HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1946-12-4, Page 1POST PUBLISHING HOUSE
Wednesday, December 4th, 1946
RUeSSE, LS "r 1.1.1 A-`
Friday and Saturday, Dec. 6 -7
The 'w R;evet th VAR
FRIDAY and SATURDAY 8.15 p. in.
Melville Ladies Aid
The Ladies Aid of Melv911e Church Mme. Glen TTuether and Graeme
met Monday evening of this week MaoDanald had their tonsils remov-
at the home of Mrs. Robt. Thomson ed last week by DT. Myers at his
when a splendid representation of reselence ion Brussels,
members were present. Mrs. Mathe- Mr. and Mrs. H, t ongthurst were
son the president slid the meeting week end visetnrs with Lyle and Mrs.
to order by singing a Hymn' and also Gordon and Mrs. C. Otnsteacl.
repeating the Lord's prayer in At the Communion eerpiee held in
unison. Mrs. Lfttl:e 'the secretary Krlox Presbyterian Church on Sun -
read thereport which gave a splen- day morning :seventeen new mem-
did acount sof the ,sootety's work for hers were neoeived into the church,
the year. Mfrs. J. S. Armstrong TTe"be,nt Jeschke, Detroit, spent
gave an acocnnt of the financial the week end with his father, Peel
standing tar Nue year which was Jestchke.
most satisfactory and Mils, Clare The school children had a ,holiday
Long who lochs, atter the sunshine Friday of last week while their
boxes told of her work and also read teacher Mrs, L. Gordon attended the
lettere of appreolation from those Convention held in .Goderloh.
who received boxes, Mrs. Lorne
Eckmier submtbted tine report of the
ofdoers for the oamtng year. A
mustote contest was eniloyed with
Mrs. Robt. Thomson at the piano and
also a musical March for the ladies.
A vote of thanks was given to the
hostess for her kindness in opening
her home. A most delicious lunch
was served by the ladies at the close
of a very enjoyable ening.
A quantity of dry 9uardwood limb
wood. -
L. R. Bryans Phone 98x -r-2
Brussels, Ont.
Where the Spirit of the Lord is,
there is liberty.
Melville Church
Minister Rev. G. A. Milne, M.A
10 a. m. Sunday School
and Bible Class
11 a. m. "The man in the
7 p, in. "When the sant was set.
Louis D. Thompson, Organist
and Choirmaster.
The United Church
Minister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson
11 a. 01. Morning Worship
Reception of Members
Mission Band
Sermon Sebjeot:
"Ltfo's Greatest Lesson"
12 Church School
and Bible Claes
7 p. m. Evening Praise
"The Abundant Life"
Everyone Cordially Welcome
Church of England
Parish of Brussels
Rev. J. H. Kerr. Rector
&cid Sunday in Advent
December 84)1 1946
St. John's Church Bruseela-
10 a. m. Sunday School
11a, m. Morning Prayer
St. David's Churoh Henfryn-
1.45 p. m. Evening Prayer
St. George'. Church Walton--.
8.45 O. in, Evening Prayer
Just Received
A fresh shipment of Cookies arid
are they good 5 different veriettes.
Drop in at Grewarls Crroceteria and
see them. We have Weston's Vita•
min B Loaf. Have you tried it. Get
your calendar alt Crewel's. We •soil
the best in Tea have you tried
Planer Dalle,
Salmon To Arrive
On. or :about December 5, 1946. at
Grower's Gracetenla. Who don't like
it? Buy a whole Fish .and can your
own 'Salmon. Grewar's Groceteela
has it. Ask for the swept an how
to make your owns ,eannted salmon.
Try some to -day. It's econ,oinioal,
Grewar's Groeeteuia Open As Usual
A11 Day Woclnesday,
East Huron Agriculture Society
In Brussels Town Hall on
Music by Ken. Wilbee
And His Orchestra
Dancing from 10 to 1.30
Admission 50c Lunch Booth
Is to be held on
In the Public Library
under the auspices of the
Majestic Women's Institute
commencing at 3 'o'clock. There
will be booths for vegetables,
home baking, sewing and knit-
ting, a "white elephant" counter
and a fish pond. • A silver tea
will also be served. Nothing
is to be ordered or sold before-
Seafortb, tOnt.
