HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1946-9-18, Page 36 4y c. THE BRUSSELS POST Isy ala e e The firm you work for may operate a Targe plant, with costly machinery, and still need ready cash. That's because months often. pass before its products are finished, and sold, and paid for. Meanwhile, It has a payroll to meet every Friday..; BANK CREDIT BRIDGES THE FINANCIAL GAP Every day, business firms make use of bank loans to keep men working, machines running, goods flowing. This bank credit may be used to meet continuing expenses while goods are being processed; to build up stocks of raw materials; to purchase component parts. As finished goods reach the market and payment is received, the loan is repaid. Enterprising farmers, fishermen, merchants—all make similar use of bank credit to meet their short-term financial needs. Thus your bank helps Canadians maintain steady operations—to take advantage of market oppor- tunities both at home and abroad—to grow. And this, in turn means more work, more goods, a higher standard of living for you and for every Canadian: This Advertisement is Sponsored by your Bank CLEARING AUCTION SALE w,n•I: cm the farm, Mr, Sullivan Farm, Farm Stock & Implements etatrd. "With the nrrir-.,1 ut' these, Lot 22, Con. 3, McKillop Twp. men from Europe Canadian Farmers Ile. miles South and s.;, mile East of will lir, in a position to augment Walton on their present labour help by ramie TUESDAY, OCTIBER let Ing to any local office of the At 1 P.M N ,'i' ' 11 Employment Service. In 0 horses this respect, Farmers who undertake ee heard u1' cattle 'littler a T'nll.eb Veteran will be Fail line of farm machinery required to contract for at least one 160 nere farm year's continuous employment." Gond bu.itdinge,, water supply "It is planned," continued Mr. Hard wood bush Sullivan. "to properly equip each TERMS—CHATTELS CASH Palish Fame applicant with suitable Property made known day of sale, work clothes. This. will be Reserve Bid, reui•nleretl before arrival at his HAROLD JACKSON—Auctioneer GEORGE DUNDAS—Proprietor ultlmete cdesdina,tion. Placement will he made by the National Em. ploym'Pt Officers in co-operation In Memoriam with the Provincial Department of Agriculture tit rough ' th e Domini nn - 1n memory of our Dear Mother, Mrs. Provincial Farm Leber t t miftee" S. Fox. who passed nway 5 yianrs tr h:ne Met been annus"red from ago, Sept. 16, 1941. Ottawa that 700 PrtItch War Veterans w!l larrive in Ontario this A wonderful mother, woman and add. :nmith. One who was better God never made; A. wonderful worker, so loyal and true, Narrow Escape One in a million -mother was you, Just in your judgment, always right; Sam Ahoclt, concession Morris Honest and liberal, ever upright; township, narrowly esceped serious Loved by your friends, all you knew Injury while opereting a tractor• on A wonderful mother -mother was you. the $eeim of S. Hoilteger, oouces• Mon remembered, mr 10, Grey towushiip, on Sa.tur- Plie T1a,urily, dray. The nectdeat oneurred white Mr, Alenck was moving a thresh. — r Deg machine into the barn. with the Polish Veterans aid of a tractor. To Work On Farms Here The barn floor gave way beneath Sept. 110, 1946 the tractor, whtdch mashed through Aoordinig bo a statement issued backwards, into the root pit under - today by B. G. Sullivan, Ontario neath, coming to resit on the rent, Regional Superintendent of National fenders and Wheels in a vertical Enup'loy'merit Service, many farmers posdtiom, with