HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1946-11-20, Page 3F
Promptly and Efficiently Removed
Simply Phone Collect.
iirus els
3LUE tv A E
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McMurery open-
ed their home for the annual soe1.11
evening and fowl supper sponsored
by the Morris Group of the Ladies'
Aid Society or Knox Peeshyterian
Church, Following the sapper,
games were enjoyed.
At the morning service In the
'United Church Rev. A. Md. Hewitt
spoke tom the 26th verse of the
1st Chapter of Genesis. The Unit-
ed Churnh Stnlday Sehoal contri-
buted $16.60 to "Save the Cbildren
Of the 16 certificates presented
to those who attended the Yonne
People's Regional 'School recently
at Wroxeter, three were presented
at the regular morning service at
the United Clinch to Roma, Wilda
and Allen Breckenridge and at the
afternoon session a't Ebenezer
Church to Wilda Agar, Mildred
South, Jack Rosman and Spence
Rev. Leland Jorgensen, interim
moderator for the congregation at
Auburn Presbyterian Church, con-
ducted communion service there on
unday. Rev, J. Macconnell of
Auburn occupied the :pulpit at Blue•
vale and preached from the text,
"By faint Moses. when he was
omne to years, refused to be called
the son rd' Pharaoh's daughter
choosing rather to suffer affliction
with the people of God."
Personals: Mr and Mrs. Arnold
billow visited relatives in Toronto;
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Kirton and
family, Mrs, J. Curtis and daugh-
ter Margaret and Mrs. Laura Kir.
i.tcn with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Proc-
te near Bele-rave; Mrs Elmer Sell.
ers and daughter Susan, with her
Parente, Mr .and hies Black. in
Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mun-
dell and son and Mrs. Gordon
Mtuntdell at the Winter Fair, Toren.
to; Mrs. Leslie Greenaway and
'fancily, .with her mother in Water-
loo; Wilbur Mathers and daughter,
Helen of Kincardine, with her
aunt. .ells. W. J. Johnston; Mrs.
Alex King, Brussels, with her niece.
Mrs, W. J, Peacock; Mrs. J, 3, Sell-
ars, Morris, with Mrs. R. F. Gar•
t.; R A N. �' 0 0 7'
'rite 7'.A\ Anesl'. • heeler- a
c,rnkinole enelel in the basement set
the elturelt on Feeley evenir" of tete
week at 8.10.
tend etre. Ritr'lite 111.1 lemerlaf
London, were week end visitors with
Allen end Mrs. Camernn.
Mrs. Lynn Evans tea^, suffielr'ntle
reenvprerl to romp Ironer Tltnt'-:lay
last from iiitebener 1Tnepitai nhet'e
elle hid been n patent 6"- pix
The Slis'inn Band met on :Honda"
efter eelu'ol with ,Tenn Stelae, vire:-
president. In the Chair. TTymn 763
"Tell mw the 9tnriep of JpSu5" vac
s1111' and Ree Kerneellen rami a
prayer. The scari.pture rending
reading teem the Beatitude.. Mete.
5 verses 3.12. was read in unison
.Several cltnrnses and action songs
WPM sing, Peeve Knight, seer?.
tvt'y reed the minutes and Palled
the roll to which twenty-four chi'.
(tree reepmtrled. TTynm 741 "Jesus
is our Shepherd" was sung: The
.•i•+'r1v pr•r'ind tvmg rnndneted by Mrs.
T. D. MaPTYPr who told of the
ehildren of Tndda and romnared their
strange heathen customs to the
Christian way. Small pletnn•es
of India were passed a;rnnnd for all
to nee after which the children
pasted them in place' on their large
map of 'India. 0fllerirlg was taken
by Alex Cameron and Helen Knight
gave 'the offertory prayer. Hymn 807
was sung and the closing prayer was
by Mrs MacIver.
The excsrutive of the Y.P.S. met In
the manse on Monday evening to
melee arrangements for their
Chric'nics service whice will be held
in the PIH1rch on Sunday evening,
Dec. 20,
Mrs. H. A. Keys spent a few clays
last week in Waterloo at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. Alvin Pride.
