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The Brussels Post, 1946-9-11, Page 4
1 E M4NOMMOMVAXIZMWiEttRittelfeeteatOMMVIRISMOMPOIRWAIPCK Co re re To Baby Needs Films Developed and Printed School Books and Supplies Greeting Cards for All Occasions Picture Post Cards of Brussels Simplicity Dress Patterns Poultry Specifics Daily Papers and Magazines Prescriptions Dispensed Foot Preparations Ink and Stationery Hay Fever Remedies Fly and Moth Destroyers F. SMITH TF.i ,FPHONE NO. 62 .-- traUGG.i3I' and STATIONER TELEPHONE NO. 62 A A A 1 A A Having sold my General Store in Ethel to Mr. D. H. Swift, 1 would take this op- portunity to thank my many customers for their patronage, and hope for a continuance of same with my successor. Mrs. Annie Ziegler "See Reid and See Right" �drixf CE 2 ENT! R. A r' EID Eyesight Specialist of Stratford Will be at his Brussels Office — Miss Hingston's Store from 1:30 p. m. to 5 p. rn. Wednesday,Sept;1 lth Eyes Ex;: mined, Classes Fitted Complete Eyesight S i'vkke® Eat Richards & S n, Et{'fie TRACTORS AND FARM EQUIPMENT OVERHAULED &veriest Oil and Grease — Agent nor Dominion Tares FOR SALE -- RUBBER TIRED WAGON Agent for Otaco Farm Equipment A A THE BRUSSELS POST Phone 24 ampaaaraaaaaa Brussels, Ont. Boys All Wool Pullovers • $3.19 Boys Zipper Jackets . • ' ...... $3.95 Misses Skirts 12-20, Alpine .. .. ' ' $2.95 Misses Skirts, Wool Plaids ..... • $5.25 Wool Ankle Sox Part Wool Knee Sox * 55c 59c JUST ARRIVED Goods by the yard Latest styles in Dresses for Fall Season See them. whfwe Square e;. lithe u get a e <5 ©t d Ringing In The Winners The most daring and most profit' able of raring rackets is the ringer— s good horse running disguised as a bad one. Dan Parker, noted sports writer, writing in The American Weekly with this n it h s Su day's (Sep- tember 16) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times, tells of one of the turf's most notorious racing groups, Opt Sunday's Detroit Times. IIIMEMEMIMMUSEasclaGLIMICERSITZNSIMISIMEEM Save Time and Money with Surge SURGE milks faster. * SURGE — the machine that does auto- matically what other machines have to be helped to do. * SURGE produces more milk. SURGE gives cleaner milk. MACHINES NOW IN STOCK Ask for a demonstration. Distributor J. B. HIGGINS, Sales & Service Seaforth, Ont. IliliESIONEZZEIBIrar Wartime Price and Trade Board Information Y. 4 Y Questions and Answers Q:--`Iloca th.. Ilett' 'ni711ren which says that you run give a notice to people renline shared aceominottat'on to vaeatt• alany time during the y,qir npnly to these living In other types of tweomnroda` tion. A;—No. A lantllosd ca.nmiot give legal notice to any tenant to vacate clumttng the winter months. ,Except under very special circumstances a landlord cannot give notice to a tenant of honsng accommodator: to vacate at any time, w * Q:—'I am a citizen or the 'United States. I world like to get the number six nation book, as I will be in Canada for six ntoictlis. Can I do this? A:—No, If you make application to your nearest local ration board yon will be given a temporary ration card for the length of your stay beyond seven days. The only way you as a'United States citizen could obtain a ration book would be if you rematn in Canada for a period or longer than six months. 41. Q:—When d•n the first coupona in ration book sit become valid? A:—On September filth five sugar coupons. S26 to Sap anti one meat coupon, M5l, will heeotne v�'llid. Q:—In seen to me as if hair nets have increased greatly in price. Is there no ceiling on hair nems? A:—The price of hair nets is controlled. Haman 'hair nets are reported from China and hecanse of the inflationary prices in Carina the price of these hair nets has auto• matieaily risen in Canada. Retailers end wholesalers of hair nets in Canada are allowed only a speci- fied markup which is added to the inrnotat mire. r • ., Q:—Ration book six was distri- hbted In our section the first three days of this week, I was unable to get urine. What do I do now? A:—fill out and cien the green card in the hack of ration book five and mail to the nearest Rranch office of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board. Your new hook, Ration Bok 6, will be mailed to yon on or after September 86th. 1946. Ration Coupon Due Dates Coupons now due are butter 11.18 to R21: sugar -preserves S1 to S24 and Meat Q1 to Q4. PILES are generally caused from a (blood) conges- tion. Try Bunkers Herbal Pills to treat the cause at its source. Money back, if the first bottle does not satisfy. At F. R. Smith, Rex - all Drug Store, HOW CAN d GET MORE MILES FROM MY i'IRES? GODDESS o4 TIME ... 17 lewots , , , $3750 ) atticia 1, jewels IDENTIFICATION .. BRACELET Alk WARDEN ... 19 lewots .. , 429flt GOVERNMENT PURCHASE TAX EXTRA W G. LEACH Jeweller Brussels, Ont. Have us inspect them regularly; repair cuts and vulcanize weak spots. EXPERT REPAIRS AND VULCANIZING FOR COMPLETE GooD, VEAR TiRE SERVICE - SEE Orwell Elliott Brussels, Ont. ri r .c''.�.�.�'�= ����-'::-:;ti`ti:f'•�nj?ice'{s {'•;;;•:�y:�'�:�w��?��$;' �a^.,v:' 1y.G� eposit your savings in an account with us. They will be secure from theft or other form of loss, and will be at your disposal when and as you wish. The assets of a strong bank are behind every dollar you deposit. 702 THE CANADIAN BANK 1 OE COMMERCE BRUSSELS eRAN.CH_- Walter Porter _ Manager L h e Chk:k Hatchery Barred Rocks, New Hampshire, Barred Rock Hybrids and New Hampshire - Light Sussex Hybrids Day -olds or started 2 or 3 weeks. January to June 1947 delivery. Write or Phone Douglas Lawless, Walton Phone Brussels 90-r-10 Misses New Winter Coats $23.50 up New Fall Dresses Crepes and \kTollens — latest styles $5.95 upto$19.95 . Large assortment of Misses', Women's and Children's All Wool Pullovers and Cardigans in ten shades. Large assortment of men, boys and youths Odd Trousers in tweeds and cottons. Long Stockings in white and sand Sizes 4Y, to 10 Large assortment of men's and boys Wool Pullovers and Cardigans the best selection we have had in years. Men's McGregor "Happy Foot" Health Sox with elastic tops. soft inner cushion sole — in white, gray and green 85c a pair. Boys and youths heavy sturdy School $Cots Sizes 11 to 5%, $2.98 up Boots and ,Shoes For the whole f amilg THE ARCADE STORE , ,• Phone 61 •-- Brussels, Ont. Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Family.