HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1946-10-30, Page 1*V11) POST PUBLISHING HOUSE ----------------- Voolassumameasemasn*olawa..flarawri.O.61.39m11.*.•*•1 Brussels Lions Club HALLOWE'EN PARTY In Brussels Town Hall on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31st at 8.00 p. m. Sharp School Children of Brussels, 114 orr;s and Grey Other Entertainment Come in Costume — Prizes Given Dance After Party NO ADMISSION CHARG-E Picture Show Canada Savings Bonds Sales Ottawa, Oct. 29—Canada, Savings Bonds national sales have topped $200.000.000 mark with eleven day total of 0200.599,801) increase of $17,610,000 over previous total. "Draw nigh unto God and lie will draw nigh unto thee." A.dviiie Church MInIstel Rev. G. A. Milne, M,A 10 a. m, Sunday School and Bible Class 11 a. 01. "In Faehion or in Favour.,' 7 p. 111. "Reasonleg with God." Louis D. Thompson, Organist and Choirmaster. at••••••••••••••Maili•••• The United Church OF CANADA Minister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson 11 a. ne Morning Worship INDIA THIS GIANT IN PRISON Pall Thank -Offering Service —of the— Woman's Missionary Soeiety. Junior Congregation 12 Church School and Bible Class Missionary Sunday 7 p. m. Evening Praise "Something To I -Told Past," A Cordial Welcome To All. Church of Engiand Parish of Brussels Rev. J. H. Kerr, Rector 20th Sunday Atter Trinity November Ord, 1946 St. John's Church Brussels - 10 a. m. Sunday School 11 a. m. Morning Prayer 8t. David's Church Henfryn- 1.45 p. m. Evening Prayer (Note change of hour) St. George's Church Walton - 3.45 p. m. livening Prayer (Note change of hoar) 57 Varieties led you knew that Othwaies Groce. teria has a complete line of Heinz Pure rood Products. Including a complete line of Baby Foods. Til Heinz Cream of Tomato Soup also 1101110 Crean: of Mushroom Sone and Heine 01100 Cukp Relish Piekle. Open all day Wednesday as renal. Shop at Orewto:'e Groceleria. The Store with The Sent. GREWAR'S GROCETERIA PHONE 5 NI VCC To Milk Customen Please do not ask your Milk Delivery salesman for credit. Ac- cording to law we are not permitted to extend credit. -If you ask the salesman to leave you milk without paying for It, you embarrass him as he must turn in enough money or tickets to cover sales during that day. This means he must pay for your milk out of his own pocket. THANKS FOR YOUR CO-OPERATION Pow ssek „reamery REGENT THEAT'LE Seaforth, Ont. Now Showing— Thur., Fri. Sat. Oct. 31 Nov. 1,2 G. L Joe with Burgess Meredith & Robt. Mitehum The picture that packs a puneh, It tells the story of the plain soldier, and gives en Intimate account of what goes on out there where wars are won. Mono Tues., Wed., Nov. 4, 5, 0 DOUBLE FEATURE Pursuit To Algiers with Robert Walker and June Allyson and She Gets Her Man with William Garson Joan Davis Leon Errol Next Thur.. Fri., Sat. Nov. 7, 8, 9 Badman's Territory with Randolph Scott Ann Richards "Gabby" Hayes COMING -- GILDA with Rita Hayworth • Glenn Ford Brussels Community Theatre 5 Wilt eO Friday, Itiov. th Watch for further announcement The Davies Present Splendid Concert A superior programme of ace .11 vocal music was presented to a large audience, in the United Chereh here by "The Davies". of Loeden. on Wednesday evening of last week. Mrs. Davies, atmemPenist. aim introilmod the members in 1)re,11 charming manner wen the atellenee with her pleasing personality. Miss Frances Davie, has a been:t- ell Mezzo -Soprano volee. "Oh Thou That Telleste from Handers "Mee - slab" was one of her most offeetive numbers. Nellee Darn. Basso, dells -hied the audience in a val'lety 00 numbers. Noble Davie's splendid baritone was heard at its best in "Largo ni lettetotum" (The Barber of Seville). The programme was richly varied with numbers from Handel, Bach Tinehmaninoff, songs in German and French and those in lighter vein such es "Smoke Gots In Vnur Eyes," 'Rain." "River Stay Away From Sty Doors'. 