The servie in Knox Presbyterian
Chutrch on Sunday Inst was conduct-
ed by the minister, Rev. I. D. Mac-
Tver who peached on the subject
"The Kingdom of God." A solo
"Will you ask Him to live with you?"
was beautifully rendered by Graham
At' the service next Sunday at 11
e••wy , .,.,i I:ldnrs. Wartime Pri;'e and Trade
Stuart McNair ani',4cUley I''iNS'ltt-r Y".?iCleird Inf j'meticr,
. •.,,
l.t•tt r: hitt, Tlte —e—,vice of U+•diit• Questions and Answers
&tion will be conducted by the
teivee trill h•:
erm:idr'el by I.he (hoer mei. 4 111•
dire.otion of Miss A. J. Foreet.
•.. .''eel)
R'•; 1. M •ri :hurl el!: Kerr visited
h1 'l' route last week.
Mr. Chas. K. Aryans is 114 Kitohen-
pr-e\'a.terloo hospital where he
underwent an operation.
et :e n"•rill Met,. ,11 •,nal .Tart:
spent the week end with Iii=s M.
seenen and Meer, E. F' ;:i le
Long Beach.
'114'4,. R. 30,Rrn41wbo has been
visiting with her mother Mes. A
Messer for the part few month•; has
''1' '''.g +n lee. home in Toronto.
Mr. and 'Mrs, Bertram Hemingway
attended the Cinvor•Rnss wedding
at Niagara Fails on Saturday and
^t.4 rlsite' the Rival Winter Fair,
a ve
Mr, and Mrs, John Engel of Michi-
gan. who are guests at the home of
Mr. and Meg. H. Manning an; spend-
ing six months in Canada. They
will visit here and in Straeforcl and
•Mrs. D. le. Cunningham, who
spent the last few months at the
home of her daughter Mrs. W.
Pascoe, Burketon, 'has returned bo
her home (here. iShe was acocmpan-
ied by Mrs. M, Potts, 'Guelph, and
Miss E, Cnthtndnghaan, Brantford,
who spent the week end here.
8: '1' 'k
Miss Kay Willits was enlide home
last wee=k because of the death of
her father, Melvin Willits, Wrareter.
tnhose death or•cureed suddenly on
7vhursday, Nov, 14th. Funer°a1 set -vic-
es were held Sunday, Nov. 17th.
Sympathy of Brussels friends is
extended to Miss Willits in her
Southwestern ONTARIO accommodates nearly half of Canada's
furniture manufacturing establishments, and the industiy may well be
said to centre there. As with other indusliies, an impressive stare of
the province's furniture -malting facilities were turned frons, their
normal task during the war, but the woodworking plant is one of the
most readily convertible•and its future one of the most assured ... with
the greatest demand in history, both for the new homes of Canada's
prosperity' and the immeasurable replacements required abroad. In
Ontario, woodworking is moving steadily to the line old lumber and
ship -building towns such as Collingvood ... inspirational localities
where the cabinet-maker craftsman finds himself in the midst of
Oaiiario's forest resources—as ael'l as health and quiet.
In 1944; pf the 472 Canadian factories
angeged in' the manufacture of wooden fur -
Miura of all kinds, 208 were located til
Ontario.,4 In the same year the gross
value ofIltlte manufactured products was •
approximately $30,000,000. Nearly 8,000
poopli: Were engaged in the industry and
more dem $11,000,000 was
paid in salaries and wages.
Sawn lumbar was the princi-
pal material used and, while
Hutch of the hardwoods used
came from the United States,
the soft woods were the pro.
duct of Canadian sawmills.
Q:—I understand 1hi•re hart. 14444
50100 revisions lately In the
•1," - "li 1 114 ti; tie ',6 nfied
e•i,e, wet vnu 4111 e- 1011 ere how T
n d.,r ',iil1 • Ila, real eeiline hriee
.t;- -,The er.ogpt revielon revered
id' lute nurrlrlc You 10141
rr.:••,.rtnir 111. 146044.,,. 6'lling price
of a used Par by applying to the
nearest office of the Wartime Primp
• ee 'Pr•.d' Rrr•tr4 eivino 1110 :metre.
model year. serial nnntlmr and de -
toile of arc•c.;,snrie5 ieel:Minn 6pare
* * r:
2:—What is the ceiling erten .,,f
pall'', A large Pegs?
