HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1946-11-6, Page 1liatelte
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„m aurteivm,uiounneranesw,yrleoner„a=r.tcn,r,<v..
- 4 p"`L'� i{.�$ ! q�yy. �y�yS.,i, `,F trgt G' A 1.,� j, 1. hGeG G� ��
i'T' ''r :i t USSE Ya;sr 1.+ . 11 lave
3;i�sv c;--•.a,i,nwrraltimu iN31 r ,20 M1 evasute'ir:�emmrani=lsza:1.=
in Friday, Nov. 8th
FRIDAY and SATURDAY 8.30 p. m.
"She's My Daisy"
A play to be presented in Walton
Community Hall on November
8th at 8.30 P. M. by local talent
under auspices of W. A. of
Walton United Church. Admis-
sion 35c and 15c.
in Town Hall Brussels on
Music by Ken. Wilbee and
His Orchestra
Dancing from 10 to 1.30
Admission 50c Lunch Booth
Under Auspices of the
Brussels L.O.L. No. 774
"Remember also thy Creator
in the, clays of thy youth."
Niuivii;e t.hurch
t4inIstet Rev. G. A. Milne, M.A
10 a. rat. Sunday School
and Bible Class
11 a, m. Remembrance Service
Subject: "The Pela,cemalters."
Special Choir Music.
7 p. m. Joint l;clucation .Sun-
day Service at St, John's
Church, of England.
Louis D, Thompson, Organist
and Ohoirmaster,.
The United Church
Minister Rev. Hugh 0. Wilson
10 a, m. Sunday School
Bible Class
Moving Pictures
11 a, in. 1Vlorning Worship
Legion Members Invited,
,Band in Attendance
12:50 Memorial at Cenotaph
7 p• m, Oomntunity Worship
At St,Tohn's Anglican Church
Annual Edticadiiou Servide,
A Cordial Welcome To All..,
Church of L ngiand
Patlsh of Brussels'
Rev. J. H. Kerr, Rector
2,1fet Sunday Ater" Trinity
November 10th, 1946
$t. John's Church Brussels
10 a. M. Sunday School
7 p. m. United Editcn.tton.
Week Service,
St. David's Church Henfryo=
1.46 P, en, Evening Prayer
st. George's Church Watton
11 a, m, Moeleg Prayer
(Note Change 'of Hour)
Poppy Day, Saturday
Give your support to the worthy
cause sustained by the sale of
Remembrance Day poppies. Give
generously fon' your poppy when you
are asked to contribute on. Saturday
of this week,
Like acres rich with bloom, the
crosses glow,
White painted, • bleaehing • in a
foreign . sun
Of those, the men, whose deathless
efforts won
The boom of Freedom from a tyrant
The Annual meeting of the
Morris branch of the Federation
of Agriculture will be held in S.S.
No. 5, 5th line Morris on Tues-
day evening, Nov. 12th. , . The
National Film board showing will
also be held the same evening.
To Milk Customers
Please do not ask your Milk
Delivery salesman for credit. Ac -
r permitted
ordin to law we are not rm
c I
g P
to extend credit. If you ask the
salesman to leave you milk without
paying for It, you embarrass him
c! as he must turn in enough money or
tickets to cover sales during that
day. This means he must pay for
your milk out of his own pocket.
B ussek Creamery
Seaforth, Ont,
Now Showing—
Thur.. Fri., Sat. Nov. 7, 8, 9
Badman's Territory
I Randolph Scott Ann Richards
"Gabby" Hayes
Frontier history written in the
Monday November 11th
Declared Holiday by
Dominion Government
The Dominion, government
declared ij7onday, November
Armistice Day, a public holiday.
Opening of The
Brussels Theatre
. �.....Y _...,•—,-.,�.,..�.�,...�-.--.----._.-�,
Wednesday, .November 6th, 1946
Rey, G. A. Milne, M.A,
Class -Distinctions— (4)
1141I'I Every right-thinking person eau do
much to promote tate true ideal of
social equality. We can all set our
{faces against expensive fashions
that, exist only to signify elipe.h; ry
of status. We can support organs•
ations, such as the Boy's Brigade in
which class -distinction Anes me
exist. , We can resolve neverto
refuse to engage in any kind of
leave you been wishing that the
Brussels Theatre was under good
reliable management?
