HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1946-11-13, Page 2THE 'BRUSSELS POST \ieduesday, November 131$. 1040 ktp tone Calls e "Shot up" too! i ELEPHONt& GALLS and Junior Stave a lot In common ... both have liezewn at a breath -taking pace. And a owitcbboard is even harder to get than It sew suit for Junior. That, in brief, n why the operator is often unable to rrsmwer you promptly. Equipment is being added just as fast nsi the supply situation will permit. But complicated things like switch- swards take time to build and install, wen when you're as impatient as we ,oro to restore telephone service peek efficiency. And that means once .grgain giving you instant service on emery call you stake. .L' I'ELGRAI E the W.M.S. and W.A. held their Sr•gnisem meeting in the schoolroom of Knox t'nite'd Church an Nevembee era .Mrs. Norman Welsh cnndurred the Worahtp period. The Theme being "In Christian Homes." Mrs. JTata_ "'Tichie gave chanter feee of study Book. India at the Threeholl An. Indian song was enjoyed by all. l.Trs. Dunlop and Mrs. Jee., W reel. ,err ^vc prayers for one epi edena:y -3amiIlee now it India a;' t foe those st our ere ety who are new home on furlough. Mrs. Chamney. the P"es!. :'lent took charge at business perkei. ION Walton Scene Of First Rural Life Conference C'ontinbed from Page One voting people ate to be kept 00 the land, he said, rural comment- ' tiny must have organization and leadership, 1\1r. Brydon described methods of rural organization and ori rt Sei'rkI'P 1 111$ awn county I' of Haldimand. Rep1esenta.tives of entireties. farm forums, Women's Institutes, fair boards and junior farmer et, ours at the conference elected a committee to plan for another con- ference. :Members are; Rev. A. H. .T0111' E5011. of Mitchell, convener: Rev. P. G. Stoteebury, of Bayfield; Rev. Mr. Hecitendorn, of Zurich: Marvin 'McDowell. of Relgrave; H. McDonald, of Lucknow, and Rev. A. H. Daynard, of Staffa. The nominating committee gat e their report and a slate of officers eel! i,: voted on at next meeting. Visits to sick and shut ins was given. • "Ans. Carl P:leter and Mre. Robt. Coultes gave a splendid enport of sectional at Whitechurch. Mrs. Robt. Coultes held a short business meeting for the W.A. and closed with the Lord's Prayer in unison. The W.M.S. of linoe United Church will hold their mutative Thankeffeelug service next Sunday eve uing when Rer. Ulf Crouheilrr f iiulnnil'c Will be '.ue speaker. ce DIAMONDS EE ifee Valk WEDDING RINGS i:nquisltely hand, cawed In 14 k ;laid roR THE ATTENDAt!'*II —The finest qptity int) smartestIs Adanta is y tyold Pub W. G. LEACH ,d& Jeweller Brussels, Ont. • Ps F. FAarlrnath ReAotsPereir O ptcme.trist "Weetern Onfttt%'s Must Modern Eye Serrioe'1 Discusses Erosion The evening session of the con- ference was under ' the chairman- ship of Rer. Harold Snell of An - bun,. Speek:rs in the evening were Mr. Norman Lindsay, the sup- ervisor of adult education for rural ()Wade and Dr. E. G. Pim, pro- feesor of geography at the TTni- vercdty of Western Ontario, Dr. Pleva spoke on "The Con- servation of Human Resources," a subject in which he is vitally in- terested. Dr. Plewa took a quota- tion from Leviticus as a text for his address "the lard is mine for ve are strangers and sojourners with me" "Our sail,'' continued Dr. Pleva me being depleted at all times. Over one-ha!f of Southern Ontario shows the effects of erosion." When commenting on the effect of water on the soil, Dr. Pleva stat- ed "we must hold water on the land. We must make our running water walk by checking the flow of the rivers. Every one of our rivers are had actors," stated Dr. Peva. "Human resources and na- tural resources are very dtfflenit to dtvirle, therefore we must con- sider human resourees through na- tural resources. When we conserve our natural resources we conserve one human resources." "When the pioneers took over our land," said Dr, Pleva, they looked upai' the trees as enemies because the trees were stopping them from tilling the soil," In reference to the forests of today, Dr, Pleva asserted that we must use more wisely what Wi'-d Women Of The West Plenty of excitement will be found in a beautifully illustrated new series about feminine