HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1946-11-13, Page 1t
4 IL )
Wednesday, November lath, 1946
I. IMO. I. 00, .0,....4111.....••••••••••LIOSMIMM..
oavedeeaeeeteeneueereee.eeee&vze-eaueraeseeueeeeeeeemaeeeuatwaaue-eegeitaxrean.ete-eeeereeeee ..eteeesee: Educational
sz4 E
hiday and Satarday, Nov. 1546
BELITA, the screen's versatilefactress and Olympic ice
skating performer, co-starred with Barry Sullivan.
• -
FRIDAY and SATURDAY 8.30 p. m.
Church Service
Service 1 -V±1.0.±=• -t= !Y.( ee. Fiat
CORNER STONES e:fort Attend •
' Lice, ,.t'i''.
Rev. ft. 1. Milne le. peeee1 ; e. :ere
I V« ml, ri =iir =1,,,,a,•,••• I, :ell •.0 or.-:±1!7•Itte, ,• a• • 1:
Is Religion Ueeful?
letteeliee Leeem f1 1•, . • 1 ,„;• „,
1411 pee, rermired. to eey fie Weitea Nev. whet,
Man is said to lie 'Men
r" ile et le er. reefed chneeb en taking 118 Pere', eet of tie .bee) • e- •
tome and the historY of lee 11 emidny m„ming 'III! f- e. 41: •••I11 • 7,1••:1 j • •• I
14111111,4Pd S1"41 //7: met) by Ile nre,,ty,heei ent. +, • ae 0.. 14 1 I '1
1 (WY of els religions gt owth.
Religion then i11e4 be emeelele
old as man himeelf, intth a
man and religion appear to he 111-
',operable we may arrive ae a better
estimation of our men religion if c.-•
subjece I1 to a brief analysis.
Meditation is generally regarded as
hying t11 gimplest form of re,
ligious aetivity. Thinking relizions
thoughts and ponderine over the
latest religinue idea. without any
eltemot In t theory intn praetiee.
eonetitutes the 811111tote1 of tee bail 11144)1114.
religion of a great many penele I T)"”IP'c'l 1.11" 4ervi". 80401184
I re1801811 before the roll of 11011011 1'.
MecIltetion he workine.
le vil ni ie t
n lire 1.1. by f 01f The rho', sang suitable remem.
ranee i 1 Mi 171 e qg C. nget
Tbe divine eervice which ciliate!
vied relticational y vele Vilt. held in
1 St. Julthel ilhurril of L1'.g1:1 11 11, 1,11
Sunday evening, Rev. J. Kerr,
rem Oe. W118 In charge ami eels
assisted by Rev. O. A. Milne of
Melville Presbyterian Church who
lead elle Scripture Lesser and 1100.
IL C. Wilson, of the Veiled Churee,
who led In prayers. The choir wall
eenumsed of young peop'e '1 the St.
John's congregation who sang
t "There Are Shen; Thit Sail" with
P Mete 11, S. ilnallIton at the organ.
I Rev. Mr. Herr gave a epletelid
..1 ee0811110)1based on the text "Clemee ye
this clay whom ye shell serve."
'rhe sale of poppies here on .Satute
day, this year brought 568.00. The
POPples were offered by young ladles
sponsored by the Brussels branch of
he Canadian Legion.
Ration Coupon Due Dates
Coupone now valid are sugar -
preserves 01 to 503, butter 1329
to 1331, and meat M50 to :1159.
No longer valid are unnumberedouar,
sugar, butter aril el coupons beering
the beaver design.
Yes a Free Tin of Heinz Soup with
the percheee of two tins of Heine
at regular price and your choice of
any kind. Shop at Grewar's. Come
in and pick t1 one of mer Groceteria
13aekets and help yourself. See our
display of Oecteges. Open Weclnes-
clay efternoon as nstml.
The Ladies Auxiliary of the
Brussels branch .of the Canadian
are holding a
Bazaar and Tea on
Saturday, November 30th
at 3 p. tn.