Now Showing—
Thur., Fri,, Sat. Dec. 5, 8 7
Sing Your Way Home
Marcy McGuire Jack Daley
Anne Jeffrey
A postwar musical comedy chock-
ful of life carries a youthful appeal.
Mon., Tues., Wed., Dec. 9, 10, 11
Large Crowd Attend
Commencement Programme
Diplmnls, prelecir:ney shields and
bl:nphies were presented to Brussels
''Continuation :School students, before
;the largo audience that attended the
I annual commencement held in the
Town T-I:cll ne Friary night.
The Singing of 0 Canada and two
selecttions by the srinoo choir, "(lal-
way Pipar" and "Home On the
Range" opened the Program.
Diplons, were presented .to the
following by the Chairman of the
school board, Mr, D. M. MaeTavish,
Studlents receiving—T-Tonotu' Gnad-
uatior Diplmtas—
Doris Bowman
Helen Blake
Ruth Wilson
Students receiving
'Patricia Anderson
Nancy Cameron
Dorothy Dennis
Jean Hull
Joyce Jardine
Noami Martin
Laura Slneir
Wilfi'erl Spivey
Ruth Thomas
Students receiving Intermediate Dip-
Muriel Anderson
Jatnes Armstrong
James Bowman
Thelma Brothers
Margaret Oamdiff
Laurie. Cousins
Francis Dennis
Dundan Jamieson
Donald McDonald
,lean Matheson
Francis Shaw
Winnifred Steins
Joan Ste. Marie
John Wilson
A demonstration of cadet precision
Intl, (a) before and (b) after train -
ng, given by Grade XT boys, was most
Mn'. M. La.y ok, principal 'of the
school, presented awards to the
(al Martin Murray Memorial Prize
in English—Nancy Oameron,
(1) Athletic medals to Tntermed-
iate said Junior winners,; Muriel
Anderson mite; Isabel Speirs' (Jr.);
Donald MacDonald and John Wilson
(equal in. Tote; Duncan Jamieson
(Shooting medal 0 o' highest s.eore
in 0, R. A. and Annual Range class-
eifiets:tton—Lnmt'ie Cousinis.
After the singing of "To the Green-
wood" and "Do Gospel Train" by the
girls glee club the ,shields and tnoph-
ies. were presented to the foitowing
students by reeve R. B. Cousins.
Dr, ,Ta.mieson Shield for Proficienlcy
in Grade VITT—,Ma:dedon, Ryan..
Dr. McRae iS'hieicI fon' Proficiency
n Grade TX—Tsahel Speer.
Kerr Memm'in•) .Sbeild for Prof*.
iency in Gna:de X—Jim Ammshrong,
Hamilton 'Shield for Profic-
iency ,ion Gracie XT—Ansdrey Antler -
0, MscTavish Shield for Profic-
iency in Grade MIT—Dorothy Dennis.
Walter Kerr 'Shield for Prnfic•
Jetty in Gna,de XTIT Rulth Wilson,
Lorne Meunier .Slhi:eld for Profic-
iency ion Music—Doreen Long,
Elmer Bell Shield for Character
and Genermtl Reoficiency—fl ,,is Bow-
D. A. Ramn Trophy for Gids'
At1Metts Chisanpion—Fansce .:Shaw.
Cleve Basher Trophy for Boys'
Athletic Cinanmion Winfred !Spivey.
Bruss:ela Legion 'Shield for Most
Efflctent Crtclet—John Wilson (fln':et
time awarded).
"At Dawning" was sung by Mise
junto Work .and wE,a followed by a
hilarious oneailct play, 11A Ghostly
Evening," In wihiealu the players ac-
quitted themeelvee. in a highly rnledit-
able manner, that delighted their
Graduation Dip -
The Dark Corner
Adult Entertainment
Mark Stevens Lucille Ball(
' William Bendix
A thrilling, expertly -fashioned melo-
drama that will keep all "theatre-
goers" on the edge of their chairs.
Next Thurs., Fel., Sat, Dec, 12.18.14
1 Didn't Do It
with George Formby
For lots of fun and laughter, come
and spend an evening with George.
• The Bells Of St. Marys
onDec. 16.1148
est 'show 7 P,M. end show 9.30 P.M.
