HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1946-10-2, Page 2THE BRUSSELS POST 1\•:'1al' by t ot+.bh'" 2nd. 1096 HERE'S THE VERY LATEST IN a:frq • gJ ,/ FOR GENTLEMEN! When you give a fine gift, be sure it's the finest of its kind - "The Excellency Group" by Bulova. f2. eRINCETON -21 Jewels $45.00 B, DIRECTOR -21 Jewels $49.50 C. TREASURER -21 Jewels $55,00 W. G. LEACH Jeweller Brussels, Ont. BLUEVALE 'The sacrament of the Lord's ' apxier was observed at the morning Rez'viee at ' Knox Presbyterian (Church. The minister, Rev. Leland tC. Jorgensen, delivered an impres- sive message on the theme. "Re. member the Lord's Death.' Next Sunday evening Reb. L. C. Jorgensen will be the guest speaker for the W.M,S, fall thank -offering meeting. Vtisitors: Mr. and Mrs, Knnte ICarl,au and son, Ross, London, with Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Greenaway; Miss Edna Jowett, Port Huron, with her cousin, Miss Florence Fowler; Mt•. and Mrs. Angus MacDo'a'ct. Toronto with Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Elliott; lir, and Mrs. Alridge, Marie and David. Fordwieh, with Mr. and Mrs. W. W, Mann; Miss Florence Fowler and Miss Edna Jowett with Mr. and Telrs, Albert Colclough, Bay- field; :11'ss Eileen ttIeKin:ney with cember Mdss Lorna Dunbar, Belgrave; Mrs. 40 chunks Retro Moffatt at Listowel, HAY AND GRAIN 40 tons good hay 2,00 bushels mixed grain 50 bushels: wheat 6'/2 acres corn Half acre waxing turnips POrLTRY 100 Rork -Leghorn pullets, laying 75 Rock -Red pullets laying 25 roosters 3 shelters 4 drinkers 7 steel feed troughs HARNESS 2 sets double harness IMPLEMENTS S -Tay rack with half rack Maasey-Harris. hinder 7 ft cut t l5assey-T-Tamnis bay loader Roller McC,ormtclr-Deering fertilizer drill Massey -Harris hay .rake Massey -Harris manure spreader McCormick -Deering cultivator 2 snufflers Adam's farm wagon set of sleighs Massey -Harris root pulper turnip drill set of scales 1200 lb. Fleury plow New Centu.ry plow Set 4 -section harorws McCormick -Deeming cream at.or Two -wheel trailer Milk cart Sleeta'ic fencer 4 milk cans Chains, forks, shovels Pails, etc. These Implements are all shape, T•TO'TrS47HOLD EFFT9O'11S Princess Pat range aetee and two chairs Two wash -stands Rrass-finished bed and springs Clothes horse Fant -leaf table Two other tables Toilet set Polies and sealers Wash stand with sink Also to be offered for sate: 50 acre Grass ,.Farm ..South -half, ,.East -half Lot 41, Con. 5, East Wawanosh TERMS—CASH Everything to be sold as the Farm Is Sold. RADFORD, Prop. JACKSON—Auctioneer r I P E 1 \ TOBACCO AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock. implements and Household Effects m At S -half lot 39, Con. 4. Rost bVawanosh Township 3 miles North-West of Blyth WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9 commencing at 12 o'clock. non, the following; HORSES 114111 nt:1re S years old Cheoittt mare 111 ;•noes 01,1 OATTLTi }lolst,lin ,pow 9 years old due Jann- ari' 1st Holstein row, S years old, due Febru- ary 10th Holstein cow. 5 years old, due Mar, 1 Black cola 6 years old due Ian. 5th Black cow 5 years old due Fah. 1st Black cow 5 years old due Feb. 4th 2 Ayresltire cows 5 years old due in February 3 heifers (vaccinated), due in November Red heifer (vaccinated due March 1 Steer, 2 years old Helfer 2 years old 5 steers 174 years old 3 heifers 14, years old 5 steer calves 5 heifer calves (vaccinated) PIGS 5 saws due In November and 'De - Ration Coupon Due Dates star^c: -s now valid are sugar - Preserves Si to S30, putter R13 to R21 and B26 to B27, meat Q1 to Q4 and M51 to M53. ID YO W ALK 20 FLO • Any time you have you walked e up even probably three lore fourtfloors of elevator service. grumbled at the tack how imp ble i11t .1 But have you realized dbe without vertical Iq transportation modern city or how