the tengu, 01 the In thele Region will 500° have the threshing machine still 'attached. opeot•tnmity of applying for sorely needed farm help from among the four thousand Potdsh, War Veterans who will arrive in t9rie country during September and October. Tt Is understood think the P011041 Veterans, now in Italy are beth "screened" by representatives of Nle Dominion Department of Labour at to .their euIbabilitY for Work on Canadian, Perms, The statement mentioned that between fifteen ilulidrert ,arid two ihoueand of these Veterans wile he placed in farm employment in, Onearie. Tt was enePhastzed in Mr. Snulidvanls re - Marks that only single mean are being ititervdewed preferably with previousfoam experience, Its each oris Nle eTdpldcent must he under lhlrteefive yews Of age. In farther eonrmentdng on the t'eerutting et, Palish Veterans. to A seetian of floor boatel pierced AUCTION SALE of a Choice Herd of Blood tested yocng Dairy Cows and other farm livestock and equipment at Stewart Johnston's farm Queen Street, North adjoining the village of Blyth on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1946 at 1.30 pin. HORSES Mare 6 years old i1lure 11 vials old COWS 11 Holstein rows fresh from 2 - 3 mos. ITnl:dein caw dile Der, 19 ITolstein cow due Nov. 16 Holstein cow due Dec. 21 Holstein crow due .Tan. 15 Holstein cow due March 28 Holstein cow due April 26 Ayrshire row freslh 3 nloeths Jersey heifer fresh 2 months Brindle cow due Dec. 18 ,Ters:e,y cow supposed to he 1n calf Holstein cow supposed to be iu calf Black heifer, springer Jersey heifer 3 yrs, old in calf Some spring ealVee 37 Ewes 3.4 years oid 100 White Leghorn. Fleas 1 year old EQUIPMENT .Set Double Harness De Laval Magnetic Speedway Milk- ing MachlSne complete with 2 single nates and a new 1/ horse electric motor Rubber tire wagon and hay rack on 32.6 bruck tires hese new TERMS CASH STEWART JOHNTON—Prop. STEWADT JOHNSTON—Prop, Fire steering wheel and twisted it, Mr, Aleock succeeded in• getting out of the tractor seat before it, settled on .the room -pit floor, other. wise he would have been pinned beneath 10, He could not get out of the root'pit because oe the bosasctang 's irreunding it, The fiheeislrhhg machine remained tot. tering on Vere edge of the hole above':, and pally tete 1.0090x, still attadied to the tra.etor underneath Prevented it crashing down en top of MT. Alcock who received only braises 011 his race, legs and s'h itl- diers. '1'iie .tractor, which, weigher four tons snfret•ed damage to the wheels ;steering, wheel ard the root. -pit wall and a 0tection of the lower barn wall had to be removed before the tractor amid be eatrteated, MORRIS m r 9 9 M a s o 9 tilt, ;1Lur•li.i- a 'R,- ;,lain, wrvr: Tui p+ 1', j,) I Al !'r hn,,a tl .0 ilr t'hirr•h r,( to 1,.r pre, Yr & , t 7 Z: scant Gtr l CKNX nt, Tueel n . , , o ing Robinson --•Turnbull The eeeldee. i , �°...,-,r•�'..�f'? ir 't' ivnbull. 1t.N_ etmilton, , 1• uudeer of Mr. and Mrs. Tlrug, Turnbull, in the Estate of MILLENA LIND-- Ethel. to Mr Bioses Rubinson. Ilam. SAY. titan, was snletmutrrvl as 8L All pt,reolba having- cilias attains d 'w'= ['rr <hytr•-inn ('dnlrrh h testate of .11TII I ENA LINDSAY, 01.nnilt.nl on Saturday, Sept tete P the Villa„ tt IS!h' I, its the County of Huron. Wel:;w•, who died Rev, De, C. i.. Cowan ol'flcltrtnd• en ,,r about the 9th day of May, lvonl The bride wore a brow', t rhudb1. u11 with .'e cienrirs to 1946, are hereby notified to send = fall particulars of their Malmo to insert anti eoreage of yellow roses. the nnrler4dgn"0 1401trit0r for the She was attended. by Mrs. 1Terna Executors on or before the 5th day T'ow•Ca1, sister or the Taco, Naha ,r1 th'toter. 