Bing Crosby and Ingrid Bergman
'Cleat of characters—
Mae. Thomas 'Morrow, 0 devoted
mother — Marjorie Sanderson, Theo-
dora Morrow, her 'cha,rming daughter
—Margareit Cardiff. Azaleen, the
Morrows' ebolorerl mail—Jogeoe Pontes.
Pierian de Sylvester, her new boy
fr4end Wiililred,Spivey, Jona Sineme,
a obese trend of Pheodoraft--:Betty
Thneii. Bash eim:me, her brother—
Marshy Keyes. .Mrs, Anastasia Pam-
fold, a sooiety'm.am'on—Doeeen Long, 1
Ttcnyon Penfold, her son, who loves
to Neese of his bravery—Bill Rann.
Christmas Concert
At S. 5, No. 3 Grey Twp.
Friday December 13th
At 8.15 p. to.
Adults 25c, 'Children Free
Santa Claus To Visit
Brussels on Saturday, Dec. 14
Santa Clans has accepted th
Lions Club invitation to visa
Brussels to distribute a treat to each
shoe ni' 1311'nasels and clist.riat who
are present to welcome him here at
two o'clock on Saturday, Deeenher
A. cnmmunbty Christmas hese will
be erected on the grounds of the
Town 'Hali and it is there that St.
Neck will meet the kiddies and
Present then with their gift page,
Hockey Meeting
e.it Irl lr Brussels Town 14a11
e 4basement) on Monday, De.onnbe:r
t 911, at 8.30 p. m., for the purpose of
Ie:l!ng ,three- ibr the 19464947
season. This includes both inter
imitate and Midget series.
Cba ;ninn's t'arage Sold
To Hensel! Men
The TTyrde breth:ere of Hensall
have :purchaser) the garage awl
business. .of Ha"ry Champion.
,John T -T, Hyde and Howard W.
Iiyda, who elonduct an Allis-
Obelmers implement business at
Heneait, took possesi:on of the
garage business here the (first of
December. They intend to overate
am, Al1is&Chalmens 'agency here an
well as the gana,ge,
Messy. Robert 'Gemmel and Roy
Champion, employees at the Champ-
ion garage retain'their jobs.
The Hyde brothers do not intend
to tette up residence in Brussels at
M.r. Harry Champion had been in
the garage terseness here Dar the past
twenty years.
TI LJniPerl elk}"rte
The w ershel in li.s Tent. -1 Censer
woS lead by a radio bnoadoest from
Wiwgham, 'Rev. B. G. Hazlewood of
Walt."e '`b" cent Chairmen of Pres-
bytery evas in charge semi the Mod-
ena:toe, the Ri.elet Rev. T. M. Japes
M. A. D. D„ delivered the message.
Tm the evening the sermon subject
was "Acting on the advice of an ex -
Part." The choir sang "Tn the shad-
ow of the Cross" by White.
Lion" Cir", To
r .n. ;• Iy, ke.. Team
At a Decent ine,eeting of the Lions
Club it was deckled after dIP,cusador
to sponsor the Pee -Wee hockey
team awl to give support to another
teams if It was :required. The Pee-
Wees, the ciaub felt, were the coming
hockey ialayers for the village arra if
support and einconnagement were
given. the youngsters :they might
develop into fultume hickey stars.
',11 p r-r:etive heekey physes for
1team erne -11;41y invited. also
anyone who is int(' rested in ee'•ing
that Brussels is again Provided with
one or more hockey teams this
/11+41.0 winter, se turn out, you
fan• and lend a hand. ---Don't leave
it 111 for one or two to do.
M' lville Church
The service at Melville Church on
Sunday ' morrling combined the
annual St. Andrew's Sunday service
with the Centenary of Canada's
Foreign Mission enterprise, "Pres -
byte rdaniem—Whence and Whither"
was the subject of Rev. Mr. Miln,e's
sermon, in which he traced the
evolution of Presbylterianism from
its Boriptoral origin and basis to its
established pormaanenoy under the
guidance of Andrew Melville in
whose honour the Bnusaeis Chnreh
wee elven the name of Melville
Peesbyterlan Church, Tribute was
psid to the memory of another
famous Presbyterian, the Rev. John
Claire, Canaada's first foreign
,eiseinn9 ry. The anthems were
"And did those fret in ancient
t+'+ -mss" by Parry. and "Soldiers
of Christ Arise', by 'Miller. As
Peewee see Voluntary Mr. Louis
Thompson played Iwo Scots la-
At the evening service Mr. Milne
preached an :the subject "World
Feelowshdp" and showed that the
hereto lives of the early Christians
wee mainly doe to their readiness
to ."nbmlt to the w111 of God for
their lives, The evening anthem
e -as "Rock of Ages."