'The Incline Love Call" as Rung by Noble 0011 Frame,: was a favourite number. The three voieee blended 111 perfeet harmony in "Joon .Toy of Man's Desiring." Tiaeli: "Tally Hn" and "The Lord Is My Shepherd" (Brother Jannis Air). The four Davies are talented personalities who would Mslight any audience. W A. of the Flitted Church. Thie enneert was sponsorea ni, the re3,4ville Church Rev. A. G. Sentt, Monkton. wns guest Speaker at the ' morning Soloist was Mr. Wm. Snell. who sang "Bless this house". by Br:the. The anthem was "5 will feed iny flock" by Simper. The evening service wee with. amern en account of the Bible Society service in the Fnitel Church. Near 94th Birthday Oct. 27 — Anthnny Haggit of Blyth wilt observe his 94t1i birthday November 2, Mr. Tlaggit, vim is the father of Mrs Clue:lee Wolff, 'Freewill, was horn on the ocean while his parents were crossing from England to Can. adn. He enjoys life and loves 10 travel. Eleven of the 16 In his family are living. Mr. Haggit was a former resident of the 4th line Morris. Brussels North end will he remembered by enine old timers. CARD OF THANKS WTO wish to express our (leen nppreeistion and sineere thanks to the many friends and neighbours for their sympathy and kind (Mode shown (inning our recent sad be- reavement. Helen and Luella Mitchell, Brothers and Shiters. DANCE in Town Hall Brussels on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8th Music by Ken. Wilbee and His Orchestra Dancing from 10 to 1.30 Admission 50c Lunch Booth Under Auspices of the Brussels L.O.L. No. 774 ATTENTION FARMERSI COMMUNITY SALE AT ETHEL HOTEL STABLE SATURDAY, NOV, 2nd, at 2 p. m, LIvesteck, Furniture and I mole- ments, etc. TERMS CASH Let's make these sales a success, Is up to you, Wm. Scott, Auctioneer. ( Further sales dates announced day of sale. Tednesday, October 30th, 1946 RUSSELS, CORNER STONES Rev. (1. A. Milne. MA Class—Distinetions--(3) As the principle of social 11)- - swept away the ownerehe, es 110 ee will th, prInciple 00eeele eetialite 110011-11 the !mho:slit:stem o man to man. The chtesttee , I method of reform is by givi11L rather than by taltIne, tee, Le e esve ne conntenance 1 0 prnieets for righting wrongs by three, "The proves:: of abolishing class harriers -11,110,1 be eradual. perhaps rather a letting them fall than vinien: &menthe'. and s11011111 1/0 11000001. ',shed more in the spirit of St Frames then in that cke Karl Marx." There must iiriee such an 0(1- ,421011 regard for the welfare oi others, and of the whole rommunitY. th-at parents will be ashamed Hint their children have advantages which are denied the children of less affluent parents. it must he melte:- stood, that the higheet value.; 10 not prizes, limited in number nee attainable only by competition, but that truth and beauty and goodness are for all to seek and lind and enjoy without stint. The primary requisite is that people 11) 01110 perceive and deeire the hest things. The next (''0111 1t, is that 511e1a1 arraneements shoela by adapted in their attaiement. The time must conte when educatimul onPortunities 11) eh 11(1110ml will not depend an parental wealth, and when the benefits of eivilisation will be so organised and distributed that it will make little difference whether an individual's income is large or small. D. D. Governor Addresses Lions District Deputy floyertnn. Walter J. Hodge, of Goderich addressed n largo gathering of members of the loyal Lions Club at their regular meeting on Monday night. Visitors were present from the Goderieh and Seaforth Clubs. Among those from 1 Senforth was the District Governor, L, Cr, Meir, who attended as an unofficial visitor. L. W. P.:clavier, preeident of the Brussels 011111 presided over the meeting and called upon R. G. Plow- men to introduce the guest speaker who delivered a splendid address on "leonine" Business included treasurer R. G. Alefiride'e report on the reeent Front.. The report revealed that the Frolic had b2.e12 a financial sueeess. Piens were concluded for the Children's Hallowe'en Party to UP held in the Town Hall on Thursday evening of this week. Lion L. D. Thompson presided et the piano for 1-110 singing* and von - t rilm ted two (101100001 pigno seine An (miming skit "Casey At The Bat," was evicted by several of the iembi.rs while the story erns read by AT, Layeeck. A chicken supper was served by Mates of St. John's Church. The United Church The Sacrament of Infant Baptism was performed on Sunday morning in the United Church when John Carson Watson, infant son of Sir. and Mrs. Carson Watson and Jou McCurdy Lowry infant son of Mr. and Mrs. McCurdy Lowry. were brought forward to revolve the blessing of the Church. The morning sermon was an answer to the ancient question "Am 1117 brother's keeper?" Miss Mary Helen Eckmier of Flint, Miehigan, Was guest soloist nitel brought 8 message in beautiful voice. A community servire was held in the evening under the auspices of the Bible Society. ROY. 10, MCCIlearY I3.A., was the speaker. An evening anthem "As the hart panteth Meer the wa.terbroek," was Ming by the Choir, ..nnwromasso.R Anniversary Services Will be held in Knox Presbyterian Church, Cranbrook On Sunday, November 3rd at 11 ic m, and 7.30 p. m. Guest Preacher: Rev. Alexander Nimmo of Wingluum Special Music by the Choir, Celebrated 52nd Wedding Anniversary (,,,,,tai-oleh, .....e,,,, in o .1.. for MI and Mrs Frank Korn, ., who celebrii,1 their 5211,1 annivet•sary On Oct. 24. Bore 7, yeas age 1(1 11 101'11, toW11:111 14. ey 1(11 11, hemestea,1 In his early twenties (1 ''4 apprenticei,lan as 0 barle-ir in 51. 11,,ry, .,aerar.m..... 11144 (,O'll business in St Aiary, he met 11041 married Miss 961E13,411 Smith ,Jotehte: of 11:r. 1I1' and 11,e. Robert Smith. The marfrege teek place in First Presbyterian Nthreli St. Marys ,and the offletating (11(41 aster was the late Rev. T. A. (',se Mr. and Mrs. Kerney then inev.d to Wingliam where Mr. Kerney con- ducted a barber's business for nine yeare, Mr. Kerney then exchanged the seissors for the plough and farmed for a number of years MOrris township. They retired to ilths,sele 12 5'o:,'4 ago. .Their only ehild, Maier Tie - old Kerney, Is a veteran of bete Oseat Wars. He was awarded the military Medal in the First Great Wats AVItilp servia0 with Coy 21 of the Veterans Guard of Canada all dartn.0 tin. Second Great Wer Mejor Kerney waS in eharge of the Monteith internment camp. and was awarded the M.B.E. Major end Mrs. Ke1110:1' 510 1.111011 111/1 LI 110111p time in Brussels, BORN Are-soces—ie wingham General Hospital. en Saturday, October 26. to Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Alcock—a (11111g11 ter. DIED ALCO,CK—On Sunday, October 27. Shirley Frances. infant (laughter of Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd AP.ork. Interment in Brussels cemetery on Monday afternoon. Library Hours Changed The Public Library will be closed Wednesday afternoon and evening offiee. instead of Thursday as formerly. Geo. C. Martin. Clerk Obituary Annie Elizabeth Dickson tin Smithy ''l'() 117 the Le, ..e• ee Elizabeth Dickson. wife of 111, Perey \Mellell. page.,1 ewes: 0. th,. (;0, -at Beyond. SI,. Was born in Grey Township In 1917 she 401(41 1/11 1 1,4 in to the late Pere: 5111 '11,11 wle, dereaeed her on .Ta (((147 11. lei 1 After ('11,1 1(17 in 11,, West Se, ,ise yens-, r,010, tir 11011, 10 1 110111, on William St.Semsele She was n faithful member ef ['need Church. Ina0,-,..1s, pastor. no:. 11. C. Wilson. .i0.11in 111 p enteral serviee on WedneedaV see ee at 2:0e pm, airing (11 service 'Miss revile Hine -sten rendered a Fein. She leaves to /ileum her loss twe Stspehters. mid Luellaat home. two 9.111 711 1Zah01.11 Christ era. P.russr,IF, tWo Mother, Jame:, of Winnipeg and 101,441 Grey Township. The pellleemers were. Wm. GCS Mettle, Sem 130r0ese, leave Mcieeel lingy Tiranclne. Xelin Perrie and Norman Hnover. The flowers were carried by Prank Emerson Mitchell Nelin 0-,,.• 7.(1141 Donald Mason Friends and relatives f rom dletanee were Miss (Menu C1erk Enthre: Mre, Margaret MeLeeei Auburn: Allssee Annie and Minnie 'Bateman, Ethel: Airs. E. Cole tied erre. Snell. Stratford: Mrs, Tom :Wagon. Donald anti Mrs. Mason. Miss • Kate MeLend, Kenneth Meiseed. John Meleend. 'Ripley; Mr. and else Frank Sliewfelt. Mr. and Mrs. flee Durwood. Mr. and lfre. Rod. 'Mc- Leod. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Meleene. Kineardine. Interment was made in Brussels Cemetery, Presbyterial SLCCVL:ra0fi Meeting of 1110 1111 PrestiyterIal Stieiety of the of 1.11 • 1'..: ! n4 Canada leas e •• October 24111. Mrs, J. Ca ine th,1 Sirs W Kiln I, ,ided. The sl•ripzure reading end leseei, 1 10 1,11 W4-1, given by Mrs Car.tn• lil)(0l('l$ and pray.4. 10104 (110,1 14 Mrs. J. Cempbell. elrs. thiether, president of re es. breeli auxiliary, weleentsd members Of the various eranhrook Church. relying the meeting vocal wer- beautifully ransomed 17 Mrs 'I AitcheSOn. Wingham. whn sang "It is Be Not Afraid," and Mrs. Verner 1'0,0 10-0011 4M'fr "Snood An -1,7:" Mrs, Guthrie Reid, Peesbyte:M0 President. who was speaker for the:, meetims. gave a splendid address. 0.18 "Thanksgiving* and • ThanksliViirr"' She P('a')'l' Id', 01PY-"F' Christlan',. greatest eine one which oar Mask., always 1101111 as Hie znille in life for He prae-eir, at el tem, s. "Om of tl,» thins we have to he most thankful for, She stated '11 Ilia' we might leek en 'ses trine; that wP nee milled to Feises through with the thane:110 'This 'ere 01)111 pass." "The things 10 abide." she said. "are God. ee.,11se Word and .Tess Christ." Mrs, R&11 filen brought a report on the n!s11.- lights of the Connell meeting Toronto, which she attended. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS The contract of eleanine and. rt. Pairing the Laidlaw DraM in Moyle Township will he let by pubbr nuetinn at the drab,. on November 1. 1946 at 9 0.10. Plans and specifi- cations may be seen at the elerlt'e Durina n season of Prayer Mrs, Fe McGee. Wingliarn: Mrs. A. Mc- Quillan. Whiteehureh and Wm Robertson. Gerrie. led in prayer. There were eighty members, present the auxiliaries being Tepee, sented as follows: Brussels 14 Cranbroall 20; Ethel, 11; Gerrie. 4; Molesworth. 11; Whiteehnrch, Wingham. 10; Teeswater. 10. The nffering was dediented prayer by Mrs, McInnes, of Ette7, and the 'meeting closed with preyee by Mrs. Ringrose, Teeswater. ....**11.01,11**111,1119 le7sA Golf date? 00 T Pay molt? Fic-337ersP Ahhhh! There is still time to buy Canada Savings Bonds — but don't wait for cu representative to call on you, There will be no national house- to-house canvass these are "Serve Yourself" Bonds, so it is up to you to make sure you buy, Buy them through your Barth, in. vestment Dealer, Trust or Loan Company, or through your Payroll Savings Plan. They are safe as Canada pay good interest — and you can Rot your money back at any time.