personal- ities who helped to give the Old ''Vest its color, starting in The American Weekly with this Sun- day's unday's (November 17) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. The first article is about Lola Montez. Get Sunday's Detroit Times. Full List Friend—But isn't your s.on sort of listless Mr. Moneybags? Mr. Moneybags—Heavens, no: he has a list of blondes, a Iist of brunettes. and a list of red heads. we now have. He also stated that 'Herbal Pills to treat the cause at its our soil is being depleted and that source, Money back, if the first bottle our soul lacked many of the toms -does not satisfy. At 3'. R. Smith, Rex nary nutriments. "We only have to all Drug Store, look at the teeth of our children," said Dr. Plewa, To know the quality of our land. Twenty percent of our land should be in torest," While only three percent of the land in Huron and Perth counties are in forests. A school teacher will soon have to take the children else- fof where to show then what a tree is, .said Dr, Pleva. "The first thing for ns to do is to study research," Sortie people are afraid that eonser- vation will cause s loss of assess- ' meet, but if they read the Conner vatson Act it actively may mean a 1 gain in assessment. In the study of conservation." you should first study yourself in. relationship to And Lathe Work the eommtmity framework." • "Conservation noes not mean the :disuse but the wide use of resources in perpetuity," he said, "We can only snecertl thrrnueli planning. and the initiative to plat Nes in the hands of the individual. ''Tr, Lindsay pointed out the ob- jeefives of the Ontario Adult Educa- tion Board. Mr, Lindsay. Bald, "any- one out of school in our estimation is an adult,." Canned Luck "We'd like to have you stay to dinner with us if you are content to take 'potluck'," said the wife, cordially. "You mean 'can -luck' my deae,'' murmured her husband. Classified Ads FOR SALE - 10 pigs 6 weeks old, P. Dennie Phone 57-r-2 FOR SALE— S5 Rock Pullets 5 mouths old, (leo. Blake Phone 42-r-19 FOR SALE— Stock water howls, Janes Armstrong Phone 29-r.9 FOR SALE— A. 1935 Dodge coach, Serial no, 945.407, in geed shape, 9 wheels, Apply 51 Expert Packers phone 70x FOR SALE— Some last spring calves mostly red also a quantity of wood. ,Toe Holmes phone 15-r-5 R.R. 4, Brussels FOR SALE - 200 Hybrid Pullets 52� months old Emerson Mitchell on the John Grant farm Road Needed At a meeting of a mtral district coned' .a deputation of farmers asked to be received. They wished to complain about the state of the main road just outside the village They found, however, that their arguments did not receive very good ,reoeption. In fact, the mem- bers of the council objected with eanphasis and much noise. "Look here," said the chairman "the road s fairly good as a whole." "Yes," replied the spokesman of the party, "but we want to use it as a road." PILES are generally caused from a STRAYED— • To lot 16, Con, 3, Morris Twp., 1 yeaa'1ing, owner may have same by proving ownership and paying cost. Bernard Thomas Phone 11-r-11 STRAYED— `~ To Lot 6, Con. 12, Grey Twp., 1 yearling, owner may have same by Proving ownership and paying costs. Phone 25-r-5 Carl Hemingway FOR SALE— Chesterfields, radios, pianos, lamps, kitchen sautes In large supply at the Mildmay Puniture Stare. Free de- livery. G. E. Schuett, isommimmr- FREE ANIMA. SERVICE OLD•DISABLED OR DEAD CATTLE • HORSES • HOGS • SHEEP • CALVES Promptly and Efficiently Removed Simply Phone Collect 12 Y russe s WE DO THE REST! FOR SALL-- I have at present a choice number .1 tarns et r:5ut titl.,ta. y.u)"ue Nto-. Ing to dlsp;;,u 01 Mull' trsrrn 14..,, size) good buildings please list 105.11 51 once as 1 nave clients nor tau Sales. Cali ur write J. C. Long, Real Estate Broker., Brussels, Ont. Phone 84: Quite a Long Time The history master noticed that. young Smith was back in the class after a long absence through illness. 