A:—The ceiling price to the eon -
sumer Is 5fi rents a rtnzen for longe
eeeke,1 eggs The eelline price in two
• ente mm', if the eggs are in
>t * a
2: --Where may T obtain a ration
hook for a new horn baby. How
old 111154 a baby he before it may
have e. ration hook?
A:—Ration books may he obtained
'f yon apply I'.o a local ration board
and present proof of birth. Books
e• t=sural to babies immediately
following birth.
▪ 4 A
CZ;--ir paid 45 cents for a 28
ewe ti"' of Patent). Ts this price
too high?
A:—.It would seem that this piece
is above the legal ceiling. If you
will give us details of the brand of
the catsup and the name of your
dealer we will check.
• *
Q:—When will Trice controls be
A:—The removal of price eantrols
is a matter of government policy
and not dependent upon the decision
of the Wartime Prices and Trade
Board. However, it has been
stated repeatedly by government
spokesmen that controls will not be
continued a. day longer than they
are absolutely necessary,
Mrs. A. H. Musgrove
Wingham Nov, 13—Resident of
Wingham for the past fifty years,
Mrs. A, H. Musgrove died et her
home bare on Centre street. She was
the widow of the Late A. H.
Musgrove, former postmaster and
M.L.A. for North Htu'on, She was
the former Margaret Dickie Simp-
san, daughter of the late Mr and
Mrs. William Simpson. and was
born in Oulross Township. She was
a life member of the Tinited Church
W.MS and W.C.T.TT. Surviving are
three daughters and one sister, Mrs
W. J. Greer, Wingham; Mrs. Stanley
Smith, Guelph; Miss Ernscliffe
Musgrove, Buffalo, N.Y.; Miss Isa-
bel Simpson, Toronto. Funeral
services were held Thursday at
2 pm. from ter late residence Cen-
tre street. Rev.I W. A. Beecroft
will officiate with interment in
Wingham Cemetery.
Business Men,
Professional Men,
Garage- Operators
and others.
Telephone: Exeter 17'.
P.O. Box. No. 118
Temporary Office at the house
of the tate Dr. -H. K. Hyndman,
Huron Street, Exeter.
Notice is lter„eby given that 1
have complied with section 8 of the
VOTERS' LIST AOT! ,and that 1
have posted tip at my office in the
Towpship of Grey on the Sixth day
of ' 'November 1946, the list of all
Persons, entitled to vote in the said
Municipality at Municipal Elections
and that such lig remain there for
.And I hereby call upon all voters
to take immediate proceedings to
have any errors or omissions cor-
rected according to law, the last
day for appeal being Monday
November 18th, 1946.
J. H. tt.BAR,
Clerk of Mtmicipality 06 the
To'nshig of Grey, ,
TheQuality rrra.
?;'iOR RL,S
Regular Meeting Of
Sunshine Farm Forum
TI Sett -.bier' 1'•R44,n-n:•,e•44 ;.,1
et the hotnr• of E'c.'1 .1r•tr-r•d0-.
Twenty-five being present After
Patentee, in the 1"view breeeee-t the
recreation committee Jatnee Clara
and Mrs. Geo. Michie took over and
l.. ts14111 11111.' tete sea"nt in eards,
following which lunch W1414
The next meeting; is it he 1, 1.1 0.
the home of MrGordon ee a1 r,1 with
Patsy and Keith Andersen to ,'liar
of re reat!on.
The ,'r,.,.1 35004ln•- of t•,,. 51,...,a.
branch of the Frdemation of Agri-
culture was held at S.S. No. 5 mi
Tlcsday evening. Nov. 12 along milli
the National Flim Board si'owing.
The minutes of the last annual meet-
ing were reel and treaqurer'e report
showing a balance for the year of
$46 57.