Brussels Public Library
In Brussels Town Hall on
Music by Ken. Wilbee
And His Orchestra
Dancing from 10 to 1.30
Admission 50c Lunch Booth
Under auspices of Brussels
Branch of Canadian egi
Phone 5
All things work together for
good to 1110110 that love God,
Melville Church
MInistol Rev, G. A. Milne, M,A
10 a. .Sureay School
and Bible Class
11 a. m. "Freedom of Speech"
7 p. ne "Curbing those
Louis- D. Thompson, Organist
and Choirmaster,
The United Church
Minister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson
11 a. m, Morning 'Worship
The Golden Rule
Junior Congregation
12 Church School M
and Bible ass
7 p, m. Elvening Praise
A Report of the Geneva Council
Rev. H. J. Snell,
of Auburn.
Everyone Cordially Welcome
Church of hngiand
Parish of 1314011161S ,
ReV. J. FL 'Kerr, Rector
22nd Sunday Atte* Trinity
November 17th, 1946
$t. John's church oral:8418-
in a. m, Sunday School
11 a. ut. Morning Prayer
et. Davies Church Henfryn-
1,45 p. m, Evening Prayer
St, Georges Church Walton -
8,46 p, at, EVening Prayer
Clrewar's Groceteria,
Notice is hereby given that 1
have complied with section 8 of the
'VOTFITiS' LIST ACT and that 1
pave posted up at my office In the
Township of Grey on the Meth day
of November 1946, the list of all
persons entitled to vote in the said
etunicipality at Municipal Elections
and that such list remain there for
And T hereby call upon all voters
to take immediate proceedings to
have any errors Or omissions cote
rected according to law, the last
• clay for appeal being Monday
November 18th, 1946.
Clerk of Municipality of the
Township of Grey,
I hereby give notice that the Nemite
ation of a Reeve, Four Councillors,
Three School Trustees, and One
Hydro Commissioner to serve the
Billage of Brussels during the year
will be held at
Nomination from 7 P.M. to 8 P.M.
If demanded a Poll will be openeo
at the following places on
Polling Sub -Division No. 1 at the
Council Chamber, Town Hall,
Jos. Wilton, D. R. 0.
Ben Whittard, Poll Clerk
Polling Sub -Division No. 2 at the
Public Library
Robt, Patrick, D.R.O.
Joseph Kelly, Poll Clerk
Polis to be opened from
9 A.M. to 5 P.M.
R. S. Warwick, Returning Officer,
Brussels, Ontario
I hereby give notice that the Nom-
ination of a Reeve Deputy Reeve,
Three Councillors, and Five School
Trustees to serve the Twp. of Grey
during the year 1947
will be held at
at 1.00 P.M. to 2.00 P.M.
If demanded a Poll will be opened
at the following places on
Polling Sub -Division No. 1
at School House S.S. No, 4
Polling Sub -Division No, 2
At School House S.S. No, 1
Polling Sub -Division No. 3
At School House S.S. No. 2
Polling Sub -Division No. 3A
At A.O.U.W. Hall, Walton
Polling Sub -Division No, 4
At Community Hall, Moncrleff
Polling SufeeDivision No. 5
At Township Office, Ethel
Polling Sub -Division No, 6
At School House S. S. No, 5
Polling Sub-DivIsion No. 7
At, Community Hall, Cranbrook
Polls to he opened from
9 A.M. to 5 P.M.
J, H. Fear, Returning Officer,
Ethel, Ontario
- -- t poinnMgUNsluCbl4PAITLisiNonOTINC0E
I hereby give notice that the Nom-
. 2,
Illation of a Reeve and ..Four ..Coun-
oillors and Two School Trustees ,.to
serve the Twp. of Morris during the
year 1947:
will be held at
Polling Sub -division No. 1 at School
House S.S. No. 1, Deputy R. 0,-
Laurie Scott; Po11 Clerk -Thos,
J e y.
demanded a Poll will be opened at
the following places on
At 12.30 P.M. to 1.30 P.M.
