HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1946-10-16, Page 2THE BRUSSELS POST PLOWMEN MEET FOR FIRST INTERNATIONAL MATCH SINCE 1941 It56 ,,tt ty , weir vreestA:e et es 'tfek.'t€'lawt tf"t •mvswh i t k, 0e '° An outstanding feature of the Victory International Plowing Match at Port Albert this week is the "Salads Tea" event for the best land plowed in sod, using horses. The first and second winners will be given Medals and a free trip to Britain. In addition, the Salada 'Tea Company will present twelve cash prizes totalling $150.00. _---"Fries ". ao-w-a �n=•-.-=�,•5�-.r. , -". Pt i Tea Biscuits 1.._ 11 •r 4•:1:-i,=. baking 1_ tsp. Belt, thsps. cup milk. Sift flour, baking powder and salt. Cut in the fat with a knife or ccnkie cutter, Add mile gradually soft dough. This should be done with as little mixing as Possible. Turn out on slightly neared hoard; roll 9.'t" thick. Cut - floured biscuit cutter: place in greased - or floured pan; bake In • -, t •t^ even IS tail rtes at a tem- ttt e of 400 (legs, to 425 degs. if t:•u• milk 's used reduce the baking powder to 1 tsp. in 1 cup • e rid soda 1- the prepo'tinn of 14 tee. to 1 cup sour milk. Prize Muffins 2 cups flour. 314 tsps: baking powder. 1_ tsp. salt, 2 to 3 tbsps sugar 1 pp milk. 1 egg. 2 tbeps. butter. '1i' end rift flour, baking Pow- , meer and salt. Beat egg; add milk. Make a depression in the neer; pour in milk and egg, then "el: ed butter. Stir as little as ne .-=ible in mixing; turn into well- eree.ed nntttr pans. Bake in -1cetric oven 25 mins. at a teinpera- nee of 3550 degrees to 400 degrees. T H EING ^- AM ABEAM -Vigil Won' eistsseciskal . ;etlo llanteanake s: 1 is surpsised that anything of their _;:' harir11111) .0e '1:' - should weigh so little. The ,exit it have ..,per....-. '• •.. outside-..' should he baked to a gulden. gear. .At exhibitions where I -.telt shade. Thee. eeteeec' bad file ,'..,...• .......1 tie tendency le form -ete¢eely the cocking) the conhpeti- reales and have a somewhat pebbled tions have been keel: .....• • ;'t . '; . r. 'ace. The inside should show -Tesa'1 t}.y. 11 - ,1 round holes of fairly uuifor n size . - rIcal;ers he, ,:h, la x e s en :eel but there should b: rn 1 .-t. ':.t27-01011. p1010101 -est 1 ,' r'1 es called "tunnels?' Cooked flau- r t1i-ee inferior d sh. This •aired our ;s desired with not too ninth nt 'thy a wide .dt. l it t r m ef prizes too little salt and sugar. areee..v> the exhibitors, and friendly Pulte:• G'tce: toe'e ee• etre 11.'t . ,nimunity rivalry. ter -cake It 12 the fe" l'ng of eeft -igow are awards in pr'ze cooking velv"t. ('1);s which Imp this veer- emeaes.e Geed characteristics and e., keit n•e elvers t ,•v trent ••meltir:g" taste win honours, Here ,,,-q of 't pine. even gra I, l'i'lt g,nnll ,u•ve a few descriptions. let'.: evenly distributed. But these ""res Miscalls: Gond biscuits are qualities of lightness and evenness eteee Y light end-ymnlet:' al the ottt• ,, . 7,,1, i^=u"a tit' yelvetc Pettit ede surface is 1 fairly 'tnootit Ideal cake must be moist but rot 2 eteler. golden -brown r.rust. The in- Foggy; soft edges and crust: are 1tle is creamy white. perteetly free a'lmb-ahle. Even. holey-colnurea 7 itee brown: or seem' mots, and i _._„gts are a ntthst to scare for 20- tateins small hales ry snly distrl- pearance. Taste should • be velvety- -bated. it a0Peare light end flaky mellow w"h a little more sweet - Seat is. thin sheets Play be tippled ; t,r'-s tha” tea biscuits• Extract and .- in flavour. the prodnes has a =nice must hp faint and added only =Meted taste but is neither 5111y "n" , 1f the classification is vanilla or Sweet. ; Fnic'e rake. Fie Crust: Good pie crust i; 110'rionte(1 judge's help to 111111 - Salty. its Surface has a rough. . lain the hien standard of- rotll- "ielistered appear•aInre lather than a , mnnity fairs and their suggestions ;Month firm one. Moreover, it leshould be submitted in wr'ting in ander enough to cut easily with a i order that the new hoard M' dirac, nrk. 