HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1946-10-2, Page 1easy,ogitttl Jai • ....Ito move. amna e zr,-0cr2nd, 1'346 BRUSSFLS OhitiV:LrY POST PUBLISHING HOUSE CORNER STONES ssamsoostsissestraetsmosasstistmstmanassawmasesnotnenstacoretmestrusmaseurmansouaestosotwoottostuaton The W,tvi.S. of Knox Presbyterian MajeStie. Women's institUte COMM011tY TherL.:Te brussels • "SCATTERGOOD BAINES" Fictions Favourite For 20 Years- Nightly Radio Headliner Now In The First Of A Brand New Screen Series. Starring Guy Kibbee, Carrol Hughes, John Archer, Lee "Lasses" White And For Your Added Enjoyment "GRIPS AND GROANS" "ROMANTIC ARGENTINA" A Modern Wrestling Match A Fitzpatrick Traveltalk "BUCK CHEEZER" - A Top Notch Cartoon ThurselJ,„:y, Oct., 3rd, at 8.15 P. It Frio' ay, Oct. 41:,Q, at 7.30 81 9.30 P.M. Adults 35c Tax Included Children 18c tinsels 1 Fair ctii,br 3rd 4th Featuring Increased Prize Money And Improved Attractions. Added AtOavaiettions STANGER SHOWS AND MIDWAY - Fun For Young And O1U - PALAMINO HORSE Popular rirk ll,l hat has tit:tractor' n groat dAal of aVention perform to molds, PONY RIDES FOR CHILDREN ET' TY YmIlli=stor will want to -ide these ponies - School l'araile p,„„tb. Lit lit Park at 1:1/11 1#. ()I. Fr:day. Oct,,Itor 41 It and Ala ho 11.14414 by the band. Atl tnanner, 1,11i4. admitted fro,. 10 tho grounds. Ittnt nporminc hot,. M ll .;1 0.00; 21111 It5.0() $11,(011 lo rarb :,•11001 entering. No .11•rt ,Motitiod Dm. min •.• 111 Geni leinen's l(oaal Ltd, y 1,, - rer 1lnl0 ,1 10.1,1 out t,t 1 book, lie mile 1,100) bpiterl 40%, Idyll, - $ 1'1.011 $10.00 HARI\ Iii;SS RACES PURSE 00.0 0 Continuous per forinant.0 lltrcituhutli. of twit non. Gronrnittee T. L. MoDonnid, IL 71, Mulatichlin, O. 11. Onibirtith 2.28 Trot oI Pace $2011.00 Posse 2,22 'Prot or Pace ,•.„ „,, it.POO.00 Purtto Every bent n trice. Aspor,inlion tidos to uoveln Lntry ref: Ilni.nn Benh, 111011 '1 will be 1,4'1 111.11 up lo I I s tn. Int 411,. Thi 1,.Mi. 11041 111111.01 III norh rIlIl, lllrIIIn rettervita (3 declare ,,rr any tare 11 11111 sallsiticintlly Ell 1 oil, NV 1111 11.v/41111 it WltlIl 1111 (11141.11111111, Money ilIn bleti 40, 30, 20 and 10 Inir eont, Trolle'ra allowed II nofronds Concert and )aJ ce will lu.k hid on ihc evening of FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4th in Brussels Town Hall F9tuOng CocKs Clicert Dance to be held after concert Brussels Band Aliendance at Groundsb You are cordially invited to attend the Fall Fair, Atirn101001 AilitIter 001 Ohlfdron 200 1110Y Otl 1.1lir • AutstribblIns P,66 non -r. lO1INtION. floo.Irs99. Churoh, Ethel, will hold their Annualliov. O. A. Alibt .'1 • Thank -offering Meeting In the Church on Tuesday evening, October 8th, at 8.00 o'clock. Colored lantern slides of Quebec and the Maritime Provinces will be shown. These are beautiful pictures that no one should miss seeing. All are cordially invited to attend• Addition To Prize List This