HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1946-6-29, Page 4elesecter6dleslitetnialatetelelettMettleMOVMSWOraltrOPerleatiONSONWOOngteeellalSO Health and Beauty Vales ' At Tit 1. 44 re g yi fin Skeeter Skeet Cream .. 35c English Fruit Seline, with tumbler • • 43c Glos-Kreme, for the hair • • • • • • 40c Silique Liquid Stock l.: .. $1.00 Grape and. Lemon Health Salts • • • 50c ' Special Pkg. of 25 Gillette Mlades Regular $1.25 Value for $1.00 Firstakl Emergency Kit Nylon Treo'.11Brushes ... e , 33c Moth Killer Crystals • • . • • • • . • • ........ 39c sy Stag Shavung Cream • • ' 39c Britten Tooth Paste or Powder • • • • • 29c Cocoanut Oil Shampoo • • • • • . • •..•. . , 29c F. Y1�1 WAIT IJGGI:71 a td Sul AT1ONEn TELEPHONE NO. 62 TELEPHONE. NO. 62 For Hospitalization Protection Or Health and Accident Insurance Consult Your District Representative Stewart A. Scott Phone 293. Wingham •omming IV* "See Reid and See Right" R. REID Eyesight Specialist of Stratford Will be at his Brussels Office - fkircs Hingston's Store from 1:30 p. m. to 5 p. ;in. edllesday, June 26 7v Eyes oned, Glasses Ninos E. Richads & San Fehpil TRACTORS AHD FARM EQU; "RENT OVERHAULED Supertest Oil and Grease - Agent for Dominion Tires IF'e'R SALE -- RUBBER TIRED WAGONS Agent for ®taco Ferro Equipment ,.,�x•.�a.,�,y..1 PURINA CHO FtliSSELF CR AME1 �1 aL6ir THE BRUSSELS POST • Phone 24 Brussels, Ont. Girls and Ladies Shorts $1.29 up Ladies Cotton Blouses $1.19 Ladies Skirts . • • $2.95 Ladies White bland. Bags $2.35 Ladies Umbrellas .. • .... , , ,•$2.98 up Ladies and Girls Ankle Socks Mens and Boys Cotton Jerseys Biltmore Hats for the well dressed gent. • .s 907lie �. �' ?= "YOU .Fi;; � axte Dal t hec Yeat' Round KW td. tractor& Fcr Good Gravel and Good Measure Call:- Bluevale Str 5 EVt� 4 j. kki Phone 44..r-19 Brussels A!S1OT G DONT INCLUDE TOO MUCH 159 This close-up viewpoint eliminated unnecessary background detail and conoentrated all attention on the subject. WHEN you snap ba picture,• do you tl T get close enough to your subject? This is one of the best ways to make your pictures simple and uni- fied, Get close enough to eliminate objects and details that have nothing to do with your picture subject- Let your subjcot appear large enough to "dominate" the picture. To make your pictures include just enough, wad not too much, use .your view finder carefully, Decide what you want to take, point the camera at the chosen subject, and then move forward until the image in the view finder shows just the part you want. Then estimate the distance from,yoar lens to your sub- ject,focus accurately, and snap the picture. Most cameras, including box cam, eras, allow you to snap pictures when you are as near at slir to eight feet iron] your alibied. Some Mina for closer dietancea. And, it yeti Blip a close-up attachment over your lens, you can snap pictures at three and one-half feet or nearer. However, here's a tip. H you can't get as close as you'd like with your camera, and still keep your subject in Moons --or If you've got a picture that includes too an' ueh already -don't worry about it. Take such pictures se beet you can, then trim or "crop" the picture as you like it -and have just the section that interests you enlarged. That's the way many prOfeesionai photog- raphers' work, and it's one method of picture taking that always gives good restate, But, generally speaking, make it a rule to take pictures near enough to your subject -as in our illustra- tion this week -so you exclude everything that doesn't help your