Like many others you
wanted to have the picture
opened again and kept open.
We hale good news for you Mr. It
13, Cousins has taken over the
Theatre and from now on the best
pictures available will be brought
to Brussels,
What is more the Brussels Theatre
will be open this Friday evening.
November 8th, Satldrday afternoon
and Saturday evening and every
Friday and Saturday as long as
reasonable patronage warrants it.
Let your friends know about it.
Watch for tete weekly advertisement
in the Brussels Post.
Hospital Starting
Membership Drive
Objective Is Every Family
In The Hospital Area
To. Be Members
For the first time in its history
Winghani General Hospital Associ-
ation is making a determined effort
to have every family, in the area
served by the hospital. heroine
members in tete Association.
Letters under the signntlire of
Mr. R. H. Llaycl, Chairman of the
Hospital Board, and Mr, F, R.
Howson, Chairman of the Citizns'
Committee, are beteg mailed this
week to every home in the hospital
district inviting all to become
members in the Association and
thus participate in wiping out the
deficit of $18,000 on the cost o? the
cnnetrnction of the New Section and
the modernization of the older
'Phe Board is sure that this
deficit will be met if every citizen
who receives this letter accepts the
privilege of participating e,nrnr d in. :g
to his or her ability, 7f you do not
receive one of these invitations this
Fs a public appeal for you to be a
Oun haspltsl is considered to be
an outstanding achievement for a
rural area and a credit to the
citizens in fee district it serves, The
New Section and the work in the
older potion of the hospital cost
$1i10,000. $92:000. has been raised so
fat' and this drive, if all get behind
it with enthusiasm, will give the
district a debit free hospital,
I hereby glve notice that the Nom-
ination of a Reeve and ,.Four ..Coup•
cillors and Two School Trustees ..to
serve the Twp. of Morris during the
year 1947:
will be held at
• At 12.30 P.M. to 1.30 P.M.
If demanded a Poll will be opened at
Tweiv. Mdrd To
Legion Membership
Twelve 11 iV members joine t
Brussels Bfaneh 215 of tlu+ Gun.tdi:rn.
Legion at their annual fowl suppe,
held at the American .an F1 oto n
1 11t.
Tuesday night of this week.
A lerge number of members and
gnrsts were present for the occasion.
Speakers or the evening were L.
{ P. Cardiff. M,P., Reeve R. 13. Cousins,
I''ather Bricklin and Rev, H. C.
'Wilson. Mr. Wilson extended a"
invitation to the legion to attend
honest work on the ground that it ie R_•memhranee nay service at the
beneath our dignity, We eau 'Milted Church on Sunday morning quint wedding was solemnized
treat all men and women well Business discussion inehulerl
courtesy and respect, offering sync• arrangements for the sale of poppies at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ,Toe
pithy and aid whenever there le to he held on Saturday of this week. Wilton, Brussels on Saturday, No
occasion. We can cultivate Yriensl- R. 13. Cousins entertained the 2 when. their elder daughter Mary
ships among those of different up- gathering with the showing of films Elm" was united in marriage
bringing and position. We cantwhich were much enjoyed by all, Hartley A. Fischer son of Mr, and
constantly remember our cornmen Mrs. J. Fischer, Brussels. Rev, G.
humanity to Jesus Christ. The A. Milne officiated,
present social, organism is still
warped by the class -distinctions
that have survived from an age of
cruder ideas ansi practices. To them
can. be ascribed much of the present
disontent and animosity and also
that unhealthy burry that' is so
characteristic of modern business
and re'eveatton The class -distinction
problem is complex and deep-seated.
yet the' new and better age may be
nearer than we dare to hope. The
power of Christ working through His
followers is sufficient to overeone
every mar-erectedharrier to a
bettor understanding between ratan
and man.
