HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1946-12-11, Page 11ST PUBL1S ING HOUSE
Wednesday, December 11th, 1946
He will visit the children
of the district at Brussels
Gift Bags For AI The giddies
At the Christmas Tree ai
The Town Hall
(Sponsored by the Brussels Lions Club)
Lard ,1'holbi beet been 1)11.3
dwelling place in all genera.
F4lniatet Nev. G. A. Milne, MA
10 a. m^ durclay School
and Bible Class
11 a. a13, "t)hristian MPcrtivets'
7 p. in, "No Surrender"
Sunday School Convect 1)u
Friday, i)ec. 30111.
Louis 1). Thompson, Organist
and Choirmaster.
9 Thu United Church
tlInIster Rev. Hugh C. Wilson
11 a. m. Moruitlg Worship
"Gabbing Randy for Chaistmeo"
.1n'nlor 0011 11.gaitd,on
12 Church $cnool
and Bible Class
7 p. m, 1Cvoniug Praise
"Dimling and Driving"
A. 'Moving Picture shown .in the
interests of Temperance Ma-
cation, All adults and Young
People Aerial see ,this fl1r.
Hyann Slides With Uhl
0ospel Hymns.
Everyone Cordially Welcome
Church of Engiand
` Parish of Brussels
Bey. J. N. Kerr, hector
Sri 5nntlay in. Advent
Dezember Lyth, 11946
• Jehn'e Chorea Brussels
• ai. Sunday School
1 11a. in, Morning Prayer
IpR t9*vil's Church Nenllcyt►'-'
1.41,6 p. 1m. mves9hng i'tmwe3
t$4 attache''s Chureh Watt
1440 g, gat, (C4veaoiop. Pxalrer
Christmas Concert
S.S. No. 6, Grey
Friday, December 20th
8 P.M.
Adults 25c Children Free
Christmas Concert
At S. S. No. 3 Grey Twp.
Friday, December 13th
At 8.15 p. m.
Adults 25c, Children Free
fiiday Dance
Brussels Town Hall
Friday, December 27th
to the music of
Ross Pearce apd His Band
Novelty Dance Prizes
Dancing 9.30 sharp to 12.30
Lunch served after dance.
Admission 75c per person
Under the auspices of MVIorntng
Star Rebekah Lodge
Seaft rtb, On/
Now Showing—
fhurs., Fri., Sat. Dec, 12.13.14
1 Didn't Do It
with George 1=ormby
POP lots of fun and laughter, come
and spend an evening with George.
Mon., Tues., ed, Dec. 16, 17, 19
lst Show 7 P.M. 2nd Show 9.30 P.M.
The Bells of St. Marys
Bing Crosby and Ingt(Id Bergman
It's Father OtMalley's new miracle
of marvelous entertainment. Great
songs—with Bing at his lyrical bestl
Great story—with i11 the heart of
Incomparable Ingrid! Great fun ---
made by the deft touches of the
director of "Going My Way."
Next Thurs., Fri., Sat, Dec, 19, 20, 21
The Runaround
Rod Cameron Elle Ratites
Broderick Crawford
A misbehaving honey. --a misguided
sleuth—what happened to them
from coast-to-coast couldn't happen
any 'funnier!
A Night In Casablanca
The Marx tiros., In the
Howl r; iser of '1046
Santa Claus To Visit
Brussels on Saturday, Dec. 14
sancta 1'hilts has accepted the
Lions Club invitation to visit.
Brussels to distribute a treat to each
,•Lift of T3 iissels and district who
arc 333.0*sa'1111 11( welemn•e' 1110 here at
two o'clock on Saturday, Deeember 1
141h. ,r•:••t•'i•n of •:mcl1 eetn•avel:a,n c' as
Bev. G„‘. Milne. tl.A
A World awaits the Christ.—(1)
We arc 1)1(11• fce,l ,•ilpru..ud,ia9 111•.
:most highly commercialised season
ex clic . '3'. 1), i.' 1' - -, :,1(t
••.t1)^ b31at (h.• hint)] 1(f a 011.1111 in a
lowly stable should he made the
A conmglmrlly Christmas tree tellll
he exerted on the grounds of the
Town nail and it is there that St.