impractical and c1Yelvat• • ' would be without electric costly elevators just one exam- plefq Elevator service isranted way We of countless nae serves in daily life. Which electricity a refrig- erator, electric range, a 105 The home cleaner all take of mused vacuum maintaining a sole -nesting toll out of m ash - h mu Imagine one cent running a wash- ing or a vacuum cleaer frt a co le of hours, or giving refrigeration couple or e day! But that is what one cent's o whole do average worth of electricity can Ontario rates, time you see men On a hay into a loft you can figure that Orth approximately lc per tort. pitching the job Is Sb what it would cost Anyway, that iabout do the same work at for aeetncnt to More and average Ontario rural raterning ihat electricity more farmers cheapest labor can hire. And ythe ydro doing everything possible the extend rural Hydro services as d rapidly suis id of materials will permit. supply town or country, Whether you live in scraper or barn,, work in sky cost whether youk you in Ontario at cost works than mucher lower than obtainable in most - parts of the world. Make the best use of it. THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO separ In good to match w'6th maltreat NORMAN HAROLb INCOME TAX RETiJRNS, ROORKF-EPTNC. FINANCIAL, STA?lEMENTS. ter farmers, Business Men, Professional Men, Garage Operators and ethers, ARTHUR FRASER. Telephone: Exeter 171. Box. No. 118 Temporary Office at the house of the tate br. H. K, Hyhdman, Huron Street, Exeter, BELGRAVE ).,)tllr1 1,1,'ti. 1 ,:nc art.,t: of Trinity .1n li ,h rborvii 11 d,1 '1„• tirvt meeting of Ow winter season a' 'he horn„ of Mel. Joku Van ramp, Friday ,rrenln_•. Th,• tollow- 1ng nrfl, i n rr ctrl pre,i dont, t i t t: Tap. C'tltili vice pre,' 11,10 i, , u, f . ;.u1 rotary, Nur ma lirydi'est t.<'asnrnr.'. F+'rn Neth- , rc; Pia.d.-1 t -t N111..1 Ysn("snip: 1:11101, r o 1 r. 1111'i Headlut•c. P. care' 1R. and Mrs A. Tilliote .. ttrl \Ir„. II. clots. Elmira - wit 0 Airs. J. A. Fr:t n,1on, Knox Irl' b t'tlrn nil be held n1 Stonlay Oct.b at. ;nail. The guest speaker will be Rol'. .T. 11 'l'ltenr"nt. Tli"ei'ta1• ni church extension the Presbytery f T„rnn..o. 1'11,' \foIvili: ('hnrt•it choir• nndet the dtt- rine of I•:mH n. 'rhontp.,,n will eonlrlbute special anniversary music. F. W. KEMP Licensed Auctioneer For Huron, Perth, and Wellington Counties Satisfaction Guaranteed. Phone 38 — — Listowel Ola,ssatmed Ads FOR SALE— Large tricycle in good condition, Phone SSx Fred Campbell FOR SALE— Quantity of soft maple wood. Phone 42-r-14 Inc.. Stevenson FOR SALE - 100 White Leghorn Ilene, 1yr. old. Phone 27-r-10 FOR SALE— . Cababges, Pumpkins and Squash. Mrs. Garf. McDonald FOR SALE - 110 Rock -Leghorn Hybrid Pullets. Phone 42 -r -1S Geo. Blake — FOR SALE— Colony house, 10 x 12, good as new. Phone 05x -r-2 Wm, Stiles FOR SALE - 1 York Sows, due Oct, 551; 1 Spntnger Oow, Phone 49-r-15 Herman. Whitfield FOR SALE— A good Pitice battery radio, all row batteries, Phone 25-r-12 H. Spear FOR SALE— Team of Horses 7 and 12 years olcl, $100 will buy the team. Phone 21-r-13 Chas, Lamont & Son FOR SALE— A 1929 Durant 'Druck good tires. 2'spares. Serial No. T4712. apply to Gordon. Hulley, West Monkton FOR SALE— Dry hardwood. For panticnlars apply to Cliff Cardiff Phone 45-r-19 NOTICE— For all kinds of Trucking Phone 47-r-6 Brussels Harrison's General Store, 1idOncrieff. FOR SALE— ' Bulk Molasses far your poultry. Bing a container, llimited supply at armor's Groceterda, the snore with the stool,. Open all dray Wednesday Phone 5, Brussels WOOD FOR SALE— I•Taa'dnvood limbs for sale 12 inches Iong also some body wood and a few cords of hardwood blocks sudtable for ,large furnace or box stove. Phone 43'a'45 Gordon Knight Lot 17, Con. 14, Grey FOR SALE— Electric motors rewound and re- paired. Expert workmanship. Mod- erate