The United Church B.C.S. Field Day
Remembrance Day Service Results Announced
The members of thio leteteee
inthee to the nee. hie ee:t e ,.r !' , 3,00 'Sr,•h the. aurruai 11 t
United Church when, Rememhrr+:t:. Day teas held. Instead of I
Day will be suitably observed. At
all on one day it was u
the close of the morning. .-rc; thrust a 1r a' k, Imvhli: au hi.. s
d o1 coeur day to celery ,;1
there will b • a starch fn int c+•-'
taph for a lyrerel' memorial sere' differs nt 1 r"nie it 'cut"'
sueb an itc •mrly pleasant uer.ls
there, this idea Rioted to he a huge "ewe
. - cess. Ttl1- year several new rr:ceeeett
were made. They are as foil+}+sem.
,r Girls Softball throw. tinnier
e Fhaw, 144 fl., 9 inches. Inte:'mediaite,
Girls eianding broad, Muriel Ander?,
son 6 ft., 11 inches. Running brotuir
jump, Atrdi'y Anderson 12 ft. 11 le
Junin' Girls Softball throw, DoneieTa -
*'funic. 129 11. Intermediate Boyd
high jump. John Wilson 4 ft., 10TH• 5aa.
Standing blond, John Wilson 8 iht,„
7 inches,
* * * *
* * * *
* * '5 * * * *
Children En•iov
Lions Hallowe'en Partv
Lion President, L. W. Pckani"r, it
the costume of a charming laxly of
the nineties, welcomed children and
Parents to the Lens Hnllowr•en
nnrty in the Town HAi1 nn Thnrsdev
night. A lame number ahtendccl
and enjoyed the entertainment pro.
Practically all the children and e
good many .adults -were in enstnme
whieh ineltrrlerl those that were
typically hallowe'encomic, natimtn]
ane lovely. Lion Jas, Armstrong
was in 'charge of the rrretumv
pa•a.de while judges W. Leach, TT.
C11ame1on B. W. Kennedy and T. C.
Long had a rl1Pfleult time in seler.tfi"g
the winners a.n.d awarding prizes As
follows: Public school children,
e n a
Logan, Sharon H mi gw .
Peter• Hemingway, Annette
hell, Others In costume, titre. N.
McCatiley, Ruth Jewell and .Margaret
Speer. e National costume, Richard
•Stevens. Mary Willis,
Children of Grades form and eve
of Brussels sellout, ureter the direr•
tion of M. Laycock, contributed e
Hallowe'en chorus, to the program,
Lion R: B. Consins entertained
Parents and children with the show-
ing of some splenclirl films,
Grab bags of randy and an apple
were given to every child p1•esmit,
Dancing foe the older ores, follow•
ext the party.
Uninvited Guest
Rnv, Beverly L. Cater, Pnrlt
Avenue, Minister of Colbmmn Street
United Chnrrlt, has a ventilation for
hospitality which might be mote
than ever stressed et Thenkagiving
time, but he drew the line cud
called the police. The railer did not
rorplest any fend, only lodging,
and went so far as to :take pos•
session of a snug spot mulct, the
violent deeds of the most notorious the following places on I paraonsga -'swage. The police
outlaws of the 80's—and., in the grit MONDAY, DECEMBER 9th were told to bring some ]rind of
and guns of the couraged few who Polling Stth-division. No. 1 at 80100i an exterminator and also a shot.
dared the crimson challenge.
House SA. No. 1, Deputy R. O.— gun as it was suspected from
Mon., Tues., Wed. Nov, 11, 12, 13 Lam'ie 'Scott; Poll Clerk—Thos. the odor, thet the inlander
Keliy. might be difficult to handle, Tite
GILDA '. Polling Sub -division No. 2, at pollee took a •tear -gas bomb and
with School House S,s. Nee 9, Deputy a grin, to make sna'e of no return
Rita Hayworth Glenn Ford
R. 0. Merano Taekson; POl9 Claris— calls.
This is definitely ..one ..of ,,the ..top (waiter S71ortreed. Even the clergy are not inclined to
sub -division No. $, at be 1tospitaltlP to a skunk, The above
audience enjoyment pictures of the'
item, Olsen fponn the Brantford
paper refers to a former resident of
'Mussels. Mc lived at tite parsonage
'When his father, Ret Mr. Oaten, was
a minister of the Methodist rhtireli
Next Thur. Fri., Sat. • Nov. 14, 16, 16
In Technicolor
School House S.S. No. 5, Deputy R.
