HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1946-7-10, Page 2••e You may never sell Gas to U.S. motorists v CANADA'S A'S TOURIST BUSINESS is YOUR business t ETHEL Toui1sr money spreads around. The garage man, the grocer, the farmer— everybody benefits directly or indi- rectly.The tourist industry is profitable business—words protecting. Especially this year when the impression American visitors take back with them will influ- ence Canada's tourist industry through all the year- to come, CANADIAN TRAVEL BUREAU Department of Trade & Commsree, Ottawa °Cwt, =liver fuze: 'tr'd ':.:a ,WM or Alex Dunbar's rartn killed over 100 of his chickens, then went Sin a ramPagt' throuahaut the neje:h• harbood leaving at least seven more dead chickens on their trail. T'' foxes are being hunted by M. Mc. Donald and William Stevenson. After the foxes had slain the 100 chickens they went to the taro of Bryan Ames, a . n r ,.,r t d•stnnee away' .rand ,eil'ed seven mm., chickens of 1 a. flock of over 300 before Mrs. Ames, investigating a commotion sat Ile chicken range, sate them wads ,'based them away. But for the Dunbars troubles did not come singly. The day after the 1epredations of the two foxes Mr. Dunbar was stricken with a heart asttack while atop a load of hay. Diving the past few days work- men have repaired sidewalks in the pillage and a new double walk has been laid to the township hall. 'his has been a week of old boys' BLUEV ALE 1 1'ht Women's Assoelatl.en of he t"niudt Church met at the home of Mr.:_ William Nichahon .or-T1tu'.•sd:ty afternoon wi'h 39 ladies in attend. tt1,1 1 t. Airs. Arthur flow. min v Al! reunions in Ethel. Mrs. Nellie Campbell, who left 20 years ago for west- ern Canada, returned to the village this week and is renewing old ac. She was the former Nellie Laird. .air} "rs Wiitlxnt Savage of I was read by Miss Mary Darling. • Softest Belle a reading, '.Miss V}Mniia, B.C., and Wilbert and � c,.ntt road a story of different Bible John Linsey of Westminster. B.C. t srnrte^s and thew special gift who were "old pals" here many e rile saltire of rod. year, ago, were reunited when they i lir. LPl tnd J rgensen with her returned to the village to Nisi` n7 rents nese Chicago: Rev, Leland "r. s.at-see is a former 1 b ecl. aids. He learned the t. +ler the late John Eckmier. Mrs. Savage is the former Miss Millie Nickel of Union. The Sav- age and Unsay families left here PM' western Canada. A 11. Lamont of W-innipea :•adinz a few weeks at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Tu:t:bnl. r Mt -s Isabel Turnbull of Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Pollard and and Miss Jean Turnbull of Ottawa ehildreu spent a few days last week are holidaying at their home here. in Hamilton with Mr. and Mrs, Edgar - Hollinger. THE BRUSSELS POST r ••1 ,1 :+.i•• -I 1. , 111 Cnsrte t It oilton .,, 1t tt it 1' 11 t t 1 ,, 1 a-... t 1..' :11..1 !h,-• 1 11'1 1}11 1,.' Shinned Missicne y Bale Int-- ert,ltlert. Mr=, Alex. Mc- , r, -,,o14,-,1.. p'- sI 10,l at the monthly re, etine of 11,,. W. Pi S. Of th, 1"11941 Chureb. Mrs. .Tames Rob- ertson reported eendins a misstep a•y tall vrdne,i at over :W. Mrs. Robert Shaw gave a temperance reading Mrs. Stanley Darling and F.3waret Johnston hail .charge of the study program, "We Look: at the W. M. S.."- in which was reviewed the wlydo organ 7;atinn of the snrio.ty fr mn. the. Baby Rand to the Dominion Board, The W. M. S. of Knox Presbee tr•rian Church met in the Sunday Seheni room • or Thursday after- nnar. Tkte President. tats, R. Elliott e.