HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1946-10-16, Page 1POST PUBL11S.. HNG HOUSE Friday Night Is M 2410.30122=3.0192rmiIIIn sir crmRrr' oE,n'rsatrn Brussels Lions Hold Folic ovie Night In Brussels Community TheartTe Bross R. K. O. HIT Presents For Your Movie Entertainment — he 'e F&c n i .«,�P dlyw©1)d STARRING TOM CONWAY Musical Short Subject — Duke Ellington and His Orchestra Also R. K. O. Selected Short Subject. Friday, bei' h — AT 8.30 P. M. — Adults 35c Tax Included Children 18c REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont, Now Showing— . Thur., Fri., Sat, Oct. 17, 18 19 Spellbound with Ingrid Bergman and Gregory Peck An outstandng production which be. comes ..a ..clinical ....study ....of ..an amnesia case. Mon., Tues„ Wed., Oct. 21, 22. 23 Without Reservations with John Wayne Claudette Colbert and Don Defore A farce comedy, chock full of fun— A light-hearted and ..devll-may-care production which will win the approval of any audience. Next Thur., Fri., Sat. Oct. 24, 25, 26 She Wrote The Book with Joan Davis and Kirby Grant COMING— Tomorow Is Forever with George Brent Claudette Colbert Orson Welles St. John's Church The Rector on Sunday morning took as his subject Jacob's sin. Sir he said is the greatest separat- ing Mee in the world. It separates the closest resolutionships in life. 1t separates man from wife, child from parent. friend from friend, and worst of all it separates man from God. It was the realization of what sin had done for him that brought Jacob" back once more to his God. With his return there was a new visions. a new hope and a new life, a great life. If a deceiver like Jacob mild discover Hereven's gate. than we all can. — "In the day that ye seek me with your whole heart ye shall find me." The town hell wtr tiot be rung on Wednesday afternoons. The fire siren will be sounded at one o'clock, for testing perposes, each Wednesday afterr000 until further notice. DANCE in Town Hall Brut els on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8th Music by Ken. Wilbee and His Orchestra Dancing from 10 t'c 1.30 Admission 50c Lunch Booth Undo) Auspices of the Brussels L.O.L. No. 774 eef E ,tO$ ao3 coy ir> eco Four Stars in a Fcdur, stair Concert Wednesday, October 16th, 194 The United Church their lira Annivesary Services JS5E[.S 4 i3i�v "ala}i CORNER STONES Rev, George Mlin.-. Class - Distinction. —(1) Chof t Concert The local Lions held A musical treat r ,,: �I Prolix in the I11'ussc1s A1'e111 on tee- le i l" Rev. C. Ii. Dickinson the Book Alonday alight of this week. '0'0ttd of the Cn'Icvl Chnrcll Pnlrlthat tb+ 1:,„.r;;; erclassd1lici i.», is While the 1)1)10,1 was 1101 cis large taming In for a considerable anunmt lisping ITnuse ryas rhe thio: t i ucr. _'i.t. ..hr,o 1I r, Veber �iuhu la i t r., ,. r •1, as It might have been the frolic was Preacher at the Br1 : iied t 1 :p quit 1. 4)1 04'MR fol and thoroughlY Church A nn.1 v'rsary celrhraUon, ht�many people who ne� the term enjoyed by those who ntteiided, the morning Mr, Dicksinson gave a' " "}tic • u! • t_, , d L A magician, Bir. Cook of Listowel, brief sketch of his duties 111 the Wt 1)1) r„nol totes clans -'lir Ihl ion entertained the crowd for stunt' Publishing House. The sermon It Is the maintenance of 11`, e r nl r r• time,1 i t t f •d' •- thrilling 1 , i . n rh1 tl 1 g rte youngsters with was based on the story of the 11,11 1 1)d his mysterious antics, their desrenclants without n 1'.l I1 lspers Whom Jesus headepl. In the n , l Bingo and other games, with evening Mr. Dickinson made a rich changing quality. The mt.nrb"r- Loris 1) Thompson 00111 1: i r' Ott lee cite choir. ;t til r-tldmt 1 -al: • I I 1d rl and organ nlnsie, in 9lrlville Pre hy splendidprizes offered drew many strong appeal Lor of one group assume that they a Young people to ;• ir'r to te , r' ."