0.—Harry McGuire; 1:4011 C1e'k-
Witt, VnnCantp
Pelting sitb•divlslon No. 4, at
Tovl'shiit TTel1 Morris, ncputy.R. 0
---James Dryers; 13611 Clerk --}Tack
Fred MacMurray and Anne Baxter
A dramatic yarn of roan's love for a
horse with it's tech'nioolor photo•
grapey of the wire -open splices of
Utah, which contributes a eefer'shing
quality to the picture,
Lover Come Beck
Adult Ente1'taihtnent,
Lucille Bal1 George Brent
and Vera Zerina
Polling sub -division No.
Sctlool Tiottse S.S. No, '7, Dee
O; trotvitle Mothers: Poll
Charles Sduclt,
Ptilihrg' subelivision No.
School ITonse S.S. No 10, De
0,*Spading Tohngton P011
Worley Jermyn
Polis to be opeeed ere
9 A,M. to 5 P.M. •
Geo, Martin, Retttrnhgg Of
R, R,4 Bmu
5 at.
tuty R,
Clerk -
Del R,
Blue Degree
Conferred In Atwood
The Blue Lodge of the Loyal
Orange Association convened in
Atwood on Tuesday, Oct. 29th w'lr
Bro. H. Love, P,C,M, North' Heron in
the chair; The Preston Degree
Teem captained by Bro. T. S. Snider
from LO,L. 2308 very ably eon•
fer'red the Degee neon 16 candidates
who had applied for ativar,. ement to
the Deg •ee. There were 75 members
in attendance and lunch was served
by the host lodge leO.L. 630 at the
close of the meeting.
mo'ville Church
'Souls that are lean'was the
subject of Rev. Mr. lfelne's address
on Sunday morning, The subject
was from Psalm 106:15. The anthem
was "God is a $pipit" by Brown.
At tite evening service Mr. Milne
preached from the story of the
healing of the demoniac.
3I,'. U'aiNNI Church
The fall Thank -offering el the
Woman's Missionary Society woe
received at the morning service 'r
the rutted Church. Mr. Wil'on
spoke about the Mission field in
Central India and the work dune by
Missionaries there. Te the evenieg of pink net flowers and p'nk
the sermon s11113e0 1MR "Thu ! strrame"s, and she carried 1
Changeless Christ." 1 r•nloeiel bouquet of mauve punts Pr.d
Choir Entertained Mr. Robert T3allantyne of Atwood,
After the evening :service nn eneeio of the groom, performed the
ostler of hest ratan.
Fololwing the r'eremony buffet 1' "
freshments were served to about
forty ;nests. Mrs. Willonghhy wnee
an afternoon dn•ees of 'blue crepe
with sequin trim and shoulder
corsage of reel carnations and edten-
tnni fern. The groom"s mother
chose a frock of black crepe web
sequin trim, and corsage of yellow
stouts arra arliantutn fern.
Shaves, Haircuts Advance For a wedding trip to Bruce Penia -
In Price Monday, Nov. 4th seta. lianttoelin and North Bay, the
bride donned a Cuba 14eige suit with
At a meeting of the sone including srenirrel trim and brown acressnries.
Wingham, Brussels Lurltnot', Tilyth Tenon their return lir, and Mrs
and Teoswatm', of the Barbers Saunders will reside on concession
Annotation, heel last weep, en- eight, Ellen.
nnuncem•ent was mane that the nr'ce Guests were present front ilhslph.
of shaves and haircuts would Conn, Arthur, Kennilworth, Atwonl.
adt•aner on Moiids.y. Nov. 4th. S:tr'atfm'd Listowel and Owen Seem&
Shores will be 25e airninst the
previous price of 15c..
Children ander fourteen will
pay 30e ne against 25e before.