1146, after which date W0114 a green dressmaker snit and the iratate shall he distributed eors e of pinkrnsos, The groomhaving regard only to the claims of wag sepperterl by Mr, Harald Bowen which the undersigned shall then Alter a lurt sheen at The Rlaelt have notice. TTorse Inn the couple left by motor DATED at Lrstoa'el this 6th day for Muskoka and other points North. of 946, 1 September, On their return they will reside C. JOSEPH BENSON near Hamilton. Listowel, Ontario, Solicitor for Robert H. Vodden and Elgy Brandon, Executors. McKee—Rozel l The wedging of Miss Marilyn Jean Rozell, daughter of Mr. an'cl Mrs. Samuel E. Rozell, 021 Willington St. N.. and Mr. Robert Burk MrT'Cee, soil of Mrs. Dorothy B. McKee of Chester„ Pa., was a smart event at the Missionary Tabernacle yester- day afternoon, Rev. C. M. Sorley of the Associated Gospel Churches officiated et the deuble.ring cere- mony, Pianist was Miss Ruth Cheese- brou.gh of Detroit and soloist, Mrs. Bruce Holton of T-larriator. The bride was gowned In floor - length white taffeta, designed with lily pointed sleeves once a sweet- heart neekline edged with narrow pleating. The skirt was gathe^ed in soft pleats end her finger-tip veil of white tulleedged in fine lace. was hell be place by a marrow halo of tulle ruching banded with sequins. A strand of pearls was her only or- nament. She carried a semi cascade of white gladioli and butterfly roses. Mies. Audrey Woolner attended the bride as: maid of honor, wearing a floor -length gown of pale blue taffeta, stylerl like that of the bride with cap sleeves and matching el- bnw-icngth mitts. Her headdress consisted of a hand of pink glad- ioli and blue cornflowers and she wore a strand of pearls es her only ornament. Miss Kathleen Rozell, niece of the bride attereletd ng flower girl. dressed in pink taffeta, designed I with n sweetheart neeklise, Carp sleeves and a f1111 gathered skirt. A nnrcgay of hire-heatity glarlrnti once prole cornflowers completed her en- srmble, Mr. Martin H. Duff of WI11iarns- pnrt. Pa.,, was best 111011 and Mecs`rc, 14orris and Arthur Rozell, brothers or the bride, ushered. Teener was served to 30 guests At the Oak Room r.1' the 'R'alper T-Touse. -Mrs. Rozell received wearing an aid rose crepe dress- fashioned with ' 1'-rr,rnklinp, brarelet 0leeves and e draped skirt. Rlack accessories and a corsage of hmtterfly rases end heir cornflowers completed her enge11rb1e, 9h1' bridegroom's mother assisted her, weaning a chocolate brewm gown of silk creme. styled with n T'•merleldne, short sleeves and ddne•nnel Holds down the skirt, Het Corsage was of Queen Elizabeth roses and her accessories in winter Far a nhoter trip though New York State nerd Pennsylvania, the bride changed toe black and white '.hack writ with paddy green and black necessaries and a corsage of hotter times 10000. On their return, Mr, and Mrs, McKee will reside at 15 Green Val- lee Pond. Wellingfald, Pa. Among the out -at -town gee5ts at the MoTeee-Rozell weeding yester. day were; Mns, Dorothy R, McKee of Cilleeiter, Pa,. mother Of the bride. venni; Mr, and Mrs, le, V, Byron of Walitiegford, Pa,; Mr, and Mrs. Martin TT, Duff of Williamsport, Pa,; Mrs. A. J. Cheesebrougth of Media, Pa.; Miss Tenth Chee,sebrougi of Detroit; Mr, arcd Mrs, TT. J. Man- ning