Nick trill nloet the kiddies 111111
1113-4,/1 3/13'111 with their gift hags.
Former Cranbrook Teacher
Scores Large Majority
11.13, 0 f) .liolav, 31 1'0r1110r teach. ,•
in the (h'anln•ook 0(1)0(11 a nunlhr•.r of
3'care ago. was l'e•eloote(1 mayor 133
the Pdm•mlton civic elections hi 141
nn'nntlh by Iito sinege,rtmg majority
of 20,971 votes. He ssas the nontinei
of the Civic Democratic Allia,nre
M31")' Maley is s. {relative of 011e
pioneer Matey family of Brussels,
1.O.O.F. Card Party
The euchre pasty sporsan•ed by
Western Star Lodge drew n good
number of players, who enjoyed the
01141 everting.
Fined prize winners were Mrs. D.
A. Pawn and Harry (tampion. Con•
salat400 awards WAre a'eceived by
Mrs. R. J. McLlnchlin and Chas. T.
"1'•;-7, Picture Show
At The United Church
A 3T'lving Picture cnll.ttled Drink
'33111 Tlrhring will he shown in the
ratted CAun'ch 0043. Sunday evening.
This is not a picture for little child-
ren to see. B. is prepared for
People 0110 Adults. All who
are drivers of motor ears should spr-
t11is pluture which shows graphically
the terrible consequences of mixing
alcohol with gasoline.
Miss Jean Walker, New York, was
a week end guest at the hone of iter
parents Mr. and Mrs. Thos. 1lraliter.
a a. m
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cousins and
Mr. and Mars. Archie Cousins of
Moore have been viai't•ors with reia-
tives here.
Kennel Wood, who recently
underwent a series of operations in
111 1)
Children's - T-Tospiteh Torolito,
returned to his home here Sunday.
110' is rerovoting favourably,
0. 4 n:
ltiru'st 10. Gnanpbell, Seafonth who,
for ,the peat two months has *been in
'Crirtnrta. hospital. Loudon where he
underwent a serious operation, and
his, son L. J. Campbell of South
Rend, Tncllanna.. visited with Miss
Mary and A. A. Lamnn,t last weep,
'rhe farmer hes gna:e back with
1' 04310 where '11'e will • spend the
Ail The Way From B.C.
(relva'r',s received a shipment or
l0un'y Quality RC. Apples,. Roy a
111101101. they ere really delicieue
01'4y 93,25. We Sell for Less. Stam-
1tiO3 ()ranges tor Christmas from
Sunny California. Se•e our display,
compare ort' 331'k'es, See the size,
If its11.014 11•e Tye VP it and fresh.
ApellratiOms for the position of
Clerk and 'Treasurer for the Village
of Brussels. duties to commence
7a.nmaa'y loll, 1947.
Appiications to be 1m by Deo. 14.161,
11. 13, Cousins, Reeve.'
A'Ppltcadlons for the position of
hydro Secretary and Treasurer for
the Village of Brussels duties to
commence 'Tannery 1st, 1947.
Applications to be f0. by Dec. 141h.
R, Ii, .Cousins, Chairman,
Branch :of Canadian Legion
An Operetta
"Maid and the Golden Slipper"
by S.S. No. 4, 'Morris
and S.S. No. 1, Grey
In Brussels Town Hall
at 8.30 P.M.
Admission -,- — 25c and 15c
in Brussels Town Hall on
Music by Ken Wilbee
and His Orchesti•a
'Dancing fxlom 10 to 1.30
Adetaiesilon 50c Lunch Booth
Under auspices of Brussels
surrounds the modern (thl'ielntn'?