1i elr".le Chanes Sundae Sadroat Con-
e, rt well be bald on Friday, Dec. 20.
The ':ex coll:^tor will be at the
Township Office„ Ethel, on Saturday,
December.Oat to receive taxes.
He will v `_:i the children
of the disirict al Brussels
•S � 9
Gift Bags dor
• 1
e Kiddies
At the Christmas 7"ree ai
T he T fawn ,l 'all
(Sponsored by the Brussels Lions Club)
Rev. G. R. Milne, M.A
Is Religion Useful? —(3)
Today the duty of professin
Chrlatiaes is to make Christianity t
funotices in the affairs of Hfe. Th
ant hypor•.r'te of to -day is th
man or woman who saes ne nestle
between Christianity- and industry
between Christianity curl education
between Chrdsttnnitp end the Incl i
plicity of things that go to mak
up person's daily life. Sines ni
Mar :are ".eiebbonlre: s,ner th
Puhlie Health nurse of Gods r1 h; an
Artistic Expressions indicate
Development Huron
Teachers Told
C. D. Gaitskell Speaks An Amer'
Meeting In Goderiohl New
Officers Elected
GODERICH — The Teaehe: '
Refutes of North and South lknrnn
belt] a joint ineetin11 in the Town on
lereley leeentied by over 05o te.:.ehers.
Present also sees Dr. R. 0. Staples
and J. H. Kinkead, Inspectors re -
1:. '!vrly of Sorel and North Huron;
the nuest ire staff of the Ooanty
Health 'Unit and Mies Auhra Cleaver,
things that :a mon hays eel sslis
affects many who hive ne di"set p'r•t
in tine h'ansartion, meal must he
honest. A men is not honest nn111
he is honest while nnwetelied. Tt is
when a mare is most free that he
mint be the ereateet servant of all.
if he laves his neighbour as himself
he wd11 be reverie of his neigihboni,"s
children. his netehboues property.
has nrighhonre reputation; and his
neighbour's spiritual progress
Christianity has to he taken to the
world. We .have hn Make the religion
of the church into 'the affairs of
society. We dare not any longer
divorce religion are life. ,Jesus'
life was one continual effort to link
religion and life together. The
order that we should be striving
after to -day is the Beloved Order of
the Master,
St John's Church
1St. Andrew's Day was observed at
the 'Sunday morning service.
St. Andrew, a disciple who seemed
to possess no onestanding talents,
quteet unobstrutive, always in the
beekgr ound, yet became :the patron
saint. of two great counties—Russia
a":•1 9 'if1 in,rl. A tree miselonau'y—
be heard the doll, thrum begins by
bringing his own brother' 'Simon. to
Jesus... After Penteoost, tradition
tells us that be went to Scythia
(Modern Russia) where he suffered
martyrdom fon' the cause of Christ.
His life, story should be a great
encouragement to the rank and file.
Even though we possess: but ane
talent and that in limited measure,
yet we can aiwayo fined a. piece for
true service in the discipleship of
of Jesus, Faithfulnees is the time
Qualification for His service. Sur•
render yourself to T -Tim, He will do
the reset..
The girls of the junior branch of
the W. A.. with their leader Mrs. Kerr
attended the service in a body.
St. John's Sunday Moo] Christ-
mas Concert will be held an Mondety.
December 23:rd,
The family of the late Robert
Locking would like to express their
heartfelt thanks end appreciation
for the kincdness and sympathy ex-
tended to 'them an their bereavement
and for the lovely flowers sent.
The Locking family.
1 would like to take this opportun-
ity of thanking my many friends far
the ;lovely cards and gifts sent to me
during my recent illness:. They were
all greatly appreciated,
Mins. Joe Shaw,
Applications for the position of
Clerk and Treasurer for the Village
of Brussels, duties to commence
,Tammany let, 1247,
Applications; to be in by Dec, 1411)1,
R. B. Cousins, Reeve,
Aptnficationc for the position of
Hydro Secretary and Treasurer for
the Village of Brussels duties to
commence .Tanmary 1st, 1947.
