HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1946-10-16, Page 3Jr!4 F� 'tom{ ryp-� FOR .... '.1 .�. a Y. �.. -r -'.. h- �1.f_ J1. Y' O R.
Wednesday, October 1 tieh. 1940
This engineer's drawing will give
future passengers on Trans -Canada
Air Lines' transcontinental, interna-
tional and trans-Atlantic routes an
idea of the accommodation that will
be available to them when Canada's
largest aircraft, now being manufac-
tured at the plant of Canadair Limited
near Montreal, is deliveredto T.C.A.
The North Star, prototype of the
four -engine forty -passenger plane was
launched in July by Mrs. C. D. Howe,
wife of the Minister of Reconstruction
and Supply, and made its first flight
across Canada, from Montreal to
Vancouver and back, non-stop, in
September, carrying as passengers Rt.
Hon. Mr. Howe and R. J. Symington,
C.M.G., IC.C,, president of T.C.A.
of the new type reclinable passenger
chairs, the compact gallery for the
service of Lot meals, the attendant's
desk near the entrance, the fight
deck, the radio and navigation rooms,
equipped with Loran and other recent
electronic devices, as well as theladies'
powder room and the gentlemen's
washroom, furnished with hot and
cold water and all the accessories of
comfortable travel. The aircraft will
be a combination of Trans -Canada
and Douglas design with a British -
built Rolls -Boyne power pltr.f.
Rev. W. A. Williamswas ministee
Ci�AT 3l�OOl
I'r;ndc 11un0,-r ,tnd soil Irvine
(1,11,w t. trerr• c,rllir,' t.nt frlenn..
ronin in re orrr the holiday.
Harvey Hunter iti in St. llt?mn,
i at the halm. of Irl -( t+•r. bite .Te'
I '.11e1'afuni.
! L.vlle Gordon lta complrt, rl the
Leanne* down of th.• Hirt 1T+•tbr,,t
tot + ,.•,d k 'etihlin.r •, te.w hon.
1+i :- .1• i1itrhi. Load n .luvtr
UV, holiday wed: -nd :,t 'hr mons,
and sang a Coln at tilt: rmita
r nn
Sunday tumid, c.
The Sectional meeting of rho
h':r.lrr•n Ir't 1. ton of $ :tinlnnd Pros.
byterial will he held is the church
at 2 o'clock.
A ,prrhtl snrvicr will be held in
Knox Minted) nn Sunday morning
next at eleven o'clock when the new
tumour roll will be unveiled and a
baptismal find will he dedicated.
Sunday School will meet at 10
Aim. Lynn Evane underwent an
operation in the linepilal at lCitrhen-
er on Saturday last and her many
friends hope for a speedy recovery.
Fred Slmalldon has completed the
shingling of his house purchased
from Miss Jean Cameron.
The grounds around the manse
have been greatly improved by the
building of new sidewalks last week
On Sunday, October 20th, at 11
a.m. a special memorial service will
be held in Knox Presbyterian
Church, Cranhnook. A beautiful
solid oak Baptismal E ont presented
. to the church by Rev. and Mrs. W. A.
Williams of Valetta, in memory of
their son Maldwyn Williams will be
unveiled. The Font bearing the
inscription "In Memory of Maldwyn
1 Williams, 19164948" on a gold plate,
' will be presented to the Kirk Session
by Stanley Fischer on behalf of
Rev, and Mrs. Williams, and will be
unveiled by Stuart McNair.
of Knox Church (:'raabfoalt for
thirteen years. from 1920 to 1939,
:r d .11 lawyu ua5 a O'mber of tilt
Crenbrook Church at the time of itis
erli tri„ nu+ In lb,
An Honor Roll on which is ins,rib
I rad til;- na Biwa of the urea of tit,
,e,nu•' gatintt who served h World
We • If will also be unveiled. Th.
Honor Roll contains fifteen names
on bronze and silver pintos mounlyd
„n e inoltecany board hearing t.br
name m ih' rh m•(.h. This beautiful
memorial was Iutrchased by *Iv
Yotme People's Society end will be
er' ntr rl in to half of the Society by
Glen Ifiurther and will be unveiled
hr Mrs. R. K. Mcflnrnld. the oldest
11 chi, member of the cnneregatinn.
