HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1946-9-4, Page 346 6 11 1SehltNl,•.gR!R illi:,R.Rti;R l':c' IE..,"•"�` 1- HE BRUSSPJ.S POST Issued between Septa i her 9th a I:d 16th Distributing Centres will not be open on all days during this period. So -MAKE SURE that you know exactly what days and hours the Distributing Centre you intend to go to will be open. See list of Distributing Centres below. ELATION BOOKS S'JILL NOT BE MAILED OR DELIVERED -THEY MUST BE CALLED FOR Before you go to a Distributing Centre; FILL IN THE GREEN APPLICATION CARD (Marked RIB -191) AT THE BACK OF YOUR RATION BOOK 5, GIVING: 1. Nome and address. (print in block letters) 2. Soria! number os shown on front cover of Ration Book 5. 9. Age --U oppllcant Is under 16 years. 4. Regular signature of ration book DO NOT TEAR THE GREEN APPLI- CATION CARD OUT OF RATION BOOK 5. THIS MUST BE DONE BY AN OFFICIAL AT THE DISTRI- BUTING CENTRE. 1 I1 1 e 1 s ■ 1 *a first coupon; in Bala. Book d became valid > aplom. Isar 19,h. failure to ge, your new book during the official week of dl.lrlbullan 0111 In• vdl0, d.Ioy, and will moon that you wlil be temporarily aritkovt coupon when you may *poorly need them. Then: Take Your Ration Book 5 with the Application Card RB -191 Still Attached, Properly Completed and Signed, to a Distributing Centre and Ration Book 6 Will Be Given You. ADULTS MUST APPLY FOR CHILDREN Children under 16 may not apply for their Ration Boob or those of otters. APPLYING FOR OTHERS My responsible person over 16 may apply for Ration Books for other mem- bers of their family or neighbours, providing above requirements are com- plied with. ARMED FORCES Members of the Armed Forces win continue to obtain their Ration Cards from their own units. LOCAL DISTRIBUTING, CENTRES Addresses Dates BRUSSELS - Library - Saturday Sept. 7th Monday, Sept. 9th, Tuesday, Sept. 10th BLUEVALE - Community Hall - Monday, September 9th BELGRAVE - Red Cross Rooms, Monday, September 9th RATION ADMINISTRATION Hours 7.30 to 10 p.m. 1.30 to 5 p.m. 1.30 to 5 p.m. 2 to 5 p.m. 2 to 5 p.m. THE WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Machinery and Household Effects on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th at lot So. 7, Con. 8 Morris Twp. 1%4 miles north of Blyth and 11/2 miles East at 1 p.m. sharp. HORSES Bay gelding 10 yrs, old Bay gelding 112 yrs. old CATTLE(Durham & Hereford) Durham cow 8 yrs. old bred July Sth Hereford heifer 3 yrs. *Id freshened July 2411i Durham cow S yrs, old bred July 3rd Hereford heifer Syr. old bred Me.y 16 Hereford cow 5 yr. old bred May 12 Durham cow 7 yr, old bred Aug. 24 Durham cow 9 yr, old freshen now Hereford cow 6 yr. old brecli May 25 Hereford heifer 3yr. old 'freshen now 3 Hereford steers 2 yr, old about 1000 lbs. 2 Hereford steers 1 yr. old 1 Hereford) heifer 1a yr. old 4 Hereford heifers 1 yr, old 1 Dtiiahaan heifer 1 yr. old 1 Hereford steer 10 months old 3 Hereford' spring calves 2 Hereford young spring calves PIGS 7 young pigs weaned 4 weeks 1 Brood sow, with 11 pigs ready to wean 1 Young sow bred 3 weeks SoW bred August 150 TIYIPL1SMIEN'JIS Rubber tire waggon with extra steel wheels 16 foot hay rack International hay loader in good re- pair McCormick Deering We rake near- • ly new Deering mower, 6 ft, out McCormicl< Deeming binder 7 ft, cut Massey-T•Tnrris Fertilizer drill, 11 hoe Tnte.rnatiouel menure spren:der Deering' eultivntor 'Dish: Sot 6 -section Harrows with stretch' o1'9 Furrowed rifling plow Quebec sulky 21 TFlelnry writing plow Wonder!, roller root putper 2 steel tired Niggle! Set weATen 1200 11)s, Pig crate Benoit efeighs with bunks' Cutter Soufl&r L0 -it, ski.. pan 00 sap pails and spiis De Laval Crean, Separator 600 IUs Set brass mounted team harness ;n good repair, IHonse collar; 1 pair blankets (new), set single harness, !;wind stone, tanning mill. POULTRY an POULTRY EQUIPMENT 140 Plymnoth Rock pullets 432 month, Roe bred. 125 Rooster 4�G- months old Colony house 10 x 10 wired for elect- ric brooder Electric brooder 500 capacity 1 buck eye coal burner brooder stove 2 range coups, water fountains and feeders 1 compressed air sprayer Wduiffletrees, neckyoke, forks and shovels Few household effects Many articles too numerous to mention TERMS CASH No Reserve as Farm is Sold. J. LESLIE FEAR, Prep. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctoneer E. P, CHESNEY, Clerk COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE At Harold Jackson's Farm 1 mile east of Seaforth on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th at 8 p,01.. 