Tt was agreed to eentin"r t''"td i1
tate Rural Co-Op,la'or to the paid -un
members. ,lamer Miebe: gave reenet
or, County 'Work for the year.
The following regnhtrl e,- was
approved. Where a,s it is unanimous-
ly agreed that daylight saving time
is a great handicap to the farmer
especially those who hire help
Whereas it is detrimental to the
health of school children especially
those traveling to school by bus.
We the members of the 11ieehis
Branch of the Fed'raton of Age-
culture urgently request the Town-
ship and County Council also the
County Federation of Agnicttltere, to
take immediate action 3,1 opposition
to baying daylight sa.ing time in
the future and to forward their (Ilse
approval to the proper authorlt`es.
George McNichol then took the
chair and the following_ 0fflrers
were elected for 1947: President
Wilfred Shortreed; Vice-president
George Hetbse ington: Directors for
Srbool Sectioes No. 1 ,Tames
Phelan; No. 3. C. Wlioelee: No. 4. T.
No, 0. R. Procter; No, ri. R.
CnitrI•e; So, 7. N. Higgins; No. 0.
N' Shaw; NTD. 9, C. Martin; No. 10,
Wm. Peacock; U.S.S. No. 3, Bernard
Craig; No. 4, 17. Hetherington; No.
S. R. Render -1.u; No. 11, 1V. Cuthill'
Nu. 12 lieu. Taylor; 1o. 37. James
Wit1.':.'1l elbertte"d - •t pp'ri`nted
dralegatr• for county nt 53ingp. Wil.
feed Shortreecl and Rues. 17encler-
son were appoint, d'-ler>at-a 30
county annual along with C. R.
r'vult:v dirc'rt r fa• ii'1 Peel:lee:'s
t,eeentre I c..: a lt.h.rington
dirt rttet 110' C•11,3 11 1rei,e, Aseoci-
ation. Wilfred Shortrerd. Geo.
Ir theretetra 1no Michie, Rich-
ard P11r14r and hart Anderson
were appointed a committee to form
'667; 1. t'hth foa' 1947.
to have a barn
m, Pnt t op. the Hoe Producers
Assoc,lation eat Geo. Miehie's, North
el, lot 7. con. 6. 5, :h line Morris on
the afternoon of Nov. 27.
ironic Quest of Youth
Most e1' these who profess to have
found the secret of longevity have
:11.-11 1,-64 0 their time, reports Dr.
Morris Fi,shbein. editor of the
Journal of the American Medical
Association, He reviews the alleg-
ed discoveries of the formula of
long lite in The American Weekly
with this Sunday's (November 24)
issue of The Detroit Sunday Times,
Returns To Moncrieff
After 27 Years' Absence
MONCKIEFF, Nov. 18. — Mrs.
Amos Agar of Gilbert Plains, Man..
who Ieft here 27 years ago, sees a
great many changes in this com-
munity. She is presently visiting at
the home of her aunt. Mrs. C. M
McKay. and with Roy Patterson
Elmer G. MoRlay. a veteran of
the First Great War unveiled a
bronze war memorial at a service
01'30' 414=.'" .ret 801101.1 at Tor-
c•nta. err. McKay is well known in
this district, He attended Moncrieff
public,school and Brussels - high
Mrs:. .Tames A. McKay. formerly
of this district, is ill at her home in
Do Yon Want Relief frcin
a saw ,and Wonderful T1r•ne@T for ES.•odt Belief bops SIM
and Antrum Tronh'.'. Also fee Ordinary Head Co
This Remedy h Ktil07711
ShraiW in as White Powder to b.- et as Selma
and CIean to ?Tse, ' iced l&
imply fiUU inOM,Baand+ , el ' l: Scaony ,man DI
order cis pastel note, Ido asap, Please
avant wens aced ad .
EMILi:11',i^' C 562, Ktt..11)014,4!OINTa
Flame Find Enclo•i fiilr611 likneatiii
eta ll Yi4* Sinu1AS?
ich th 1 a ati Ekthe
5-upertest Oil and Grease — Agent for Dotnitaiod Tires