=•stied for a short session lntsireee when Miss• Olive Scott rr e brief report of the Presby P Irt executive meeting. Tile Pro- •-.111.1 ryas in shares of the Mission High School Entrance Ttsnd with Nnrnia Moffatt m•rsid- Candidates -1946 Continued from page one ;r• -end 'Kathleen Thompson acting I secretary. The scripture lesson Ronna MacDonald Andrew JlcKarue Mary McNaughton Alice Parish Margaret Procter Kenneth Purdon William Purdon Douglas Richey Fred Riehl Ruth Showers Katharene Sieling Marie Sperling Barbara Templeman John Tervit Frances Merle Walker Bonnie Willoughby Jahn Wray Granted standing under Regulation 10-5—Nora Cook, Wade Stapleton. MOP* .(S Frank Shaw, who recently under- went au operation in. Clinton, is recovering nicely, YOU CAN GET BRUSSELS BEST 1%RE BU`s AT IMO as—La5Sf19 ITS THE gm CMAIDA'S MOST POPU6011141& GOODY ARS Thisnewroad- hugging, mile - eating, money- saving Good- year tire is the latest product of Goodyear —the greatest name in rub- ber. See it today! ATEA •rnssit at the Presbyterian t Jeitr ramp for boys at Pintail; Rev, .•taln• Hewitt, Mrs. Hewitt and f^mile snored into the United j Cleve?, parsonage this week; Jack I Leine: i. 0 nattent in the Wing- i 1,e •• rr•neral Hospital where. he •-nderwent a minor operation. "Mica r 17€7g15 flub&Qi-?n a too 9 n R Lucky lad! Getting snagged" on the wire in Ms ePiori: to climb over a hydro barrier probably to oerovor a io.uil . , . may have saved his life. Some boys have not been so lucky. Hydro energy is one of the finest things we have in Ontario to make for better Living. But it can stop one from living, if you thoughtlessly give it a chance to flash through your body. Every possible precaution oor safety is token by your Hydro; but once in a while someone gets careless or "takes a chance', and tragedy strikes. A boy climbs r pole and touches a wire. Or he flies his kite near a Hydro line, and it contacts a high-•voitrtc;e circuit and carries death or iniury to whoever is holding it. Sometimes a storm breaks down a line and some- one takes hold of the broken live wire with disastrous results. These are just examples of acts that are beyond the power of Hydro to prevent. Your Hydro allnwho hover nflu t cogwithathose who might expose themsleachersnd seek co-operation f parets caul wan of elves to that danger. Hydro need never be a threat to anyone who: 1. Will not climb poles. 2. Will stay away from distribution linos and transformer stations. 3. Will keep away from fallen wires. For Hydro office. your BBuin case of trouble tlnever, never touchia fallen ire.otify your nearest pt Classified Ads FOR SALE - 2 boys hiryeles, 'am Ovington Phone 392r-18 I.QST .i Park, r Pun, Flailet‘ pease 1+:.1r•. The Ihrti ;eel Post, tee'te SAi E -- I' .1n 't Till, 111.11• SALE-- , pi . 6 a ry=It.- old ,,. L. Mahe Phone 56•r -l" FOUND :1 they. 111th (tap, Apply at The Brussels Post. - - MAN WANTED-- 1'leer general :•r::a itr•r,v work anandrnrY. driving. ltru t :l• Creirt"!•y FOR SALE - 111 11111:' pig's ready to wean. Gilbert McCallum, Lot 29, Con, e Morris. Phone 18-r-9. _ FOR SALE-- 1 hand washing machine also wringer in A-1 eondl^i , 1. 