50 head of Durham cattle Calves Pigs and Sows Anyone wishing to bring stook to this sale may do so, HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer S. P. CHESNEY, Clerk Flour ^^ The restriction order limiting the domestic use of wheat for human consumption to ninety per cent of the consumption level of 1.945 was suspended .September 1st according to the Wartime Priers and Trade Bo0rd. At the name time, officials of the Beard said that related aclmielstra' torn' direelivr*s to flour millers and other processors tf wheat and fp Merritt m0noOaetlrner were Winn withdrawn, The fait was stressed by Donald Gnrd<en, Prtoes Board ChairMan that wliile the restrietien order has beet suspended the hour admtnlstrator • NOB continue to supervise the dis- tribution of flour and will particular- ly enforce the Board regulation prohibiting conditional sales of flour to buyers of foods. Restabllshment of Orange Prioes Canadian ceiling prices have been re-established on oranges, due to the C.P.A. increase in nrange prices aeeordng to the Wartlme Prices and Trade Board. 'Phe prices are based on the eurern't O.P.A. price pins transportation prices end mark- ups ,which are controlled by the Prices Board. It is expected that there will be no Increase in Canadian prices' from thea" prevailing in June since the O.P.A. adjustment will be offset by the saving resulting from the parity of the Canadian and U.S. money, CRAN3ROOK 1)511 and 1i1r.. ilai<t-r, Ut•4wit. and 1.4,s1 Ala,)tlr Gia atm;-vliiler erre holiday visitors at the home o1 Pe! 11 111 h lirAir. Martin 1017 Monday for 'I h tme:.vill wh,•re hl to ague Y Herb Jericho, D.ttoit, spent several 1155.., lief• with hl;; tether. raw JeYrle' Mrs, J. D. Hinchloy, Seaforth le visitlt•g rvUb hru' aster. Mrs, Wm. Smalldon. Nine 411111 11r•. Novel n'rl (1er'nn were week e1111 vsitor.1 with Wm. and Mrs. Engel and family at Strat- ford Sehcol re -opened for the fall term on Tuesday of this week. Notice to Creditors In the estate of Charles S. Miller late of the Village of Brussels in the County of Huron, laborer, who died on or about the fourth day of July, A. D. 1946. TAKE NOTICE that all parties having claims or demands against the estate of the above deceased must mall particulars and proof of same to the undersigned executor or his solicitor on or before the eleventh day of September, 1946, upon which date the said a xecutor will proceed to distribute the assets with regard only bo those claims which shall then have been received, Donald M. MacTavish Executor WFCw•LTON Mr. and 11 Ind l.al- 11 e101 00 Ray o1 13.11t Ii!triatur.Mtsli. the 110.•11 ,,d with Mr aml '11t=. Pat (Voila Russell '11 irk« has ...!.ached htlielq 10 lily u,•tvgarage rat the lot allj5eent t', the hotel and nel•knu•u ,ul bu:,) 11111:111g cement for the walls. The building will serve as a combined enrage and maeltlne-shop. Rae -Houston w(rs severely shnk• en up and Buffered minor injuries when he fell through a hole in the halm floor Sunday morning. He Is now convalescing at his home on the 16th concession of Grey townslhlp. Carpenters were working at the school last week. Old doors have been replaced and many of the windows repaired, Personals': Keith Lawless, who has been holidaying at Wilbur Turnbull's home during the sum- mer, returned to London for the opening of school; Rev. and Mrs. Hazelwood returned home on Fri- day from Port Carling where they spent the month of August at their newly built summer cottage. Ration Coupon Due Dates Coupons now clue are sugar - by his solictor R. S. Hetherington, Preserves 01 to S25; butter 1118 K. C. Brussels, Ont. to R20 and meat Q1 to Q3. Er" ',1 0 ,����y� _ ,,9 Good Fore • Ail Kinds of i Baking IA 416la 61140 SOLI? iN BRUSSELS AT BARKER BROS. ��� Phone ti Butcher' Shop Brussels. a • Because of n misunderstanding of siaughterhrg regulations the region - 51 office of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board Pined a statement elririPylrig these regulations: which aro defined in Board Order 615. Board °Metals said that a farmer may Sianghler for himself but when doing so he mnstt egleter with his Irmal ration hoard and surrender coupans for the meat that he has ohtaned from the slaughtering, Tt wee pointed out that if a farmer does not do the slaughtering for himself rind wishes to beve it drone Per him he may have 1t done only by 11 slaughterer