HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1946-7-17, Page 1.OST 1U 1L!SHING HOUSE
Si. John's Ladies Guild
And W. A. Meeting
A joint meeting of the Ladies
Guild and W, A. of Sit. John's was
held at the rectory on Tuesday,
July 9th. Hymn 679 was sung, The
.president of the Guild led in prayers
and scripture lesson taken from 1st
St, John 4 chant., was read by Mrs.
B. Bryan, Several items of business
were discussed. A quilt top donated
by Mrs. Muldoon was sold at the
meeting, Mrs, McCauley acknow-
ledged with thanks, a card and mes-
sage of sympathy, sent to her son
Lorne Birthday money was given
in by two members.. Guild adjourned
and W. A. carried on. Minutes were
read by the secretary and adopted.
President Mr's, Rev, Kerr pointed out
that all unmarried lady missionaries
are supported by the W. A, a fact, a
large number of our members do not
know, An appeal from Huron
College was sent out for sheets and
pillow cases and it was moved by
Mrs Whittard seconded by Mrs.
Davis that we buy one pair of sheets
and one pair of pillow cases, carried.
Mrs. Kerr closed the meeting with
Wed", My 24th
Game called for 7:30 sharp
ADMISSION — 25c and 10c
When Brussels meet St. Columban
in the first round of the playoffs they
are meeting the top team and with
your support and confidence they
will go a long way. So come out and
enjoy yourself and support your
home club.
In Brussels Town Hall on
Music by Ken Wilbee's
And His Orchestra
Lunch Booth
Admission 50
Under auspices of the Brussels
Branch of the Canadian Legion
Come and enjoy yourself
"Marvel Not that 1 said unto
thee, Ye must be born again"
Me1vile Church
Minister Rev. G. A. Milne, M.A.
10 a. m. Sunday School
and Bible Class
11 a. m. "To Whom Shall
We Go?"
Evening Service Discontinued
Until September 8th.
Louis A Thompeoa, organist
and Choirmaster.
The United Church
Minister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson
11 A. M• Morning Worship
Mr. Earl Anderson
Junior Congregation.
Everyone Welcome.
No Sunday School or Evening
Service Until September 8th.
Church of England
Rector Rev. J. H. Kerr
Parish of Bruaeele
Fifth Sunday After Trinity
July 21st, 1948
8t. John's Church Brussels—
10 a. m. Sunday Scheer
11 A. M. Morning Prayer
and Sermon
8t. David's Church Henfryn—
2.80 P. M. Evening Prayer
and Sermon
8t. George's Starch Walton--
/.80 P. M, Evening Prayer
and Sermon
Band Concert
Th,aer will be a hand concert _aver
by the Brussels Band at Victoria
Park, Brussels, at nine o'clock
Thursday evening, July 19th. 130
at the park to enjoy it and to show
your appreciation for their splendid
efforts and long hours of practice
heat we might have a local band
Class tie 5 Ads
A Chess hub cap.
Apply at The Brussels Post,
A hand washing machine and
good wringer.
phone 31-r-12 Mrs, Carrie Sellers {I
A Roan Durham Bull pure bred, 1
23 months old.
phone 51-r-6 Harvey Bryans I
29 pigs ready to wean, also a few
square thick butt shingles holidaying at their
Gordon Knight Phone 484-24 I Bogies Beach.
Wednesday, July 17th, 1134EBRUSSELSOPi iJ
Betassele, Orangemen,
Tile hi • 1::00r nl it. S. !tethering- : Went To Myth
tan, lit. will b ,lewd 1.0111 July The Brim, '1.4 Oral,( L0r1-;a pa
22 to August 'and, except on Tues- ,ticianted in the 121 11 of Jul
days and Saturdays of each week ' rri, bralion at Myth,
when Mr. Hetherington trill ba in Wm. Thnell of Brussels, 52 year
attendance trate 10 a.m. to 5 p.m, i of •t 00, W,1:1 the disAMction o1 bean
pie of lite oldest Orangemen to tak
an active part in the day's celebra
1 tion.
1 L. 1?. Cardiff, M.P., was one of th
main speakers of the day, He but definitely rot tried hard enough.
Impresed his listeners with the fact Even if the Christian Gospel is not
that there is a big job for the Orange a sordid gospel in the ordinary sense,
order to do, He urged the need of it is nevertheless a Gospel of Sal -
one flag, one law and one language vation for all men everywhere
for a more united country. to man's deepest needs. That is
Lodges on parade at Blyth led by why the Church has been a mission -
the Lucknow pipe band, were from ary body and must continue to he.