1`:to: a 50 Brussels or .1473 F.tln'1 Spcir FOR SALE - 6 ft, cut Deering Mower in A-1 con- dition, Ed. Henderson Phone 68x -r-3 FOR SALE — 3 troughs one cement, one wooden, and a hay rake. Phone 54-1.15 Frank Little FOR SALE— Frame breeding 60 x 25 ft., heavy timber .apply to J. C. McNeil, Belmore or apply at the Brussels Poet. LOST— A hub cap off 1939 Studebaker, 015' it tin Graham Sur rev and ov're- 'Prj. Finder please leave at Chas. Davidson Brussels. It;ATIO.N COUPON Coupons now valid are sugar - preserves S1 to S21, butter R10 to R14. Meat 1{440 to M45. Wartime Price and Trade Board Information • • • Questions And Answers * * * FOR SALE - 1 Pure Bred Jersey Cow 5 -year-old, due in Nov, 1 Wagon Box 14 inch side pine bottom, 1 pine wagon 12 inch side. John Schnook Phone 55-r-26 Q:—My husband and I are plan- ning on spending two weeks at a suientet hotel, will wt Have to sur- render any ration coupons? A:—People taking up residence In summer lintels for a continuous period of fourteen days must sur- render two meat coupons, one su0ar coupon and one butter coupon for eaclb person, NOTICE— Electric motors rewound and re- paired. Expert workmanship. Mod- erate prices. Lloyd M. Bettger, Monkton, Ont. Wednesday. July 10th, 1916 lig .v .p ,. u, ,,,Eaa"npA-Oa,a,C — Pro it 6ty to O E „. Or COMMr;C[ .. N. C.':7•i. &I. '. f1'fr{rty�. .«;:r l/r�Qyiy� r • r�tu E. F"" p L 1 �•{ `. , ;4415}• SNE ci , ,,,, to, „_C 'i'i�u [! J /.1:-17,.............._........._...r. N�orcoeMr FOR SALE— Kitchener Big -4 Chicks are available in most breeds for delivery this` month, dayold or started. Sum- mer prices are in effect: you'll find them bery reasonable for these fine chicks. Agent R. S. Warwick, Hill Top Ranch, Brussels, Q:—Js it true that returned ser - vi o may no longer re- eeivt• priority certificates for suits?.. Al.—Priority certificates for suits will not be issued to returned -servtee personnel after October 80111, 1913 Ilotvet-nr t t Hers end custom tett rs will he required to holinur 1.hr•se nl, to December 31. 1946. * Ek 1+ t):—Are alt the rnupons ter sugar felt canning now valid? A:—Yee on July the 4th the• last 5 cettitntts especially set aside for sear:, for canning' were declared t'sl[rl. TENDERS WANTED — Tenders for painting School S. S. No. 10 and 12 Morris Twp., Tenders received until July 115th. Lowest or any tender not necessairiy accepted. Por Pull particulars apply to the secret- ary Ralph Shaw, Bluevale. Ont, f; -»Thr• price th tnnlatars seem h Sit, is there a salting pricer on them? A --NO there Is no roiling 'price on tomatoes. 0 For sending money anywhere in Canada our Domestic Money Orders are safe, convenient and cheap. Payments abroad can also be made by means of our Foreign Money Orders, Drafts and Mail Transfers—as well as by. Cable Transfers where speed is necessary. Explain your requirements at any of our branches and we will advise the method which best suits your case. 6791 A x AN ';t NK THE CA NA COMMERCE Brussels Branch --T• L. Prest, Manager A MINISTER'S TOAST TO AN EDITOR, Here is a minister who appreci• ates the editor. At a recent edi- torial convention he offered the follow.: g toast: "To sag,. an gilt• tor from sltarvation, take his .Papel' and pay for it promptly. To sate lii:1 item bankruptcy adVeitt b' '1b FOR SALE— Choice mixed hay by the acre buyer to pay 50% at time of sale and bal- ance before cutting, Chats. A Lamont, Lot 10 Con, 7, Grey Twp, WANT E 0— To purchase bullets Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, White Leghorns any age from eight weeks up to lay- ing, Good prices paid. Apply to Twaddle Chicks Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario, FOP SALE - 1 ruhlter tire wagon 19.000 tires. 