Mon., Tues., Wed. Nov. 18, 19, 20 i.lehool House S.S. No. 9, Deputy
Lover Come Back 'R. 0.-Menno Jackson; Poll Clerk -
Adult Enteitainment ((Walter Shortreed.
Lucille Ball , George Brent 1
Vera Zorlim
' A delightful adult farce comedy full
of amusing situations and chuckles.
Showing -
Thur. Fri., Sat. Nov, 14, 16, 16
In Technicolor
Fred MacMurray and Anne Baxter
A dramatic yarn of man's love for a
horse with Ws technicolor photo-
graphy of the wire -open spaces of
Utah, which contributes .a refershIng
quality to the picture.
Next Thues., Fri., Sat, Nov. 21, 22, 28
' From This Day Forward
Jean Fontaine Mark Stevens
Rosemary DeCamp
Head over heels In love . up to
their necks In troublel Today's story
of two kids Who rushed headlong
into matrimony.
Gene Tierney
Vincent Piece
Polling subdivision No, 3, at
School House 818. No. 5, Deputy R.
O. -Harry McGuire; Poll Clerk -
Wm. VanCentp,
Polling sub -division No. 4, at
Township Hall, Morris. Deputy R. 0
-James Bryans; Poll Clerk -Jack
Polling slib-digision No. 5, at
Scheel House S.S. No, 7, Deputy R.
Ce-Melviele Maniere; Poll Clerk -
/Marisa Snuck.
Polling sub-divielon No. 6, et
School Helm S.S. 14.a. lb, Deputy R.
0,--Sparling Johnston; Poll Clerk -
Wesley Jertn.yn,
Polls to be opened from
9 A.M. to S PM
Geo. Martin, Returning Officer,
FL R. 4 Brussels.
I epteepriate ‘,1, mon ltssed on 4114' The reason for title I- flee ell, ,. 1,1,1(101(3 to the board of
words "Pnt on the whole pelmet' '.4'(nee" He nirntioned 18!")•1
1r1 1 lf-S of bisiory down 14100110111410011011the
!ages and epoke of the battles that
must be fought in peane.time. The
speaker stated it le not enough
08401! 411)11 ih
t ere wet be m
111/ orv.:
e a180!'Tnn malty people een
re tiefled to
sit back and ,lo just that. Greed he
said 1== the chief 0110)117e
only of pon.,
greed of nations. 10)'F4"1 in oar own
makeup and our (10811woret enemy
It is not everything 111 religinn.
nossessinn of beautiful views on
snbieet of life mny he unlifthur to
the hermit ow. verb's«, bei
views 18111 net serge. for the Tv -eon
who has in 0a 'rho efern reelltiee
of 111" seven Cloys 111 n0 NM*, We
lien nor life in the world therefore
«wt.' re=lainn mnst be etreme enough
to meet the tests of the world. Tf,
to me, meditation we add prayer.
Scrintnre reading. and hymn eireine
will we Rennin, n veliglon the'. will
answer to one eemand move it. Th -1r'
Refine go to make up what
we reit worehip. Worehip has a very
impo-rtant pale to nlev relielon
but warship is lint religion, "Every-
thing gond and bed bee been ann.-,
ie the name of religion." That
worship is important can be seen
from many disputes and ellarrele
that have taken place concerning
forms of worship and ritual. Great
deeds of service here been done in
the 11E13110 of worship but so also
hove terrible acts of immorality.
Worship is not reltedon, 'Worship is
nn net of religion but not everything
in religion.
Melville Church
Speaking on the subject "The
Peacemekere" at the Remembrance
service in Melville Churell on
Sunday morning Rev. Mr. Milne
emphasised the urgency of a whole,
hearted peace 11,1180 by all the
Christian peoples of the world. He
pointed: out that peace means Per
more than the more absence of
strife. and that the tragely of the
present age is KIP fart that so many
people are not an friendly terms
with awl. Granted tent certain
advances have been made towards a
better understending, between
nations there is little hope for greet
Progress in that directions until
indivitleal nations rid themselves
of suspicion and hatred.
