HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1946-11-6, Page 2THE BRUSSELS POST W.dnesday, November 6th, 1846 Winners of Salada Tea Event at International Plowing Match received medals—both will 'visit British Isles in February. Left to right: Austin Nairn of Munro, second prize; Hon- ourable Mr. Gardiner, M r...z:.cr of Agriculture; Salada's Representative Peckham, and Floyd Steckley, of Stouffville, first prize, BLUEVALE .-res Y.P.r. held a jolly 'i., :Fal in the United ('lin: h. opening • 'qtf a. singsong led by P.ev. A. : -Presalitt, :with Mrs. Carl .fclui ' steno. Ray Thompson and Ruth ee*3tt read verses about Helloes- -etas. .Mr. Hewitt spoke on the place of Hallowe'en in the Anglican cal- endar. Mrs. Darling read a compli- mentary address to Fleming John- den* ref the :ortay and his bride. Misses Jean ' MeLennon and Mary Darling presented him bynruary and airs. John- ston with a crystal sandwich plate, nut and candy bowls. Mrs. Dar - 480: Any time from 12:00 noon Friday, Nov. 8th, until 2:00 p.m. Monday, Nov. 11fh. 888TURN: Leave desfinalion up to 12:00 mid- night, Tuesday Nov. 121h, 1946, Fell information from any agent. ,'1ti=SNAPSHOT GUWD BACKGROUNDS AT WILL 170 A. salele open lens kept a tree at the right out of focus, preventing tt from cluttering up the background, 7CH backgrounds will have a see .r eat deal to do with the appear- crs'•e of any picture, it's well to con- e.dler just what you can do to get a Insoper background. Tbe basic rule to remember here that the best backgrounds are ,eon sue and uncluttered, These add atm your pictures. A confused back- ssound, with miss -cross lines or a j'jszsbied pattern, takes away from 'slur pictures, Tt competes for atten- Meet with the subject. J'"orLunately, the snapshooter can ,rrasriaol his backgrounds in several Wesys. The Brst of these is to select AS glain backdrop and place the sub- ,;fit there, This is the simplest ase.l.hocl and will work with any aawere :from a simple box type to an elaborate precision miniature. Ribwever, it isn't always possible to .:..ave your subject around,. v1�''.tl1,e second method involves cam- , fesots, angle. 'there's no better back. '=;nandthan the sky, By shooting from a spot lower than your sub- ject, so that you shoot up, you place the sky behind your subject, in. effect. Here, however, it is well to be cautious—don't shoot from so exaggerated an angle as to distort your subject. A third method for controlling your background ie available if you have a camera which has several lens apertures. Remember that the bigger the lens opening the less your depth of Bold, By opening your lens wide, you can foSus on your subject and leave objects beyond the subject slightly out of tootle. Of course, with a wide open lens you'll have to shorten your exposure time, With di?Pereht picture -taking sit- uations, you will want to try one or another of these several methods. Whichever one you try, chances are you'll iitld a simple background gives new snap to yortr shots. John van (Wider ling conducted games, Refresh- ments were served. Afterwards Robert .Shaw, 82, spoke briefly, ad- vising his hearers to memorize poetry when young and it would not depart from their minds, He recited "Bingen on the Rhine." Rev. Leland C. Jorgensen occu- p`ed the pulpit at Knox Presbyter - Church alter an absence of three Sundays. He obese for his subject, "Saved by a Touch" from the text "They brought unto Him all that were diseased and besought him that they might only touch the hens of His garment and .05 many as touched were made per- fectly whole.' ' The W.M.S. of the United Church held its annual thankolfering meet- ing on Sunday morning. ' The , speaker was Rev, A. IL Hewitt, His theme was "Overseas Mis- sions," Mrs. McCrackin sang, In the absence of Mrs. W. J. Johnston. Mrs. A. H. Hewitt played the or- gan. On Remembrance Sunday :n the rutted Church a collection will be 'aken in aid of the Save the Chil- ' dren Fund. e .O s i s • M • PEOPLE WE KNOW e • • • • • e «, j Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Abraham of Wroxeter were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Higgins, * * 