1 hay fork and 50 feet trip tone, 1 eleet.ric fence, battery new last year. 1 largo kitchen cupboard, 1 kitchen table. 8 window. blinds. 1 nickle tea kettle, 1 rocking chair. Wm. SWAT Phnno 6x with good FOR SALE - 2 -100 aces farms, bosh, hydra and near school with good buildings. • 1-200 acre farm good buildings, prier, 9.600.00. Brick house, here 2 aeras land sit- uated oittsidc of good taws on high- way, price 92000,00 " ro J. 0, Long, Rent ;?!state Broker. Q;--1 em unable in get any more Brussels, Ont. 8c loaves of bread. The bread man tells me they discontinued making those loaves, is that right. A: ----Betters must eontinnn in the making of the Se loaves In the same proportion ns they have been doing during the year 1.941. :R 4 M Any questions relating to rationing AN OPPORTUNITY— Established Rural Watkins District evallsble. If you are aggressive, and between the age. of 25 and 55 -- have or clan secure travel outfit, this Is your opportunity to get establish- ed in a profitable business of your yon should contact the Department own. V' Or full particulars write to - 11 refrt•rerl to the information dny t.0 The S. It, Watkins Company, Branch. Wartime Prices and Trade nem. 0-B-4, 111? Masson St.. Board. London, Ontario. ritontrpal. Rue. r. CF tVA r`6`.; his paper liberally, To save him from despair, send him every item of news of which yon can get hold. To save him from profanity write Your correspondence plainly on one side of the sheet and send It in as early as possible. To save him from mistakes, bury him. Dead people are the only 'ones who never make mistakes." BUSING SS CARDS C A. MYERS, M. D., L. M. C. C. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON \1Villie.in St. Phone 4, l.rua}els Ont. Allan A. Lamont Agent for—Fire, Windstorm, and Automobile Insusassee Get particulars of our Special Automobile Policy for tersera- Queen St. Brussels 'Phone 637 W. D. S. Jamieson, M.D., C.M., LM,C,C, Physician and Surgeon (Coroner) Office Horns -1 - 4 and 7 - 8 p.m. Aho 11 - 12 a.rn. when possible. Saturday evenings until 10 p.m- Bundaya--Emergencies and by appointment cab. Home calls in forenoons arid 4 - 6 p.m. R. S. HETHERINGTON, K. C. — BARRISTER, ETC. WINGHAM and BRUSSELS AT BRUSSELS Tuesday and -Saturday all day — Office oven -every day. Phone 20x Successor to E. D. Bell Chas. T. Davidson insurance Agent For ALL KINDS OF Automobile and Fire Inau'resace Accident and Sickness Agent for Great West Life Insurance C.o. PHONE OFFICE 92X BRUSSELS, ONT. RS,azue. (98 iarriid Jackson tbPtlOIoLtST EN FARM AND HOUSEIfOL-tt RALE% Fee Information, aro., write or phone Harold ,echoes l Phone 12 on 050 Eoelorth R.R. 1, 5 uo.tlieisi Make ar-angers Cote at The Brussola Prt'itt or Elmer D. 'Boll. Cmrrletor OM*, I6rura+elo- Ram's & Johnson Son JFurnitulre , FUNERAL ,%ND AMBULANCE SERI" AiE. U.,tcensed Ftrnaosal Director anti Ernitai1ler PHONE' 38 or ., i • >,•a_. 1,.,. a r_,. BRU S19Loa, ONT. Lewis llowliand (Liconar.d For !Huron County) GATISFACTION 0IJAr1ANTrt"•D •— PRIOES REA61ONAAEt.61 Tor Grnaagcmonte Phone 51 "The Itlru000le moat' ma•t1 tjaaa'J tiON too Iookeet atter Irrtmed*ltety* Per Information, etc., w'etc or phone Lew. Kowtoati 19309a'u''Gil fie @oeforth; tr write 91.la. 8, Welton. W. S. Donaldson --- Licensed Am(.a'r@F nIt1b(' Thecae 35-r43 -- ALwnc44, (1909. few the Counties of Hama ash' A11 oleo promptly attended to Gamow neorlismte For7'„,g83;enteuts phtlsre 31 "roe Dress :la Pave owl nog %orill ,,. looked aalfte*' irairodlotais.,