The anthems by the rbnir were
"One sweetly solemn thaught" by
Ambrose, end "Mourn not. for thoee"
by Captain Leahy, Guest soloist was
WS. Breclin who sang "There is nn
death" by O'Hara.
The 'evening service was cancelled
011 .aceount of the joint Edncation
Sunday service in St. John's Cintech
of England.
1 contributed llie solo "0 Vali'''
rInrrambrance Service
At Cenotaph
fnrindl 4'.
nt q+ fennfsph at
the close of Sunday morning 011118011
4A171.00. 10 rely tribete to thr,,,, Who
; i 4! • ! :1 « , •• : .
11. fill, 1,I1II•1,• 'rill 4. I I.,'• 4.1 1I111,, 0111
'be timing of. it. 81 1- atril .111 -«•nreretico
1E1 Walton United chereh,
:1L11 • 1!,1 (".1 ^hc
Tewrrf,i,. Sehn „81111)1 0,, 1.1 .4
,e11 1111-1)J1N•I 4 !' II• ,,r 4:141,,4 11y Wi.0t044.
meeting held No -,•(,•11 7
.111. October meeting were adopted en
teetiou et: H. 'F';,=-Ior and 1 al'(..,1,,',''11. «:«n,«
I, „,11. t. ey W. 0, Mettler of
01111,1110 ,1t 1. flayl';(814 op the, follow. ruli 10,07 ..11,ralivfs warp, 14qv .9.
1110 a,c-..ont, 4..• 111!11111!l0',0,.0tarY «11' :iv
rielgrare Co-operative 70.05 4eee,11 if .til0 150'11
W. J. Otter .......................2,8"' chureb; G. Skinner. enyege. eget
eee e1,„„4 el 4 'II! ,T1 '1 1 II • 101
1 C. lnaekstone, tuning and
repairing pienne $21e.en
el 1 ? ? Seeipie
Tranratirr ern. 0 . 12.9'(
11 5.21
Teeth 8,1114111rd 2,15
77, methere, 1' (001, No. 10 . 21
T. M. Dent 0,ee
Moyer. Sehool Supplies .
:fell In two greet 08000. 0,±1,11 ClIturk
The 1.21A 1710111 110 1•S, who had TTe1ttivman . . . .
attended divene eervire at the 7..,,,,,,,,8
1".11/1,6 chreete naraderl from the W. 0,11„,".1, .. .
710 the eburell would disappear. Those
4 , who joined the United Chereh
el in Heron in 1940 en profeesion of
felth rIlintr•o: only :nee ee eald.
f! 011. Caledonia.
111a:10. ,•;:11.1.1 ; ItrY-
The erst epealter of ,ele after-
nonn 081. Mr. Mutchn«nr, who
spoke on "Moral and Spiritual
Aesetee Mutehmor ttrediet±=d
that at the present rate of ad-
nT.T1n4istiencin C*IfinernielW trOttnttilye,
aremnpanie4 by tbr. 1er4 te TT et this vet:. he pointed one 0111.7
the money -lel Where o eervire of metine mernteh. tl,ree pp: rent, of the leveber of
remembrance was ronderted by Rev eon. that the eerretery manna,. (Theleeb 111818140r' in the
.0 a !Were. Tlev. TT r Wilson endceellty th«. Noild 114)1financial eteternent for r,c,,,..11.,!1^. 51)
;11ev. 3. Herr. et the nomination meetine. This vive'
.Wileon. Mee, F. Yonne and Mr
Wreathe were reared by Mrs. R statement to show feel reeeint, ere
expenditures: ae Before neither tee
Eremies Of Home Life
!W. Willis. various lteerlinge In the nosh hook i4.' 14!.' 11, Mat, 11
The Lase Post and Reveille were Statement tn be minted glom". with "1"' t; "elim 'rein
that nf thr Townehip Treesurne.
efeelen be R. liellenrray-TT, Me.
Cetehenr. that Seretery he nnthoo
teed to pay eneh Per etreeme 4'!"010
express and other mall nmennte
and that lie add these expenses to
i"lln(ll')1.048.c on.