.Clinton, Bayfield, Varna, Hensel', The Gospel has called the Church
Seaforth, Greenway, Lucan, Wood" into being a society one of whose
ham, St. Marys, Auburn, Belgrave, main concerns is the practice of
Gorrie, Brussels, Wingham, Bluevale., ,tus,Hee or righteousness, and it
Belfast. Nile, Lucknow and Blyth. rammer rut Itself off from the world
Loyal True Blue lodges paraded from
Gerrie and Lucan. in which It is compelled to live. The
precepts of the Gospel may be
Many from BPnse_sle and common-Presents
mainly to guide the indi-
vidual life of the Christian, but the
• • • * • n. n •
M. Carlton, Toronto, called an
Brussels friends on Tuesday.
13, Alien is holidaying at Dyers
i M L
Mrs. L,' Porter Is attending a
poultry convention in Guelph.
Nr • •
Mr, and Mrs, C. McNeil and
family have taken up residence here,
• c r
Miss Mary Lou McFarlane is
spending her vacation in Thornhill
and Toronto.
,. . *
Mrs. A. Wood and family are
cottage at
Oats and mixed grain. Heavy duty
stock pump, (Beauty.,
phone 36-14-6 John J. Kelly
200 Hybrid (Leg. H. x Red)
pullets, 'Started to lay.
phone 23-r-5 Eldon Wilson
On the premises of the undersign-
ed on July 16th a roan bull about
2 years old with horns.
Phone 24-r-122 Dan McKinnon
Electric motors rewound and re-
paired. Expert workmanship, Mod-
erate prices, Lloyd M. Bettger,
Monkton, Ont.
Kitchener Big -4 Chicks are
available in most breeds for delivery
this month. dayold or started. Sum-
mer prices are in effect: you'll find
them hery reasonable for those fine
chicles. Agent R. S. Warwick, Hill
Ton Ranch, Brussels,
Choice mixed hay by the sere buyer
to pay 50% at time of sale and bal-
ance before cutting.
Chas. A, Lamont, Lot 10 Con, 7,
Grey Twp.
To purchase pullets Barred Rooks,
New Ilampshires, White Leghorns
any age from eight weeks up to lay-
ing. Good prices paid. Apply to
Twaddle Chicles Hatcheries Limited,
Fergus, Ontario,
2-100 acre farms, bush, hydro and
near school with good buildings,
1-4200 acre farm good buildings,
price $4500,00.
Brick house, barn 2 acres land sit-
uated outside of gond town on high-
way, price $2000,00
J. O, Long, Real Estate Broker.
Brussels% Ont,
Established Rural Watkins District
available. If you are aggressive,
and between the ages of 25 and 52—
have or can secure travel outfit, this
Its your opportunity to get establish-
ed in a profitable business of your
MM. For tell particulars write to-
day to The J. R, Watkins Company
Dept. O -B-4, 91117 Matson St
Montreal, Que.
Notice is hereby given that I
have complied with aeetion 8 of the
VOTERS' LIST ACT and that f
have posted rip at my office in true -
eels on the Thirteenth day of J1117
1946, the list of all persons
entitled to vete itt the said Munici-
pality at 'Municipal elections and
that such Hat remain there for
And I 'hereby call upon ail voters
to take immediate proceedings to
1 have any errors or omissions cor-
rected according to law, the last
day for appeal being Tuesday
August 6811, 1946.
Cleric of Municipality of the
Village of Brrtesels,
• .
The many friends, of Mr, W.
Procter are glad to see him bac)) in
his store again,
• * *
Mrs. A. M. Grewar is recovering
favourably from a recent operation
in Kitchener hospital,
Mr, and' Mrs, A, Synnott were in
Guelph this week where they attend-
ed the Poultry Convention,
w • m
Mr. Geo. Chidlow, Hespoler, was
a visitor with his brother-in-law, N,
Chapman and Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
a e ■
Mr, and Mrs. Swinton and Miss
Gertrude Coates of Toronto are
visiting at the home of Mrs. Chas.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliott have
returned from their honeytnoon and
taken up res•idenee in their home on
Princess street.
Mr. and Mrs'. Kenneth McIntosh
and son of Detroit were week end
visitors with his mother Mrs. E, 0.
McIntosh and Jas. Thuell,
* a •
Misses Mary and Helen Mot
Cutcheon have returned home after
spending two weeks' vacation with
friends in Bucyrus, Ohio,
• • •
Mr, and Mrs. Ino, Topham, Mrs,
A. Wallace and son Mervin, Ford-
wich, were Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. R, W. Kennedy.