Item announces an addition to the Ladies' Work that was not The October meeting of th<- lnjsl 1' Woiner's is to be held at tile home 1r', Carl 1 1mm ingway on Thursday, (lot, 1 oth. rapers W11 in given hy Mrs. K. Sh rile and Mrs Franlc Nichol Ml u. the ladies of the community are invited 10 intend. The sale and tea Apc111.40ini by the Majestic Women's, (I Imld in the Pnblic Library on Saturday, Sept. 21st 10110,1 the splendid sum of thirty -fire dollars. The members wish to thank all who bellied In nny included in the 1040 prise list of way to make it such an outstanding East Huron Fall Fatr. 6.1 is: - =eon. Collection Fancy Work 6. to 10 pieces lst $2,00; 2101 $1.50; and $1,00. REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. Now Showing- , Thur., Frt., Sat. Oct. 8-4-5 A Walk In The Sun with Dana Andrews and Richard Conte An Interesting Italian war story with an all-male cast. - - Mon., Tues., Wed. Oct. 7, 8, 9 Devotion with Ida Lupino Olivia DeHaviland and Paul Henreid This picture carries much heart appeal and represents the sort of entertainment that makes a 'pro• found impression on feminine minds. Next Thur., Fri.. Sat. Oct. 10, 11, 12 Frisco Sal 'with Susann Foster and Turhan Bey This lusty tale of the Barbary Coast should please most audiences. COM1MG Do You Love Me •,./tc o:ok eer siarri )c-' 3: In t/PnIntet Rev. O. A. Milne, 14.6. ;:.why 121,3 ,;1“, 11 :1 /li lascr4 Illt.111 Mir 100 ,1 't• •Iilii'' • "Al 'PM, i ' Thy lomir3 'I'litenision, (13 nithini .1111110t rona.tonn,lbot Cloirt:h dtel 11111 i 11 lit Nei -unto ,li,hil13 1 111,10111311,111 3,, 1111, 11w,v1v n11..11,11 lif11,T111 Ili I1, )L3111111.. I'. 10114 'el ( 301111 MI'. I )311/1'.141.1 I 1'91. PI, .11311411 14 I III' I 1 111'1111 11.1.i.lisilory yi,4111,. lit 111,10(1, WIII 1i '111,1, All 1,rupir in 1,0 Ail AI Weletune. • # (...1..11Illr(1 1 01 Vollg1;11 1(1 Porifth of thuoleels low. J. 11, net, lio.nte)• tngif won mime:, 6(1''' Tr DOI y Nefoltor Mb, 11110 01. john's CluirOtt 111 10114149 11./11virl 11 11 14 34ii,..11119 1'1 .11/1 III 110111 201, Ovid'4 .r1111.11441 llentryn 11.30 111 l",./.11.411" 11114 )31.1.1111111 11. flirtio da'S Oittirott Walton 1:(3 li 331 No-tior litryt ;moo The United Church The Rev. I), Pennran of tic, Londesboro Charge in the Frilled Chrrch was the guest preacher both morning and evening. In the morn- ing the chola' sang "The Lord of Harvaat." In the oven'ng "Now thp Day is Over," with MrS. Cousins tak- ing the solo parts. . Engagement Announcement '11,11C;;11"... Christian Reconst,uttion •••-(2.! - • ,•11 'I 111 i.tousIcti.riltg 11. (111144i/1/1 snob as latter a lingering illnn 111111 13 thaf of l'itristiart itm ,:n • m -1' 11‘• 1 'r 111A-1 331' thmild faro up norott, Sarnia. 