HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1946-9-25, Page 3r , , THE BRUSSELS POST • Wednesday, Septmber Bah, 1 CANADA'S agricultural wealth springs from the enterprise of individual farmers, supplemented, where necessary, by the friendly co-operation of Banking in Action. The Canadian Bank of Commerce has played a prominent part in the development of this great industry. Its services are available to every enterprising undertaking, whatever the scale of operations, small or large. Use our services for your banking requirements. Consult our local Manager. THE CA`t,:ADIAN 1�t FCM Brussels Branch — W. Porter Manager 750-A CE Sister Kenny's Love Story For more than 3(1 years herb ed Dan waited for Sister Kenny to come back again, but the sourageous nurse, who had to fight doctors as well as infantile paralysis, reit serving mankind was more import- ant than her own happiness. • Read In Mernoriam 10 loving Memory of our Dear Brother, William E. allr'narey. wbn passed away two years ago today, Sept. 1201. 1944. Laver retnem• bored by leanillY• one by one they go before tis, They are fading Mtn Ile dew, But we Know they tu•e wet Ching o'er ns. 'rh.•y the gouts, the fair, the trite, They are waiting for us only lV neve 00 pain can ever mar Dear ones who left us lonely Wateh us through the gate's ajar; '!(here a Father, there a alethot•, (hate within those gate's ala". MsalACITERN--Tn loving memory or our clear son Pte. Gerald B. Me- Mclachern, Algonquin Regt, who wave his life two years a=c, today, Sept. 10, 1044, in ective r,rvice at Bruges, Belgium. Somewhere in Belgium in a soldier's grave, Lies our deas ,Terry, among the brave. He never shunned his country's call, But gladly gave his life, his all. Te Bled the helpless to defend, A faithful soldier's noble end. Ever remembered by Mother and Dad, McEA:CHERN—in loving memory of my dear brother, Pte, Gerald B. McEeachern, Algonquin Regt, who gave his life ,two years ago today, Sept. 100h, 1944 in active service at Bruges Belgium. I often think I see his smiling face, As he bade his last farewell. And left his home forever, in a distant land to die. Ever remembered by brother Will- i Ston, Basqued Gown I Worn By Bride L1STOWEL -•- Decorated with bouquets of rose and white gladioli. ! the [•n11r•11 Church. Listowel. was tltr ;•,-cur• of a wedding' Saturday art elution when bliss Helen :liar•, c•c.trr•t Currie, itee.N., '1' 1(1 11' nl•. Hamilton. da.ugilter of Mr. and Mrs. P. Y. (!urrlr•, Ll -into -I. heeatn,• tlaa' bride of Mr. George 0. Elliott, son of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Elliott, 1t•rnsesi'. Rev. Tfatrolyd Snell. Auburn, performed the r•eremonY n t=t,'d by Rev. E. A. Earehma.n. (51114tel. of the ehti"r•h. Mr. Lorne Listowel, presided at the organ and Miss Jnata McMaster. Sraforth. 't. soloist. anti "The' Lord's Prayer" before the Ceremony and daring the signing of the reg• !star 'Through the Years." Wren in mavtrage by her father, the bride was wearing a formal: gown of ivory slipper satin fash- irnerl with fitted hasque bodice and bouffant skirt. Her fingertip veil wag held hi piece by a headdrea'a of ostrich tips, and she carried a I Cascade bouquet of Better Times roses. Mrs. J. C. Kranter. Hamil- ton, as matron of honor, had chosen I a strawherty.rnse silk jersey aow'n I styled in similar fashion to that worn by the bride. She wore a matching Dutch bonnet and long mittens and carried a nosegay of Yellow rosebuds and blue delp'hin ism, Gowned alike in radio blue silk jersey with matching Dutch bonnets and Ione mittens. Miss Soda Fallon, Toronto, and Miss Noma Gnwiand, Hamilton. were 1 bridesmaids. They carried nose• a•a,ys of rosebuds and white p111ndum. Mr, Otweil Elliott, Brus- sels, brother of the birdegroom. was best man and guests were ushered by Mr, R. C. Elliott, Brusesl and Mr. J. C. Kreuter, Hamilton. Following the ceremony a re- rept'on was held in the church Parlor with Mrs. Currie receiving In a rl,,.te gray ensemble with black accessories and corsage of Better Times roses. She was assisted by the bridegroom's mother, wearing a rose afternoon frock with black ac- cessories and corsage of yellow roses and blue cornflowers. For a motor trip to Montreal, through the Adirondarks and New England Stades. the bride donned a dressmaker suit of loganberry