The 'Inning appe(rhtg on the Honor
Rell are:
A. Tyle 11vans
Lloyd Hood
He void Hurther
Gerald Msllaehern
Maldwyn Williams
Robert Cameron
Stanley Campbell
1i'iltiam Coutts
Irwin Dunn
Jack Gordon
Stirling Hood
Glenn Hunter
Wirston MrEachern
Jack Mitchell
Ivor Williams
The first flve men whose names
appear on the Roll made the
supreme sacrifice and did not return.
Their names are inscribed on silver
plates while the remaining ten
names are on bronze plates.
The service will be conducted by
the minister, Rev. T. D. MacIver
and special music will be rendered
by the choir,
Free Pre -Natal Examinations
Plan Started October 1st
Beginning October 1, every expect-
ant mother in Ontario will be
entitled to a free examination by a
Ever since October 15th there's been a steady stream of folks flock-
ing to buy Canada Savings Bonds. Already thousands of Canadians
have become happy owners of these new bonds.
Fiurryl-don't delay another day—get your name in for your bonds
now. Put all your present and future savings into Canada Savings
Bonds—up to the $2000 limit, of course. If you should need the
money you can cash Canada Savings Bonds at full face value, with
interest, at any time at any branch in Canada of any chartered bank.
But please remember this point. These are "Serve Yourself"
Bonds, This time there are fewer salesmen. They will not
be able to call on everyone. So it's up to you to take advantage of
this fine investment opportunity—without delay.
You can buy them at any bank; authorized investment dealer; stock
broker; trust or loan company—for cash or by the Monthly Savings
Plan. Where your employer offers a Payroll Savings Plan you can
buy Canada Savings Bonds by regular deductions from your pay.
8 out of 10
will buy again—. &tmm9ad Sadys SadBonds
Lakerield Chick NacPchery
Barred Rocks, New Hampshire, Barred Rock Hybrids and
New Hampshire - Light Sussex Hybrids
Day -olds or started 2 or 3 weeks.
January to June 1947 delivery.
Write or Phone
L1061 L.a F, it a a W
Phone Brusse ; 90-r-10
physician of her own chuiee. Ill ru:
t„ be holm.. by the prnvin'c.
Deputy Minister of Health J. T.
Phair, suggesting that expectant
Iota 4 pies, nt themselves for
early examination, predicted two
immediate and far, -reaching effects
from the plan. He said there should
be a substantial reduction in the
number of stillbirths arising from
inadequate pre -natal tare and an
equally significant reduction In the
number of babies dying in the first
24 hours after birth.
Last Sunday Rev. George Dunlop
of Belgrave conducted the service at
Duff's United Church in the absence
of Rev. Hazelwood who was taking
the annivesary services at Varna.
Next Sunday there will be no
service in the United Church as
Mon erief Anniversary will be held
that day. Rev, W. J. Rogers of
Dungannon will be speaker and the
male quartette from Blyth will
furnish special music. Services
will be at 11 A.M. and 7:30 P.M.
Duff's W.M.S. met in the church
basement on Wednesday. Oct, 9 with
a good attendance. Roll call was
answered with a Thanksgiving
verse. Plans were made for the
sectional meeting to be held in
Duff's Church on Oct. 24. The
topic 'India at the Threshold" was
well given and we learned many
surprising and interesting facts
about India and her people. The
meeting closed by the benediction
being pronounced.
Cast from this locality are pre-
paring a play entitled "She's My
Daisy" to be presented for the ben-
efit of the W.A., of Duff's United
1,$), h. til, ilnl: I', :Eg: meed
Silt+,a.r, :•,1 11.a. 1.011'
don, at the home of her mother,
:$lrs. John Slaws reed,
Aire, Peter Kerr. Torontowith
her brothers and sister and other
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bolger, Sea -
1 ol tli
earinitis with relatives.
Mr. Joseph and Miss Ida Taylor,
St. Marys with Mr. John Smillie and
Mise Mary Smillie,
—Pluto by Ear*
F. Pratt, executive director of the
National Clothing Collection for
overseas relief, to be held June
17-29 under the auspices of Can-
adian Allied Relief. Mr. Pratt, who
took an active part in the 1945
clothing drive, is on loan from the
Dominion Department of Labor and
is busy now organizing committees
throughout Canada f
wide the distressed
peoples at war -devastated Europe.
Estate Agent Comveyeacer
and Commissioner
Qsuitd,ly reraioves ua Clam Sanitary ts'u .. Plaine collect
Stone Sons Limited
Highest Prices Paid
Honest Grade Assured
Before you sell any poultry phone the
Export Packers. We will call at you*
place for any quantity or you can bring
them to us.
Export Packers