picture idea. It's a simple method, but ire also one thAt will definitely help yen make better will john van Guilder 1 Amine! Meeting Of East Huron Women's Institute Wednesday, June 20th, 1847 Disabled Veterans Can Fill A Pince In Society and Industry ,seta pone mu'1 0l onitndrd from page ono) alma lilts lino n•e•h 1= rinnatinii to of types of jobs 11nougbout Canada Red Cnoe, `,A'or Chorines Hospitals , there e is a place for nut• disabled and sewing, 'knitting fpr the 0'''. Cross, The next a"nunl meeting is to he bond al Ethel with the executive at Gorrie, The meeting then adjourned to partake or a bounteous dinner pro- vided by the ladies of the porde institute. The afternoon session was spelled by the singing of '0 Canada" follow- ed by devotional exercises conducted by Rev. Howes of the Corrie United Church. This consisted of the sing- ing of Hymns 445 and 445; reading of Pe. 991 and prayer and short talk by Rev, Howes, Mrs. P. Ashton, Gorrie, then wel- comed the delegates to Garvin and this was replied to by Mrs. Ed. Johnston, Bluevale, Miss Edith Hopkins, departmental speaker from Toronto then address- ed the meeting. She urged us to get more members and spend some money on ourselves now that the war is over. We haven't peace end we should try and do something to remedy it. I'm, 000 vote for as women are 58%r of the total vote, we eerearne it is quite nlain to 1,e e" that physical disability need not be an occnpatinnal handicap. Thai is that physically (Minified men .or women, properly trained, and planed 171 a job railing for his or her particular physical and menral ' mialiflretions, but not those physical activities which ha or she carrot nerform, eon earn a full wage and do a full job of work.' A definite study of the physical re- nuie•emsnts of every job mast he made, One must determine if .the job requiresor does not 0entti^,1 anrh crtivitles es welkin, standing, ran. ning. J1•r,t.ng, hand i,.1; nestling kveoling. vreine, hea'•1ou, el, '011' n a comt+arlsnn cal be made of rho lobs, phyeieal c'c+n 1•trls and the rap shilities of those of the vete-in, Can the vets :ux walk, sl' 'lI ran. climb, :1u o.r, feel. see. eta is the Job an instil; or nntnids 'r•1? e •t dusty or damp and ran the veteran sleet the c'm'It100. Pt •rr,lued. The matter of placement is thus of greatest importance and this is the type of work that the Ciaaualty Rehabilitation Section is endeavour - could get nnythirg we wanted. 135 'ng to carry out on behalf of the interested in the schools and support disabled veteran. The large number the Home and School Clubs. so Par successfully placed is proof S11e also explained the co -opera- that greet progress is being made tive program and it was decided to have the Pool and N :I rNov Train - mg Sobnui 'Ds t' Meals with Whole Gna'n Products." 'Bassos to he held in Cint, at Wroxete'- and Brussels in the Spring. demonstrated. Mrs. NorvalSmith then Conducted Can a ore -armed veteran operate a the election of officers which result- lathe? Can a blind veteran become Proficient at weaving? Can a one- logred veteran he a successful motor mechanic? Can a paraplegic (totally paralized below waist) he gainfully but to insure the utmost 0/100005 the co-operation of the employer is of vital necessity also the veteran must he ready and wilting to play his full part and this also has been amply ed in the following being elected: Hon, Pies., Mrs. Everett Snarling, Gonrle: Pres.. Mrs, Chas. Mathers, l3tnevale; 1st Vire Pres., Mrs. Jas. Armstrong, Brussels: 2nd Vice Pres„ employed? Can a T. B. victim eventu- ally support himself and family. The Casualty Section at Westminster Hospital London can answer yes to all these questions as hundreds of Mrs. H, V. Mclienney, Wroxeter; Sec.