tinkling n W.P.T,B, permit . If a. farmer has his slaughtering done in this way he mast scrim! n special authorization from his local hoard office or from 1110 regional office before the slelighterer may kill tor frim. As when he s1n(1.glhter2 for himnel1 he )Iu1Rt register with the local ration boatel 51111 surrender 11511on ('51190115 for the moat. A farmer ennnef x011 meat which h.e bas slaughtered for his own nee except to n 11910110r farmer who peolieses for his own use or for the nee of 111:11 family, The neighbor tanner must suh11111 Winn 5011pene for the meat to the former Prem whom lie gete the meat, Board nffielats said. BUSINFSS CARDS . t C A. MYERS, M. D.. L. M. C. C. —� PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Willit.in St. Phone 4. Erns: els Ont. Allan A. Lamont Agent for—Fire, Windstorm, and Automobile Imasurasaz Get particulars of our Special Automobile Policy Jot farmers Queen St. Brussels 'Phone 687 W. D. S. Jill„ -n, M.D., C.M., L.M,C,C, Phyr:_.an and Surgeon (Coroner) Office Hours -1 - 4 and 7 - 8 p.m. Also 11 - 12 a.m. when possible. Saturday evenings until 10 p.m. Sundays—Emergencies and by appointment cub. Home calls in Forenoons and 4 - 6 pus. R. S. HETHERINGTON, K. C. -- BARRISTER, ETC. WINGHAM and BRUSSELS AT BRUSSELS Tuesday and Saturday all day — Office open Phone 20x Successor to L. — „oNE Chas. T. Davidson Insurance Agent For ALL KINDS OF Automobile and Fire Insurance Accident. and Sickness Agent for Great West Life Insurance Co. OFFICE 92X BRUSSELS, ONT. RESIDENCE 9.5'.'4 Harold Jackson SPECIALIST IN FARM AND HOUSEHOLD SALES For Information, eto„ write or phone Heroic' Jackson Phone 12 on 658 Seaforth R. R. 1 B,'ucefield Make arrangements at The Brussels Post or R. S. Hetherington, K. C., Barrister Office, Brussels. Rand & Johnson Furniture FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer PHONE 36 or 85 „�- �- WBRUSSELS, ONT. Lewis Rowland (LlcensLd For Huron County, SATISFACTION GIJAS,ANTEED — PRICES REAO0PSAd1,LIS °or Engagements Phone 31 "The Leru000to Pkost'a ono 01,1,r cat be looker+ after Immedettely Per Information, rte., w ;te or phone Low. Merlotti; SSW t.2 eel nesterth: sr write RLR. 9, Wahook, W. S. Donaldson --.. Licenised, And:imam. . Phone 35-r-13 •-- )r the Counties of Heron mei it mitt AB slides promptly attended to 0144110111 seedarate For Engagements phone 31 "The i ts+tseete Nilelets+; tet we} he looked after knosedletellr. it'EltNil.slta i . Slil'T. 4111 1944 0 )y1 e 18711946 4 7 YEARS STRONG l :: lie "s „, Akssocia,tion. t'rfderafion o de Ll. e• J. C. LONG^Representative, BRUSSELS RYAN—In brother 3rd, Days Tears For Though Always Miracles Mind Of the dramatic ers who hospital Paul most habilitation can (September Sunday In MemoriamProfitable lovingmemory of i1 who passed away Sept" 1046. of sadness still conte o'er us, in silence often flow. memory keeps you ever near us, you died one year ago. remembered by his sister. Bernadette and family. drat Father had Robby haw he had held and a penny which be Bobby had I "Surely, last, "you piece Is worth penny4" "Not the me." said made threepence already." ° Optometrist `Western Modern Phone been teayhing hitt] to do sums. Sis tlm ea out a threepenny-piec and asked his SO would have. Each tin taken the penny. - ' Lobby,' 'said father I know a. OUthrthan run more to you than " way you're teaching the youngster, "IN on the del f` of the Menders all the great works of healing. most exciting, touching and is that of the Mind Mend- operate in a government at Staten Island, New York, Gallic() traces some of the remarkable oases of re- by them, in The Ameri- Weekly, with this Sunday's S) issue of The Detroit Times. -' t F. )r��lii�s�l Registered Ontario's Most Eye iia 118, dtsrristos qtr Your Enjoy ,,sA ADA E A , • WILLIAM T. SPENCE E tate Arent Conveyancer ) and Commisrfioner GENERAL INSURANCE OFFICE MAIN STREET, — — E 1THEL, ONT. .............. . DEAD lir DISABLED trod.... Phone collect. aI.S ft Sons t jute 'f r. Onxig11 v rercaov� r® Clean Sanitary 7'2 BRUS William Stone w.n ' en Paid Assured. Before Exporr't. pace them PHONE ate. m T"' Is NoI,a ,alit Highest Prices Honest Grade aaaw,e a e.of phone the call at you can bring Nrie ra,®, ke rs „MUSSELS $• �+ •. L1L5 kgs ^s r� Glx LIVE HENS ANI) CHICKENS also GEESE and DUCK FEATHERS BEST PRICES PAID you knell any poultry Packers. We will for any quantity or you to us. .>......,w... -e .•—a..,.�, em.n .a9-aa,.,m�a..,a-m )i" 'til aC 70x 9 a e