'but not so tender that It - t^r: will benefit by this assistance Tumbles. It is a ;olden -brown ; Standard recipes should be 5110• ,,_olclnr around the 011,1,A, s'nuew1at . plied for the exhibitors. These -2etietee brown nn the bottom and may be charged from year to year .test he crisp throutghout• ee.erling to the local rmulit.inns Muffins; To be good, muffins Finally, the opinion of bystanders 512(nld he very light. eo light in fact 1 Is that the grand aggregate prize h n picks thein up one is not merited under existing short - r PIPE TOBACCO �.a CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Implements & Household Effects at lot 16. Con, 10, Hullett Twp. 21/a miles East of Londesboro TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22nd At 1 P. M. (?liver 6u tractor on rubber with starter and lights Oliver 2 -furrow plow Bean Puller for Oliver 60 3lasesy-Harris seed drill 15 hoe 11ilh Preston Fat'tilator Binder Cultivator 1:ower Etc, Etc, Rubber tire wagon Mixed grain Full line of household effects TERMS—CASH THOMAS BEATTIE—Prop. HAROLD JACKSON—Auctioneer run AUCTION SALE Having purchased a house and furniture on Tur•nberry 5t., Brussels, the contents will he offered for sale SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19th Sale commences at 1 p.m. sharp Norcheimer piano Gate leg table 5 small tables Table lamp antique Book case Love seat Solid oak bedroom suite Oak dresser and stand Dressing table malhagony )Bedroom suite, painted Four-poster bed, brass 2 odd beds Witte iron bed Beauty Rest mattress, like new Slumber Tiirg spring, like new 3 mattresses and springs Bedside table. Walnut Smoking stand Breakfast suite. white enamel Fernery Ricker chair Rocking chair 7ae'clenier stand Antique Walnut sideboard and table Chest of Drawers Arm chair White enamel kitchen cabinet Electric table lamp Electric stove 'Dining room set.(fumed oak) Prize Plain Pastry 1 cup flour Flt tsp. salt, t4. eon fat, cold water. Sift flour and salt. Cut in the int using a cake cutter. Take out gee-nnarter of the mixture. Add cnkl water to remainder to make a stiff dough. Roll out in restangu- ;beet, 'ft' 'thick, Spread one. ',q,' or sheet with half of the re• ser:e'l flour and Pat. Fold; press cel^es together: roll out, Spread with remaining Det and flour; fold and roll out. 5 ,k* Anne Allan invites you to write to her in care of The Post. Send in Your suggestion on homemaking problems and watch this column for replies. :'viol w en HERE'S THE VERY LATEST IN FOR GENTLEMEN ! When you give a fine gift, be sure it's the finest of its kind – "The Excellency Group" by Bulova. et, PRINCETON -31 jewels $45,00 H, DIRECTOR -21 jewels $49,50 C. TREASURER -21 jewels $55.00 W. G. LEACH Jeweller Brussels, Ont. F. W. KEMP Licensed Auctioneer For Huron, Perth, and li Wellington Counties Satisfaction Guaranteed. Phone 38 — — Listowel Y, F. H,:rmuth Registered Optometrist "Western Ori•,ruta's Mise# Modern Eye Serwsen'r Phone 718, Harrastor. INCOME TAX RETURNS„ BOOKKEEPING, FINANCIAL STA3 EMENTS for farmers, Business Men, Professional Men. Garage Operators and others, ARTHUR FRASER Telephone: Exeter 17. P.O. Box. No, 118 Temporary Office at the house of the Tate Dr. H. K. Hyndman, Huron Street, Exeter. Classified Ads FOR SALE - 100 pullets, laying Clarence Stets, FOR SALE— Cow due Oct. 20t11. phone 114r-12 Dart Sellers FOR SALE - 1 FOR SALE— Frame house 23 x 40 with kitchen 28 x 18, woodshed 14 x 30. phone 42 Jas. McRadzean FOR SALE— One roan Durham 13u11, and a good Durham cow. phone 51-r-8 Harvey Bryan Wednesday, October 151 It, 104e NIMAL SEk,.E OLD • DISABLED OR DEAD CATTLE • HORSES • HOGS • SHEEP • CALVES Promptly and Efficiently Removed Simply Phone