a -Ring of Beussels; Mr. William Bax- ter Burgess of Norfolk, Ve.: Mr, E, L. Mttteli, Mrs,. Roy Plnnrste.ed and Mss, 1. C. Rozell. all of Clinton. Harold and Mit. Coulson and children of Milton were 'week end visitors with Mi and Mrs. Lorne Nichol and the Michie families, Mrs. Harry Sterling and little , daughter ,Tan:et, of Prescobt, Melte are v'lsdttng fuer aunt, Mra. Teabella Cole, Blyth and consin Mrs. Jas. Michie, 55th line, A splendid Rally Day Service• in conarecteon tvShh Itnox United Church, 13elgrave, was held Sunday morning with an iftbendanoe of 90. Lloyd Anderson rend the story "Truly ll otltors1" while Jim Ander• son of the Trlior Bo. Ys uvnd Muriel Aucleison from the Senor Gtrle gave the ,Scripture etoadinge, Mrs, Geo, Michie gave a splendid Address; from the words found in Luke 91ti1 Chap• ter, "Behold I send you Forbti.'y • Marilyn Rozell Feted By Friends At Party Series A number of parties have been held recently in honor of Miss Mari- lyn Rozell, Wellington St. N„ whose marriage to Mr. Robert McKee of Cihestet', Pa., was an event of yes- terday. The first of these took the form of a dinner party and linen shower at the Pines, Bridgeport. given on July 81 by the firm and staff of J. H. Schmidt and Co„ where tae bride was formerly employed. 511.ss Rozell was also presented with a silver tea service by the firm. On Aug, 13, a surprise miscellane- ous shower was given by Mrs, Mar- tin H, Duff at the home of Mrs. Dorothy B. McKee of Chester, Pa,. Friends and relatives of the couple presented them with a number of gifts. .4. surprise dinner and miscellane- ous . shower was held at the home of Miss Audrey Woolner, Elgin St., on Aug, 22, Girl friends of Miss Rozell spent rhe evening in compiling a bride's book. The following evening, Mrs. Fretl FTartwick entertained at her home nn Binsoartilt Ave.. when the bride's Sunday School class presented her with a shower nr mdareltanenus gifts. The Than.; People's Society of the Missionary Tabernacle eathercrd at the lronle of Miss Rozell nn Ana. 26 .m• a social hunt. During this time they presented Ler with a woollen hlenket and It"Pn bridge set, A surprise miseellaneous shower was riren by Mrs, A. W. Reuel at her home en Virtnrta St., N., the next day. The evening was spent in playing "hearts," with prizes for high and low score going to Miss Laura Manning and Miss June (Mng• erirh respeotively, Maiestio Wor-ours instittute The Sept. meeting of the Majestic 'Women's Tnstitute was 'held et the home of she president, Mrs. Ti'rn. Miller on Thursday P.M.. Rept. 12. The meeting was presided over by Mrs. Puree Cadmor•e vice president. After the agent opening exercise a gond attenlen.ee of members answer- ed the roll call which was, "A inions Canadian Wonsan and why PAW ouc er a fart about the Royal Family." A number of items of business were dealt with among which was the acknnwledgelnent by Mrs. (freer of the Winghani TTospttal Tinned of a gift of $10.00 tirade by HIP Tnstitute, Mrs. E. Cndmore and Mrs, C. Long were appointed local leaders to attend the trainlnA scluooi for Junior work to be held at Wingham. Sept. 23 and Oct. 3. The projeot to be studied le "The Club Girl Entertnins." 