* •
Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Henderson and
two daughters, Seaforth, called on
Brussels friends on Monday after-
* • *
Mrs, D. R, Cunningham and Miss
Evelyn Cunningham spent a few
days this week at the home of Mr,
and Mrs, Schnelier, Baden,
• • •
Dr. and Mrs. W, L, McCutclteon,
Fred M. O'Brien and Fred B. O'Brien
of Berwick, Penn„ are spending
two weeks with relatives and friends,
• •
Mr, and Mrs, W. D, Eekmier of
Monterey Park, California. and Mary
iielen Whinier of Flint, Mich., are
holidaying with their parents L. W.
and Mos. Eekmier,
Rev, George A. Milne, M.A.
What Is The Church? —(6)
Ayr Banker Take2D1ir.. �41+IUiATt�ilit 'i
ti;. Ai Brussels ':Ir1Rtirr '1'h r;t➢;ei'. a
AYR, July 10 -- Wa Pc,r abo..,, ,, :,; l r ;1+,• 't Irv;; azn7
manager of the Ayr Bank Inf C;rt, :ri' •;1 ;1,:: n;rnil,rr;. ,:tt,;;.
ruet•on ➢, h,rime trenoferted Ln R,r_ _ r>41rd,
In recent years we have often •,1,. L. R. Hamer, ,r' P., ton, wit or
be,•u fond „'ti➢ a ;Ns( etion that succeed him. :lir, ,Old art;. Pori to wen. recut and adopted on
g Christianity lies failed to find a eure and daugther, Joyce, came to Ayr
o for the social ills of mankind. to flee and a half years ago from
- which it is but a puller] answer to Plattsvllle. kir. Porter is a past
say that Christianity has not been president of the Curling Club, and
" tried, Christianity has been kited it or the executive of the Rowli"i
Club. He is secretary -treasurer of
the Business Men's Club and on
the board of managers of Knox
United Church.
We desire to thank all those who
rendered us assistance in any way,
at the .time of the recent fire. It was
all much appreciated,
The Martin Family
Engagement Announcement
Mr. and Mrs. ,Toho Gibson of
Brussels wish to announce the en-
gagement of their eldest daughter
Aleen Merle to Joseph Richard
Southgate, Toronto, youngest son of
the late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel South-
gate • of Wallaeeburg. The marriage
to take place early in August.
The United Church
Sources of Courage, was the sub-
ject of the sermon at the morning
ssrvlce in the United Church. The
sermon was based on Psalm twenty-
seven;— "Wait on the Lord and he
shall strengthen thine heart" A duet,
"The Pilot of Galilee," was sang by
Mssers, Lawrie Cousins and John
Fish and Chips
If one of your favourite dishes is
"fish and chips" the place to enjoy
them cooked just right—golden
brown chips and fish at its delectable
best is at "NORM LEVER'S FISH
AND CHIP SHOP" at Clinton, on the
highway to,-Goderich, They are
delicious Try them for yourself.
Just drop in at Norm Lever's and
order "fish and chips,"
ROBB—In Wingham General Hos-
pital to Mr, and Mrs, Harry Robb
of Brussels on Saturday, July 13th,
a daughter, Marilyn Arlene,
• • • * * * •A r a
Harvey Johnston and Jos. Mill
Moved by Chas Grr,rih „c, Sl
by .T:." Vont Ihat ,i ^rent eft
be given to Blyth Agr1ot spent.
Soeiely, Carried.
Moved: by .Sam Alcork sssosssists
by Jos 'f uill that the minutes of Stu
court 41 Tir.virion lin ar ,pt. --d
—C:,rr rte
Moved by Harvey .1st1t .'c'n
seconded by Chas. Coulter that ?itg
W' E D Lt 1 N G road hills as presenters by the H,'ad-
Rnp"rirtendent be paid. --Carrlatt
Moved by Chas. Coulter seeon3i
hy Jos. Yuill that the A.ssosor's Midi
On Saturday afternoon, July 6th, ho accepted and that the assessor
Knox Presbyterian Church was the Paid. —Carried
scene of a pretty wedding when Moved by Chas. (loultes sec 'a i1
Wilma Eileen, elder daughter of Bir. by ,Tos. Ynill that Morris Tnwnn'Fr2de-
and Mrs. S. J, Bell of Teeswa.ter, give $500.00 to Wingham Hospital_
became the bride of Richard Cecil Amendment moved by Haro-a
Elliott, eldest son of Mr, and Mrs. Johnston seronded by Ram Al'tjttsmk
that Morris Township :rive $25S 51tl
to Wingham Hospital. —Carrier:
Moved by Harvey .Tnhnsfen sec- rs&
ed by .Sam Alcock that the meettvig
adjourn to meet again nn August 11E;,
1946. at 1 p.m. —Carried.