'e Ma's, 01, Wineberg and Rochelle have returned home from Toronto where they spent the past week. P m s The many friends of Mrs. Jos. Shaw, Morris, regret to know that she is ill in Kithener-Waterloo hospital, Personals: Miss Dorothy Aitken. Preston, with her mother, Mrs. M. I. Aitken: Mr, and Mrs. Roger ,ks. Winghanr, with Mr. and Mrs, .1. H. Smith, and Mrs. Kerney; Mr. and Mrs. Wood and Mrs. Green- wood, Stratford, Mr, and Mrs. Ear - old Procter and Margaret. Bel - grave, and Harry Forgie and his sister, Miss Mary Forge Wing - ham with Mrs. Curtis and Mrs. Kirton; Mrs. Milton Smith and son Ross with Mr, and Mrs, Orval .Tones and family at Imeknow; Mrs, W. H. MceRinney is in London with her husband who is a patient in hospital in that city; Mr. and Mrs, Charles Bosnian with Mr, and Mrs. R. E. McKinney at London; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sellers and daugh- ter Susan accompanied by Mrs. Blank Toronto, with Mrs. J. Sellers and Walter In Morris;. Miss Margaret Curtis with Mr, and Mrs 0. Jones at Lnclnrow. ETHEL There was a good atterdanee at the 'United Church Sunday evening for the services in charge of Huron Young People's Union, Special music was contributed by the choir, Douglas Lawless was the speaker. On Saturday evening the .mem' hers of the United Muth choir met at the home of Mrs, Carmen Rieh- ards for a surprise party and pre. rented Mrs. Richards with a wall mirror as a token of remembrance before her departure to Remitter, Sunday afternoon during the Sun- day School period, Mrs, Riohards was also presented with a set of electric lamps Et OM the members et the Sunday ;School, of which she has been superintendent and teacher, The community sale at the Royal hotel on Saturday afternoon was well attended, Prices on livestock and furniture were good, P. F4',,rnotP Re!,"713f a 1'"e Optometrist "Western Ontat io's Mers4 Modern Eye Service'' Phone 718, tlarriston • • r Mr, and Mrs. Garfield Baeker of Fort Francis have gone to their winter home in New Port Ritchie, Florida. * * * Mrs. L. A. Edy of St. Marys has been visiting for a few days at the parsonage, Mrs. Edy is a sister of Mr. 1.1. C. Wilson. * * Mr. W. J, Bozell and son Jack of Clinton, 112r, and Mrs. Ray Cooper and daughter of Goderich were Sun - clay visitors with Mr. and Mrs, H. Manning. • a e Mr, and Mrs, Homer Maunce, Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Lloyd of Pontiac, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Chester Higgins, Wingham and Miss Lenore Higgins, London were Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Higgins. INCOI3ME00KKETAX EPINGRETURNS, FINANCIAL STAI EiNI,ENTS for farmers, Business Met, Professional Men, Garage Operators and others. ARTHUR FRASl:I2 Telephone: Exeter 17. P.O. Box. No. 118 Temporary Office at the house of the late Dr. H. K. Hyndman, Huron Street, Exeter. Classified Ads Huron Temperance Convention The first Convention of Temper- ance workers since the County re- turned to the statutes of the Canada Temperance on April 1 last. will be held in Wesley -Willie Church. Clinton, on Tuesday. November 12. The meeting has been called by the Hnron County Temperance Federation and is expected to he a large gathering as all churches and Young People's Societies will be represented. Dr. C. W. DeMilie, Toronto. and Royal Boulton, of the Ontario Temp erance Federation, will assist in the programme which will commence at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, November 12. The public are invited. Ration Coupon Due Dates Coupons now valid are sugar - preserves 51 to S33, butter B29 to 1331 and meat M 56 to M58. PILES are .generally caused from a (blood) conges- tion, Try Bunkers Herbal Pills to treat the cause at its source. Money back, if the first bottle does not satisfy, At F. R. Smith, Rex - all Drug Store. KE.F.EFt ' MACHINE SHOP fol Acetylene and Electric Welding Ow shop is eduipped to do First Class Welding And Lathe Work Your Patronage Solicited. Good Service Assured, The Community Radio Service Shops Now offer you quick reasonable repairs on your radio. TAKE YOUR RADIO TO Freethy's Service Station