; prnp TA/ rfr
Visa Evelyn Elliott bee token a
nnsitinn in Toronto.
le: nee 011011110S 1100 that he iesne a
Mrs. E. Parr is vigil -Me this week
with friends in Toronto. 81180110 monthly 101. payment of
e invome tax deducted from teachers
Mr. and Mrs. Garflele 'Henderson eateries. G. H. Wheeler was to 110
WAN, Lord= visitors last week, 4 nettled of seine repeirs needed et
SI 0 41n01' at 3, en, 12. A motet author.
Mies Shirley Mneer. Stratford was . iming the tenehers to spend It sum
a week end guest with Miss Jessie ranging from .01011 to Venn for tho
puerile RP (If librarY hooks vete
e ec
MEM news •left Sunday to
speed the winter with relatives in
• *
Mrs, Clark Matheson and Ten
were visitors this past week with
friends in Toronto.
e 0 *
.70a21 Livineeton, Toron'to, was a
holiday visitoe let the home of her
aunt Mrs. John Meadows.
Mr, and MTS. M. Laycock were
week .encl visitors at the home of the levie Mr. W. CI, Cunningham of
heir parente, Watersfalls. Blyth.
* 14 * The wedding tO take 111111'e 01
Member 4111 et Se Thomas' Cherell.
Mr. end Mre. Elton Rozell of
Teitehenev were week end viedtnee .Seeforth, Ont.
with Me. end Mrs, Tee Manning,
reiesell. Next meeting wilt he
Derember 5 at 2.80 10.11.
Ralph S. Slum Secretary
Engagement Announcement
The engattement is announco,1 et
Josephine Le0110,V1. ElIZP, ymingest
daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
He tiered as 0, 1n..1.,rs oplioslort,
ina-ri:«0«• ant }Irmo lifo,
th• ,a1)' r«f contraceptives, a high
abortion Fete. an increasing 0'01"'
0?'," 1 disea S4' rate, an inereasing
110-0l'1'rate and ine,r-a.sin,..; num-
ber of (meets of illegitimacy.
"We have a serious 110nr311 isPue."
he geld. "in sexual promiscuity."
Tlivoreee in the Meted 10+11+ 0-.,
said. are now egeurring at about
th, yak, of one for every three
1110 1'141A . 111 Ontario, he esti-
mai orl. the rato to abnnt one eilvoree
tor evcry 15 marriages.
"Mellibe•ns ef reellament," Mr.
Itntehninr 51111. "Wore not giving
moral V:11 they Toted
el. tbr lionor license actwhen
thee eael it eel not affeet them,
1.114 only .affeetel the five 1ave-
17 071 11730,
',.811••.s all lust as 4
portan: :±=±. reonortir matters. Eve
reelleen bee te dr, with the toner.
H. B. Edge of Seeforth 01 teharlee ,
me- etel ereachire of lee Memel
Leslie Cunningham • ef -Seeforte
of (‚etre rcdcetning love: this Gee.
°f 33174111 eldest 14011 of pee meet have its witneee. We too
Mrs. A. 'Becker of 'Kitchener, nnti erten think of Pretestantlem as the
thir-ee neninst which 080 protest,
theeeh the wore really means 'wit -
nese fore"
The play eShe's My Daiey" under
the auspices of the W.A. of Duff's
United Omen was presented on
Friday evening to a large audience.
The cast Was -as tollows: 'Mrs. Ran.
McMichael, Mr, Walter Bewley, Mrs.
W, a Beunett, Mr. Hervey Stephen-
son, Mrs, Bert Sohnston, Mrs, Prank
Kirkby, Mrs. Harvey Stephenson,
Mr, Frank Teirloby, Mr. Bert John-
ston and Mrs, Nelson Reid. All
Played their 'Deets exceptionally
well. Between oats Mise Elva
iSholdice gave piano solo and
cornet duets were given by Misees
Irma and Marjory Watt. Receipts
at the door were $96.00,
• 11
Mr, Arthur Dawson. Leamington.
was 8 'holiday visitor at the home et
Mr, end Mrs, N. W, Fischer and
other relatives.
s, *
Mrs. Florenee Metchell and
daughter Dorothea. Toronto, were
guests of ler, end Mrs. Lo'nle ThOnlp.
eon for the holiday eveek end.