..11 Chur h F cshyte:fal Players. Dancing was enjoyed to offer themselves for 1'011 1)(r, the musty of Wilbee's orchestra. service in the Christian Church. `''7111' it i s❑ r f tat !1 i I.PI, ion and tha artianiehw :o Ceti The refreshment booth )lid a The C!hureh stands in neer], not only rushing business in hot togs and coffee The lucky draw was made by Lion president L. W. Eclemier, First prk0e went to Jack Higgins. The 0000114 prize, ticket 507, was un- claimed W. G. May was third prize winner and the fourth prize went to Mrs. J. B. Jury of Goclerich. Winners of the groceries given as door prizes went to Leona Watson, Wallace Nicholson and Mrs. Jack Lowe, Wat<cn Brown Pays Highest Prices For Cattle The second largest feeder cattle sale ever held in the Dominion— sales totaleld more than $165,000— was held at Little Curernt on Sept, 26th. The 1,790 Herefords and Shorthorns auctioned at eastern Canada's only co-operative feeder rattle sale brought $10,000 more revenue to Manitoulin island breed• ere than in 1945, when 150 more head were sold than this year. The highest price et the sale was $12.90 per hundredweight, paid by, 'Weser Brown of Molesworth for 23 head of Hereford steers weighing 23.000 pounds. Cattle feeders from western and central Ontario tock most of the sixty-six carloads. offered. Large Number Attend Plowing Match A great many from this distriot have been at Port Albert to the International Plowing Match being held there this week. Schools were closed Wednesday to allow children to attend with their parents. El of Preac4ters, though there are one hundred and fifty vacancies In Canada hat of Doctors, Nurses, Dentists, Agriculturalists and Engin• rens who are willing to serve en Foreign Mission fields, Appropriate ard well prepared music was provided by the choir The morning music was, "Great is the Lord"—Renner, and, a male rhorus, "The 011 Wayside Cross" in which Mr Thomas Strachan took the solo part. In the evening the choir sang, 'Pear Not 0 Land" —Cooke, and "Praise yp the Lord." —Adanson. A trio composed of Misses Thelma. Brothers, Dorothy Dennis and Ruth Wilson sang. "T would he like .Tesus" —Ackley. Miss C. Hingston had direction of 1115 choir. Mrs, L. Brothers president at the piano, The Church was wen tilled 'at both services. Melville Church The Thanksgiving service on Sunday morning featured special music by the choir, In the first anthem "0 Lord, how manifold are Thy works" by Barnby, Miss June Work and Mr. Wm. Speh• took the solo parts. The second anthem was "How long will Thou forget me?" by Pffluger. Rev. Mr. Milne Preached on the thence "The Crown- ing of the Year," e A welcome was extended to the many visitors present. The evening service was with- drawn to permit members to attend the United Church anniversary service. NOBLE DAVIE, Baritone "Noble Davies's resonant bari- tone was at its best in 'Largo al Factorlum','' — The Paisley Advocate. VERA HENDGRSON DAVIE Musical Director "The acoontpaninlents tvert sympathetic and skilful." —The Chesley Enterprise. FRANCES DAVIE, Mezzo -Soprano "Miss Frances Davie, mezzo • soprano, sang most beautifully 'in the different numbers in which she took part, showing great talent And abiittY' :The Harieeton Review. NELLES DAVIE, Basso "Nelles Davie's rich basso voice was heard with wonder- ful effect in a variety of songs. Ile completely captivated his audience". —The Hanover Post. "The Davies", "Canada's newest concert personalities", who have triumphed in their recent Ontario tour, are now coming to Brussels under the auspices of the Woman's Association of Brussels United Church, "'The Davies" have been acclaimed by critics everywhere, Including Edwaed Wodson of The Toronto Evening Telegram, who wrote of their Georgetown appearanr,,e: "Three beautiful individual voices, not a forced or quavering note amongst them, A mezzo-soprano mellow as the thrush and limpid as the nightingale. ,.,.A baritone of John Charles Thomas' range and sympathy. A basso cavernous as Paul Robeson's, with tenor timbre in topmost register. Vera Henderson Davie, at the, piano, was a miniature orchestra without orchestra distraction" These four talented artists will appear at B U S E LO'" spa+' tt+.,:; Ni E 'A CHURCH W E D N ESDAY, 00 ., E. R 23 at 8.15 pen0 ADMISSION — — — — — ADULTS 40c GET YOUR TO!CItET,S EARLY AS SEATING CAPACITY IS LIMITED, CHILDREN 25c 1011011 ,you trate the emitinn:w: t or the surcessife generations Of t. !':unily in the sante , la" . 1'nint,'111 g2111 r•h119ren of me,nhers of higher class receive the education customary in the class so as to enable them to retein their memher- ship in it. and afterwards enable th"in to transmit theft' 111•1017c0 '91,11• to their children. On the other heed only exeentiotaily • elee•e: children of a lower class rseets, the education that qualifies them for el:trance into a higher Claes. 