The following accounts were: pus's
Blyth Agrieultnrai Society
grant 6 2'PJ'zi
Bearc's Ltd., pen and pencil
sets 115.51
Advance -Times, advertising
Ernest Michie Bird Drain 513.V.7
Sam Fear, Bird Drain .....,29.52
r ,r
* • >r •* * r•
Christian lives not to himself alone. G. Elliott, Brussels.
not oven in the society of faith alone The ceremony was performed by
but also in the world. The hearing Rev, D, B. Cram. Ries, Cram played
of the Carpel precepts on the life of the wedding music, and Miss Jean
the Christian In the world has Ritchie sang "At Dawning," during
always been important, but never the signing of the register,
more so than in our own time. The The bride, given in marriage by
time has come when the Church her father, wore a floor -length gown,
must assert with all the vehemence of white satin and taffeta with fln,r
in its power that there are "things tin veil and carried a Colonial
which are God's," The Church can ho"q'met of red roses. She wore the
only hope to help the world and to vermin's gift, a necklet of pearls,
save the world by being true to The bridesmaid, Miss Doroih•-
Bell, sister of the bride, wore a floor -
length gown of Wink taffeta with Mervin alcrlanley, Bird Drain 25.18`
matching shoulder veil and carried Bent Pease. 131rd Drain 45.ZJ
pink and white roses. The flower Jos. Twill, transportation /ME
girl. Joan Petteplaes, in Horn length Richard Alcock, Blyth Creek
blue eyelet with head dress of blue Drain
ribbon and flowers, carried a nosegay Som AIcock, Commissioner
of pick rose buds. on Blyth Creek SSE
Mr. Orwell Elliott, brother of Harvey Johnston, Commis-
the groom, was hest man. The sloner on Blyth Creek IS
ushers were George Elliott, brother A. E. Nethery, salary 1i'rtn:IEI
of the groom, and Lloyd Sillick, postage etc. ILSs
cousin of the bride. equalizing school 5,x955
A reception was held at the home Wingham Hospital, grant secs 45
of She bride's parents, after which Geo. C, Martin. Clerk
God Who calls it into being, The
Church is not primarily the trustee
and :guardian of human civilization,
but of faith in God and His Gospel of
Salvation through Jesus Christ, It
stands or falls with the assertion
that the world and human history,
with their change and flux, beginn-
ings and endings, are alike in the
power of God, and that man, His
creature, is. the object of His re.
deeaning love, destined to an eternal
blessedness in His Kingdom, which
is not of this world, but is both
supernatural and supertemporel. A
realisation of that great truth is im-
perative in a badly shaken world.
Melville Church
At the morning service the min
ister preached on the subject
"Growing In Grace," a subject which
emphasised the need for cultivating
all the Christian graces,
A vocal trio, with Margaret
Cardiff, Frances Bennis, and Laura
Spear, rendered "Flower and Tree"
hy Gustave Klemm.
SPETlt Tn Brussels on . Tuesday,
Tilly 16th, 1946, Mary McCrae
beloved wife of the late Tames
Spelr, in her 92nd year.
Funeral will he held from her late
residence Th•ontas St., Brussels on
Thursday, ,Tuly 13th, 1946 Service
at 2 p. m. interment in Brussels
• * *
Mr, and Mrs, Ronald Sinclair of
MIami. Florida, were visiting friends
in Brussels on Tuesday, It is eigh-
teen years since Mr. Sinclair, son of
the late Wm. Sinciair, has been
back to Brussels,
• * ■
Jean Waltzer returned to New York
on Saturday after spending her holt-
days in Montreal, Leaside and at the
parental home Rrnssels. Miss M,
P. Stewart of the Ttennro High
Seltnni staff sport a few days at her
home here before going to Toronto
to mark Departmental French
A iawyer wa.e examining the wit. I
'Yon say you had -no education,'"
he said sbnrply, "hat manage to an.'
ewer my tlucsttons smartly enough." ,
"Well," .answered the witness
calmly, 'yon don't 11076 40 be a
scholar to answer silly questiotfs," ;I
atia�,.�,• �., ter,,
Applications for the combinedposition
of a Chief of Police and General Utility Man
for the Village of russels.