't 33',.))333 .r•„m a.= 1111)1(,3.^11 1111!?) tF+<ts
!boring' deliberately blinded to the
- II in ell 1(l' Chri,+tula,. A
11041er auplerrl'iai ten oof1.110 :4M1,:4M1,11111w1•s
might result from a brief study of
'the eon d!tf000 preV't111,'4 at 411e
lin of e :`,1113.1 1'1 When 1110
Christ was coming, them)' were hot
!three 1.0.741N or any iml1Mtrtamne in
• the world—the Greek. the Roman,
anal the ,few. The oultna'ed Creek,
the militntndsitic Ronan. and Ih1
,• .• '1 31„1 d:'•seised Jewv. Ata later
datee ,the inscription 1m the Cross
was to he written in three languages
—in, 'Hebrew. in Greek, and in Latin.
Trow do -these 1,3•.41134 '111°3.1111 tn•day
from the point of ('few of ]111pnrt-
anoe, The Roman has van'isllecl as a
rare. the Greek Is insignificant,
while the Sew is still harassed as 1P
was when Christ came. The N'Itivi,ly
found the •Greek corrupt .and Pro-
fligate. anti' the Roman sensual and
brutalised. Of the t114•ee peonies
the hated and despised Jew was
-boson to he the final recipient of
God's greatest gift to man.. He was
rhes'en because 11P alone was
v, As eyn , t "'-' heralded
the first Christmas, so should ex.
potency 114051(1 every (711rislula., The
Te1v exported freedom and pe3PP.
hot failedfailedto recognise that fire-
(lon and peace when it docl male 10
him. Amidst a•11 the confusion and
glitter of ,a. modern Ch,tut
ctsas let ns
before lest we fail 'to recognise' the
real significance of. Christmas,
Melville Church
Pinching nn Ulf. subjr"t "The
TTnrvest of Sin” at the morning
service on 'Sunday, pow. Mr. Milne
gave i'11ut'sma'tions from the Bible
alta{ from (history of how the perpe-
trators of Injustice, eIntelty and
wrong inevitably reap •thea• 'reward
in the Rona of theirtheirown, clesta'uettnn.
"T'Pe'er ons palaver' hY Ryder was the
anthem rendered by the choir,
At the evening service Mr. Milne
showed how church members 5(14
expected to 611 the role of the
church's healinlg garnt3'nt. TTe
compared the chua'ch and its mem-
bers to Christ and his garment in
the healing' of the 141101519 with ill,
issue of blood.
We 'Met' ,30 express our deepest
thanks and heartfelt appreciation far
the kindness and sympathy extended
to mo 11y 11eigllbonms ,anal friends in
our recent cad bereavement and for
tha' lovely flowers sent.
and Mrs. THtI•
u'ey' Johnston
The United Church
A s'eceptdot of 111en1.1)Ora by c'eetifl-
(ate (vas hold in connection with t11e
n5nrn3alg worshdpt in the TTnited
1111111311. The 1ollowllug wore re-
volved; .Nor, and Mrs. T,en., Arm-
strong, Mr. 'and 1VErs. THmrhrri M.
G11(11111,110, Mr, ,and Moa, John Ttnwaa'd
andandMinMina•./1d M911s, C3erma. Watson.
The anmrr,hng 303111033 ,104110 She form
of am anaiysle a.14!twenly a11Swm18
411,0011 by members of the •congrega,
1ioa1 h1) 'the on"\Vhad: is the
greatest 14553311 dint life has tatIghl
yon?” Tl)e choir sang /1,S a
n105mea14 a,n'th•Pm "Grea,t is the 'mrd"
by 1,03111111,111131,03111111,11113Tnl the evening the
nrinis11('1"a 5111ject lens "113,13 Ab'ln•d-
40'II ?,iie," the ingredientsts bel.ng
�P8wa.1'd(h,fl), Op11o`tutiity and Vis -
ton. The ,choir sang "1111e.,
e Challenge,
So. ,hrrhn'e Church
The subject 1)r the :Sunday 3400.
,11111 133. St, Jmiltnus Church Was. "The
Ministry of Witness."
T,nn meaty professing Christians
0'4131)1 t0 311111,13 111133,3 34114111 31bey 5,'p Is
nobody'nobody's1a141110as but their 0411.
