HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1946-7-3, Page 2TI -IE BRUSSELS posT bink every call is important. put it through quickly. more Long Distance calls Vow are the best judge. We thi Eleat's why we try our best to But MOM people are making 'than ever before — even =tore now than in the war years. 'We are building new azquipment and getting it in- .noservice as fast as we can. But right now there's often nnoretrafficthan we cantake ware of the way we'd like, wid. delays do occur. We'd appreciate your help at little while longer. This zeumraer, especially, please continue to ask yourself: 4.1.s this Long Distance seal necessary?" e..31.11.11141. WHEN YOU PLACE a Long Distance Call;:; MST, give the operator the name of the distant city .. THEN, the telephone number of your party... THEN, when the operator asks it, your own telephone number. If you don't know the distant telephone number, please make a note of it for future use when you hear the operator repeat it. .10Er*M.11.111.7 ,BreSMISMNiMINSI TE J OWL 111XINGI qfa.P AMR amato ailfen show rreaamess Bee, Homemakers: The teacher ett the red schoolhouse may be on lioIdiays. but mother has her bands thIL Mother is a great psychologist mad guardian of r'h:dren Whether they are playing indoors or outside. During' their freetiont outdoors chil- &en :mist be yearnee of countless thing. they carnot do. Three of the, most important things ehileiren ems/ not, do are: 1, Children Tenet not fire air rifles at the Mass and porcelain insu- lators on hydro and telephone lines, These glass knobs may be broken by stones thrown bY el -toughness children. To make re- pairs requires expense and time. FOR SALE - 8 pigs. e weeks old Lynn Evan Phone FOR, SALE— ls 11.,44_roady to wean -femme 1e -r-11 Geerge Cat cliff HAY FOR SALE- -fly the acre Timothy and Alfalfa. Petor Lamont Phone 5e -r-11, _ - -- FOR SALE - 1.1 Pigs. 7 weeks old. also 0 num- ber of yearling. Leghorn Hens. Art Ruttan Phone 44-r-19 FOR SALE - 100 Hybrid Rock and Leghorn Pul- lets. 3 months old, Wm. Stiles Phone G5x2 HAY FOR SALE— ! By .the acre. Stewart Evans Phone 43.r-19 FOR SALE - 16 young pigs and 1 rubber tired wagon. apply to Quest Dobson Phone 85.r-5 FOR SALE— Frame building 60 x 25 ft„ heavy timber .apply to J. 0, McNeil, Beimore or apply at the Brussels Posh PIANO FOR SALE— Good Bell Piano in Ael condition. Apply L. D. Thompson, Brussels, phone 79x. HAY FOR SALE— A quantity of hay on ground. Thos. Dougherty,eAtwood R, R. 4 Phone Brussels 35-r-5. FOR SALE— Choice mixed hay by the acre buyer to pay 50eee at time of sale and bal- ance before cutting. Chas. A. Lamont, Lot 10 Con. 7, GreY Twp Electric motors rewound and re- paired. Expert workmanship. Mod- erate prices, Lloyd M. Bettger, Monkton, Ont. FOR SALE— Kitchener Big -4 Chicks are t -pes of spoilage available in most breeds for delivery t d Sum - cooked and certa n this month. dayold or star e . nay develop due to slow cooling. mer prices are in effect: you'll find them bery reasonable for these Olne Hill IF A JAR DOES NOT SEAL A.ND MUST BE REPROCESSED DOES IT HAVE TO BE PRO CESSED THE FILL LENGTH OF TIME? .11.1-1 what should in done With the ursealed jar will depend upon the cause. If the cap or lid is at emit and the product is a fruit, simply replace cap er lid with new one and process in water bath until product reaches bailing point. It it le a non-acid food it should be re- processed approximately one- fourth te nne-thire the regular processing Period, If the jar is defective the mrpluM 1niici be repacked. It is eeebtfull if this will be profitable :nee the reprocessing would need to le, of approximately the game length a. a normal period for that partici'. preduct. Few foods will stand np under such treatment. HOW 7)0 YOU STERLIZE LIDS "vITIT METAL BAND AND THE ATTACHED RINGS? 2. Children ehould vever climb hydro poles or electric standards. S. Flying a kite made with wire 10 dangerous. If it becomes tangled in high voltage wires, the electric current may burn the playful child. He may never get a strap- ping for this kind of misbe- haviour because the terrible elec- tric shock may confine lttm to bed during bis whole vatcation. You rnay have another way of teach- ing him how and where to play, but please don't forgot the dan- ger of wire kites. broken electric nxtures and hare electric wires. And now to answer your requests: ..eeelet° HOW MAY STRAWBERRIES BM CANNED TO PREVENT FLOATTNG AND TO TIF,TAIN THEIR ORIGINAL COLOR? pre.conking for five minutes In a syrup. then allowing the berries eee viand in the syrup for a few ',entree before packing in jars and proeessing. After ranting, store lars in a detrk place to retain color Inrriee. 110W LONG SHOULD . JARS BE 11011ED TO STERILTZE THBM? We recommend washing Jars in hot suds, Rinse jars thoroughly, Vince in pan of clear Water, with cloth in bottom Of pan, eat eat electric elementand boil for ftt for replies. ?not 13 minutes. NAY FRUIT BE CANNED crAISPTILLY WITT-TOITT SUGAR? I 1947 Markers Black, Silver Yes, by using water in place of Toronto,—The color scheme for ntenp. Ontario's 1947 auto license plates will he black numerals against an iN THE HOT WATER BATA aluminum background, the first time METHOD OF PROCTOSSING IS IT the RighWaYS Department has used JIRIL RIM TO ALLOW JARS TO this combination, it was learned, MOL IN THE WA.T1111? 1 The Wartime practice of issuing only 1 one rear marker for each vehicle will Xa. The Preduct Will be °Ver. he eaatintled. Dip lids with compound gasket Into boiling water. HOW CAN FLAVOUR OF BRINE BE PREVENTED IN- CANNED PEACHFJS? Tong standing, In brine gives sePry taste and strong brine satte rates fruit. Use 1 tsp. of salt to 1 qt. cold water for a bath to Prevent discoloration while peaches are being prepared? HOW DO YOU STERILIZE LIDS CANNINCI AN ELECTRIC OVEN WTTR AUTOMATIC CONTROL WHICH REGISTERS PREHEAT. 1113.0IL AND TIAKE? Set control at Bake and preheat to 275 dep. a 0 * Anne Allan invites you to write to her In care of The Post, Send in your suggestion en Itemerriabing problems and- watch this Column chicks. Agent R. S. Warwick, Tor Ranch, Brussels. ..deet Orwell Elliott TENDERS WANTED — Tenders for painting School S. S. No. 10 and 12 Morris Twp., Tenders received until July 15th. Lowest or any tender not neceesairly accepted. For full particulars apply to the secret- ary Ralph Shaw. Bluevale. Ont. DRIVE IN FOR BRAND NEW The tire preferred by Canadian motorists 3 to 1 over any other make °Dr-YElt YO u R GO Ft DEALER Orwell Elliott Brussels, Ont, lVedueeday, July eel, 1016 PEOPLE VYF 1‘1014, sumMer vsention. Th, fol. Mis., Mamie VanNormau Is Spend. 1u01011 rewollinendo two, for pro rtni 0 ffee day e Winghant. Imeeiet: wr,re, Made. Grade 1 to 2, .1 Fey elfwell. Shirley Quinn311 'c . Elizabeth liteekee, Loutiou, is LeiFox, Rath Anne FM/1s. Ros•o ga'ailo 11 to 3, Ronnie holidaying at lter home here, T e Ennis, Doris Johnston, Juno Hark- Ilelen Speir, Tmouto was home w,11; rreruM 4 to 5 Merele Arhul 0". 'or the week end with John and Mrs. Osi:ititilttilklel.acnitavXn11,11.51.pmitiellt,,,,o0le,117, giMatat::, Speir, 5 fn. 6. Marilyn Bolger, Robin Miss Agnes Elliott, left Wednesday Pringle: Freie 6 to 7. T,r'ann 5011- efier spending the holiday week met sten, aorry Dresesi. Carol Pringle. It welt her sister, lire. Ti, B. Allen. Mar!raret McArthur. Louise Short. e reed. In erode Helen Johnston Mr, and Mrs. Harold Whittard and wag I'(0111111110000(1, Dllly Humphries family of 51, Catharines are holiday. and May .Tarkson are writing exam- ine; with Mr, and Mrs. Ben Whittard. • * Mrs. M. Willits and Mrs, Ben Kerwin of Clifford visited Mr, and Mrs. Ed, Higigns for a few days last week, * * Mr. and Mrs. M. A, Lowry and little son and Miss Jeanne Speiran of Toronto, were holiday visitors at the home of Mrs. W. Speiran, • * Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Posnoe. B.urketon, were in 13russels because of the death of her father D, R. Cult. niegc,trn. * * Mrs, Mac Scarlett,• attended the funeral of heAuncle D. R. Cunning- ham on Monday, July 1st and is visiting with her aunt Mrs, Cunning- ham. Andy Clarke Married Andy Clarke, whose voice is known to thousands of Canadians through his popular Sunday morning "Nein. borly News" broadcasts, was married on Saturday, June 15th, 111 Parkdale United Church., Toronto, to Violet Isabel Dickens, former director ot the women's department 01 the Canadian National Exhibition. Included in their wedding tour was a visit to Durham, Ont., there during the past week -end they were guests of Editor Frank Irwin of the Durham ChronieS and Mrs, Irwin, and it was from the town hall in that community that Andy broadcast his weekly 15 - minute coramentory. Due to some mechanical or other difficultY, the first portion of the pro- gramme was not available to his radio audience, but no doubt a packed hous, In Durham enjoyed the innovation. inations in Brussels. Mrs, Wesley I.-Tack:well has been engaged as teacher at the school near Grieve's Bridge at Seaforli. Mrs, LeslieBolton has accepted similar position at Leaclbury, moving there from SA No. 9, Me- lchior), Donald Lawless has been re-engaged at Walton for the coming year. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Fred Whitmore and grandson Robert, Mrs. Frank White and daughter Kathleen, Detroit were Ir TIrusesIs attending the funeral of D. R. Cunningham. 0 Mbs Doris totes, Toronto and Jack Bates of Bayfield ar holidaying ttrir benne hem In Seotember Jack %ill go to St. Ca'r.ttines to join the t.arlling staff of that city. WANTED— To purchase pullets Barred Rooks, New Hampshires, White Leghorns any age from eight weeks up to lay- ing. Good prices paid. Apply to Tweddle Chicks Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. FOR SALE - 1 rubber tire wagon with good 16-500 tires. 1 hay fork and 50 feet trip rape. 1 electric fence, battery new last year. 1 large kitchen cupboard, 1 kitchen table, 8 window blinds. 1 nickle tea. kettle, 1 rocking chair. Wm. Spelt, Phone 6x FOR SALE - 2 -100 acre farms, bush, hydro and near school with good buildings, 1-200 acre farm good buildings, price $4500,00. Brick house, barn 2 acres land sit- uated outside of good town on high- way, price $2000,00 ' 5, C. Long, Real Estate Broker. 'Brussels, Ont. FOR SALE— Bargains in Barred Rock and Assorted Heavy Breed chicks for this week and next. Barred Rocks: non -sexed 9,05, pullets 1195, cock- erels 9.75. Assorted Heavy Breeds Non -sexed 5,95, pullets 10.95, cock- erels 9.50 per hundred, This adver- tisement must accompany your order to receive special prices, Shipped C. 0. 1), anywhere. Top Notch Ohickeries, Guelph, Ont. AN OPPORTUNITY— Established Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55— have or can secure travel outfit, this Is your opportunity to get establish. ed in a profitable business of your own, }No0 full particulars write to- day to The I It. Watkins Company, Tient, 0-11-4, 2177 Masson St, Montreal, Quo, 010250-2F-.5.714MF4a.,...4.0 Wartime Price and Trade Board Information * * Questions And Answers * * * cherries be under 'price ceiling this year? A:—Yes Ceiling prices have been fixed for both sweet and sour cherries. Maximum prices may vary in different sections because of freight rates, You may obtain the correct list for your district at your nearest Wartime Prices and Trade Board office, BELGRAVE Brick United Church IA the luwn. .hip of lea t Wt1111)111 marked its ieth annlyer.ary 801May (Miler ;dual vivaliter condittom, Rao/. James Simlitm 0 lornber pte;tor, was guest preacher. The minister, Irter. 0. II. Dunlop, presided. Former member11 came front far and near to renew acquaintances auct to worship again lit the church 1(2 their parents, At the morning servlee the choir was composed of fornier Weinberg 10110 had been in the choir. These led the sluing of the hymns and contributed an anthem. Mrs. Ed- mund It'wIIl 0 Panne? organist, presided at the organ. Solos were cortributed by Miss Jessie FinlaY- son, a former teacher, and Miss Agatha Coultes, 11010 engaged in missionary work. Mrs, Hector Ham- ilton, a former organist, accompan- led the soloists, T11 the afternoon there was a Women Teachers "get-together" for old friends and Federation Meet new. Mr. Dunlop read letters of Tho women teachers of North greetings Brom former ministens, Huron Inspectorate mot recently in Who recalled to mind names and victoria .School, Goderich, for the incidents of their work at Brick purpose of organizing a local associa- Chureh. The women of the church tion of The Women Teachers Trederte provided refreshments, and the tion. The meeting was addressed highlight of this service was a by Miss Norma Hackett, general birthday cake with 75 candles. The secretary of the Federation, who out- candles were lighted by Dr. 3• 0. lined the mints of the Federation and none of Detroit, •George Marin, gave an outline of the work of the and W. J. Dow of Granton. The various committees, set up within an cake was stabbed by Mrs. Albert association. Several items of bust- Wight of Thedford, and the candles nese were dismissed ami officers emtin,goisched by john Beecroft. were elected for the fall term Miss Mrs, Cyril Canning and Mrs. C. H. Phyllis johns was elected president Dow sang a duet. accompanied by end Miss Agnes Williamson also of Mrs, J. M. Coultes. Wirgham was elected secretary- At the night service Miss Agatha treasurer. Other officers will be Cottltes led In prayer. Jean Leaver appointed in the Fall. It was presided at the organ, and the decided to divide the Inspectorate choir sang the anthem, "Near to into four units as follows; 1. Winghaan—with Mrs. Shera as the Heart of God." A male Buttell, guar - organizer. tee of Walter Tames Lawrie, Trwine Wallace, and Gilbert Bee - 2. Blyth—with Miss Fleming as or- craft sang two numbers. "The War, genteel,. side Crass," and "Wandering Child 3. Seaforth—with Miss Turnbull and Come Home" James Lawrie and the P.S..Staff as organizers Walter Buttell sang as a duet, 4. Brussels—There was no represen- "Wailing on Jesus." Mrs. Medea tative from Brussels so it 1011% Well was in charge of floral dee- ( ovided to leave the appointment of orations. an organizer for that district. * Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Rozell and Miss Laura Manning of Kitchener, Mn and Mrs. C. A, Knox of Bridgeport and Mr. Herb Cunningham of Palm- erston and Mrs. Mac Scarlett of Toronto were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Herb Manning, - - Lorne Eady, publisher of the St. Marys Argus-Sournal died ,suddenly from a heart attack suffered at his summer home at Tobermory on Sun- day, Mrs. Body is a sister of Rev. R. C. Wilson of Brussels. Funeral services will be held Thursday after new, July 4th. a 0001 0:—My bottle and its contents have been destroyed by flee, I have few clothes left, Can you tell nee if I ran obtain a priority for a milt? A:-4Priet3ties for mens suits 000 granted only to ex -servicemen die. charged on or since May. 1, 1945. However, in eases of dire need the Board tries to lend its assist. anoe. We would, therefore advise 7001 to contact the poorest office of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board and give all details. * * * Q:—How long must an American visitor be in Canada before he may obtain a temporary ration card? A:---8even full days. 01 * Q:—Ie there a ceiling on nails or have they been removed from ceiling distributions? • A:—Naile are stilt under Price veiling regulations. 01*01 Q1—I have been given a temper - 017 ration eard with unnumbered meat and butte t eoupens. My grocer will not accent it becauve be says that some of.tbese ceupont expired jun 30th. Is he correct? ff. A:—No, ToUr grocer Is wrong, Um numbered ration coupons have no ex- piry date. 01 ie 01 Any questions relating to retioning you should contact the Department if referred to the Information Branch, Wartime Prices end Trade Beard, tendon, onterte. IV .T ON 3Tr. Kerley. Toronto, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Broadfioothis sister. Mr, john MeDon.ald. the lath con, of Grey. has arrived home from a trip to the west. Mr. anti Mrs. Bell of Vancouver, at the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. B. Hoy, 'her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Culliton of Strat- ford attended the funeral of herr annt, Mrs. Mary Phelan, on . Wednee. day, at Blyth. Mr, and Mrs Wm. Port Carling, Muskoka. Mrs. William Tovey of Edmonton, Alberta, is visiting her sister, mrs Joseph Campbellfollowing the death of Mr. Campbell last ween, Death of J. W. Campbell The very sudden death of Joseph Wilson 'Campbell occurred in Scott Memorial T-Tospitel, Sea -forth. on W ednesday, ,Tune 19e in his 45th year. He hail 110011 in failing health for three months. The deceased was married in 1922 to Miss Muriel Yolinge, of Londesboro, Mr, Camp- bell is survived 0)7 his wife, two brothers, Jack Campbell, Westlock, Alta., Ernest, of Carrot River, Sash, and fo11r sistprg. MSS Jennie Camp - belt, of Edmonton. Mrs, William Tovey, Edmor ton: Mrs. Sutherland, of Breton, and Mrs. Alex McDwing of Rarlock. Mr. Campbell was a faithful member of Walton United Church, 'Phe funeral took place from his late residence, lot 28, con, 14, lYfeKillop, to Welton Malted Church 011 Saturday at 8 p,m„ with Rev, R. Cl Hardwood offidiating. Interment, was made in Maitlardhank cemetery. While the Walton girls' softball team was -playing Brussels in Walton the Welton football teem was visit- ing Brussels, In the former the Brussels girls were victorious by the ecore of 14- 7, The batteries were: Igor Brus- sels. Anderson and Shaw; for WO. ton, Watson, 'Bennett and Stephen S OW. Watson and iSteven Son hit home runs for Walton. *cri the football game Walton Was vietortees, 2.0. The game woe fast end clean, with Walton proving to be the better teem. R. G. Hazelwood is in. Pert Car- ling Me week where he Is building o pummel, cottage, William Bennett and Remy Brown are there as. sisting, Mrs, Hazelwood and Mrs, Bennett at Bennett also want, School Closes On Thursday the school closed BUSINESS CARDS C A. MYERS, M. D., L. M. C. C. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON William St. Phone 4. Brti5r els Ont. Allan A. Lamont Agent for --Fire, Windstorm, and Automobile barage-ewitze Get particulars of our Special Automobile Policy /or heemers. Queen St. Brussels 'Phone C:87 W. D. 5. jarnlraon, M.D., C.M., L.M,C,C, Physician and Surgeon (Ce) Office Hours -1 - 4 and 7 - 8 p.m. .Also 11 - 12 aanwhen possible. Saturday ravening -a until 10 para. Suridays--Ernergericies and by appointnale.tat only. Hanle calls in forenoons and 4 - 6 pan. R. S. HETHERINGTON, K. C. — BARRISTER, ETC. WINGHAM and BRUSSELS AT BRUSSELS Tuesday and Saturday all day — Office open every day. Phone 20x Successor to E. D. Bell Chas, T. Davidson Insurance Agent For ALL KINDS OF Automobile and Fire insurance Accident and Sickness Agent for Great West Life Insurance Co. 'PHONE OFFICE 92X BRUSSELS, ONT. RESIDENCE 97.-4 -Y. liareld Jackson SPECIALIST' IN FARM AND HOUSEHOLD saLas For Information, ate., write or phone Harold Jookosu, phone 12 on 650 Seatorth R.R. 1, leruoMolel Melee at...angst:ernes at The Bruuola Poet or Elmer O. Sell, Barrister Orilee, Irseeele, Rann & Johnson Furniture FUNERAL7RirAlifB ULARECSERirdiE. Mewed Funeral Director and Embalmer Cit.0411.7.0.R4102.4.10,11-63.11.001•7.11617.11-, PHONE 38 or 85 — BRUSSELS, ONT. Lewis Rowland (Licenscd For Huron County) SATISFACTION GUARANTEED — PRICES RIKA*ONAlltiLl :tor Engagements Phone 31 "The Brussels Poet" owl t OOP be looked otter Inunodeleoly For information, etc., w Ito er phone Lew. Readied Me** st Sooforth; tr writ* PLIt 2, Wakes. S. Donaldson — Licensed .tiktrattiOlikliet Phase 35-r-13 AWN* Oat, ?el for the teletneeket of Flairoit FoOila gale* "promptly attentled'10°.—,Ommant neerliarato For Engagement* phone 31 "no firearela Poet* sea dip era loolte4 Itiono4.40.