-Treas.. Mrs. Ino. Spei•1•. Brus, sels; Fed. Representative, Mrs. Stuart McNaughton, Bluevale; Alter- nate, Miss Olive'Scott, Bluevale; Dist. Delegate, Mrs. H. V. McKenny, Wroxeter; Alternate, rMs. Wardlaw, Ethel: Auditors, Mrs. Harold Spelt', Brussels. .Mgrs. Carl Hemingway, Brussels. Conveners -1, Aerie, and Can, Indueties, Mrs, Gordon Stein- acker, 11Pordwich; 2. Citizenship, Mrs, Harold Durst, Wroxeter; 3, Home Economice. Mrs. Alex Pearson, Ethel; 4, Historical Research, Mrs. Carl ,Tohnaton. Bluevale; 5. .Social Welfare, Mrs. Glen Johnston, Gorrie, R,R. no. 1; 6. Publicity, Mrs, Tes. Bryans, Belassels. Mrs Brenton and Mns, Godden of Ethel then rendered two p2'eastng duets, Mrs, Ches. Mothers, Bluevele, then gave a report of the work of the Jr. Honremakine Clubs in the Dtstriet in place of Miss Floris Durnin who was linable to attend. The projects s'1ld10(1 were "T1resaing up Home Grown Vegetables, Cottons may he Smart and the Garden Brigades Fast TTnron was the banner district as 4 bra.',rhos out of 6 sponsored the penjerts. Ach'evcment Day was held In Clinton on Tnne 22nd. Mrs, H. V. Mcirenney then geve a report of the exeoutive meeting held In Guelph. Mrs, Rev. Wilson of Brussels then delighted the audience with 2 hum - (mons readings. Mrs. Lloyd Taylor of Exeter repro - tentative from Heron Cnnnty Feder- ation of Anti-10+11re then addressed the gathering, She would like the institute to send a representative to the Fedenation of Agriculture for women are needed on it to look after education, recreation and health. Faimlers should learn to co-operate and organize so that they can get some results for their labours. I7.rs, Timid Durst o1 Wroxeter then favoured the meeting with a piano solo. The collection and National Anthem then brought the meeting to a close after which a tasty innch was served KE.FFE1 'S MACHINE SHOP fof Acetylene and Electric Welding Our shop is eduipped to do First Class Welding And Lathe Work Your Patronage Solicited. Good Service Assuarea. ii (EARRINGS AS SHOWN $4.00 ALSO PENDANTS BROOCHES . 011, " 111E 05000ES1 NAh1E IN �jQGlI01 Shown 1,11: $57.50 MATCHED SET: - $$12,50, "ytwna+�'cci PERFECT! .W. G. LEACH• BRUSSELS, ONT. disabled veterans have 1)000 success- fully rehabilitated. This work is by no means complete and nearly all will have the oppor- tunity of asisang in this very im• portart part of the Departlneat et Veterans Affairs rehabilitation pro- gram. Women's and. Misses' Cool Cotton SUMMER DRESSES S'zes 12 to 529 $4.95 and $5.95 Women • s and Misses' PRINT DRESSES Sizes 14 to 44 $1.98 to $2.98 CHILDREN'S COTTON DRESSES Sizes 1 to 14 years, 98c to $3095 MISSES' w:LUE SLACKS Sizes 14 to 20, $16.49 GIRLS SLACK SUITS Sizes 2 to 14 years, $3.49 to $6.95 gaberdines and American cottons, $3.98 up MISSES' SLACK SI.irt'S Sizes 12 tc2.0, $9.95 to $14.95 Women's White and Tea Rose SLIPS $1,00 Large assortment of - Sockees 19c up. �•a^sad BOYS BROWN SLACK SUITS Sizes 10 to 14 years, Special $3.95 BCYS POLO SHI TS 49c up SHOES and RUNNING SHOES For the whole family. ApwTti4'orAztereq atreQtatiRlhtr(i'u4St1Fs;occ.'>aa; Eltptlfp iglu Don't forget to ask for your sale slips ----For $10.00 worth of these we give yoss A War»Savings Stamps Free. provtamovmscommtwoomeassmetemomplocormiffeco THE ARCADE TORE ®w Phone 61 - - Brussels, Ont. Store Wide BargAins ,for,`, the Whole Funny ly