Om. ,1)118 031)0r hand, how Often the
word hats led ,to ,n complete
change of heart 'end life 1)u rhr paint
of someone who was on the down-
ward path, John: the R,niplac,l said
one day "Behold filo T,a(mh of God
Who taltnlh away the 511% of the
world," Two men heard Itis. and
fn1in'It'tw1 Jesus anal treca533•0 1;is
diactpl,es, Dare We ns chulstd,ans
wl•tholrl our tv33.04340 when such
possibilities Await 113. The strongest
Witness h wevem dor' our 'daily 11fo,
and 11111855, this, Oea'roboIant.'ee oar
,.35141)' le
word's Otte ad better not he
1 sipnk'en at all.
Brussels Town Council
lt'e r 11. I, 3r4. 1334):
Thr: 311' )!)) .33041'110 ., the Pro.
eels 3.lnn0•31131 Ccutio i3 441..1 11 PM 'n
the above dote. All 1110311b'.,,
being pre.sen,t. The hlinittr'0 41, tie
!lag( Meeting 1,^'ir4 Ivad it era'
' 3331(31(.11 by R. Nr. I4-Fu.t1,Pd'y; seconded I
11 W. 1-1 • t3 •
adopted --Carried.
'3110 1a31awin0 bills {were 1re.v,nte0
1331(15116poi 3Vo3311. h;lenf]tHl
I mat rmia1 .1 13.31
ITewn''1i)'f llorri*. dumptaxes 22 .1.9
ITT '''33"x1.330, r9lltn lesions 41.41
I14'm. Reil, Nov. salary Inn 111
R. S. Warwick. Nov salary 35:90
Rtgloosis Hydro. t41"1 t ;light; 111600
ball lights 2."e
!no.Evans, misc. labor.._16.52
Won. GdllespiP, m•i'.''. material:10114
M. C. 0141.11,01(1. eters, ......, .. 11( ::1
0. •Speir, labor R 051
Gen. Raker. labor ... :' r, r
12)!, TTenclrson. Tabor and
carting 1p:.ta
12. W. Kennedy.)'riw]ct2 111. u?
11.0113. fleulmr'1 fire d.gnt. 7 02
11. l"a nrmv. 1'91)or ... ._..,.,..,._21:1."
D. V, McDonald. coal and
Theatre Annauncement
't i,a I;IT,'; '!'1.'•„'r•• ,.
, 1"= 3 ,r,,13 1111 l,':1, 33031, ii .tt
3111„ paper (cc. infarma111rui.
Bruise's se's Legion
Election Results
Fort Wawanosh
„ ' A majority of 911 was given Deere
.1 15lt' 1411 llooeroft when 1'tr was
4 3.' 1!347 in ,township elec'-
Honk, Monday: he had 209 votes to
`!1 1'"• i, i•- onisin"dit Norman Mc
hawed. 14chnl 4•)}11.1,- eleof4,d i•.1
\lon'lavIc volir,! 4)'))• \4. Debit,
•It 3330 nunntrts 1(c• r • "64.1147v "v T T 1or
cement ........ ............. _....-... 140,00
.... 4.933 '
Grant to Rand ea (I Pil
.Moved by L. W. Whinier. 43',',(11
ed by A iI. Grrt1'ar that the ar,-
counts as Pre"'en'tetl be paid. —Car•
Moved by W. Willis, seconded by
L. W. F01301 e1, that the resignation
of tote Clerk be accepted,-- Carried. ,
Moved by W. Willis, seconded by 1
R. W. Kennedy that a grail of 32n0
be given to the Brussels Tiand. -Car I
7i ed.
There being no fnrtlu')' 1/1/0133•
the council now adjourned.
Far Dad, Big Brother
Or Best Beau!
11R1:\\_1R'S IIAVf: .lt'ST RF.t'1•:'3
41) a shipment of Real prom- Pip• s
\1'e have just the style yon want 1'1,.r,
the person you want 13. for. Giyc
din a good pipe. 'We have n few
•]gar lighten( and tobacco 11011011
f its a present for the nein ' 10110
51101305•, Grower's phone 5, have it.
tl tl3,, lasl '51,1''.' 1(i, ••tin :. I,! It, "1),I. '•... - 3• . .. ay,
Brussels- Thumb of ;1 • r ;;r -t , =;4 . 'I'ir 10 -,.at' d 'lblat'- For
1.4.0131)3. On, 3311! 1(333 , ., . 1,4
war: '1116. Coar;,'.te Dana
Sit .4 p'r1'ru'11;,,1 3113 d'ttia• of '•333113.