Adult hatrrttts go np five rents
from the old name of 35r fn 40r
A lovely October wedding was set-
enntized on Saturday aftsrnon at the
linins of lir. and Mrs. Leslie ?tenon-
alcl. Silver Corners, when their niece
Anna Margaret, daughter of Mr. and
'Mee. Harold Willonghhy, Atwood,
pliehte4 her isoth with Mr. Dunean
Ballantyne Saunders, son of Mr. sed
Mrs. Dunoar Saunders, Atwood. The
ceremony was performed beneath ar
arch of spruce and autumn leaves by
Rev. S. Brenton. Ethel Trnited
Cheer1. Mies Nethleen Wherry
r•r•'afn of the stride. Played Otto
w -tinning innelr, and Mrs. Les1i"
1J P'tnaid rendered 'Tenth"
Given in marriage by her father.
the bride was heeontinely gawned it
R'maree blue floor -length sheer
with centro trim and mat freer
h,-adlrees of net. flnwee, and lane
eteeaniers. She carried it roloeinl
hotbuet of yellow sumo end gyps n"
p_ hila.
Mts.: Ruth Johnston of Lisinwel
was brideemaid and wore a formal
sown of pint( sheer with segue
trent. Tier ntatehinr headdress wee
Sur clay members and friends of
Melville choir were entertained at
the home of Mr. and Mfrs, Louis D.
Thompson. A sing -sang of favorite
hymns -vas enjoyed.
YMiss ,lune
Work sang a vocal solo and Miss
Joyce Porter and Mr, Thompson
contributed piano solos, Dainty
refreshments were .served at the
Bring Your ,Tutt--
'I'n Grmenr's rimeOteriI and fell it 1, ed the group with a pion- solo. Th" Gnrleric'h, cntumenrin:z Monday.' was the winners.
t en or Sweet Curumtrer Pericles, i Cnt'rrnt T3 vente were dismissed by Nevemher 180.11 at 8.0n p.m, r l i,1 Rt'.ay Ph('
f roup let?
a1 ft
Tits- 0110 thing in pep rap those sehrrol Mrs. Trreethy, The meeting rincrfl ' \li urmntis, nnticrs of lrputniim 5 I Thys Sn111vAn.
mites Wo sell Wept.en's bread and with the singing of Hymn "He T.end• and other business rngnirittg the! Ploys Relay; The 11r0np ied
1n =free' Spivey.
capes niwnYs tit•nsit, nearly ai-ways ash MP„' 'foiinwed by the 1Tizpah Mention of vintner( Should bo in the
.All Da Wed- Benediction. A social half-hour wa, hands of Oho County Clprdt not Inter Junior Girls--
availnbtr.. Stole Open y n I NnvPmher 16fh'
Standing 'Broad Jump
eliver spent with,the connlitiee in char,.. titan Saturday. „
nosday, Have 'You Tried Our T) y pn t n •e 1n Lnn 6' 5t/•.
s, t 1. ra t a g
' service, Pbnna 6; r )1, s. Wilson invited the Circle to the N. W.:1ii11 r
n1'0w01•'5 Groceterria. on rsenngs for the nrcentbev I - County Cleslc.
The St.nrs With The Stools. i meeting.•
Qloderirh, Ontario 1 1' sslittnt 11 on inside s'a:,
Tn the ehavemtentionod towns
these raises cone into effect on
aoettiod to remit, open oriA Awn.
her i•espnnded to the roil rail by aetivitie. and flint one hey 717 tobO
repeating a bible verse on "Fellow pert in flue events. , Thoy are ar
Wee' Repots were heard from follows:
the Seeretlry and Tl'ra«171.e1• wild Wilfred Snivel -High Jump
siclt visiting rmnmittse and 11 non Ruurine Broad Tramp 14' 514."