163,13,,' 1-. certan stark facts. For many e1.11 Frperai loom, +11 his aunt Miss Kate Iiiartigry. ,,er• with13301 (1,0 feu. 1r. 17n1.!,,ny j nr there has been a 4.1.0111 41,11 ..f lil(113111 in tin- aims of civilized sorkty. The most obvions 133'): 3:1 Is perhaps that of un- mnployment, a problem, 1311 : 111011g114 not vo acute 1111)111P/11, 61 ll',l?l;ljly 1!,, 330133 31333137 p30013111 ' 33b.3 ') 1171111? '0 Inventors have been slliftmg 1113 dre,,t•s and faneyware. burdett of prodnetion from men 3, 1 * * * * * * machine, (liven by some form P FOP!, IV E KNOW natural energy. We ha.re deliberately * * " tried to melte human labonr 11:337 11011,1 co Montreiii ihinus, and at the 331)114 time regard yi.lting re113.1.1,,11' unemployment 111) being a major L. E r0,1.11f.L M. , if -i,13.-11 Fair 1111....131 y . 03),1111,13. E.:v:1110t1n, 311«,ii• 11' • 0.101 I 1.1 W '11 r 0111•I1 w11 1, ottil, a .: • titno tmalltor or ,Anootatitni.,‘, the. 1,.,11re will start at. )3111. 313 (lie dtmrs will bo (mon to the tr:trAtiefA 111701 7 lo 1'' it.: Priday Inorning at : the antes .uf the fair ir,tnind- br mem. Poultry inda.1.033 wil1,.:4Sor piece fit 1 omloelt and livestoei.- br ;linked at 1:1'' EV,/11 I al 1110 133313 will m'orrfr-elcrlfs. at 11.'13 101) the orriro.I t•IM FAIrail. 1.231.• IN] 1.13 (11,,31311 11131141; A11 MIII•riti TOWITSIliP 4.1034111 ia leret nember of tlrns,- in Grey_ -MA- .9.3.` 17 13131 H. B. Allen was in Toronto this , 113' W '1 1 n !lto ,r1nIti3 '7,11110. 13 11 0" 9.01313 0113 Problem a 1.1' • w,,Qh 1 t d tr the druggist's ,atn-; porticipato in -NIP paradp generally sO feeble and so trele vention.• , compete for the privet; offered. 731s. It is time that we 1)11,113 1.0) nur minds * * pelaminc horse will also mako ?els, Woodrow 1 initial appearance in this oneirAil&r: en -11 with Al 1 p.m. the band will lead ir, ff..? , National Anthem 1717,7i1117 day IA Ar) 21111 of paradog-noverty in i Thiron fair of 04(1 %%411 11., The engagement is announced of the midst of pottntial plenty. mei- Mr. Geort.te Freethy, of Saskatoon 1 33113311131 at 110 by our local 11101107)eg 1-felen Madeline 13131,60 daughter or natritten amid the Wastage of I. r01 ('3 at Ihe home of 114 WM. of pathia.mPat. L. E. ritnlIff. :rixa 1113. Earl Sellers and the late Mrs. , wealth, 1)1911 s,ramities .to capture Nelson Freethy. I Henna, MPP. will 0130 sre,.ttt- Sellers of Bluevaie to Harold Ernest international trade while prie.es at * Tinniediabtly after set:Pet-ions by !Jur whether employment is an end it it- self or simply a means to an end. Ts it surprising that the social order to - Mr. and 1114 Al,, .Sarnia, spent the week Mends here. * Pieteh son nf Mr. and Mrs. 'Herbert Pletch, Brussels. Ont. Marriage to take place early in, GatobeT. • Just Arrived A shipment of Heinz .1.111) of 1 r Toniatoe Soup. Just the thing for not exploited. that the end of man is awl rot ewe' smoloymnt o; fhp• Ttr ars nd M. P. J. Seott. Lindsay. ;het -mahout the 33041.4 761113' 11,- * these void days also li,'nz's • Placed at point, of atlyant .:;.0.. Juice at 0,, ,,,n Tn.,n 1''1 a333 ernesti., at the borne of ,,rctcyl may be kept nform-a 