41,::.3: ''1)r tiff, i'14r•1'rnl ;, very
r'331l1' r
111. 11 .,i '1, t ,••1'1,, ,', 334
1(4, ,,,1,' 11 TI 14:
i a' Vier -T 03''.. f eam 'ad- 1.. R' 1,l
ntaa. :313 1'iw.•.Pr,•- _ 3', nn'1,11' Fl
T7effer' ,v.rr' 1ar3'. (''3: 91*. (3, 1t
oranPheP: 31are'.1rl, 1t.
;`11;•11'. Sra'er:ott-alarms Conn'ade
11'. r'0lo41t11 Auditors Comrades.
r„ 111 '131 •t"d 11. Rntt'le'rt Asecn-
cr:mi,t"". 1'+nurnd•'o TT. Thom-
' n, f:. Ynnng. Tl. Hastings and F.
Shaw. ;Sports nominee. Comrades
D. Aldwcnh. Mf. 'rhomps0" and T:.
Tltn, tholes: Welfare conlilt,-,e, Cnan-
rade% M1. W'ihehei'g and J. Iie91y.
.4 Targe number 0f members were
present at ,the meeting. which
indicates 411•e interest wlh,iah former
ex -service members are (laking in
the work of this great nation-wide
organisation. At this meeting fire
new membears were initiated. The
local 13rama'3 has grown greatly in
ambers during the, past year and
11010 has a membership of approxi.
mately 125, which is (341:1ner a 1.713611
to a village of the size of Brussels.
bons 1"n.•r•r' wag 1" Th'nnpson,
17,,T4notly 4)1' electod
tnacor of 1411101am :•4Tonriay, with
40'' 3 ,, t" 31;5 for x3.03'0 4.014,epli
4. 1t ,ms. 4111, was making n hid
fa,. 1)r 11 nttnin. la an eleef:itm 10 1111:
oftit• t;tr1rt.Pvl 11y- Reeve Tnvam:..
Murray .I*,11.4son was (4.14,ated reeve
1•4,r 1C'47. will 4£7 103404 to 411 for
R. Ii. 1'11)011. Frank Sturdy was
(*.Mod a public utilities commis-
sioner. wjth 994 401.Pa tin 293 Cor
43e41 L. Davidson,
Village of Blyth
.T. R. Watson with 257 votes,
headed ,the pall yesterday when
four ,t'ount,Bln1+s for 1947 we're chosen
by tit'- ole.')01'ata' Pram a field of
seven candidates. Others elected
were George Radford. 233: Stuart
Robinson. 211; George MNall, 207;
The defeteed candidates were
Harold Vodd,en. 193; Lewis Willi -
field. 1 36: Harvey McCallum, 198.
Reeve Prank Batman had previously
been b acclamation for
n re'tmr t0 � d y
an )1411 Pr term. Nominations tom
school trustee were to he held Tues-
day; several named on nomination
day failed to qualify in true for yea
temday's eeletialm_
1n ac -c: dance with tits British tradition and to fall in line
t.ri7h to'r,._ r'.-r:nunding Brussels. 1 hereby proclaim
il3 wPP � • �••r
ber 26th
Asking the citizens to observe it as such.
R. B. Cousins, Reeve.
Our banking facilities are at the service of all the
community—tnanufacturers and merchants, employees and
housewives, all trades and occupations, every type of activity.
We operate current and savings accounts for individuals
and organizations.
We make business loans and personal loans, and loan's
against Victory Bonds, Life insurance and other forms of
We snake money remittances anywhere by mail or tele'.
graph, sell and buy foreign exchange, attend to collections,
and act in a general advisory capacity where financial matters
are concerned.
Our full services are available at ournearest branch.
1� qi ,� 1,10
311,6 r4iD;i it ,w� t�,
Brussels ranch --1W. Porter, Mian •