Satisfaction GUranteed, FOR SALS— A table, 6 chairs and a buffett. apply to Mrs. J. Mills, Brussel:. FOR SALE— One English style bicycle. Phone 51e-15. FOR SALE - 1 set of single harness, good as new Phone 69 Joe Wilton. FOR SALE— A boy's bicycle, in good condition. Robeet Cunningham Phone 88-r-15. FOR SALE — 8 pigs ready to wean. Elmer Ellaoott Phone 231-6 FOR SALE - 200 Hybrid Pullets 51/2 months old Emerson Mitchell on the John Grant farm FOR SALE— Two sets of breeder geese and genders. Chester Baker R. R. 3 Brussels. Phone Brussels 50-r-13. FOR SALE - 1. dozen good doors for house, 1 register, also a. supply of wainscbt- ing, Frank W. Mitchell Phone 254-29 STRAYED— To lot 16, Con, 3, Morris Twp., 1 Yearling, owner may have same by proving ownership and paying cost. Bernard Thomas Phone 11-r-11 STRAYED— - To Lot 6, Con. 12, Grey Twp., 1 yearling, owner may have sante by proving ownership and paying costs. Phone 25-r-5 Carl Heaningway FOR SALE— Chesterfields, radios, pianos, lamps., kitchen suites in large supply at the Mildmay Funiture Store. Free de- livery. G. E. Sehuett. FOR SALE— Dry hardwood. For particulars apply to Cliff Cardiff Phone 45-r-19 FOR SALE— Electric motors rewound and ra. paired, Expert workmanship. Mod- erate prices. Lloyd M. Bettger, Monkton, Ont, FOR SALE— building with steel roof 28 by 45, N1/2 of lot 26. Can. 7, Morris Twp., would maks an excellent straw shed or drive house. apply to Thomas Bradnoek, Gorrie, or James McFadzean, Brussels, FOR SALE— H. J. Atwood of 10 Marmaduke St., Toronto. offers for sale an excellent grass farm of 100 acres with some good hush. A large hank barn and frame house, a drilled well with wind mill, being lot 20. cin, 15, Grey Township Huron Chanty. Will be sold for $3500.00, on account of ill health. For further particulars apply to the above address or Jas, 11lcFadzeater Box 1, Brussels, Ont. AN OPPORTUNITY— Established Rural Watkins District available, It you are aggressive, and between the ages of 26 and 55— have or San secure travel outfit, this is Your opportunity to get estab- lished in a profitable business of your own, For full particulars write today to The J. R. Watkins Company Dept, 0-B-4, 2177 Meson St„ Montreal Que. LIVE }HORSE COLLECTORS Write for phone us for our price for Old Live Horses. WILLIAM STONE SONS, LTD. Phone 21 — Ingersoll. F. W. KEMP , Licensed Auctioneer For Huron, Perth, and Wellington Counties Satisfaction Guaranteed. Phone 38 — - Listowel ! t' . , M ,, I • w 2;i coir O LIR • Di SAB LED OR DEAD CATTLE a HORSES a HOGS a SHEEP + CALVES Promptly and Efficiently Removed Simply Phone Collect i't isseIs WE DO THE REST! FOR SALE— I have at present a choice number _f farms as r:ssa. prlees, Anyone Wlea- Ing to dlspese , t iae.r tarn, size) good buildings please list them at once as I have clients for Fall sales. Call or write J. C. Long, Real Estate Broker, Brussels, Ont. Phone 84. iy a a' R Gl's 8)� II�O���I��lQiilll Quite a Long Time The histofy master noticed that young Smith was back in the class alter a tong absence through illness. 'I'm glad to see you are here again.'' he said, "You'll have a lot to make 'rp. Bow long have YOU been away, 'Shire Brian Born won the Battle of Non taHi. sir." rep lled. Smith. ••••..-.••em IN HOUSE.■n AND Br1BN... DURO gives a lifetime of SERVICE 0 DURO PUMPS are pumping water through thousands of Canadian Farm Homes and Barns. Modern Farmers realize that the amount of labour and time saved by running water pays for a pump in a few months. EMCO FIXTURES AND FITTINGS SEE us for,the latest Kitchen . Bathroom and Laundry Fixtures and Fittings. We will gladly give you full information, Wm. Gillespie Phone 68 Brussels, Ont. 4uoa 0101140, Phone 6 *coot' k=rt2 p2i NI 01 ne' as f a al pit 'I a IN i-Itt Fir.4clier 8isests Br :lanai:, Poultry Market Highest 'Cash Prices Your Best Poultry Market Is At Your Own Door When Tee CALL THE DUBLIN PRODUCE CO. We Will Call and Pay Immediate Highest CASH PRICE For Your Hens and Chickens. Just Call Dublin' Produce Co.' Dublin 50 NO FUSS — NO WAITING — JUST PLAIN CASH. All Long Distance Phone Calla Paid By Our Driven When They Visit Tea