'Ti' response to an epepel from the Assoc nted Women of the World fur 1 Ile food parceis to he sent to England the president was instructed to send 1 111, of tea. Ways and means were discussed about raising funds for the Destitute and a bazaar in tee Fall was ang- gested. fit was aim decided to hold a W'Ielhe Elephant sale and a Silver Ton on SiInrd'sy P.M.. Sept. 2100 in the Brussels Public I.Ihrary, Mrs. John Spelt• then gave the topic Famous Women 111 which a chart life history of ,Toan of Are, Florence Nightingale, Queers Vioforia, Lesiva Senora, Nelile Macfiaing wed Edith Cavell were liven. Mention, also Was Matte of Mfrs, Adelaide FToodless.' Elinor R,osevelt, Madame Chiang Tiad!Sihek and' our own Queen. Mrs. Cndmore teen favored the Indies with a solo "The. Rose of Trainee' Lena Miller rendered a 00110 solo. Th. e October Meeting 19 to he bold at the home of Mita, Cart Heming- way, The Nationa.i Anthem brought the meeting n a ern t se after which lunch. Was served.. pr.dne-,lay, Cept,'iuber 18th, 1946 BUMF% CARDS C A. M'YERS, M. D., L. M. C. C. PHYSICIAN nrtd SURGEON Willis to St. Phone 4. 3rtokel: Onrt, Allan A. Lamont Agent for --Fire, Windotwra, and Aututooiale lomatceu' Get particulars of our Special Automobile Policy dtrr fay tWs. Queen St. Brussels Thom+) 587 W. D. 5. Jee >n, M.D., C.M., L-M,C,C, Phys ..en and Surgeon (Coroner) Office Hours -1 - 4 and 7 - S p.m. Also 11 - 12 a.m. when possible. Saturday evenbogs until 10 para. Sundays --Emergencies and by appointment'oob. Home calls in Forenoons and 4 - 6 per. R. S. HETHERINGTON, K. C. -- BARRISTER, ETC. WINGHAM and BRUSSELS AT BRUSSELS Tuesday and Saturday all day — Office open Phone 20x Successor to L. Alas. T. Davidson Insurance Agent For ALL KINDS OF Automobile- and Fire insurance Accident and Sickness Ageni for Great West Life Insurance Co. 'ONE OFFICE 92X BRUSSELS, ON'r. RESIDENCE 81.-4 Harold Jackson SPECIALIST IN FARM AND HOUSEHOLD SALES For information. etc., write or phone Harold Jackson Phone 12 on 658 Seaforth R. R. 1 Brucefleld Make arrangements at The Brussels Post or R. S. Hetherington, K. C., Barrister Office, Brussels. Rann & Johnson Furniture FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer PHONE 36 or 85 — — BRUSSELS, ONT. Lewis Rowland (Licensed For Huron County, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED — PRICES R61Aieell4rtCLA ^nr Engagements Phone 31 "The Ormolu Peet^ an..' rRvj be 'ooketi after immedelt!ely For Information, etc., w :te or phone Lew. Novelette eilee-ft Fit Soaferth: :r write S.R. E, Wuhan - W. S. Donaldson -•- Licensed Anctkvaser Phone 35-r-13 — far the Counties (a Heron and 01'es,b AIt snai em promptly attended to -- Ch rr a eassea:. alta For Fdagogernents phone 31 "Tis= Bnarels Pak" Ithep be looked alter mei9tai. WILLIAM T. SPENCE Estate Agent Conveyances and Cosnr>nisaiormer •GENERAL INSURANCE OFFICE MAIN STREET, — — MEL, Os"'I e', S DEAD or DISABLED eezi.dety removed m Clean Sanitary emcee, Mem eoDea4 i C l3RU55 William Stone Sons Limited ("P A 1'allr1,R (ICI1 Mdse A, Foyer tsand Mrs, Phoreses Mitchel are spending a sew days in London this week, Mime Dorothy IinethCr and fierbie Pride Went to London fast week where ,they meet to obtain employment, Ray Hnedluer, Wli.lton, waas a week ends visitor with Morgan Cameron. Win. and Mrs. Engel, Mille, Don- ald I and nd Robbie, Stro:tfor d spent Sunday at the )tome of M. lTng!e1, Henry Goreelitz etas purchased a house in Brossere. Rev, I. D, MadlVer, fledged by The ep rt °`Ye Is Now pen Highest Prices Paid Honest Grade Assured WANTS LIVE HENS AND CHICKENS also GEESE and DUCK FEATHERS BEST PRICES PAID Before you sell any poultry phone the Export Packers. We will call at your place for any quantity or you can bring thein to us. Expert Packers PHONE 70x BRUSSELS WAY