ben Whittard of Brits, els attended the wedding, 11,Tiss Dean. McLeod, T.ucln ew, spent last week visirtin.g nitthe home of Miss- Bessie Moses. BORN GAL13RA,TII-In Winghann General Flospital, on Monday, December 9b11, 1040, to Mr, and Mrs. J. Gca'ge Galbraith, Brussels -'a son, ,rack Walker. AUC'T'ION SALE Farm Stock and Implements At lot 2, Con, 5, Elms Twp. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 'lath At 2 p. tn. Terms--•'il months will be given, Wm, Scott, Auctloner, WANTED— Penslnner wants room and board or furnished light house keeping room. State terms. Apply at The Post FOR SALE - 12 -24 Fart Parr Tractor on steel, good running condition, priced to sell. P. Richards and Son. Ethel Phone 86.4--5 TEACHER WANTED- Teacher wanted for Ethel School S.S, No. 11 Twp. of Grey apply stat- ing' experience end salary to Wm. T. Spence, S•eo-Treas„ S.S. No. 11, Twp. of Grey ATTENTION CHICKEN RAISERS - For the best in ehicken:_e and pullets in all lee:ding breeds ant right prices get them from the Moncton i Poultry Farm, -a Canada Approved Hatchery, through John Wheeler, phone 6R-r-13Thr,rssels. CARPENTERS WANTED- First cines tradesmen required for 1 completion of homes on Housing Enterin-Ises Project by the Russell Construction Company, Ltd., apply Britannia Street., Fair Grounds, Stratford, ntario. FARMERS ATTENTION Now is the bine to purchase Louse Killer or disinfectant also have poultry tonics, stock tonics and hog mineral. If interested phone 43-r-24 Geo, Wesenberg, Rawleigh Dealer, Brussels. GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR CHICKS says Mrs. W. F. Griner of Caledonia , Ont„ of her 13193-4 MUCKS. With 1 the heaviest demand an history for geed ebtelas we reromm0nd yon order your TC.ITCHENIOR 113(4.4 now for 1947 delivery. especially Unwary - February. Wide noire breeds. presses. CANADA APPROVED breeders pullorum tested. Save time, contact agent here -Miss M. prewar, Brussels. Phone 72, FOR SALE- l9lectric motors rewound an4 re Paired. Expert workmanship: Mod- erate prices. Lloyd M. Bettger, Monkton, Ont. AN OPPORTUNITY - Established Rural Watkins District available. 1f yon are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 56 - have or can secure trirvel outfit, this is your opportunity to get instal). ilsbed stal)- dlebed in a profitable business of your own. For full particulars write today to The 3. R, Watkins Company Dept, 0-13-4, 2177 Mason St.. Mpntroal, Que. FOR SALE- M have at present a choice nnntber _t farms at right prides. Anyone wish• tall to dispose of their farm (any size) good btilldinge please list theist at onee as I have clients for ti'a1t Wee, Call sr write J. C. Long, Real Estate 13roiser, 13rnseel's, Ont. Phone 114, Attorney -General LES 1E E. BLACKWELL Will speak on "LIQUOR corm IN ONTARIO" • L overihe C.B,C, Ontario Trans -Canada Nerwoek Fro ' 8.081 to 8.30 p•erl. THURSDAY, december 12th LISTEN TO STATION CBL—Toronto BUSThIFSS CARD C A. MYERS, M. D., L. M. C. C. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Wlii�fxrn St: Phone 4. ;(,rasa el: Ont. Allan A. Lamont Agent for -Fire, Windstorm, and Automobile In osi ss..ee Get particulars of our Special Automobile Policy ear fennel -a. Queen 5t. Brussels 'Phone 687 W. D. 5. Jamieson, M.D., G.M., L.M.C.C. Yhysicarn and Surgeon (Coroner) Office Hours -1 - 4 and 7 - 8 p.m. Also 11 - 12 a.m when possible. Saturday eve/tines =DI 10 ?-4D- Sundays--Emergencies and by appointment entre Home calls in fnrereons and 4 - 6 pan. R. S. HETHERINGTON, K. C. -- BARRISTER. ETC WINGHAM and BRUSSELS AT BRUSSELS Tuesday and Saturday all clay - Office open - Phone 20x Successor to L. ... Chas. T. Davidson Insurance Agent For ALL KINDS OF Automobile. and Fire insurance Accident and Sickness Agenr for Great West Life Insurance Co, ONE OFFICE 92X BRUSSELS, ONT. RaSIDarece Br. -. Harold Jackson SPECIALIST iN FARM AND HOUSEHOLD SALES For Information, eta, write or phone Harold Jackson Phone 12 on 658 Seaforth R. R. 1 Brucefield Make arrangements at The Brussels Post or' R. S. Hetherington, K. C., Barrister Office, Brussels, Rann & Johnson Furniture FUNERAL ANIS AMBULANCE SERVICE Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer PHONE 38 or 85 - - BRUSSFT S, ONT. Lewis Rowland (Llconead For Hurara Count,, SATISFACTION GIJASANTEED - P01058 f' .Aia'.r1•Ppe,t9L,le 'ear Engagements Phone 81 "The leruaeel• Poet' era,' Mere ea* be ',roker4 after Immerla1te,ly . For Information, eta., a' ate or phone Low. Rewhnasl 935-449 mal Ir Seaforth; to write R.R. 2, Walton. W. S. Donaldson -- Licensed Ac. -9k1'; P'booxe 36-r-113 --• for the Counties of Hurost end P"ae'lh AOl wales i roems *y at8e ndeal to -- Ckarges usteetaxcers Vas Ess agernents phone 3A 'The armada E"'er a suet tkop wiU&m looked atter hraiams eliy. Do You r Taw Relief frciri SINUS TP O BLE? dg lions and Wonderful St--•,.edy fie Speedy Mkt Coos Wes s1a+d Antrum T -,.•,;,i:,. Alert for Orcllnary Fleas► Colds, 1. it This Remedy Is Known eta SI: ULIEF ' S'nu1 WE As to White Powder to be seed II>nd Clean t0 ITle. L,.iced tit $1.00 x4°1° PltWWITIT AVAI &SLB arm rfr 1!4J13�te s��,i1mply fill In ane wanna „ ' non tq IO asi1kt 0D„ ;lox Oki", Landau, sealmono order el• poled note. Mtn e0A9IP. Please print arae and en es cowls. , MUM CO. ,. ► "'[. ' s $ro IA 99 Please 1;`tad Eaclossed $140 A,eIftlittagoo(lad a tll2 IMO