Collect WE DO THE REST p 111451421. c4 clal,t„nt of nu. V.P. eddress un "Pitt t•„ its aim2 and ptll'P"2es,•, l'he Weinen'e ;tell ole stet last (liar and 'Donald 1TarLe;m. srir . Thursday 1ll'noon a1 the haute of 1101115 Of To'ooto University, with Airs. W. Kreuter. The president, their grandmother, Mrs. J. J. Sel- Mrs. W. Tereuter was In charge After singing the opening ode and repeating the Institute Creed the Roll was raided answered by First Aid for children. The minutes n1 the lest meeting were rend and approved. Tt was derided to sercd -25,00 to the Adelaide Hno[11ese Seholunship Fund. ?Mfrs. W. 'Kreuter enol Mrs. C. Miller were epnolnted delegates to attend the Convention at Guelph in November. The topic Safety in the home and First Aid. was taken by Mrs. (1, Rowland, Mrs. S. Brenton gave a very lnstructire demonstration in Benrlaging, The meeting closed by singing Mel Save the Ting after which lunch wee About 20 cords of wood. , served by the hostess asisted by the Phone 55-r-14 George Menzies committee in charge. Miss Aria Wardlaw of IT,anllton WANTED TO RENT— spent the week end at the home of Three or four rooms, in. Brussels her parents Doc and Mrs. Wardlaw. for the winter months. Mi Flste Franitin spent the Phone 22-r-9 Jars; Mr, and Mrs. Neil B. Me' Partier) Mount Forest, with Mrs. R. F. Gernies; Jack Bradwell, How. and 1,int Mildmay Mrs. James Darling, Mr, and Mrs, Telford Reis Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Darling; Mr. and Mrs, Wes. ley Ainsley. Mount Dennis in Blue - vale and Turnherry; Spence Mc- kinnon, Georgetown, with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. IT.'McKin- ney; Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Tellnw with 11Tr. Mc1•Tinr at Palgrah' ; 1505 1T. L Aitken and DorothyPreston, with the Misses Aitken at Beaton, The president of the Women's Tnatitnte, Mrs. X. H. Smith, opened her hone on Thursday nfternonn and conducted the meeting. TI was decided to slake application for the government grant of $3.00 to assist in educational projects being plan - ss ned. Miss O1've Scott was named weep end with Geo. and Mee, Addy. a delegate to attertl the rnnrention Mr, and Mrs. E. Bowes and family et Guelph, on Nov. 7 and 5, spent the week end visiting friends at Brigden. Stewart Scott of Ringliam. repre- Miss Yvonne Gudden who Is at- senting a health and accident insur- tencltne High Scbooi et St. Marys ante Company, gave en explanatory spent the holidays at the home of talk on hospitalization and sure - her parents 13. and Mrs, f}odclen, cal belleIts under an insurance Misses Muriel Kreuter and Lois plan. The society decided to fne'm Wilson of Ottawa spent the week a group for the Blue Cross Plan end at the home of J. and Mrs. 1 which has been nudge a `-- 'Kreuter. discussion for several weeks. Mrs. Mrs, J. Lemont of Toronto visited , M. L. Aitken was elected leader, with his sister Grace and Mr, and , "My obligation to the community,” Mrs, Louneshury during the week was the roll Ball response. end. Mr. and Mrs. Williams and Miss The bazaar sponsored by the Lillian Ferguson of Hamilton visited ` members of the Ladies' Aid Society et the hone of Gen, and Mrs. Dunbar of Knox Presbyterian Cihurch in the over the week end. community hall or Wednesday aft - Mrs. A. Zeigler and Bill spent a ernoon was crowned with success. few days visiting friends at The president. Mos. Burns Moffatt Norwich, opened the bazaar. Houle -made Mrs. C. Cardiff. Ronnie and 8118.000 hating, apples, vegetables and farm visited friends at Sarnia and produce were in great demand. Pctl•olia over the week end. Members of the Mission Band bad Mr. and Mrs. Willard Michel are charge of a miscellaneous booth. visiting Bert and Mrs. Vodden and The proceeds, amounted to over family, $140. Miss Alma Patterson of Listowel spent Sunday al her home here, Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. George Misses Margaret and Olive Patterson, Toronto. with Mr, and Richards of London spent the week Mrs. J. wicketead; Mr. end Mrs. S. end with their parents E. and Mrs. 