red' worn with a Russian squirrel neck - niece and brown accessories. Upon their return Mr. and Mrs. Elliott will reside in Brussels. Guests were present from Guelph, Hamilton. Montreal, Buffalo, Tor- onto, London, Seaforth. Clifford. Brussels and Atwood. Mr•EACHFSRN—In loving memory of I my dear pal. Pte. Gerald 13. Me - 1 Eachern. Algonquin Regt.. who gave his life two years ago today. I Sept, 10, 1944, In. active service •at Binges. Belgium, 1 You went it seems but yesterday, And now by crosses row by row, You linger where the poppies grow Not dead, but just away. F,vel' reemmhered by pal Johnny, •..''I1•il KENNY'S LOVI'd STORY in "Talking about riding," said one, American Weekly with this 'I once saw a 'hap in a circus who r:Ma-y's issue or The Detroit jumped on the horse's back, slipped Snnda.y Tmes. •t::acmes+tit, caught hold or Its tail, and finished up on its neck." Easy '"So what." retorted the other. Twat cavalry rcruita (torr. !raving '1 a all that, in my first riding CI Ohl 1. lesson!" It is not possible to issue new Ration books to consumers who in person at Local Ration Boards or at Ration Branches. If you did not secure your new book during official "Distribu- tion Week"—then mail your application card to any Local 'Ration Board or Ration Branch In your vicinity. Your application is to be made on the green card, marked RB.191, at the back of your present book No. 5. Be sure that the card is filled in completely before mailing, and that your name .and address are printed. DELAYED APPLICATIONS will have to be cleared through the main office of the Ration Administration -and your new book will be mailed you as soon as possible. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Farm, Farm Stock & Implements Lot 22, Con. 3, McKillop Twp. 11/4 miles South and an mile East of Walton on TUESDAY, OCTIBER At 1 P,M iat 3 horses 26 bead of cattle Full line of farm machinery 100 acre farm Good buildings. water supply. Hard wood bush TERMS—CHATTELS CASH Property made known day of sale, Reserve Bid. HAROLD JACKSON—Auctioneer GEORGE DUNDAS—Proprietor AUCTION SALE Of Horses, Cattle, Hogs And Poultry At Lot 20, Concession 19, Hallett Township, 2 mileswest of Blyth and R miles north-west or Londesboro, on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4 commencing at 1 P.M, stere, t'he fallowing; I-TORRES-1 matched black team, (t end 7 years, old; 1 bay horse. 6 years old; 1 hay horse, 7 yeers old; 1 blue roar gelding. 6 years old; 1 yearling oalt. TTOCNS-3 sows, due in October; 6 soave due In Derember, VOTTLTRT-4200 Barred Rock Pal- lets, 0 months old: 150 Sussex pal lets, a-and-n.eblf months nld. W0001 --1;R cord of Ceder, 1 foot lengths. CATTLE -25 HOLSTEIN COW'S: 12 slpringers; 3 fresh rows; 10 cows, milking, end bred: 10 Hotetein heifer chives. These calves are all varcin;ated. This is n good herd of cows and all are in good condition, BEEF CATTLE ---10 Heerefem! rows, wilt Hrerford naives by side: 20 TTerefnmd yearling heifers; 15 Yearling. and 2.yenr-odd steers, This is e choice lot of beef rattle. TERMS—CASH Posttivety No Reserve Witmer Howatt, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer t~ 1 }f+' It t'4. NI ri-IrliNTIT SHOP t► fiat Acetv71Pvt,4* xt,•1 Ele t>t•Ic Otw.• shoo is ecluinnecl to do Meet eteas Ali%,n1.51:r•� �• Your Patronage Solicited. Goal Service Assured. • rArr)P P. TS Mr. and Mrs. Chester Rintoul, Helen and Wanda and Mrs, E. J. Pollard and Mrs. Mervyn Pipe spent the week end in Sarnia Port Huron and Petrone. Mrs, Margaret Reynolds of Detroit, Mich. spent a week at the home of john and Mrs. McAnter, 6th line. C. A. and Mrs. Michie. Hespeler ore visiting at the home of Roht. and Ernest Michie, fith line, Miss Violet David of London was a wrel: end guest with Stewart Monkey and his mother. Miss Mn.rY Lyang of the Exeter teaching staff spent the week end with Barbara Michie at her 'home, 6th line. The Community Radio Servic s Sh ^'Sys Now offer you quick reasonable repairs on your radio. TAKE YOUR RADIO TO Freethy's Service Static:a Satisfaction Guranteed. BUSINESS CARDS �4 f C A. MYERS, M. D., L. M. C. C. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Wlllie.tu St. Phone 4. Brtuielc Ont. Allan A. Lamont Agent for—Fire, Windstorm, and Automobile Inssscsaan Get particulars of our Special Automobile Poli