131 w7itc." eyory 00 1 TnTIPT.! .11a1 i; 1111,,11137nr 131 11`A 7ov'inan. takinn plamt. • t. F.:,M ITItron Fell P133" 11113 home are ir'nh end still nigi-g. ti M-. :rad MN. Stuart Smellie. To- , bard at 1.28 the mutes will begin. '010' 118 hoe ef 1111; situation there is :unto. spent the week end with Mrs. ; first best of the 2328 will be run need for the Church to proclaim Macintosh and .To. Thuell, I Tory Gregg of the (11K\' snr-nfr i 6T.1111 principles of oonimon $01)311. * * * I Win:hem, 11'1 11 as. master of .----nnr-- based nn a Christian anderstanding Ati., ;hell T-owerywho underwent : ninnieshave eharze of tho rnrftnr. of the very natnre of existence- nr operation in KitehenerWaterion 1 svents for the balanee of the ,''?".a'.. that natnre must be reverenend and hospital. is improving favourably. procrant. Londspeakers will "1/4: •. • ----• ,t -e, - - CAPD OF Ti-lA":.K.S 11:1 11,10,.:. (1111,1e 3 ign 710 f • I:101;410, it,711,,r 1077 .1,00 ' 1 31,71 7 (711 s3, 30',' 3.3 If nr,,,01- 3 7. It/ I...I '1.11.0/11'.' ' .1,(11114711 1.11 3o 11,11.'1'7 11,,Ir 1 1 a, Ala I I lei relmer,1 • 11.1' Ill A I' '01 I olr ."11110ill, '0111 ,1,1P, 24111. 21 11, in .1,111 V/. 3,111,. 1.111I.,11 1311117 11111-01.11 1,11 111ihr1or ')t s 11013,1,3 111 -1 1- , "eq.!. 1-1 evloo (,1the v 1131 e.• o le. 11,13.1 113 11, In, too 1,11,11 11.•, 11,flim 1,1 I it( 11, (11111411 n 91111,1 11,11,Air 111, Mt cad Mtn Mani tro t'mttoron AIM., 0 13 tot.t moo tool VVortio 11' 11 1hr Itt-eit end lit or ro 3el..,i1 tolit 1,0tiatut selln 1.111 1.3 13313 11... t" lir... .1 11 1".11.11.1M1 !Mr. t'111,1. .,1101, In her 111,1110 11, Ironton after -nem) mole, r r- the ,mmeri 1131 ll,' puel itcek anti 1 loll' 33 11to 1,131, 101.1 111' 1411.!1 10 1 71.. 711'11,-7 ,17,111111 41.1, 0,, 70r. win be Iirdfl Ahlr% 113*:4*,v/11.,,i,1 i churri, Efit '111221(11! 1', Och ber SPrYiren II A. M. mill 71311 P. M. Coloa le*onvikor : Roy,. A. 1: "1, oil of Mooltton Slinclel numb by lho bob. 111101,1****10,1********01iloitii/AtiMemii0101**WheiiMo****iimito**1000,tmliavidlin*OrimAirk*Oiiftilm0,0,,vo The. Oniler) C17)1421,1 BRI(ISSEt Atm itiersary Serniers SUN/M V, Orrg 13,/, 17 A. M. 1,11,1 7.:10 M It kV. C. /I. I ilf :K INS()N, 21. A., 11, it, Of Token] lo 1.1cor Ni 0 1,:mr1 . trinke (Iron' 211 Tbn I.ord !iltnver Prnine 1,ord Arintwm:: I Would 111' Lot 1 S3C(111, 31') At 212174? ******************************0****************1 *Iren a 11 13 •ill, , " • .1il if ,,..1 3., , 1 9,, n; n1,1, , 1 11i, 11 3, ...1 1, • 1,,,if /del 7., •77' 1,7, 3 31, 11, '1371 111. Iti, 1,17 77'1, 13 1 1., 3,1. ,t,. '(i' ,l1I 1,3,311 , .1 111 11,, • s: • . 1,1 • I, • 't.,1,• . .11 'III. I, !It. I I .` 1.1 • I. 1 I I...1 ...II i 11 11 .13 3, . ..,1 1,1 . ' 13.1 1.1 1,111,1 14 • It 1,41 .11.1 73 .3 .11 1 I.,. .71.3 ••.. • s't .1 I, ,111 •o• , 1,1111 Ito 1.111,1 tor'', ,.., W.,. 1 1107,, .° 1,1 ' 3, „3 1 3 1'' ' 1,. 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