• *
Cline end Mrs, Soott who have
recently sold. their residence to Mrs.
T. H, Galbraith have got nicely
settled 111 their new home in Sher-
brooke, Qnebee..
* *
Frank Cardiff who Was rather in-
disposed for s few days last week
was taken to the Seaforth Hospital
where an operation to appendlcitis
may be eeceeertty,
* * s
Baal Moore, who is attending
Tenox College, Toronto occompanied
by his 'brother Bruce were week
end vialtoile.4 with their father Mr.
Moore of town.
To -day's baby -win geow 2, 1110110E4
taller -live 15 yearte longer then his
grandfather - due to impl'ore'd
nutritional standards developed bY
Stroh scientific retteerell as Heine
rOnettently applies to prodeetiOn Of
the tautens 51 Varieties, Grewarls
GrOceteria carries a fell line Of
Heinz Products. Open All Day. Wee-
ltesday as Venal.
Phone 5
GreWar't Greeeteria,
:The Young Peopleet trillion of
Duff's 'United Oh -41r011 Met on Sunday
evening for tee anneal special
meeting of the Citizenshin Com-
mittee. Mies 7+710115Bennett, eon-
veitor 04 Ole.emninittec conducted
the worship eerviee. Miss Joyoe
Oliver vend the ,Scriptere and Mist
Solleston sang a We. IVIiss
Chtere McGowan ot the Children'e
Md. SeeletY, Oederich Was th,
epeciel ePettioate
A Court of Revision on the
Assessment Roll of the Township of
Morris for the year 1947, will be
held in. the Township Hall on
Saturday, November 23, 1946 at 1
All appeals must be in the bonds
of the clerk not teem' than November
22, 1946.
George Martin, Clerk.
Huron County
Coundl Meeting
The next meeting or the Huron
County Connell will be held in the
Council 'Chambers, Court House.
Goderich, eommencing Monday,
November 18th at 2.00 pm.
All aconnts, notices of deputations
and other business requiring tile
atentiori Connell should be in the
hands of the County Clerk not later
than Saturday, November 18th.1
N. W. Miller,
County Clerk,
Goderioh, Ontario
-- ---
The huntrance office was
by art excited woman.
"I want to insure my house," she
said, "Can T do it over the phone?"
"Tim afraid not. Perhaps we'd
better send a man along:,
.ittve got to do it 11/Mental'', 1
ten you." retie the frantic Vette
"The place is on firer
rung up
Says Soil Map Important
"Farmers arc stewards if they
try 10 enrich their soil," said Mr.
Skinner. s•-cond speaker of the
afternoon. " . . to hand dawn to
the next generation: they aro only
miners in every sense of the word
if they try to get everything out
of thr soil and put nothing beck.
"We' must keep the farm homes
attraetive,e he declared, "so tkitt
girls will stay on the farm, [Wee
thus the her w111 too."
A soil map of Theron county
now being prepared, Me Skinner
said: and he displayed a soil map
of Haldimand enmity. as an illus-
tration of the purvey work not yet
eompleted here. "Pressure should
he brought to hear," said the speak-
er. "to have this map hurried along."
The three things chiefly leaking
in Huron county soils. Mr. Skin-
ner staid, are manure, lime, and
phosphates. Tt is diffiettlt be com-
mented, to get refiners to apply
tine to the soil.
"The churn must lead in a rural
community", Mr. Skinner said, "It
is not n group of hnildings, it is
not just the church and school:
the rural eronitlimitY is the people
together with the serviaes of that
"Rural people are the s811-hed
or our civilization." said Mr,
1101), who spoke briefly Alt the afte1.-
noon session. Mr. Brydon etfessed
the importance. of 'keeping up the
Population or rueel reeautlee, li
Contented on hiside Page