prices. Lloyd M, Hettger, il'fonkton, Ont. FOR SALE - I have at present a choice mem'ber E farms at right prices, Anyone wish - Ing to dispose of their farm (any sise) good buildings please list thein ht ones as I have clients for Fall sales, Call or write J. C. tong, Real Estate Broker, Brussels, Ont, Phone 84. AN OPPORTUNITY--. Established itural Watkins District avatlabte, If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55— have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opoortuntty to get establish- ed in a profitable business of your own, For tell particulars write to- day to The 3, R. Watkins Company, Dept, O41-4, UV Masson St., Montreal, Qua, AL ICE OLD•DI ABLED OR DEAD CATTLE • HORSES HOGS* 51155? • CALVES Promptly and Efficiently Removed Simply Phone Collect St. Thomas 51182 - Aiko Crain 14 Ay!nor'15R9 - hilt h l 1.7 Brussels 72 - Lista, 4 14e Ingersoll 21 - Shute r'.i 21'1 WE DO THE REST 1 Phone 72 Brussels ]Honored By Friends Mr. and Ai+ daughter,, wit, fee„'1:y tno,i.1 gathering of .'71 fri„min .1::,1 banes at the limo, of :lir. :out 11 =. (`, iCernn:;hiui. During the runes • of a pleasant eveniu'r spent P1 type cards. Mr. and \lr,, 1h'Nafr war, pesnated with n Ievely t:aht' by Fred Smalhlno, Their daurrhter- Lava.rre nail Dianne each rer"ive,l Rversharp pen and n„n'•11 a•,', •' . stinted by Elaine Rermtghnn niui Maxine Sntnlido^ while the arcc.rb- panytng atidrees wan road by Irvine Dunn. Sept. 13th. 111ar To Mr. and Mrs, 10111 McNair and Family, Dear Frierds; Tt gives the people of tlt•is your home commi,nn'ty a great deal of pleasure and satisfaction to gather here to spend this evening with you. Dutting your resilience Ill 0"' community you have been willing to Tend a helping hand in a cheerful way. And now as you have left our mid'st we wish to put our feelings into practical ' form. With best washes for a happy home tor many years In Brussels we ask you to 4 a.rcepi this ain't as r_ :rtk rr .rr:r f ri,..m 1,41 f lt. We hope to !lave von i, ,:5th us frequently and may Ibiney eventing lore: he a plea,an,• menr.ti,i'y to you :n your new hemp. n tyltaif r: ,111'S:rid'frp,nd,. C11,111t .H1114li 1.'1,111 Rnwlldur. 1.:;,nnp10 11rrionabl r."ift'ot'rl K„tea 11'r:r. }L. \C'Xnh', i.: a firtiva manner thauleetl tltela' friends for the gifts and good wishes. KEYS ---tit loving memo.y ,•f Joyce Isobel Keys who passed away r -m scars ago Sept. 30, 1943. A beatitiful memory dearer than gold, Whose worth can never be told Happy and smiling, always content, L ,-eel shin .re,peetr:1 wherever she went, To a lieauAtful life ranee a sudden end: She dried as she lived, everyone's friend. —fondly remembered by Norma and Bill Poultry Market Highest 1 'Cash Prices Your Best Poultry Market Is At Your Own Door When You CALL THE DUBLIN PRODUCE CO. We Will Cali and Pay Immediate Highest CASH PRICE For Your Hens and Chickens. Just Call ;;Dublin' Produce Co.;i 0ubliu 50 NO FUSS — NO WAITING — JUST PLAIN CASH. All Low Distance Phone Calls Paid By Our Drivers When They Visit You. A DURO MEETS EVERY Faro Need RUNNING water is a necessity on the modern farm — in the home, stables, poultry houses, and greenhouses --it saves valuable time and labour every day. Livestock need plenty of Fresh Water to maintain a high standard of production --Int DURO pump carry the water for you. THE NEW DURO PUMP The new DURO is the Farmer's pump — built IS pump water through all your buildings for all your water needs. Well -constructed, it will give you loth Red satisfactory service, EMCO FIXTURES AND FITTINGS !or your Kitchen, Bath- room, and Laundry. Designed for Beauty and Utility. 'See us for coal_ paete information. Wm. Gillespie 0-1-1101144-1 Phone 68 WIC EMPIRE BRASS MFG. Co., LIMITED $,,nice from any branch - Londotii . Hlahrilton Toronto Sudbury •Winditieh •` Jadfceuver'