111 this way membership .in sweat ..1.11105 1S ho,c,,lite:7. :r. rm11t es, portion find means by cleverness ana enterprise to rise. A very few sick from an upper class to a lower. 'f1' - ie usually considered a grave mis- fo•tu' 0. and it ie rine 011 1110 1)11 more 10 MO' i1 dot. c)o thou 1e stupidity. It goes without saying hot tib, i"^'-••isge .r^f two helnng'nr, to different classes is strou 11' deprecated, and the more so the wirier the social distance between their respective families. COLD DAYS COMING— and with cold days goes 0 hot Bowl of Heinz Tomato Soo also v: , have Wes.ton's Fresh Soup Crackers Open Wednesday afternoon as t"sue!. Shop at. Ceewar's Grncnteria Pho'e IIive you tried our Delivery Service, 'Ye sell Weston's Bread and Cokes GREWAR'S GROCETERIA THE STORE WITH THE STOCK "As for ole and my house we will serve the Lord." 1‘,4elvA2 Church ttlnistel Rev, G. A. Milne, M,A 10 a. m, Sunday School and Bible Class 11 a. 10. "The Quality of Mercy." 7 p. m. "A Brother and leellow•R'orker." Louis D. Thompson, Organist and Choirmaster. The United Chard OF CANADA Minister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson 11 a, m. Morning 'Worship Rev, Geo. T. Simpson 13. D. Of Atwood Mission Bend 12 Church School and Bible Class 7 p. 01, Evening Praise Rev. Iltr. Simpson Everyone Cordially Welcome Church of England Parish of Brussels Rev. J. H. Kort•, Rector Eighteenth Sunday After Trinity October 20th St, John's Church Brussels- 1.1 russels-11 a. nt. Special service Youth Sunday. The ,Sunday Sohool will assemble at twenty to eleven. St. David's Church Henfryn— 2,80 p. M. Evening Prayer and Youth Stulclay St. George's ChUroh Walton— 7,80 p. m, Evening Prayer and Youth Stmdny will eon., i•1 tit.. Wee—......r•. 'United Chu rc1) (cerci✓+r 22111 101' .1141- 1 !) , Ir11:11 111.! ;1" 1 . 11',1,1,, 1210. T-. f 'Whit,. president of Ills Lordon Conference Branch 01 tic '1'onlan,, llissd,41'It Sf"iety 10' address the Cnnventinn. * * * * * * * * . x * * * * * * * . 1. -Lowe with Torenf" relatives. Gramme Scott. Port Colborne, at his home here, ar 0 Miss Marion Scott, Toronto, with Mrs, Ballantyne. Mrs. Louise Porte• rw and rlanght,- - were holiday visitor's in Toronto. :1I1'. and Mrs. Solari Lowe span• the holiday week end it Windsor. s Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McDowell Toronto. with his mother Mrs. r4 McDowell. '1 .en Mr. and Mrs. Thos. licFadzeen anti daughter. Toronto, with relatives here, . V Ur Mr. and Mrs. Harold Currie and son Warren, Hamilton with Mr. and Mrs. R. Currie. a Y * Donald and Mrs, McRae, Toronto were holiday guests at the home 1f Mra, T. T. McRae. * * • Miss Afire Stiles, Toronto, spent the holiday with her parents lir. ' and Mrs. Wm. Stiles, :Vit.. and Mrs. Jas. Halliday of WW'ingham, sp"nt the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Higiggns. • * 01 Gordon and Mrs, Parr, Stratford visited over the week end with the former's mother Mrs. Levi Parr. 4 IA JTrs. E. T. Murphy and danghtr, Mary M. of Winatehee. Weshinetsr were holiday visitors with &Tr. and Mrs. Walter Williamson. * * 4 Mr. and Mrs, C. E. McGregor of . Rerlingtnn were holiday visitrn's with Mr. and Mrs, W. Martin. * * * lir. and Mrs. Wm. TTastings, 'Hes- pier spent the holiday with her , parents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fischer, * * e Mr. and Mrs. Fred Glassier of New Liskeard and Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Glassier, Midland, were holiday visitors with their parents Mr, and Mrs. Dan Glassier. * * * Bobbie Metutcheon, young son of Mrs. Ha.ri'y M°Cntcheon, is to return home from Kitchener -Waterloo hos petal, where he was taken on Sunday on Thursday of this week. w . « Mr. anti Mrs. Ed. Morrow and Mir. and Mrs. L. D. Smith of Rodney, spent the week end with friends near Parry Sotlnd, Mrs. A, Morrow returned home with Mr. and Mrs. Smith, w « w Mre, Stevens, Mr, and Aire. Ino. and Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Stephens ITeckman end daughter, Dashwood and daughter of Elmville were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. A, Stephens. i Morris Township School. i . . .,.(11.11151 i r_+;., „•1uh• r nu r}iu : ns I - I i :,z II,. '•hi!, i 1 III •11.1,1 $%k'. i,,,'I:i; OA ti. ft,. d 1.111 hr.: --.;,tom Kinkead were presert. Meth :online 1,40',,''!' -.. din.- -1,....-1. ,..',..a Te- ._ tt men) ..;rrcrsne toialliitg 51450,00 w11 9 11;0::•1011 'Criers& 1,:d I 111•i'r0 '.•.014.011: ;rIZ,111 91!10.00; ':,•w 1111111.10 in il:01k lee 4, 7, and repairs t,1 other!, 1770.0J**• Painting interior of '1 hnol:, 10 and 12, 5210.00; inguranee No e, $1e3.4411. The next meelin0 will i 10! elate township hall on November 'i at 2.30 Pell Ralph :? Shaw, Secretar+, * R 01 s « c • WEDDING Pietch—Sellers l:L1`.i;:'it1,T0 ----. A Or, by Wedding' was Wield lc, nem! en S 1)'lyday, elate 22. at tha Petted flinreh parsorlar Bluevale, when Helen :Madeline„ elder daughter of Mr. Earl Sellesa,, Morris twp., :Intl the late :1'SlSL. Sellers. became the bride of Mr.. Harold Ernest Pdeteh, .son of ]Zuni. and Mrs. Herbert Pletch also or Merri . Th,: reronlony was perform- ed by Tiev. Anther H. Hewitt. The brills looked charming in a etteeeeee dress of white weal er*3O studded with silver nailheads, with hat to match. The brideamafr5. Miss Maria Sellers, sister of the. bride, wore a blue wool crepe dress cut on lines similar to the brides dress. The best man was Mr. Claire Van Camp. Belgrave, Fnilotving the ceremony. a recele- tion was held at the home of the bride's father, where the pooselt*, were received by the bride's grand- mother. Mrs. Gerrie Sellers. who wore a black crepe dress orna- mented with sequins. Dinner wags served to more than 40 guests 'hv• Mrs. Gowing, Miss Gloria Clerre Miss Lela Agar, and hiss Mary" McDonald. friends of the bride The bridegroom's gift to the itriaiinw was a strand of pearls: to tete bridesmaid. a gold compact; and to the best ratan, a billfold. For es honeymoon trip lo Toronto and oth- er points the bride wore a lime green dressmaker suit with brae accessories and a sequin hat. On their return they will reside tars the hridegreom's farm on the 4th 000. of Mortis. Guests were preen 501 from Treswater. Brussels Wts3• ton and Belgave. GREY Thanksgiving visitors with 1Str2: one lire Won Miller were: Mr. anal Itis. Mo'-r'n Willer and family ,of P.rndhagen. Mr. and itI.rs. Wm. Boylt$ and Untie dnnghter Gloria and Carl - Leinheedt of ',MrTCillop, Mr. and Mrs. John Revd and daughters and Mrs Pelle T.oy1 airs of M,TCillnp, Mrs: :Margaret Miller and Stewart MllIet of Gress Mrs. 0. Penninater and family at Crystal Rerrh end ;lir. 15 Pennington 0f T:ineerdire were holiday visitors, with Mr and 'Sirs. James Pennington of the 12111 eon. Grey On -Sundry. Sept. 29 successful Anniversary Services were held int 2 )'1)l T'ritrl Mhnxrlt with Rev. Wither lingers of Londesbora as attest speaker. Sneeial music wast; rendered by the choir with solo and duet parts taken by Mrs, LeaTSa- McDonald. Miss Glenna Meehan and Elston Speiran, Mrs. Brenton and Mrs. Lake. Assisting ale° werw - Mr. Routledge and daughter Miss. June Routledge of Dungannon. On Monday evening friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs, gem. Parton, 12 con. Grey, called at their home to spend a sectal time 103'11; them before they leave the coo e mnnity to reside in Stretford. The evening was spent in cards and social chaff and the presentation or tin clectrie tehle loon was made as a token of friendship and remem- brance, though tom.pletely taken Y'3" surprise the host and hostess let well chosen words thanked all for their Icindoess. A tasty lunch was served, Mr, William Burnett and his suit Rev. W. Burnett and little grandee= Fergus, 111070 tttanitsgiving visitors: at the home of Wm. and Mrs, Smit,. 5th con. Miss Marion Cox, Listowel, a gasse the week end with Miss Gienna. Machan, 12 con., also Wee Lcr'ts Machan, Bank of Commerce eta. Waterloo, at the parental home. * * * Mr. And Mrs. Jae. McLaughlin. London, Mise Laura Manning, To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. C. A, Iinox and Jimmy, Bridgeport and Mr. and Mra Shohhrook and son Charles of Htlllett were Thanksgiving visitors with Mr. and Mrs, H. Manning. « ar * Mr, and Mrs, H. Chapman, Miss Jean Chapman, Mr. and Ml's. J. Kies - wetter and daughter Deanna and Miss Madeline Kreuter, ICitehener were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J, W. Fischer and o'the* relatives,