ipr.dshi» Circle hinting committee was appointed to etandiira'Brood
Tho monthly mooting pf The draft a slate of officers for 10147. 1110 yard dnsb
Friendship Circie melt at the home The annnat "I'm so thankful" ton inn
yard dash m 33' 1"
of Mrs. Tar Rryans with 21 members was ararnged for and will hr hold in Tinp «FOP and letup
tn•nsenl and 4 visitors. The meeting the home of Mrs, H, n. Allen nn the There -vas nn open Hop_ Step tang
rimmed with the singing of the Afternoon et Nev. 15th. Mrs. ;ruins event in which airy hey ennlit
Thune "Blest he the tie that binds" Wesley Kerr and Miss Grace Stew- I take pant. The winner of ads
followed by prnyer given by Mrs, art presented the tope for etnly of event was Mae Speer who Pimpni dl
Tien 'Bray, Mrs. Sten, Bray anti Afritt which dealt with the lives 88' 3"• snlino7 pupils wLra
Mrs. .Tads McDonald. Mrs, Ryan of Albert Schweitzer, John Mork This year the groups for cinmlr ,
read the Scripture, Mrs, Tnrn'hnil man. and Mina Seen. After singing divided into four g P
and Mrs. Dennis gill's' their arca:nits Hymn 1166 the meeting wan closed by i titian Purposes, This year ft roinlr
0n the Cotveittten held at White- repeating _the Mizpadt benediction. { rasp was held among hotly the girls.
rhtncln, Tt wan derided to mn•chtsn • ---- -- --^-.. - - IIII and boys. 'Ph.e rArF was 10157! 1570
I nt+w study Pools on 'Tndla". Tho Huron County I of either three girls or three buys.
Hymn "Jesus Saviour Pitot 1f r" was i Council Meetinz? (who were ti' the• pnoltinn oP ran
1 sting. The Tnplc on Mins 7311:5 The next meeting of t11e Horn 1 ' egttllaternl irtangle. That g1'ODUP it7
Soc'.a's wn1k was given by Mrs. , County Council will he held in c'he, person, alto ror15 throw a. 501111010
'Millen Minn inning Dennis favo e. ("Mullein Cbsmhers, C1011 P0 Music. t around rho triangle the. most titans
'9ir 1111 S f hnreh
The November meeting or the
Women's Mdssionrry Society of
Mel:111e Church was hold en Friday
afternoon with the ltt'Psldpnt,
The results of the Field DRY
activities are as follows:
Junior Boys—
Strnrling Broad Jump
1. Dune Jamieson 7', 8”
2. Jack Coleman
3. Bob Jervell
Running Broad Jump
1, Dune ,Tamieaon 13', 9"
2. Bob Jewell
3. Jack Coleman
Baseball Throw
1. Bob Jewell 179'
2. Murray Keyes
3. Kenneth Wood
High Jump
1. none Jamieson
2. Don Riley
3, Jack Cair'man
Slow Bicycle Rees
1. Bob Jewell
u. lCn•n Wood
Ttirl Bann
ton yerd Melt
1. rill'r .lamiesan
2. Bob jewel!
3. Don Riley
22+1 v -e7,1 Pest)
1. nuns Jamieson
2. ttnrr5y Keyes
3. non Riley
Junin, Bey.. Champion.
Intermediate Boys—
Standine. Broad
1. John 'Wilson 11' 7"
2, Den McDonald
3. Stuart Stiles
Running Broad
1, Doe Snell. 15' 1"
2. Jim Bowman
3. John Wilson
Shot Put
r Stiles 125' 9T�1."
1 Stnaf ..
2. Mac Speer
3. .Tem Bowman
Hic'li jump
1..Tohn Wilson 4' 107"
2. non McDonald
3. Mar Speer
160 yd Dash
1. narun 1irDnnald
2. Tim TIMtmran
3. Mae Seel].
220 yard Dash
1 Don McDonald
Jim Bowmen
Fast B1oyle Race
1. Jnlm Wilson
2, lemerle Cousins
3. Jim 'Bowman
Tntermariate Tiny's Champion —
it -acs a t1e het -teen Toby Wi0Srn
and non 1-Trnnnald.
Sento- Bevs—
Thi. yea,• i1tcr•n wan nnly ons 1101W
DetroA e
Monday next. The berliere a leo N.
TT as C •diff in eluiree. Ras'h mem- to take Part In the senior bnyio
ing nnly for business, Saturday.