Appticalttonc to be ion by Dec. 1411.
R. B. Cousins. Chainmen.
Russell T. Kelley
Officiates At Opening Of
Paisley New Waterworks
paisley's new municipal water-
woeks sod fire peoteetion spetem was
officially .T•nanguuaitecl by Russell T.
Kelely, Minister sof Health for the
Marto Government, last week, ' In
reporting the ;event Nue Paisley Adr
vooate Antes: "The firemen turned
the nozzles of two ltnes of hose high
1n the air over the Square, and two
powerful 8ireanls of water shot into
the air to blond Wdih a. beautiful
founitain efieot into 0iiee column of
water almost SO feet above the
hexads of tete crowd."
instructors of music in the variou
(1. I1. .1: 1'f resent, Principal of th
Clinton Public .Setiool was chairman
Mins`, it o-alt,^^inns were givens by th
pupils of Goderich seliools unde
the direction of :Mrs. J. G. MoDnugall
Tnei rnlrtor of Music, a.nd include
a weal solo by Jane Gralla.nt; Pia
solos by Diane Elliott and ,Timm
Dr, R. 0. Staples inteaduced Nr
guest speaker, 01, D. Gaitaekell, o
Toronto, Director of Art in the De
partment of Education. who c'a'm
to Ontario from British Columbi
He discussed the teaching of Art
end Crafts, and reviewed 150 year
of ant in the province.
It was first introduced into On R
tarso by ,erten Ryerson in 1050
after he returned from a visit to
Britain and the TTnited States
Where lie saw a certain amount of
culture. The art then: Was ara.demic
and children were required to copy
masterpieces of the great artists
To alleviate the "suffering" of the
children Ontario brought izi a
alluring book. That did not work
either becanee the copies were by
By the year 1880, e sctentfic
prograrm in Art was introduced,
which was actually the impression-
ist idea, end chalk boxes and
eyelianders wi'r'e .brawn to perapeetive.
It (114 not work and produced only
isolated action, To 1000 there was a
complete revolt flan the scientific
aa'nl the impressionismprogramme
was introduced. Tt was expressive
of feeling and the work in the low-
er grades was charming,
Then In 1920, Limner, with oth-
ars, developed a: system of art
which combined the academie, sci-
entific and ,impressionist, and cail-
ed the result contemporary art.
The speaker stressed that there
was no difference between the arts
and crafts. The modern: eehool el-
iminates the hectographs as it takes
away the initiative in the child.
There is no childishness expressed
in it as it is teacther-cantrnlled and
Psubts in a weird mbeture of the
held end adult mind.
'Draw" Thoughts
"Little ebildren will draw what
hey think. not what they see," Mr.
Gaitskell emphasized, We keep
ending and number work sienpie.
et art is kept its the adult mind.
Tovenuent, retltm and halanee
re achieved by the children when
bey are left by themselves," He
Ilustrated his point by showing
resettles done by pupils of the vagi•
its grades.
Tinsummarizing the new art Pro -
grant, Mr. Gaitskell said the de.
velnpment of ebe child is expressed
1 drawing. Tt is based on the be -
of that children are creative and
caters :to the emotional and teaches
hiidren 4o think.
as Place in Life
"Ant le fused with everything in
child's life. There is a place for
In mathematics, music and Eng-
sh. We are not looping for arte.
e(emigrnor trying to make art-
ts of ,the ehil4i'en hut to make
scent citizens out of thin."
peaker At Dinner
Dinner was served by the ladies
Knox Presbyterian. Church,Missahns, president, presided, and the
lest speaker, Miss }Duckett, of
()Tonto, was. introduced by Miss
Hume. Her address concerned
o work .of the organization, and
e gave some timely advice. Ken-
th, LeMaire sang several solos,
The guest speaker et the after.
oon seaiston was Major J. W. Grim-
m)•0upertnlsisiar of violet aide, De.
artntent .of 17dtueatimn. He diis-
)Ie ed the progress made In visual
attention,. and the advantage the
ids are in teaclling ail snhjeobs.
TTop of films slave been increased
otech year.
Offioers Elected
P. R. Moffat, of Seafo'th, report-
ed the toflowtn:g officers for the
North Miran Institute; - tonoid1 net,
Continuptt on Tnsitle Page
n e