Applications will be received Lop to
July 18th.
R. S. Warwick,
rosimtemomeastromeronimems*,ereraar,,mvumnocerpanomerp *am
. irtI,SS s Cvic Horiday
To fall in line with other municipalities in the pro-
vince, the business people ask that
August 5th
Etc Brussels Civic Holiday
And I hereby proclaim the same a Public Holiday and
ask that all persons observe it as such,
R. B, Cousins, Reeve.
Mr. and Mrs Elliott left on a
wedding trip to Muskoka and other
points. On their return they will ,
reside in Brussels.
Football Stand ing
W. L. T. P.
St. Columban 7 0 1 15
Walton 4 1 3 11
Brussels - 3 4 1 7
Seaforth 3 4 1 7
Ethel 0 8 0 0
At the meeting in Seaforth, Tues-
day, ,iu1y 18, Brussels and Seaforth
were tied for 3rd place, To decide
who would meet St. Columban Brns-
eis and Seaforth tossed a coin
and Brussels last the toss Seafortb
chose to meet Walton. That left
Brussels with no choice but to meet '
St. Columban in the first round of
the Semi-finals a winner in both
teams to he declared by Saturday.
July 27,
The semifinal playoffs are as
Walton at Seaforth July 20
St. Columban at ••Brussels—July 24
.Seaforth at Walton—July 25
Brussels at St. Columhan—July 26
Mrs, J. H. Cameron. London is a
visitor with Mrs, R. K. McDonald
and Miss A. Forerst,
Services will be held in Knox
Church on Sunday, July 21st at 11
o'rloeic with Sunday .School meeting
et 10:15, Rev, S. Brenton, Ethel
will he the minister.
Miss Joan Hunter, Seaforth, is
enjoying a hnitday with relatives
Mrs. Wm. C0meron spent a week
with Ales And Mrs. Clerk, Brussels,
Will end Mrs. McNair end daugh-
ters Travnrre anti Diane have moved
tn Brunels.
111d, Smatldnn has returned to his
home in Toledo atter vacationing
with friends here,
Mos. A. Whitfield is a patient In
Listowel hospital as the result of a
stroke suffered over a week ago.
ivan ir,1OTON—Mr, and Mrs, II. J.
Midtdleton of 'Leaside are happy to
announce the arirvatl of their son
Charles Thames on Thuredo.y,
1 Jnly 4, 1946 at St. Michael's HOS.
Intal, Toronto, Mother and babY
doing 0300,
It's the weather that makes mr
breaks the hay crop. A cold, boobs
oo s -ward spring retards the growth. Toss
murk moisture hrings it along ,tor
soon. Night frosts cut it down.'*.a:
won't grow in a dry spring. Pint
winds are against it.
This sprirg we had a sample ,:.
all those kinds of weather ao:d
weather conditions. and for quite' n
long time there wasn't much stats
about the hay crop, end what thte
was sounded rather discouraging.
But times have surely ci1ang.
Hay is being cut. and even the ra
pronounced pessimist San'? say •
erne is a failure. The feet reali?r 10
that it is gond. Very good.
Again the weather is the decidE=g
factor in a good or bad hny resale,
Haying repuires hot, but not antsg4gY
weather. Lots of bright son, but :31
fresh breeze with it. Even ti slams -eels
now and then doesn't hurt much.
And right now we doubt vatrfr
mush if the farmers themselrwge
could improve on the kind t T
weather we are having for haying.
Tint hay is only one prodnet o? law
farm, althnuph an ` important ones.
The vrain is turning, the ,beans =se
well along and the corn Is wait sg
and this haying weather agrn,:esc
with then all.
All of which is to the ,good„ 'sn;
farmer needs the returns, end «`yt;OS's
is oven a greater need through(
the whale world for the products '
grows. No harvest en.n be too '4;'
ltfte. esti
The ratepayers will he paid ;is's
rod to keep the roadside cleasl fa'
weeds anal long grass daring tin -
season of 1940. The ea -operation dr$
every one is requested in this wo>r;
as it will he of great assistancs. itre
eonneetion with the work ofman'
removal during the Doming winter;,.
Hugh B. Smith,
Road Superintendent
The Memorial Service M the ifflitust
Centre Cemetery will he held In Mt.
Cemetery nn Sunday, July 1401 as ;94'
P.M. Rev, James Terry, a tomato'
Atwood boy will be the special epo -
er Listowel Legion Boys'. Bang, 'lief: