HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1946-10-9, Page 2THE BRUSSELS POST s" Canada Savings Bonds, like the famous wartime Victory Bonds, are backed by Canada itself. Cashable at full value (including accrued interest) by this Bank at any time. BUY CANADA SAVINGS BONDS AT THE NEAREST BRANCH OF THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE —for cash—on a monthly savings plan—or on other suitable terms. Denominations: $50, $100, $500, $1,000. The CANADIAN BANK of COMMERCE The Bank will make delivery of all Bonds on 15th October, or as soon thereafter as full payment for them is made. .kr.seeer. Presbyterian ritxxrde. Bel ave Rev_ J. B. Thomson, Director of People had a mind to work." Mel- with June Work, D4argaret Cardiff, hostess. tasolt Extension in the Presbytery vole Church Choir, under the Gerald Gilmen, and Wm, icing, sang WPM eves received here of the *Paaonto was guest speaker at direction of Thompson, rl:r hymn 'S.:utly and tenderly." death of a Conner resident in the service in person of Mrs, Alf. 1- muter Kitchen• immino— veerthe formes Christina y n ternoFischn. In. FREE ANImAL sERvicE ferment took place in Brussels cemetery on Tuesday nfternolt. • Wm, and Mrs, Sins hien moved ' , hast week into the house owned by Harvey Bunter in the village, Family Presentation 89th Birthday Ottervllle--The wish of many years ' was granted to Mrs. Alexander Leitch on ilm' 39th birthday, when e!! of her family, two sons end Poor dcnighters, led several of ber grand• r•bildren and great grandchildren, were tegrther for 'a Clay. If had boon ninny years glare the _— entire family had been e11 i'ngeth't'. (,n"3�Dy Ap t5,7 R��y e�,.,��••• :,oft whit her wore her two sons, D. t,..,r;C.1F�1, `d �?'is�iJ•t� 1 i,nif rh and Jolla 0. Ttirtteh of Nor - Mrs, Lynn Evans is a patient in "..1'hrind rho four daughters, Mra, Kitchener hospital. Her many C MrT.aron. of Nnrwirh, friends belie for a speedy r;ecoveay. William Ziegler of T$tho1. 1\Tre Miss Lena Noble is undergoing tt•'l'1n+„ T.^nr1r, or Hampton and treatment in the Toronto General vies, V!rtor Sperling of Detroit. TIospital. '\rlrh The Y.P.S. held its first meeting Ideal weenier made possible Rn of the Ceas0n on Monday evening in nntrlom' dinner in filo Community the church. Mr. Maclve' showed Park Ottervitle. and the table was some very interesting and beautiful 0n11'red with a Tiirthdav rake and slides on Quebec Nova Scotia, New ^ a'^^ Mrs. Lepel, elm has been Brunswick and Prince Edward ,.,,"`^^ ^'3'11 her a.-ell+er at. Ethel, Island, whirl+ were numb enjoyed by is eninylne gond 11091111 and erioved those attending. It was regrettable the day with her fnmily aroma her, thea ,,ere were not present to see The Rfternnntt was spent at the them. The slate of officers drawn 10101 of her erendson. Ivan 7,013511 ; rip at the executive meeting was reed family. and later went to the approved at this meeting Several hnn10 of her 1011, J, S. Leitch, Nor - hymns wm. . hetvtt n 1 n 1131 0cre011 wick, fora buffet supper, and sung. The scripture reading was given by Isobel Hnether and 1 F. W. KEMP Mrs. Neciver led in prayer. Re fresbments were served in the base- i Licensed Auctioneer mann of the church, W.M.S. Huron,Perth, and 1Ti The Octnhr meetirg of the MSi wag 1101(1 in the home of Mrs. Allen Wellington Counties Cameron. Mrs. Dan HuethPr pre- i Satisfaction Guaranteed. sided and atter singing a psalm all Phone 38 — — Listowel rencetecl the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. Sehnock read from Peglm 33 verses . 1-1.2. The secretary read the man- ' ' ,tag end railed the roll to which thirteen ledtes responded with a Classified Ads versa contn,inin!g the word "blessing.' O'n'vpnt events were read by Mrs. _ —- .rim Can10ren, Mrs. Oms.tead. Miss A. FOR SALE— T'.m•rDsl meg. Aper Cameron Mrs. 1929 Ford Coach Serial No. oto, rinn Knight Mrs. Ti. Keys a.nd C 11129 -, Phone 35x -r-3 ee P. Campbell. The treasurer _ , - n.n,•P 1101' report. Arrangements were ROOMS FOR RENT- 1isen=Nod iu regard to the Seotion.s! , On the ground floor. „Define tri be helot in Cranhronk in : Apply et the Queens Hotel. 756 " 4 tier Thanlc0?w'ine was set for ' . •---- 011. 27. Mrs, Maciver read an 0.,r01a by "Mrs. Dickson of 0nin^a" noel Mrs. Dan TTnetbel' had nl,n,•ve of the to tc. Offering was Knox Presbyterian Church. Belgrave ,ontributed the anthems "God is a r.nP'vert and a t,vmn sling and Mrs on Sunday afttnuoon. Rev. 319. grit' by Brown, and "I will LeedmY •15aeTver 53330 the rlocine prayer. Thomson spoke on the subject "The ,ee:k.' by Simper. A mixed quartet, 5,r,•nlll,r•P1ee were served by the :^tea End Anniversary Louis :a0.= 1m eel" a very serious shortage of bottles • • • RightPatti stow y bee is'Unless ibis bottle shortage it may be necessary to cut down particularly beverage Cott es' you need and which come as made uuc immediately, nodthe beverages edl n you io gather the in bo tl es of the au urgent app without to gather This is an only in bottlpt b ht les and return them lay. rip your empty ,4s,,' 1 EVE S 0 Ti • �qi �fa i F of ,� fpties r rg n , Y eeded pro our home today. Gather up Stere a bottle round -up in Y pantry—your store the empty bottles in yourckitchen—yourlar'S out return room–your shed—your cellar- Sort them and them at once, or or call the regular pick-up service• Your is important ...the heed is urgeno� tomorrow gather up and orcow at the latest. return ALL empty bottles today Why a Bottle Shortage? Canadian glass factories normally produce MILLIONS of bottles every month. The vital ingredient in bottle making is soda ash. Since July 12th the only big Canadian soda ash factory has been. strike -bound. Since then the stock of soda ash has been used up .. bottle, factories are closed down . . bottles are not being made today. Beverage bottlers and all producers of bottled liquids must have your bottles back to keep going. Bottling plants will close down too . , . if your empties are not returned, THE BREWING, INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) FOR SALE - 300 Rock and Red Pullets four months old, Bert Elliott Phone 3Sx.r-2 OLD•DISABLED OR DEAD CATTLE • HORSES • HOGS • SHEEP • CALVES Promptly and Efficiently Removed Simply Phone Collect 12 Iiiiiiss6s WE DO THE REST! — BLUEVALE Bruce Robertson, :439•x: Roy Tut't•ey wag hn-.u. 'Che 033 11 Kervlci. at linos Thursday afternoon at a Do is,, Pnesbytela,u ('hutch was :II n Ntergo of the 'IAT.M,S„ and tools the form function n.: lrl•,:ove,' interest 331 n Thanklg'tbtx mertin The when she entertained over 50 guest' p: es Mrs. Raymond Elliott in honor 00 Mtss Helen Sellers, presided The scripture lesson was whose marriage is to tale place read by Mrs. ,7. 3'. Elliott; and Miss next week. Mrs. I -Tarry Goll sang ;, Olive Scott'. led 111 prayer. Rev. Le - solo and Mrs, materna Mashers gave land C. Sorenson, the guest spealt- 0r to_,k for betssubject, "Drditl.ng." a humorous, readeng. The bride-to-be A quartet composed 00 Mrs. A, 7). was escorted to a seat of honor to smith, Miss Elaine McKinney, Mr. the stredns of the bridal chorus Jorgensen, and J. C. Higgins sang, played by Mrs, W. L. Speir of and itr1. 1"5'1 sen played a cornet solo, accompanied by Mrs. J. C. Brusesls and little Miss Joyre Fiarmon and Scott McTagagrt of Goderich presented :i. wagon load 01 gifts tor the kitchen. Mrs. Carrie i Sellers and Mrs. H. Pleteh presided at the tea table. The home was decorated with pink and white flowers and streamers. Mrs. P. S. Me.cEwen was hostess , Thu5ad5y afternoon for the Meet- ing of the W,MtS. or Knox Presby terian Church. The president, Mrt R. Elliott conducted the meeting. Mrs. Harry Elliott read the scrip ture and Mrs. McEwen led in prayer, A supplementary reading 01, the Scott Mission in Toronto was 1 given by Mrs. R. F. Garniss. Mrs. IL. C. Jorgenson. had charge of the topic "We Touch Africa," dealing with the work of Mary Sles'sor sent out by the Church of ,Scotland and known as "The White Ma." Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shaw, Mrs Mary Robertson, Miss Martha•' Fraser, Bob Fraser at Dunnville and Che•iywnnd. Charles Messer returned to To- ronto this week after spending three months with hts sister, Mrs. Ray. mond Elliott; Mr, and Mrs. Rieh•rrd Johnston and Emmet, MI•s. Arthur Shaw, W. ,7. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Peacock, Mrs. ,7aanes P01roek. Mi's. Palmer, Edmonton, Alta.. attended the funeral or the late J511301 Davidson at Dungannon on WrRees clay ; Dr. Arthur and Mrs. Shaw. Toronto, with Mr, Arthur Shsty; the enpils of Bluevol:e school had a holiday on Wednesday to attend the 'fresn45.ter fair. Mrs. W. .T. Robertson and son, Wildon. and daughter, Mrs. Inglis in Detroit. B.nt1v Ilse was nh'erva3 i,, the cundav 0011••01 at Knox Preshvtrrlan (Murat here on Sunday moraine. The superintendent, Mrs. R. J.. Me• lfrrrev conducted the eervtce on it,. them,. ,'Work and Prayer end T e<•n.', Ce•HnrP+os i'1nr memory evwrit weer, eweripd to Peter Cain - hell, Kay Thempeor. Eleanor Smith, Purvey thaw. and Tacit Shaw. Rcrognitio" carols w511t to Lillian Campbell, Bobble McMurray. and FOR SALE— Axminster Rug 4% x 7 'ft. Set of Bed Springs 43 inches nearly new Man's Elgin Pocket Witch, 1 Cotton Mattress. Phone 90 FOR SALE - 100 pullets for sale, 5> months i old, laying, Clarence Stess Ayr oral tires STornlrl F11Hntt onen- ^a their bene for a wierer roast on n0,110„ 0, 0,00. In inark 1110 •.•i•.0ni..,,.0. of 11,. 4 P q .33.5 Knox 011 ,,.0,, 133, aha 0111 n"rl 1,-i,r4,^g5nnnn, ,If„C Tn,•e•engan ,vn,1 rhnsan to rn7durl *11n emotion 0r ,.ra0000 0.1,101,0 a0•,,+0r1 ns rot - 1.11r. 03'011(1P^'1 1,7n1,41 Pn1+,tt: vieo.n.,'n,-h1P^t. 33.531.' ntn,•0.1,•a+ 1Tnca- ..... n_nln n, pins .113333.1• 11,m1- 17111.-44 - 1311 .-44 oto, 7) r +.. „ ...033 n,, n 33,0.., 1,31r 3353 1 FOR SALE— ;, burner Coleman gasoline stove with oven. Mrs, D. Denman phone SS -r-2 FOR SALE— - --- -- Menne building 16 x 24, 12 ft. walls. good roof, partly double hoarded. Walter Pease Phone 43-r-17 FOR SALE— Quantity of soft maple wood. Phone 42-r-14 Ino. Stevenson FOR SALE— Molasses for your poultry busi- ness as usual. Wednesday after- noon, Grewar's Grocteria. The Store with the etnck, Phone 5, Bruses'le, Ontaric. FOR SALE— Team of HOraPs 7 and 12 years old, 8100 will boy the team. Phone 21-1-13 Chas. Lamont & Son FOR SALE— Dry hardwood. apply to Miff Cardiff For particulars Phone 45-r-19 NOTICE— For all '.rinds of Trucking Phone 47 -r -C Brussels H,art•ison's General Store, Moncrieff, WOOD FOR SALE— Hardwood lambs for sale 12 inches long also some body wood and a few cords or hardwood bloclts, suitable for large furnace or box stove. Phone 43'r,25 Gordon Knight Lot 17, Con, 14 Grey FOR SALE— Electric ALE Electric motors rewound and re- paired, Expert workmanship, Mor. erste prices. Lloyd M. Hettger, Monkton, Ont. FOR SALE - 74. J. Atwood of 10 Marmaduke St„ Toronto, oi'te•s for sale an excellent grass farm of 100 acnes with some I good bush. A large bank barn and frame house, a drilied well with I wind hill, being lot 20. eon. 15, Grey Township Huron County, Will he sold reasonably on account of, 111 1 health, rot furbhea- pertieni�vrs' apply to the above a.tldi•ess or Jas. Mera,tlzean Box 1. Brussels, Ont, FOR SALE--- I ALE—I have at present a choice ,amber _0 farms at right prices, Anyone wish, Ing to dispose of their farm (any alae) good buildings please flat thein at once as 1 have clients for ray sales'. Oral or write J. 0, Long; Real Estate Broker, Brussels, Ont, Phone 84. n -•,n n i 13„1 e 9r,Thorn_ r..,,,,n.a„b .,.a 3351 bet all Thnnl:'s ,Shearer 01131 Tric1 0Pa:trlca a,,nD••0 1,,.,vator ^.111, 110•ar .1 „a,.0,. r-Tnnl-i.. .,1 pm. mars wtt'h 1,Pr senthar ,•1,0 is tri• Rev, and Mrs, Leland C. Jnreenst:n l,nvn left to spend awn WP PIC at .Rr1, 01400 T11 �. Fr -youth Re: eisf a red 0otorrretri$t • "Western (Intro io's Meas! Modern Eye Ber,' n&' • Phcrp 118, tlat'rtstort INCOME TAX RETURNS, BOOKKEEPING, FINANCIAL STAT EMENTS ter farmers, Business Men, Processional Men, Garage Operators and others. ARTHUR I RASER Telephone; Exeter 17. P.O. Box. No. 118 Temporary Office at the house of the late Dr. H. K. Hyndman, Huron Street, Exeter. RONA iwa+t, modem% i295s Jew eller OFFICER Is low.ls $2850 JANET 15 jewel* 52850 G. LEACH Brussels, Ont. POutrr ,4'-,,; arket Highest 'Cash Prices Your Best Poultry Market is At Yaw Own Door When Yon CALL THE DUBLIN PRODUCE CO. We Will Call and Pay Immediate Highest CASH PRICE For Your Hens and Chickens. Just CallDublin 1 Produce Co.Dublin 50 NO FUSS— NO WAITING — JUST PLAIN CAR.” All Long Distance Phone Calls Paid By Our Driven When They Visit You.