'I'm glad to see you are here - again." he said. "You'll have a lot to matte 'tp, stow long have you been away,'" `Since Brian Born won the Battle of Clontarf. sir." replied Smith. FOR SALE - 1 dozen good doors for house, 1 register, also a supply of wainscot- ing. Prank W. Mitchell Phone 25-r-26 r'OR`SALE- 100' acre farm aII in grass, corner lot, onemile quarter north Walton.' Known as the William Sholdice estate. �- r T. G. Anderson, Listowel, Real Estate Broker, Listowel, Ont. FOR SALE— Dry hardwood, For particulars apply to 01422 Cardiff Phone 45-r-19 1 FOR SALE— -- Electric motors rewound and re - (blood) conger,- I paired. Expert workmanship. Mod - tion. Try Bunkers erste prices. Lloyd M. Bettger. Monkton, Ont. KEFFER.'S MACHINE SHOP Acetylene and Electric Welding Our r shop is eduipped to do First Class Welding Tn his address. Mr, Lindsay said. that is was not the job of his de - Pertinent to pick out the program for a community but. The eeinvenn- ity must select their own project effective reereaaion is an eesentiat Prete' in the life of any community, Mr. Lindsay said "many people think of recreation as only physical reoreation, This is not so. Tt Is neressery that we have something for everyone. Mr. Lindsay staters that we must do something for the betterment of the community. This can he achiev- ed, said Ma', Lindsay, througli fea'nt forum short courses and commun- ity projects. Your Patronage Solicited. Good Service Assured. The Community Radio Service Shops Now offer you quick reasonable repairs on your radio. TAKE YOUR RADIO TO Freethy's Service Station Satisfaotton Gurahteed. Huron Temperance Convention The iimst Convention of Temper, once workers since the County re turned to the statutes of the Canada Temperance on April 1 last, will be held In Wesley -Willis Church. Clinton, on Tuesday, November 12. The meeting has been called, by the Hnren ,County Temperance Federation and is expected to <bs a longe gathering as all churches and Yloung People's Sooleties sill be represented. Dr. C. W. DeMilTe, Toronto, and Royal Boulton, of the Ontario Temp- oranee Federation, will assist in the Programme which will continence Phone Narriaton The public ate Invited, t 2- pan, on Tuesday, November 12, FOR SALE— building with steel roof 28 by 45, N1/4 of lot 26, Con, 7, Morris Twp., would make an excellent straw shed or delve house. apply to Thomas Bradnock, Gorr'ie, or Jaynes Menedzean, Brussels, FOR RENT— Y early hunting and trapping rights on 325 acres of farmland between the 2nd and 4111 Con, Grey including the river theta and 250 acres of real good trapping ground on the 5 and 6 Grey and 100 acres on 17 Con, Grey. Ian McDonald Phone lax FOR SALE— TT. J, Atwood of 10 Marmaduke St., Toronto, offers for sale an excellent grass farm of 100 acnes with some good hush. A large bank barn and frame house, a drilled well with wind null, being lot 20, eon. 15, Grey Township Huron County, Will he sold for 53500.00, on account of ill health. For further particulars apply to the above address or Jas, McFadzerea Box 1, Brussels, Ont, AN OPPORTUNITY— Established Rural Watkins District available, 7f you are !aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 85— hove or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get estab- lished in a profitable business of y01i5 own, For fust particulars write today to The J. It Watkins Company Dept. 0-13-4, 2177 Mason St, Montreal. Que. LIVE HORSE COLLECTORS OR S Write or phone us for our price for Old Live Horses. WILLIAM STONE SONS, LTD. Phone 21 -- Ingersoll. F. W. KEMP Licensed Auctioneer For Huron, Perth, and Wellington Counties Satisfaction Guaranteed, Phone $8 — Listowel IN DOUSE.... AND BARN. DURO gives a lifetime of SERVICE ■ • r DURO PUMPS are pumping water through thousands of Canadian Farm Homes and Barns. Modern Farmers realise that the amount of labour and time saved by running water pays for i pump in a few months. EMCO FIXTURES AND FITTINGS SBE us for the latest Kitchen , Bathroom and Laundry Fixtures and Fittings. We will gladly give you full information. Wm. Gillespie Phone 68 Brussels, Ont. `0���� Gooc For A h Kinds of Baking pass 60 Baking IN BRUSSELS Al JOEK R BROS Phone 6 Swim Shop Brussels. POultry Market Highest 'Cash Prices Your Best Poultry Market Is At Your Own Door Whoa Us CALL THE DUBLIN PRODUCE CO.' We Wilt Call and Pay Immediate Highest CASH PRICE Por Your Hens and Chickens. Just Call Dublin'' Produce Co.' Dublin 50 NO FUSS = NO WAITING — JUST Ml Long Distance Phone Cslls Paid 8y Oce Deus Mom They VIE Tial. 1