'le. Rolph and daughter Darlene. Richards, Detroit, attending the funeral of Airs Rolplh's father, W. W. Mann; BLUEVALE Mr. and Mrs, John Geddes Bel - grave at the home of Miss Fraser; Rev. Arthur 'Hewitt conducted the Misa Florence Fowler with reln- Y.P.U, meeting. Shirley Sieling read Lives at Seafo•lh; Mrs. R. F. Gar- scripture. arscripture. A reading was given by .nice with her cousin Mrs. C. if, Mary Darling. Mr, Hewitt gave an Gorillas at Seaforth. FOR SALE -- Registered Hereford Bull 2 years old, Domino breeding. Phone Wroxeter 10-r,3 George E. Sanderson. R.R. No. 2, Wroxeter, Ont. Rug - -- —_ • Targe carpet Chemical toilet Lawn chairs Singer sewing machine 11 chairs (fumed oak) Drop leaf table Frame Barn 15 x 30' 2 -storey Lined inside and out Many other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS—CASH MRS, J. GALBRAITH, Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer ROBT. PATRICK, Clerk ROOMS FOR RENT— On the ground floor. Apply at the Queens I3otel. PILES are generally caused from a (blood) conges- tion. Try Bunkers Herbal Pills to treat the cause at its source. Money back, if the first bottle does not satisfy. At F. R. Smith, Rex- all exall Drug Store. ' FFER' MACHINE SHOP fof Acetylene and Electric Welding Our shop is eduipped to do First Class Welding And Lathe Work Your Patronage Solicited. Good Service Assured, The Community Radio Service Shops Now offer you quick reasonable repairs on your radio. TAKE YOUR RADIO TO Freetby's Service Station Satisfaction Guranteed, FOR SALE— About 1100 bushels of mixed grain Phone ix or 56 Mrs. Harry McCutobeon STRAYED - 2 red'steers strayed to the farm of W. R. Little, Owner can have same by proving property and pay- ing expenses. Phone 72x FOR SALE— Molasses for your poultry busi- ness as usual. Wednesday after- noon, Grewar's Grocterta. The Store with the stock. Phone 5, Bruses's, Ontario. FOR SALE— Team of Horses 7 and 12 years old, $100 will buy the team. Phone 21-r-10 Chas. Lamont & Son FOR SALE— Dry hardwood. For particulars apply to Cliff Cardiff Phone 45-r-19 NOTICE— Fol' all kinds of Trucking Phone 47-r-6 Brussels Harrison's General Store, Monorieft. WOOD FOR SALE— Hardwood limbs for sale 12 inohee long also some body wood and a few cords of hardwood blocks suitable Inv large furnace or box stove. Phone 43..r'25 Gordon Knight Lot 17, Con, 14, Grey FOR SALE Electric motors rewound and re- paired. Expert workmanship, Mod- erate prices. Lloyd M. Bettger, Monkton, Ont, FOR SALE— M. J. Atwood of 10 Marmaduke St., Toronto. offera for sale an excellent grass farm of 100 acres with some gond hush. A large bank barn and frame house, a drilled well with wind mill, being int 20. eon. 15. Grey Township Huron Oolmty. Will he sold reasonably oil account of 111 health, T'or farther partcolars apply to the above address or Ise, Efelta0zean Box t, Brussels, Ont, FOR SALE— I have at Present a choice number f tams at right prices. Anyone wish. Mg to dispose of their farm (any sine) good buildings please list them :it once as I have clients tor Fall sales. Call or write J, 'O, Long, Real Estate trotter, Erltsaele1 Ont. Phone M. ire ®®� IiappQQ(� '�� AEKER BROS. De.elter Slap Brussels. Phone 6 alaWragaiatEEMIWIMWMZIgNa==aWMEMWIREINMARMONIIIMININDEBEIGS y ..o. �t � y ry t a 6' ket igh&'41.. 'Cos P,,.. ices Your Best Poultry Market Is At Your Own Door When Yon CALL THE DUBLIN PRODUCE CO. We Will Call and Pay Immediate Highest CASH PRICE For Your Hens and Chickens. Just Call Dublin ' Produce Co. Dublin 50 NO FUSS — NO WAITING — JUST PLAIN CASH. AU Long Distance Phone Calls Paid By Our Drivers When They Visit Ton.